Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Imperial Fist

LOCATION: Coruscant, Level 1297, Club Darros
TIME: 1635 GST

Darros was a small club, not visited by many. On most nights, at least. Tonight, it was busy. Tonight, the empire came. Silently, in the shadows, unknown, disguised. To be more specific, Cel came. This mission meant something to "The Higher-Ups." Tasked with finding any Terrorist informants and reporting ball to command might seem a little childish. Kind of hide and seek for adults. But this was serious. With all the attacks by the alliance, you could never know when someone could get hurt. Kriff, just last week three admirals were blown to Taris by some Alliance bombs. This was no Kid's game.

(OOC info: anyone can join, if you want. Just keep the story going. <3 )
Kurenais journey had taken her to the core worlds, and what better core world to restart her search then Coruscant, particularly a small and usually quite bar, emphasis on usually, because this particular night the place was packed, making things a little.... difficult. The Veteran commando entered the bar, wearing her formal attire in place of her regular combat suit for once, though still looking slightly out of place due to her attitude. She was looking for information on a certain new crime syndicate operating in the core worlds via some useful information from an 'acquaintance' on Na Shadda, she just hoped such information prove to be correct.

[member="Cel Airres"]
Cel Heard the door slide open. From his position in the back corner, he could see all that he wanted to, which meant both doors, the stage with the third rate band playing, and the majority of the tables. He noticed the newcomer, and quickly identified her via the wrist scanner on his disguise. [member="Kurenai Yumi"], the device read,"dark Jedi. Approach with caution." Cel almost gasped, but he caught himself. That was when the shot was fired.

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