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Private The Imperial Cabal chapter III | The Moff, The Witch and the Imperial Stronghold



Imperial Headquarters


The pure devotion to the Imperialist ideology made Moff Braxiatel do the unthinkable: he would, although very roughly, try to politic with the Moff aberration known as Onrai. He had seen her in action during Warlord Sularen's rescue, and she was quite efficient in destroying the terrorists. The magic aberration intrigued Braxiatel so much, in fact, that he searched for her information by both official and unofficial means. He, more than others, was aware of the ISB's capacity of getting information no other Imperial could, after all. Moff Onrai controlled something conjecturally called the "Anti-Force", which was apparently the Force's opposite. It was something too interesting, with too much potential for the Soldier-Moff to ignore, even if it forced him to talk with the Witch.

His Caçadore-Class Corvette docked in Ord Mantel. The ship's platform opened, revealing the heavy-armored Moff, with no more weapons than the pistol he held so dear, in pristine conditions even after decades of use. Behind him, two commandos were to secure his shuttle rather than follow him. The Moff didn't want to pass the wrong impression to Moff Onrai -this was the reason he left his carbine in the Shuttle. The Moff would make his way to Onrai's offices, without waiting for any reception committee. If he would have to wait for her presence, then so be it. The Soldier was no different than any other, and he had great patience to sustain this kind of bureaucracy.


Onrai Onrai
In Umbris Potestas Est
Moff Evner Braxiatel Moff Evner Braxiatel

Routed quickly through the offices of Ord Mantell, Moff Braxiatel would be soon rooted to the office in question he intended to visit. Sitting behind her desk was Vanessa Vantai, the blonde, simply-robed form her preferred option of choice when interacting with newcomers. Certainly ones who were neither friend nor foe yet. She smiled, offering him a hand to shake before motioning for him to sit down. "Moff Braxiatel, is it? Vanessa Vantai. I run this world - on behalf of the most beneficent Onrai, of course. What, might I ask, has brought you all the way out to my humble little corner of the Empire?"

Visitations were few and far between for the former Sith. Though her world was the exemplar of Imperial efficiency, a bastion of industry and agriculture, and the home of her own corporate endeavors, it was sparsely visited by anyone, the celebration sometime back notwithstanding. No, the Moff wanted something. She knew that much, but it was best to let him admit it.

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