Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The hunt for the holocron

on the dusty,sandy red planet of korriban the ancient home world of the original sith stood Tristan a sith acolyte a strong one at that his objective on this day was of a personal matter something he wanted that many sith wanted many sith like him have went on this journey to find the sith holocron stored deep within Nagga shadows tomb no one has ever come back acourse many have tried to make parties of 4 to 6 thinking it would guarantee success after all most acolytes that went in were extremely strong in the force to begin with but something in there was ripping them apart many a sith lord is even afraid to enter the tomb that claim in within itself was something that drove Tristan or revik to venture into the tomb in search of the holocron the other reason was those who would bring his/hers master the holocron of Nagga shadow would instantly be granted knighthood or better ,Tristan continues though the tomb his lightsaber his only source of light

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