Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Helligkeit

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  • Corporation Name: Helligkeit
  • Headquarters: Nal Hutta
  • Locations: Nar Shaddaa || Nal Hutta
  • Operations: Weapon Manufacturing
It's not entirely clear when the small group of criminals named Helligkeit started to create weapons of their own. It's speculated that at first, the group mainly built the blasters and knives for themselves, but after they started popping up in the black market of Nar Shaddaa and the demand for these guns grew, the group made the decision of selling their creations, making sure everyone knew who made them by carving their logo on them. They still didn't call themselves a company and they really still aren't a real one, but they are considered as one in the black market. Their weapons are quite cheap but still fairly reliable and available to be bought by anyone from the illegal weapon shops on Nar Shaddaa and Nal Hutta.


Helligkeit was a gang of criminals originally found by [DATA MISSING]. It was based on Nar Shaddaa and mostly provided the feeling of safety to outlaws by being a part of a group, a pack of lone wolves. They're not an official company, but they're still considered as one in the black market because of the illegal weapons they create and sell.

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