Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The Hidden Keepers of Truth

Jax Thio Jax Thio


Salt spray flecked the cockpit of the speeder as Veino sent it speeding across the white-capped seas. The vehicle rocked and bucked in the wind and turbulence that whipped through the archipelagos that lined the northern edge of the world. As the water turned to fen and then rugged moor land, he brought the vehicle to a halt. As the vehicle powered down, he flung back the cockpit and jumped over the side, pacing ahead to inspect the center of the small isle.

Not much more than a few hundred meters in diameter, with an irregular circular shape, it was barely a speck. Only a single cabin showed any evidence of habitation or sentient activity. And even that cabin was empty more often than not, except for a few extreme birdwatchers and cold water fishers. It was the wrong season for most of those, and the cabin had been empty. It was remote and isolated, which was what Veino needed it for.

A Jedi wished to learn from the Jensaarai. A Jedi he didn't know, which was worse. The first time Jedi came unexpectedly to Susefvi, they'd killed half of the entire Jensaarai populace. Now, things had changed, but he wasn't sure how much, or why this Jedi wanted to learn. So, he had set the coordinates here, at the cabin retreat. He strode inside and tossed his rucksack of field supplies in a corner before inspecting the security systems to ensure they functioned and setting kindling in the fireplace to get the place heated.

Two people out on a fishing trip was the cover story and it was perfectly plausible and would explain their absences, as well as keep the Jedi far away from any sensitive Jensaarai secrets. At least, until he proved himself trustworthy or dedicated enough to be given access.

Veino fed more twigs into the fire until the cabin was cozy and warm against the storm that was coming in from the poles. He would at least offer that much. Coren would expect nothing less.


Location: Susevfi​
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Lightsaber
Ever since Gaias, Jax had received a reawakening of sorts in the force. His connection to it felt stronger possibly the strongest in his life, Jax always considered himself to be average in the Force relying mostly on his Lightsaber and guile to get an edge in battle. However his trek back in Gaias helped him realize that his faith in the Force had weakened his connection. It was through the activation of Oneness, that Jax was sent a reminder of who he was: A Jedi Knight of the Galactic Alliance one who was destined to train Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin and mold her into a unique and powerful Jedi. Now after the long and satisfying soul searching in Gaias, Jax sensed the Force calling to him. He needed to get to Courscant in order to begin his investigation of the Shocktrooper massacre, but the Force was communing to him through the midiclorians compelling Jax to remain in the Outer Rim as he has still much to do.​
BB-12 protested and quite frankly Jax had to agree he spent a lot of time at Gaias and while he didn't have all of his questions answered, It was enough to satisfy him. However the Force does have an annoying of constantly pestering you until you throw your hands up and wonder what it wants. <You know if I had the force.> BB-12 beeped furiously as Jax guided his X-Wing near the planet. <I'd tell it to shove it and let me live my life.>​
"Tried that too many times," Jax said bringing up the navi-computer to see what planet they were approaching. "But try as I might, the Force always wins."​
<Are you sure about this?> BB-12 whirred. <You wasted enough time fracking around with those weirdoes at Gaias. Don't you think you should check on Aveline?>​
"Told you," Jax said. "I don't want her involved, what happened at Korriban could be an attempt to implicate the Jedi as war hungry genocidists and if we get caught, that means the SJC is fracked due to Aveline being associated with them. Need to keep this quiet and not involve outside parties no matter willing they are."​
The Jedi read information on his navi-computer. "This is the plane Susevfi," Jax muttered. "Well not a planet but a moon which orbits Suarbi 7. Corporate sectors settled on this place but not much industrialization."​
<Well let's go and see what the Force wants.> BB-12 said. <So we can get out of here and head to Coruscant, damn by the time we're done the entire order will be razed to the ground by an angry mob!>​
Jax ignored BB-12 as he sent his X-Wing through the atmosphere landing in the forest near a lone cabin. "This is it," Jax said staring the landing cycle. As soon as the X-Wing touched the ground, Jax opened the hatch and jumped down his gaze fixed on the cabin. "I sense someone is in there," Jax said to BB-12. "Watch the ship I'm checking it out."​
<Like I was going to follow you in unknown territory.> BB-12 beeped.​

Jax Thio Jax Thio

The long-familiar whine of an X-Wing engine filled the air above even the sound of the storm approaching the island. Veino looked up and shook his head as he added another brickette to the fire and laid out a pot of coffee and two metal cups he pulled from his pack. A Galactic Alliance New Jedi Order X-Wing on Susefvi. That would raise a lot of eyebrows and many questions. He hoped there weren't too many whispers around the Rimward Trade League government buildings and Rescue Service HQ about this, since the Jedi Pilgrims were operating, more or less, out of the moon as well.

Then again, with the League capitol being here, there was already an enormous amount of space-based traffic from both the commercial and governmental sectors passing through, so that should keep everyone busy enough to not gossip. As the engines whined down, he strode over and opened the door, waving at the Jedi to come in before turning back inside and unrolling his bedroll on the floor next to one of the cots. It looked decent enough, but he wasn't going to trust it without a deep disinfectant clean.

He set up a stack of fishing poles and birdwatching gear by the door and looked through the window on the far side to gauge that the hoverskiff was still there, bobbing gently as the waves surged beneath it. Veino let out a long breath and took a seat on a low stool by the fire, prodding it carefully to stoke the coals while he waited for his student.


Location: Susevfi
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Lightsaber
Jax slowly approached the small house his eyebrows crinkled into a frown, the force was telling him to enter this planet but the question was why? From a distance, Jax could see a man standing on a Hoverskiff with fishing polls and what appeared to be birdwatching gear the best brand too. BB-12 had the same gear as the old man. His droid companion liked to Birdwatch as well or rather hunt them down and bring their corpses for Jax to make some Chicken. Now and days BB-12 was too lazy to even grab the Bincoulars which were buried under the many Pizza boxes and candy wrappers in Jax's apartment.​
"Hello there," Jax said walking towards the man. He didn't sense anything off with him might as well make some small talk. "Looks like you like to fish huh? I used to fish as well but now and days I'm just too busy for it you know?"​
The Jedi held out his hand smiling. "The name is Jax Thio," he said. "And I'm pretty sure based on my getup you assume that I'm Jedi Knight. Please save your awe and admiration. We Jedi are just keepers of the peace not superheroes."​

Jax Thio Jax Thio

Veino stood up as the newcomer entered, setting down the tools and equipment. His face was expressionless, and perhaps a bit grim as his guest entered, but it was with the opening words that it morphed into a scowl. "I've been watching Jedi bleed out in the mud with their insides slopping out since before you were born. If I wanted a superhero, the Jedi are the last people I'd go to and as for peace keepers," Veino just shrugged. "Tell your alliance friends to stop buddying up with imperials and maybe people out here will take that claim seriously."

He stepped further into the cabin and opened the door. "Might as well come in. The Force told me you were coming. You can call me Orion. It's not my name, but it's better if you never know my name. Far as the galaxy is concerned, I'm dead. There's even a war grave with my name on it on Coruscant."

Veino strode to the far side of the room and took a seat on his folding chair, prodding the fire with fire rod to stoke it up. "The first thing you need to know is you are to never speak of this meeting or what we discuss with anyone at any point and all recordings made by your droid need to be erased. The second thing you need to know is that I am the Saaraai-Kaar of the Jensaarai. Are you familiar with what that means?"

If the answer was anything but no, that told Veino he'd need to go back through his protocols and start scrubbing all holonet and archival references again. He thought he'd managed to do it after the last Alliance was destroyed from within. But it was a big galaxy after all. There were corners not even the virus he'd sent to erase it could have found.



Location: Susevfi​
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Lightsaber
Jax raised an eyebrow when the man said that the Force told him that he was arriving. "So," he said slowly as he sat down next to the old man. "I'm guessing you felt that same call that I did huh?"​
The Force had a strange way of bringing people together for eons Jedi had tried to figure out why the force does what it does. Yet they always conclude that such things shouldn't be questioned. Under the Living Force though all life was generated by the force whether it's light or dark, even it doesn't give any answers Jax felt the Living Force was the best path to understanding the force. "Orion huh?" Jax asked. "Sure I can call you by that if you wish."​
Best not to ask for his real name anyway, there was no point. The old man clearly wanted to be left alone unshackled from his past, in a way Jax saw himself in him. They both wanted to runaway from whatever they've done. "The Jensaarai....." Jax frowned they did sound familiar perhaps he read it in a book? "The sound familiar," he said. "But I can't seem to remember specifically who they are, care to explain?"​

Jax Thio Jax Thio

"I'd hardly say it was a call," Veino answered, taking a seat by the fire. "Grapevine said a Jedi was out looking for some greater sense of meaning and was headed this way." He shrugged and gestured around them all. "And I sensed somebody was coming. Make yourself comfortable, we'll be here for as long as you're around."

Familiar name couldn't be helped. The Jensaarai had been a large part of the prior Galactic Alliance, despite their efforts to keep it secret. And an even bigger part of the Outer Rim Coalition. He considered before answering.

"My order goes back nearly a thousand years to the Clone Wars. A group of Jedi found Sith records and treatises and studied them, and became convinced of their validity, at least partially through disillusionment with the Clone Wars. They, and a few apprentices, fled here. The original knights, as those suddenly faced with how narrow the Jedi perspective is, and unprepared to acknowledge the inherent darkness within, fell to the Dark Side. During this time, a few Jedi were sent to bring them back to Coruscant. When refused, the Jedi killed the senior members, not knowing about the apprentices, who had not fallen to the Dark."

He paused to let that sink in. "From there, they rebuilt and res-established themselves, studying both the ways of the Sith and the Jedi, and using both to protect this moon and the surrounding systems, without ever falling to the Dark Side." He put a can of dehydrated caf next to the fire.

"And now here we are, a thousand years later. Living in secrecy, having survived the Jedi's attempt to murder us all as well as the Sith's attempts to kill us all during the purge of Palpatine's day, learning from Sith and Jedi alike in our quest to ward these regions of the galaxy from evil and harm through secrecy, stealth, and sacrifice."

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