Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Hermit gets a Visitor.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Gren Reaper"]

Alexandra's hands rested under her head as she laid back on the stone that stood in the middle of the river, ignoring everything but the sound made by the water crashing against the stone itself. IT was calming in hearing it in conjunction with the nearby waterfall. A white mist rising from the point where falling water touched the earth once more and beautiful blue water flowing past and around her while the stone jutted out from it. She had been happy to find her old place once more, able to see it still in one piece and together though the rest of Alderaan could not yet say the same. The Vong forming of the planet had ruined its beauty and perverted it. It was cruel but it was getting better.

Now though, as she laid there ina kimono like set of robes, colore in white and shades of blue that matched that of the water. Her hair remained down and around her and the tail she now had wrapped around her waist like a belt, both in definite contrast as they remained black as the night itself yet kept a semblance of their peacefulness too. They were not messy, not elaborately kept. It was simple brushed once through to keep it from getting in her way.
[member="Alexandra Feanor"]

Alderaan seemed to be going through so much. Now but even in the past years. Ren had never been to Alderaan since now. A sith was supposed to make contact with him in the outskirts of the city. Probably because it needed help with something of his caliber. So he made his way there, though he was suspicious of the message.

Ren landed his YTA-2150 in some plains next to a wooded area. He walked casually down the ramp, as the sith came into view. It spoke up in its black robes and concealed face. "So you finally showed up." Ren smiled. "How could I begin to ignore your kind?" The sith smirked. "Let's get down to business... I need you to search this area for an artifact. It's a book." Ren turned to the woods and nodded. "Can you handle that agent?" Ren smirked. "Just make sure I'm paid and you will be satisfied with the results." With that said, they both walked off. Ren towards the woods and the sith towards the city.

Making his way in the woods, branches snapped and leaves brushes. He could hear water, see green and brown but there was no sign of any books. Ren exhaled bored but kept walking. There was a point where he saw the water. Not only water but a woman came into view. She was dressed in a clothing he'd never seen before. He started to walk into what appeared to be an opening in the forest. The ground below crunched loudly. Ren wondered if he'd be heard.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Gren Reaper"]

Alexandra's head would turn ever so slightly, eyes glancing from the side of the small slit and looking into the brush from the direction the stick had been heard from. She simply stared out of the side of her eye, lids barely open to the point it almost looked like she had not even reacted yet her hands and arms tinged. She knew someone was there, why she was not sure but this one who ever it was was busy sneaking about. With a sigh though, and after a few seconds, her voice sounded over the air that rushed around them with water surging down from the fall.

"Come out now, and i might not put a bolt between your eyes." She waited for a response if any, her hand on the far side touching her blade as it was hidden from who ever's sight this was that rested on her.
[member="Alexandra Feanor"]

The air felt like a sudden push against his body due to entering the opening. But the air felt different as well as the sound. The air really sounded different. As if one was speaking to him. That's when he heard it. A voice of a woman through the wind. She declared that he'd be shot with a bolt of some sort if he remained hidden. He smiled at her words.

Ren stepped out into the edge of the clearing and revealed himself. His robes red with silver armor of Durasteel. "Why hello there." He felt the intensity of her connection to the force. Far greater than his. He wondered if he should fear her.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Gren Reaper"]

She remained motionless yet and stared for a few seconds through the slit of her eye. She would see this one who she did not know tossed to the side if he so decided to cause her problems but for now she stared none the less. "Hello back, now i believe you are intruding on my home so i do request you turn around and take your body else where. And if you are here to try and kill me... well i do hope that you are more than what i can see because all i see right now is a being that is far weaker than any of the opponents of my past... and do not even think you measure up to the lesser of them..." She slowly shifted now as her body moved and her feet placed themselves under her. Her form rose slowly and she opened her eyes up wide as silvered orbs stared into the man. Her hair fell around her and it rested on her shoulders and past them. Her sabers that had been on the stone rose and latched themselves to her belt without a single touch. All this done while she moved not from her stone in the middle of the water. Waiting for his reaction and words.
[member="Alexandra Feanor"]

He watched his words, as this woman seemed capable of claiming his doom. As the woman changed location, he did as well. He began taking slow steps deeper into the clearing. "I'm not here for trouble nor am I leaving." the woman seemed to be a little hostile. Was it because of his evil looking eyes, his armor, or did she usually treat people like this? After thinking for a little bit, he stopped in place. I.. am intruding. Ren turned in the water's direction and began walking towards it. Slowly, just to be cautious.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Gren Reaper"]

She watched as the man's pace immediately changed and with a small smile her eyes flickered to the ground on the bank of the river where she would move to next. Her movements over the stones that would bring her to this place were precise and careful though she turned her hands out and let the force carry her to the place. It was from there her feet took her with a bit more quickness to them, walking along the bank and keeping her eyes on the man. "And yet, you continue towards this little place of mine... id be careful about another step."
[member="Alexandra Feanor"]

The woman spoke again as she started to close distance between them. Ren was about to take another step when his right foot stopped in place, almost like it was frozen. This was his doing though. His mind was filled with And what if I do take that step? He wondered if he'd be killed or maybe just injured. As an agent, he didn't expect to live as long as a civilian. The job was a dangerous one, and now was an example. That one wrong step could be the end.

Ren's foot touched the ground, taking no more steps as he stared off into the water only several feet away. He wasn't here to socialize or fight, though the object could be in wrong hands, so he tried to get some info. "Do you have any books? I'm looking for one. If you have it, I'll give compensation for it." his gaze at the water didn't change while speaking.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Gren Reaper"]

"You know, it is quite cruel and rude to stand there and not look at the one you are speaking too." She stared at the man as he rested his gaze on the water, asking about books and that only drew her interest more. This man was no scholar, that much was certain with but one look at him. Nor was he a master of his craft, what ever it be considering his almost absolute uncertainty in how he even moved. The hesitation was enough for her to know that a ting of fear might even have seized him and that fact had her body moving every inch closer.

The once Echani woman's hand glided over her right saber, smiling as she drew closer to the man and even tempting him to start retreating. Just how much fear did she spark in the man, if any. Would he react in hostility or would he stumble and fall. It was curious and as she watched him, her body would draw all the nearer.
[member="Alexandra Feanor"]

Ren smirked. "Maybe so, but I think for myself. Plus.. I'm not sure if your clothing is appropriate to look." he kept staring at the water, straight face. The woman's presence drew closer and closer. Will this be my resting place? Not sure if a forest fits me. he smiled under his thoughts. He thought about this as he was sure she would attack. The strength between the two was way off in the force and sword skills most likely. He raised up his right hand and made a fist. I suppose I could delay our feud. he thought releasing his fist.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Gren Reaper"]

Cute, he actually made a fist right there a moment ago... She smiled as she drew closer until she was right before the man. "Well, thats a shame, and here i thought this looked decent enough for someone who lives like a hermit... and stop smiling, you are still tresspassing." Her gaze focused on the man like a predator having found its pray cornered and cowering. She wondered just what was going on in that head of his and waited to see if he would once more prepare for something a bit more violent.
[member="Alexandra Feanor"]

He tried with all his might to keep his words less offensive than usual. It ended in failure though. His eyes of crimson met with that of the woman's. "It must suck living alone in this place." he paused and looked around. "Even I'd live alone... but in the forest?" he stopped looking around and shook his head.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Gren Reaper"]

She stared at the man whom she had just threatened and he had decided to raise his eyes to meet hers. She could only stare in that moment at what she was seeing in this mn and with a sigh she decide she could talk once more after he was taught his place for a moment than speaking of her own living choices. A quick hand shot out and slammed into his chest as her body moved forward, her leg looping behind him and pulling back in her direction. The Objective was simple, knock him on his as before placing a foot right on his chest, assuming it worked.
[member="Alexandra Feanor"]

The first blow was unavoidable at their distance. However he wasn't planning on dodging. An intrusion was an intrusion. Though he wouldn't allow death of himself, getting beat up would be allowed. Her attempt at disabling him was successful. He laid there breathing a little faster from the foot on his chest.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Gren Reaper"]

She looked down at the man with a raised brow and lowered her body so that her knee pressed on his chest instead of her foot. With a hand she moved and looked to secure any weapons while she talked. "You really are not that mart so im going to assume one of two things. A, you are a treasure hunter that is in need of cash and heard a rumor that you thought might be an easy payday..." She paused and smiled as she glanced at his eyes. "Or, you work for someone and were full knowingly trespassing in search of something all too specific. So this is how its going to happen. You will tell me your employer, and if your answer makes me happy. Well lets just say i wont put a hole in the place that makes you different from me. Deal?"
[member="Alexandra Feanor"]

Ren coughed as she placed her knee onto his chest. His chest was one of the places he didn't have armor at. Gritting his teeth, he watched as she searched for his weapons. Luckily, his weapon was decently hidden. However, he had no intention of hiding it. He started focusing in the force as an object of a cylinder shape started wiggling from under his robe. Seconds later the object flew out from under it into his left hand. Ren held it out offering it to the woman.

"Here. We can't start an interrogation with my being armed."

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Gren Reaper"]

Alexandra stared at the levitating saber and sighed as her hand snatched the object for a moment before staring at its craftsmanship. "Hmm... Not Jedi... well atleast not completely. Who taught you how to make this and who is it that you are with. Im willing to bet you aren't a Jedi though even if the saber would make its construction an unorthodox design, i can see your aura well enough to deduce you are no Jedi..." Her eyes stared directly at his now, waiting for a damn good answer to her question and as a bit of extra persuasion she activated the saber and aimed it at his throat. "I suggest more of the truth my friend."
[member="Alexandra Feanor"]

Ren smirked at his saber and the woman, then looked to his left. "My good-for-nothing father." he gritted his teeth once more as his gaze remained. "I should've replaced it by now..." he said trailing off. He returned his attention to the woman and formed a serious face.

He began speaking as his arms, previously to the side, went out to his sides. "I am an intruder, feel free to dispose of me." his crimson eyes closing.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Gren Reaper"]

"Fair enough, do say hi to the Otherworld for me. It's been two years since i last saw it." Without the slightest bit of hesitation her hand and arm reached out and the saber plunged down, the smell of burnt hair filling the air in the spot where Gren laid. His blade humming in what was now silence as the plasma blade carved its way into the earth. All while Alexandra's eyes never left the mans for an instant as she had pressed down on the blade and left it just to the right of the man's head, singing his hair and letting the heat of the blade be no more than a few centimeters from having pierced his head and skewered him like a chicken.

"Now, how about you tell me your name, and not being a cocky little twit that i could and would kill without a second thought if i even cared that much anymore. Otherwise, ill simply sit here and wait for the Alderaanian military to arrive and arrest you for what i assume is espionage considering your refusal to give me a name or who it is you work for. How about it. I hear they still use water boarding and im curious to find out if that is true when it comes to such an archaic torture."
[member="Alexandra Feanor"]

Ren flinched as he felt the heat of the blade. He felt some of his hair be burned up as the blade impaled the ground. Opening his eyes slowly, he heard her voice again. He exhaled disappointed by her action. "I guess if I'll have to deal with the military, I'll have to surrender either way. I'm called Gren Reaper, but I go by Ren."

The Reaper Agency was something he despised. Telling his full name always reminded him of that. "I'm not here on anyone's command or request, I'm here out of curiosity."

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