Location: Malachor Sith Temple
Ever since Aria's fateful trip to meet her parents, she had been going out of her way to avoid the Dark Side, which, naturally, only made her more curious to investigate this lifestyle which so many had fallen prey to. For days she had fought an inner battle with herself, until eventually she decided that becoming more educated in the ways of the Sith could be a benefit to her teachings as a Jedi and that paying a brief visit to a Sith temple wouldn't be enough to turn her. She was stronger than that...wasn't she?
Now, standing in the midst of the Sith Temple on Malachor, surrounded by the immense presence of the Dark Side, she wasn't so sure. It felt as though she was being suffocated by the Darkness, as though every Sith who had ever visited the temple was there and trying to push her over the edge. Staying composed was a non-stop war against her inner demons, who were feeding off the Darkness in turn: it was all Aria could do to remain standing where she was.
Determined not to let a creepy temple get the better of her, Aria breathed in and out several times before attempting to send a calming wave of Force energy towards her brain. It helped enough to ease her rigid posture and so she progressed further into the temple, trying her best to understand the mentality and the lifestyle of the Sith. That was why you came, she reminded herself. No other reason. None at all.
Ever since Aria's fateful trip to meet her parents, she had been going out of her way to avoid the Dark Side, which, naturally, only made her more curious to investigate this lifestyle which so many had fallen prey to. For days she had fought an inner battle with herself, until eventually she decided that becoming more educated in the ways of the Sith could be a benefit to her teachings as a Jedi and that paying a brief visit to a Sith temple wouldn't be enough to turn her. She was stronger than that...wasn't she?
Now, standing in the midst of the Sith Temple on Malachor, surrounded by the immense presence of the Dark Side, she wasn't so sure. It felt as though she was being suffocated by the Darkness, as though every Sith who had ever visited the temple was there and trying to push her over the edge. Staying composed was a non-stop war against her inner demons, who were feeding off the Darkness in turn: it was all Aria could do to remain standing where she was.
Determined not to let a creepy temple get the better of her, Aria breathed in and out several times before attempting to send a calming wave of Force energy towards her brain. It helped enough to ease her rigid posture and so she progressed further into the temple, trying her best to understand the mentality and the lifestyle of the Sith. That was why you came, she reminded herself. No other reason. None at all.