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The Hunt for a Maalraas. (Enigma/Jate Kar'ta)

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Enigma"] [member="Jate Kar'ta"]

Alexandra's hands crossed behind her as she stepped off the ramp of her ship, the thing having landed on the dark, forested moon of Dxun. She wore her signature Armor, pure white robes, and her pure white cloak as she stood there. Her eyes were their normal silver though her hair held the jet black coloring caused by a small portion of a friend of hers, her hand running through the smooth liquid like substance that caused the coloring before she waited for the other two that would help her on this hunt.

Jate Kar'ta

Mandalorian Avenger
What also stepped out of the ship was another woman though much different than the woman in white. She was a hunter and dressed like so. Underneath her green armored torso, gauntlets, and boots she wore a khaki jumpsuit. On her utility belt hung the symbol of her culture, the bes'bev, an ancient Mandalorian war flute. Her long orange blonde hair fell just above the jump pack she wore on her back. Intense blue eyes scanned the jungles of Dxun that lie ahead of her.

Jate Kar'ta's face was set in a frown. Usually it always was but today she had a good reason. She got wind of a hunting job only to find that there were others already on it. Worse, they were...Force Users. Just the thought made her eyebrows furrow in anger. Any other circumstance she wouldn't have taken the job but she really needed the credits so she swallowed her pride and here she was, hunting with Force Users. The fact that she had to hitch a ride with one, named [member="Alexandra Cinthra"] if she wasn't mistaken, showed how low and how desperate she was for those credits. Luckily for them though she was Mandalorian. Her ancient ancestors lived and hunted here long ago. After conversing with some of her clan mates the knowledge of how to hunt the elusive Maalraa was passed on to her. That was probably why the two Force Users brought her along.

Jate walked up to the woman and looked out into the jungle for a bit before working up the nerve to ask, "Is your buddy going to show?"

In Umbris Potestas Est
"Ahem..." A finger tapped the shoulder of the other woman. Were she to turn around, she would discover Circe located behind her, a smile on her face as the women prepared for the inevitable Malraas hunt. "Alright... This should be simple enough. All we need to do is get a stray cannon or two, and the Malraas will come running after it as an easy kill. Then we stun them, box them up, and ship them to our client, a simple enough job once we get paid."

She couldn't help but smile. This was going to be fun.

[member="Jate Kar'ta"] [member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandra nodded to the Mandalorian, speaking. "She should be along soon, she knows quite well where we are due to a somewhat... extensive connection to me so there is no need to not worry about her showing..." And then on que [member="Enigma"] showed and left the shadows of where she had come from, speaking her plan quickly. She was not surprised to hear it, having thought up the same plan and then working to immobilize the creatures with a strong stun pistol she had in her cloak. "Thank you for the plan, i must say that i am surprised we thought of the same plan so readily. Shall we get started with this?" She motioned to a few droids to unload a number of cages from her own ship and to grabbed their own stun rifles. [member="Jate Kar'ta"]

Jate Kar'ta

Mandalorian Avenger
Jate's answer was a tap of her shoulder. The touch made her bristle but she let out a deep breath. We are working together and you really need the credits, she had to remind herself. However it didn't stop her from giving a menacing eye over her shoulder. The woman who was probably [member="Enigma"] spoke of a plan to catch the Maalraas. That was the safer of the two plans she had. That eliminated the need for debate, especially since it turned out all three of them thought of it. [member="Alexandra Cinthra"] asked if there were ready to proceed as droids came out of the ship with cages and stun rifles. When one was offered to her, she waved it away and indicated her own blaster pistol. She already took enough charity from these Force Users. Besides she preferred the up close and personal approach.

She looked to [member="Alexandra Cinthra"] and [member="Enigma"] and asked, "Have any of you been here before?" Jate was trying to determine who best to take point. She has and taken down some cannoks here. She personally thought she should but was willing to defer to them if they had more experience.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"I have been here several times researching the tombs and ruins on the planet, there are quite a number of them and the creatures native to this place are far more dangerous than people think." She took a stun rifle from a droid and ordered they carry the cages and and a extra rifle incase she so needed them. "As for my friend i am not sure..." She paused to look at [member="Enigma"] for half a second before returning to [member="Jate Kar'ta"]. "Have you been here before?"

Jate Kar'ta

Mandalorian Avenger
It seemed that [member="Alexandra Cinthra"] had a bit more time her than Jate. "A few times. I have hunted here before and I know a a few Mandalorian clans that live in the area. We shouldn't have any trouble from them. If I talk to them first," she said.

She did a check of her weapons then played a little tune from her bes'bev to see that it too was functional. It was short, bittersweet, yet beautiful. After it she twirled the flute, whistling as it went, until it finally came to rest on her shoulder. She closed her eyes then whispered to herself, "Oya Mando'ade."

Jate looked at them, thought for a moment, then said, "You take point Alexandra. Your...Force stuff should help if the Maalraas decide decide to go for something bigger than Cannoks."

In Umbris Potestas Est
Smiling, Circe calmly followed behind the two women, choosing to lurk and provide support if need be. She was more than capable of physically restraining the Malraas if push came to shove. "Alright... I'll provide support. Alex can lure the cannoks in as bait, and Jate can prepare to incapacitate them. I'll be prepared in case anything goes wrong. Alex knows of my abilities."

[member="Jate Kar'ta"] [member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Jate Kar'ta

Mandalorian Avenger

Jate wasn't sure what the woman meant by support but otherwise the plan was sound. The fiery haired woman nodded in agreement. As she followed [member="Alexandra Cinthra"] through the jungle the Mandalorian held her pistol at the ready, set at the maximum stun setting. Though she preferred to do things up close and personal, she didn't want to get too close to a Cannok. Those things eat everything, literally everything. Last time she was here she watched one eat two of her spare power packs. She briefly wondered if she will be luck enough to encounter the same Cannok again. It was unlikely but here she was hunting with Forcers. It was already an unusual day. Why not?

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandra's feet brought her slowly over the earth and through the forest to see what it was in the distance, a small clearing perfect for an ambush of the Maalraas, only they needed a Cannok first. "Ok, i think this will suit us for the need of an ambush sight, plenty of cover and i assume both of you can climb should the cage fail and we have to shoot it out of reach?" [member="Jate Kar'ta"]

Jate Kar'ta

Mandalorian Avenger
They stopped in a clearing. A quick analysis showed it would be a great place for an ambush. [member="Alexandra Cinthra"] explained her thoughts and asked if they were both capable of climbing out. Jate can tell the question was mainly aimed at her. "I can do better," she said gesturing to her jump pack, "and if all else fails he can always rope it up and beat the stuffing out of it. It did say 'relatively unharmed' after all."

Jate was decent with a pistol, every good bounty hunter had to be, but she loved the thrill of close combat. While she knew it was best to stun it from range, she secretly wished things turned into a brawl.


Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Good, lets let my droids get the traps set up, we can go search for and bag some Cannoks as bait for our prey." She waved her hand to the droids, telling them what to do without uttering a word before losing her cloak so that she could move more freely. "Now, where to first, Either of you got an idea?" Her eyes found their way back to the others, waiting for their own idea on either how to track or bring the cannoks here, she suspected that the Mandalorian would have a better idea than [member="Enigma"], but who knows.
[member="Jate Kar'ta"]

Jate Kar'ta

Mandalorian Avenger
Jate did indeed have an idea to catch a Cannok. Her normal frown instead turned into a thoughtful frown. "There are lots of Cannoks here on this moon. Finding one is simply waiting for a bit with maybe some bait to speed up the process. It can be anything, literally anything can be used as bait. I speak from experience when I say they eat inanimate objects. We will only need one or two for our purposes, depending on how many Maalraas we want. The problem will be how to subdue them," she explained, "Cannoks typically hunt in packs and can take down a well abled man if they aren't too careful. My plan is move a bit to another clearing, use something we won't miss as bait, then wait in the trees until they come. Stun, bag, done. We'll shoot from the trees so they won't be able to attack us initially but they could knock it down so still be on your guard."

Her eyes looked to [member="Alexandra Cinthra"] and the other lady (I don't believe we have been formally introduced @Enigma) to see if they had any doubts in their eyes. "Sound like a plan?" she asked.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Jate Kar'ta"]

"Good idea." Without even pausing she looked at one of the droids that had been a guard, firing her rifle right into its head and dropping it like a log. "There we go, you drag him over and then move to the other clearing with the rest of the droids, i dont want a single one of you automatons in the area from this point on." Without question her, after all it was a droid, it grabbed the now downed droid and dragged it to the center of the area before letting go and leaving the area. "Now, shall we get to it?"

Jate Kar'ta

Mandalorian Avenger
Jate couldn't help but smile with approval from [member="Alexandra Cinthra"]. The Mandalorian watched as the Force Users supervised her droids and had one drag their bait to a clearing. With that arranged, Alexandra looked to them to get moving. With nothing more than a smirk, the fiery haired woman launched into the air. Her orange scarf fluttered behind her as she soared above the treeline. She peaked then with a final burst of her jump pack landed in a tree. Perfect view of the clearing from here.

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"] [member="Enigma"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
"Alright... let's get to work." Circe slowly faded away into the background, eager to wait for the Maalraas to show up so she, [member="Jate Kar'ta"], and [member="Alexandra Cinthra"] could capture it and any of its brothers or sisters.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Jate Kar'ta"] [member="Enigma"]

Waiting silently, Alexandra watched the forest floor very carefully as she had her hands clenched around the Stun Rifle, all it would take is one cannok and if needed a few more. Aiming the gun she saw her prey, a fat one too that seemed to move slowly towards its catch, with it came two more that Alexandra hadn't expected. Raising the rifle she looked at the others, waiting to see if there were any signs or complications from them in doing his or not.

Jate Kar'ta

Mandalorian Avenger
Jate watched from the treetops as a group of Cannoks approached the bait [member="Alexandra Cinthra"] set up. They took down the two droids and began to gnaw on them. The Mandalorian looked around and spied Alexandra looking up at her. She signaled the Force User to take the shot. She had the rifle after all, Jate's blaster pistol wasn't as accurate from this distance. The fiery haired woman watched the group in case they needed her assistance.

In Umbris Potestas Est
In the corner, Enigma lurked. And lurked some more. And then she killed one of the cannoks. The others disappeared, but it was enough bait. Soon she heard the growl of a Malraas in the corner. "Get ready!"

[member="Jate Kar'ta"] [member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

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