Darth Banshee
Exiled Queen of Serenno
After coming back from Doldur, Sabrina wanted to unlock her new holocron and rip from it what ever powers she could. The main problem was, even though she was sith. She was different kettle of fish, from the none who made it. She sat down with ti on her personal anti chamber, and began to meditate. She was trying to figure out how open it, as each one was different. Each one need a special way of opening it, and this was no different. She had read up on him, he was a member of the original one sith. She did wonder what he would made of new version of it. After all he had committed genocide, like they had as well. This was not her kind of sith, as she believed you reap what you sow. Whilst she believed power, true power came at the point of a lightsaber. She also new if you reaped to much destruction on the general population, they would eventually rise up and over throw you. So yes they had to fear you, but not to hate you. As hate was bigger driver for them, than fear would ever be.
Though she was going have crack open a holocron of someone who thought differently that would take effort.
Though she was going have crack open a holocron of someone who thought differently that would take effort.