Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Discussion The idea came to me in a dream. Mercenary Networking.

Should we create a Mercenary Networking Platform?

  • That's a terrible idea *Opens Airlock*

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Greetings my fellow members of this fine board.

I have an idea. Hear me out before opening the airlock, please.

It seems to me, having been on this site for over a decade, that Mercenary work is fickle. Often when someone creates a mercenary organization, it fizzles out fairly quickly. Usually I see just the solo Merc. The reasons are many, but I believe the root cause, is a lack of organization and networking. So what if we created a space for such purposes. One where factions both major and minor could have their representatives contact your org for work. And, have it as a space where Mercs can talk to one another for the purposes of business and networking.

Imagine the Bounty Hunters Guild and how that worked. But sort of grander in scale.

This sort of system would be very beneficial for all parties involved. (Except those who can't or won't hire Mercs, lol). Your invading? great, hire Merc Org A and say the 5 writers they have will be there. Dominions, need help, can do. Corporate disputes? Sure. Need some "Black Ops" done on the sly and don't want to dirty your hands, you may be able to hire someone to do it for you! The possibilities and more are these. And Mercs will do it because profit, they want to roleplay, and the more threads they do the more they can advance their Org in the company system.

And then it will be like Linkedin in a way. Someone creates a Mercenary character because that's what they want to do, but don't know how to get it off the ground. They can come here. Network between other Mercenaries, get brought on as a contractor for an Org. Maybe it's just one thread. Maybe you'll join the company. Don't like working for Merc Org A anymore (Or they all died, lol), talk with B or C and see if they're hiring! No need to abandon the character. You're just looking to advance your career. And then you're back at it. And of course start your own Org and try and get it off the ground.

Merc Orgs can talk to collaborate on projects as well. Lot of possibilities people, think about it.

And it would be run as an OOC faction of sorts. Where factions and individual contractors can all gather in once place to organize. And of course run off the boards preferred communications app of choice, Discord. As most factions do these days.

Thank you for coming to my TED talk. I'll open the floor to questions, suggestions, and thoughts on the matter.


"He's literally me"
that sounds great honestly- and also helps coordinate for merc orgs and stuff. It seems at least on its face that such a platform (whether it take the form of like a Guild or just a shadow-Holonet Platform [i.e. a thread to post requests]) would exist in-universe by now what with the constant rise and fall of Major Factions and the constant Warring in the Stars
Is'ekapi Rex Is'ekapi Rex

I'm all for this and wouldn't mind help put this together.

Edit: Could make it the Undervine?

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