Location: her office on tatoonine
Obejctive: Defaet bordom, by showing the 405th republic froces, why the techno union does not fear the republic.
Enemy: [member="Cloudburner"] and the 405th
Allies: her company of elite recon forces, that have been proven in battle against the know defucnt OP
Freeanne had an intellegnce officer arraive at her office, he slauted ehr and she saluted him back.
He then told her, I have had reports that a unit 405th republic ranger are here. I want you to arrest them, and if they resit kill them all.
She nodded at the intel officer, it was no big deal after all they are the best snipers in the galaxy, and proven.
She then asked in a formal manner Any idea where they might gone to?
He pulled out a holo map, We believe they gone to mos eisley, to arrest a pirate.
You would think they at least ask first, she replied to the man.
Well they did not, and know you have to punish them for it. He knew she could get the job done, as she had to go that place regularly to deal with other people kark ups.
She then head out of her office to round up her recon company, as it was their job to kill people, who the union did not like, and they did not like the republic.