Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Reply The Hunt On Yavin

History.. this place was teeming with it, and she did not care. She had come to this Planet in search of a person.. a furgivtive that had come to the Great Temple seeking its secrets. All that the bounty had mentioned was that this individual was on Yavin IV, and she was requested do to her unique skills. Savara was not one take compliments, she was expendable to the Guild, though bounties did pay the bills. Besides she quite enjoyed the hunt.

Her Infiltrator class ship landed out in the open, the Great Temple in the distance, it rising as a point of interest to any who came to world, except her. She had not interest in the 5900yrs of history this place, that it had belonged to the Massasi, a slave race of the dark lords and was the base of the Rebels and where the First Death Star was destroyed. None of that mattered, none of that was now. What people she felt forgot is that those people lived in their times, in the present of their age, while now people looked back at the past as if some "Golden Age" in truth is was all romanticism, it was delusions they created by glorify what had not worked. There was no more Massassi, and the Rebellion was gone. What mattered to her was the bounty, a Force User who had of late made some enemies. The details said to bring this invidiual in "Cold," to kill on sight, which was refreshing. Savara prefered to sign up for kills, then she did not have to haul them back on her ship, and corral them.

The Ramp of her ship dropped into the field, and before her was clear open space. Her hood was not on her head, why bother? This person was not going to see them after today, they would be in the afterlife, whatever that was next. She saw closer to the Great Temple was a vessel, it had its ramp down, so she approached, as she walked she immolated his saber, the elongated blade drew forth with a craclke in its splendid red, and on the sides, the quillion vents, two spiked blades came forth. She held the weapon at her side as she made her approach, if this Target was anywhere nearby, they would know she was there, and that was the point, like a Nexu, she wanted the prey to know that she was coming, to dig her kyber blade teeth into them.

Coming to the vessel, she took a detonator from her belt and tossed it in, and looking at her black nails it rocked, and a ball of flame came out the opening with some smoke. She then with a yawn, made her way up the ramp once the smoke was less thick, inside she spun her blade cutting consoles, and tearing across the screen, leaving a molten streak that screeched, and it began to crack, fissures fissures extending from it. So far nothing.. so she left the craft, popping out two more thermal detonators, she threw them in the two big thruster holes and shouted as she lifted her crossaber and it exploded,
"Hole in one!"

The engines exploded as she walked away, her cape blowing in the wind, the vessel was now aflame, a pyre of metal rather than functional ship. She returning to her Infiltrator Ship, pressed her wrist bracelet, the ramp going up and sealing, and she clicked it to have some probs, three come out and begin soaring over the field, going in different directions towards the forests and jungle. She then put a thing in her ear, and could hear the probs signal, and then with a press of her ear device, some music began to play:

She closing her eyes as she began to walk as she banged her head, her brunette hair flying up and down as a wave of brown. Making her way to the Great Temple, where she would rule out that this Prey might be hiding, and set up her own base of operations.. with traps...
As she came to the Great Temple, there was some signs someone had been there, some tracks. Going inside, she held his burning cross blade, and looking around corners as the music blasted in her ear, the prob droid signal still faintly heard as they swept over the tree line and looked for this Force User. Savara paused inside the great structure, which rose in a dome and some light came down. This was once the Temple of the New Jedi Order, the famous Luke Skywalker leading a new generation of do gooders to their doom. Again, it interested her little, save that the tragedy of it all reminded her how those following traditions always ended up treaded on. When would they wake up as she had and realize they were trapped in a pattern, and the only way to cut it was by a total severance?

She came to what seemed to be hallowed place, probably where the Legend himself had touched a rock.. oooh so special, relics like that were by the thousands in galaxy, making Jedi go into ecstasy over a hair from some dead Jedi Master. It was pathetic. Equally pathetic was the Sith who preached that their "chains would be broken," only to build their own and remain shackled all their lives to an Empire or Order. It was the same thing, worshiping dead people and trying to be like them.. when the point is we are not them. How many were missing the chance to be unique power when they spent all their time mimicking the shadows of the past in the mirror?

She came to a stone statue of the One, and the only Master Luke. Candles were even freshly flickering at it. She threw her head about as she said,
"Ooooh! Master Jedi! Should I bow? Or maybe crawl before you stone likeness?! Or maybe.."
She swung his blade and cut the statue at torso in twain, it falling to ground and burst air snuffing out the candles.
"remove one more idol.."
Savara was not prone to iconoclasm, though when the mood struck she could not help tear down altars and idols for the sake of a new generation that needed to find their own way, to stop looking backward and determine their destiny in there here and now. Suddenly her music was interrupted, a ping, and she pulled up a data pad, that should a heat signature in the forest. So at last.. the hunt would truly begin. She was curious who this individual was. The Guild had been rather sparse in any details, which usually was sign this was no ordinary bounty. The fact it was a kill not capture also made her inclined to think whoever it was, probably had rubbed the wrong people the wrong way, which honestly, was her kind of person.


The dim light of Yavin IV filtered through the dense jungle canopy, casting fragmented shadows across the ancient stones of the Massassi temple. A figure emerged from the gloom, their appearance striking—a patchwork of Sith-style armor, scarred and weathered, as if forged from the scraps of those prior. Their dsrk helmet moved to gaze at the broken effigy.

A heavily vocoded voice broke the stillness, dripping with dry sarcasm. "You know, I didn’t care much for that Skywalker either. More of a fan of his father."

They took another step forward, the clinking of their armor faint but deliberate. Their gaze, hidden behind the dark visor of their helmet, was fixed on Savara, who stood ready with her crimson lightsaber ignited.

Their hand moved to the hilt of their own lightsaber, though they made no immediate move to attack. With a smooth motion, a crimson blade sprang to life with a snap-hiss, its glow casting jagged shadows across their cobbled armor.

"I’m curious," the figure said, their voice steady as they held the blade low, its tip idly tracing the air. "What brings you here? Your trappings would suggest a student of the dark side. But not Sith such as I."

They paused, tilting their helmet slightly as they sized up Savara. "No Sith would be so careless around a place of wisdom such as this temple."

The mysterious stranger's stance remained calm, almost casual, but the hum of their blade and the weight of their presence left no doubt—they were ready for whatever answer came next...

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The Rend had rent the stone, the effigy of the Skywalker as if it was simply a limb of a tree. She felt nothing for him, nor his mark on this world, this temple. It was then that she heard a voice, that affirmed her decision and made mention of the Pater Skywalker. Tunring with her blade crackling as fire on wood she saw a figure in a Mask, and they had hot Kyber of crimson too. Curious, was he the one the bounty had been placed on or was it another? That was the problem with her intel, full of holes. Savara did not make a strike, she held her weapon in a tail guard, ready to parry should this One seek to make a mark on her.
"The Sith are merely an imitation of who they claim to hate. I am something more.."
She began to move, closing the distance in this circle between them, though not making an aggressive reach towards him yet,
"I am an acolyte of the Dark, it has served me well since I first gave into it.." Her eyes flickering as is embers were within them brown orbs,
"As for why I am here.. I might direct the same question to you. Do you happen to have a bounty on you.. Sith?"
She did not expect him to be honest, that was usually not the behavior of Sith. And if he was the one the bounty was on, it was a search and destroy, and he probably knew that, so telling her would not be in his best welfare, then again she had been surprised by some bounties, some choose to surrender to their fate rather than run.

Savara kept her eyes fixed on this Sith, or so he must be since he kept making mention of it. He even made as quip about her lack of respect for the place.
"This was Massassi Temple dedicated to the Dark was it not? Then the Jedi as they are want to do took it over and made it theirs. You could say I am purifying it.. not that I care about such things, a mausoleum of a bunch of history that doesn't mean anything anymore.. they lived their lives, when are people in this era going to do the same?"
She was letting her philosophy bleed into her words, it was not popular, even heretical by most accounts of those she encountered, and she did not care, she knew that Master Ren was right, the past needed to die...

TAG: Khairam Tal Khairam Tal


The figure stepped aloft, keeping equal distance between themselves and Savara. The mask continued its unfailing gaze upon the huntress and her weapon. A dark acolyte turned bounty hunter? What a sight indeed.

"Perhaps I am your quarry." The being responded, "But unlikely. Those who would want me dead won't even know I am here. I've made quite sure of that."

The self-proclaimed Sith seemed to be quite relaxed, all things concerned. An air of confidence. They moved a hand against the wall of temple. A reverence of the place from when they stood.

"Let past die?" They questioned, "Admirable, if a bit foolish."

The dark figure disengaged their lightsaber, the blood-red plasma returning to the hilt. This warrior did not feel threatened by the hunter before them. They returned their gaze again.

"So much we can learn from the past, especially of their failures." They seemed to reflect on a past unspoken, "I am called Inshrui by peers. Once I served the Sith Empire. Those who know of my survival now brand me apostate and heretic."

With that, Inshrui turned and sauntered toward the nearest exit. The being stopped and looked back at the woman in black.

"If you seek to strike me down, you are welcome to silence my message." Inshrui commented, "Or you're welcome to listen, acolyte."

He began to wax poetic about the past.. how very Sith, what did intrigue her was that he admitted he had bounty on him, though no one would be aware of his presence on the planet, and that he was an apostate. A term that was thrown on her where heretic would not do. She wore it as a badge of honor, and replied as she prowled with her cross blade,
"The past is failure.. if any of it had been useful, we would see its fruit would we not? Instead its all stone.. and tales by the dead glorifying themselves so that another generation will repeat their mistakes."

She titled her head and said,
"Inshuri huh? I am Savara Rend."

When he urged her to decide between cutting him down there as she had done the Skywalker monument, or follow him to learn more, she chose the ladder, snuffing out her tri blades and keeping it handy.
"If I killed all the Sith who felt as you do, I'd be standing on a pile of corpses.. I do not contend with the folly of the past that way. And you will receive no judgement from me about your apostasy you called it? I am a Heretic myself."
She following him outside of the Temple found this encounter curious. He could be the bounty trying to conceal himself with his well created alibi, though she got the sense in the intel she had this was not a darksider she was hunting, someone lit those candles, which means they were pitiful worshiper of Skywalker, making her inclined to think they were a Jedi or at the very least someone who venerates the Light and those who served it. This Sith had not hidden their thoughts, expressing they preferred the Father, Vader, and had shown their allegiance to the dark side with a bled kyber blade. She supposed someone could be using the weapon, the mask, and etc as cover, a props, but she felt it.. the aura of the Dark around him and so that made his story check out.. for now.

TAG: Khairam Tal Khairam Tal

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