Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved NPC The Immortals

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Name: The Immortals
Affiliation: The Imperial Remnant (Jax Malric)
Availability: Unique
Type: Infantry and armored (Mixed)
Strength: 240 Infantry, 12 speeder bike units, 4 AT-PT's, 10 medics
Description: This unit is a group of commandos who have been trained in multiple forms of martial arts, including shockboxing and Teras Kasi. There are 40 squads of 6 and each squad works as a cohesive unit. The speeder bike units split into teams of two and the AT-PT's all form one squad. The medics go wherever the casualties are. This group started out as the personal protection force of Jax but became a company itself, commanded by Jax. This company takes Jax's personal troop carrier into battle. Every time a member dies, he is replaced, thus the name The Immortals.
Links: Armor:
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