Along with The Galactic Federation, the founders of the faction started a new religious body to bring balance and peace to the universe, named The Herald Order.Tired of the endless fight of Jedi and Sith, the Heralds are followers of but one ideal - humanity.

Heralds are the followers of a belief of humanity, thinking the universe has seen enough of foolish fights between two main forces. The Order fights to at least turn the always present wars into wars of humanity and people, not of religion like it is now.
Heralds are neutral and allowed to choose which side of the Force they like to use, but their rank system is based on the Jedi system, following the hierarchy of Padawan -> Knight -> Master.
Like said, Heralds believe in the humane nature of people and that if there are ever any wars in the galaxy, they shouldn't be about which philosophy is right, but to make the universe have a better life quality.

To make wars about battles of better life quality, not about religion.
To bring a new religious body to the galaxy to make people work together, no matter what alignment they are.
To give a shelter or a sanctuary for those who feel alienated in any other orders.
To provide the galaxy with an order which is based on freedom.

#1 - Rank System
Following the rank system of the Jedi Order, members of the Order are ranked as either Padawans, Knights or Masters, as well as the younger members being Younglings or Initiates and wiser members getting a position of authority in the Herald High Council.
#2 - Leadership
The leading body of the Herald Order is the Herald Supreme, ruling over the Herald High Council and thus over the whole Order. He is considered the strongest and wisest member of the whole Order. The next in line is the Herald High Council which makes decisions on the subject of the Order. Only high-ranked Master level members get a seat in the council as a sign of trust in them.
#3 - Advanced Organisation
As most religious orders in the galaxy have classes of specialisation for their members, so does the Herald Order. Allowing its members to either specialise in the use of a lightsaber, of the Force or the mixture of the two, the Herald Order divides its Knight and Master level members into the following classes:
- Herald Champion
- Herald Sage
- Herald Watchman


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