Location: Monastery
Tag: [member="Josiah"]
Rest was an essential piece of finding true serenity - and Mara had spent years learning that first hand, the hard way. For a time, after her husband had left, she'd thrown herself into her work; the leaps she'd made in her research in his absence had been immense. Every new finding came with a momentary sense of purpose and peace, and there was serenity in those quiet moments that followed the monumentous bursts of effort... But they were fleeting. For every night she spent away from their empty home, for every skipped meal or missed appointment with the friends who stuck around after the mess of their split - there were only the briefest glimpses of the calm she'd had with him. There was a part of her, a piece she kept stifled and silent if she could, that reminded her gently and often that the feeling she was chasing was one she'd found with him. Eventually she'd had to leave their home, along with almost everything else that reminded her of that fact, and she uprooted to find somewhere that didn't constantly bring her back to what she'd had. The last year had found her on Monastery, working with the refugees from the many skirmishes that the Confederacy launched or finished about the galaxy. It was enough work to keep her hopping almost constantly, and it wasn't until the last six months that it had truly started to weigh on her. She'd gotten sick, lost enough weight that people began to worry, and was missing work frequently. Mara had been forced to take some time, and she'd relocated to a small, secluded cabin near the summit of Moorwood Peak to try and focus on her health. It had taken nearly a month, but in that time she'd learned a great deal about what it was that had been keeping her from taking the time to process.
Mornings were spent curled up in the massive wooden chairs on the deck at the rear of the cabin, overlooking the pristine mountain lake the small wooden structure was built into and simply enjoying the rising sun and call of the birds that made their homes on the mountain. Afternoons were busy, cleaning and taking walks around the beautiful trails that snaked their way below the temple at the summit... But evenings - evenings were the worst. When the sun went down and the world became close and dark, Mara struggled not to feel the weight of all she'd been ignoring clawing at her. She'd had everything she could have ever wanted... Well, except for one thing. And all of it had walked out of her life when she hadn't been able to get that last piece right... The month had been hard, but when she'd returned to the town nestled at the base of the mountain, she did so with a renewed vigor for life and seemingly with that weight removed.
All that hard work had paid off for the Jedi, and the six months following had not been as productive perhaps, but she'd finally found her happiness and her serenity once more. She often took time on her days off to explore outside of the small village, finding quiet places to recenter herself and taking part in any festivities around the mountain... Which is where she'd run into him. It was a small miracle it had taken so long, but when she'd been taking part in the anniversary of the Pyres being lit, she has not expected to run into her husband there, and not with two adorable young apprentices in tow. It would make sense that as soon as she'd done the work to make sure she was okay, he'd come in to reap the benefits of that... But that was [member="Josiah"]. The man had a horseshoe wedged so far up his arss it was a wonder he could sit.
After their chance run-in at the anniversary celebrations, she'd invited him to join her in the place where she'd found her peace once more - on the condition that he set aside babysitting for the duration. She had nothing against the lovely women he had bound to himself for training, but this was the perfect opportunity to do the last bit of healing she needed to in order to be alright... To finally have the conversation they couldn't bring themselves to have all those years ago. She'd provided him with the location and had headed up the mountain early, setting up the small cabin for their short stay. His wife was expecting him for dinner the first evening... Hopefully her skills in the kitchen had improved.