They would travel deep into the jungle, in search of a terentatek. Though the beast was said to have thick skin that protected it even against the Force, Amata was less interested in depriving it of its hide, and more with the challenge of the hunt itself. The terentateks were large, and there had been no great enthusiasm when hunting it was mentioned. It almost seemed as if some were afraid that the creature would take offense and exact vengeance upon nearby villages, as if it was a sentient being. Amata didn't buy it. Killing it, however, would surely prove her worth while having the added benefit of becoming a fun story to tell. Maybe she could even persuade some of the Wookies to follow her off-world after. She didn't have her hopes up though. She didn't get the Wookies.
The young huntress was dressed for the occasion, going back to her roots. Her outfit had a tribal look to it, and was a mixture of leather and light brown textile. Having some measure of self-awareness, she avoided wearing fur on Kashyyk. While she would never admit to feeling threatened, even by a Wookie, the thought of earning the scorn of entire tribes did not sound like it would be a good time at all. Her face was painted. A thick, red, horizontal stripe covered her eyes and surrounding area. White, pearl-like dots were linked together in stripes. One went straight down from her lower lip to the bottom of her chin, while two parallel dotted lines framed both of her cheeks in a slight curve. Her long, blonde hair was braided together into a ponytail.
She didn't know her hunting companion well. In fact, she didn't know her at all. What she did know, though, was that out of all the people, she and Amata had been the only ones either brave or foolish enough to go out on this little adventure. They were not expected back. Amata's keen eyes scanned the other girl, measuring her, and failing miserably at being subtle about it. There was always the chance the other one would decide to betray her, and try to kill her instead. If so, she wanted to know what she was up against. Trust did not come easy to the young Togruta half-breed
[member="Imogen Blanche"]