Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Insatiable Awoken. (Intro)

Coruscant, Sith Temple.
- Death to the failures. -
Screams emanated from within the temple, the cries of pain and anguish resonated throughout.
Death was present.
An aura of hatred was thick in the air, almost tangible.
The taste of metal and the scent of blood flavored the grotesque happenings within the temple, the taste of death.
The screams carried on, like the very souls of those being punished were crying for help.
There was no help to come.
The sin of failure was not to be forgiven, and the taste of cowardice satisfied the insatiable one.
A grin spread over a monster's teeth.
Flesh consumed, death abundant, its power grew.
The walls that witnessed murder were painted in the blood of failures. Light did not reach into where evil practiced judgement.
The faces of the murdered and eviscerated shown horrors indescribable.
Their eyes wide, their mouths frozen agape with the scream that would echo within this temple's halls for eternity.
Grauxius dealt the hand of fate.
He hungered for flesh.

The armored behemoth stepped out from the room he used to slay and butcher the failed Sith acolytes that did not live up to their trials. Grauxius felt no sorrow, no pity. His mind was zen for the time being, now that his hunger had been satisfied. In the darkness of the temple, the faintest lights of ceremonial torches illuminated the halls just enough to reveal blackened, soulless eyes. A bloodied mouth that had consumed the flesh and life of the unfortunate; expressionless and silent, the armor-clad Sithspawn carried his massive blade over to a shrine made to honor Sith ancestry.

Getting down to a knee and placing his sword before him, he gripped the hilt firmly and bowed his head; he had serviced and shown his worth to the Sith and his creator.

The silence of death was not to come, for the evil that thickened the air turned it to whispers for Grauxius. Whispers that confirmed his desired praise, the voices of many exclaiming that more must be slain and disposed of to further purify the Sith.

He stood up and sheathed his blade, heading back toward his chamber of judgement. From there he obtained his helmet, but before placing it upon his head, he observed his work to please himself and his master. The stench of freshly torn flesh was sweet, and his shark-like teeth shown once more in a sadistic grin. Fully suited in his armor, he exited the chamber and the temple itself and stood on the front steps.

His emotionless gaze stared upward at the stars through his visor. The galaxy would soon know his existence.
She hated the very existence of Coruscant. She wondered why the Sith just didn't outright raze the planet to the ground, turning the world into one massive graveyard. The planet, now a shell of its former self, at one time was nothing more than a cesspit that bred greed and weakness to name a couple, while the trillions of people that once called this place home were nothing more than a blight upon the galaxy, and with all blights; they should be cleansed of all impurities. But she was not around when Coruscant was claimed by the Sith, and it wasn't her place to question the wisdom of those that deemed the planet its continuous existence. To further her distaste for the planet, a Sith temple had been plagued with water-downed teachings by the temple's master; churning out Acolytes not fit to lick her boots. So she arrived on Coruscant with only one purpose, persuade the masters to stray away from their false preachings and embrace the true way of the Sith. Or face judgement and retribution.

She stopped halfway up the stairs, cocking her head to the right. She could sense several deaths in the Force and she slowly unclasped her dangling hilt from her waist on the right side of her body, but refrained from igniting it. Closing her black eyes, she reached out through the Force and was surprised that only the Dark Side could be felt. So if it wasn't a Jedi or group of them that caused the deaths, then it must be something else. But what? But Who? Walking slowly up the stairs, she kept herself on high alert.

Moving inside, carefully avoiding attention to herself, she saw several bodies littering the temple's floor. Crouching down next to a couple of the bodies, she recognized a couple of them from the last time she was here. She spun her body around taking in the sights of the other corpses. Acolytes, all of them. She grinned to herself. So it seems that the edict had been passed to cull the weak among the Order. But where were the teachers? Surely their bodies would have been counted among the dead, but their absence led her to believe on of two things. Either they fled like cowards, showing their true colours tainting the name of the Sith in the process or they were here hiding like spider-roaches, clinging to the shadows for safety.

Her eyes rolled to the direction of the Chamber of Judgment, where she felt a living presence that was unfamiliar to her. It was primal and steeped in the Dark Side, but it's signature didn't match any of the masters here. She stood up and yelled, "Your actions are to be commended...the only destiny of the weak is the path to death."

Someone approaches...

Suddenly there was no more silence. A foreign voice intruded Grauxius' ears causing him to develop a grimace beneath his helmet. He turned back and peered around, trying to locate the source; his senses told him to go back inside, that someone new had come to confront him. From the tone, he definitely knew it was female- complimentary, even. He made his way back into the temple to find this newcomer, his right gauntlet arching back to grasp the hilt of his sword once more. The alchemized blade tainted by the touch of the Dark Side, still calling out for blood to quench its thirst.

Upon exposing himself out in the open, his eyes landed on the woman that had entered the temple. She smelled of Sith, but not like the weaklings that Grauxius had crushed beneath his might here. He looked around once again at his handy work, their skulls broken, their chests torn apart and their skin decorating several areas like rugs to further accent the atmosphere of the room. The giant stood and stared at the woman having no idea who she was or why she decided to come; was this the biding of Lord Vornskr?

Finally, it spoke. Its words laced with utter abhorrence. Like a snarling demon from the blackest depths of nightmares and damnation.

"You enter my domain... my chamber of reckoning. Speak of your reason, for they had none."

Grauxius stepped closer toward the unidentified Sith, demanding an answer and nothing short of one. He cared not for who they were, for they had no rule over his existence. He willed himself to slay what he saw as inferior, a mockery to the Sith Empire and to its future. His blade gleamed with the torch light of the main room as he rested it on his right shoulder-plate, his eyes still as black as the shadows of each corner. She might not be able to see as well in these conditions, but part of his purpose was to be able to hunt his prey in the dark. He could see her as clear as day.

It awaited her voice once again for confirmation.

[member="Darth Venefica"]
From the darkest and coldest corners of the shadows emerged a monster, wielding an ancient looking sword whose craftsmanship was stunning. She had no use for such weapons, but she found such beauty in their intricate designs. Her cold, black eyes slowly fell off the sword to the approaching monster, his words barely noticeable to her. There was no doubt that the specimen possessed great strength and power, the litter of corpses was testament to that. But she was not like the fallen Acolytes, she knew power herself, she knew how to turn the strongest will to serve her, and she knew how to break the minds of others. She didn't know fear, she was fear incarnate.

"Your domain....are you the crowned ruler of the dead," she said with a hint of annoyance in her voice. She had been robbed of cleansing the temple herself; but it was done and there was nothing to be gained now except seeking out the teachers, if they lived. "My name is Darth Venefica and I was dispatched to make the teachers and their paper Acolytes see reason....seems you got her first." She looked at the bodies again and still only saw Acolytes.

"Speaking of the teachers," she inquired while making a gesture with her hand, a slow and lone finger being dragged along her neck.

Coruscant. Capital of the One Sith and home to the Dark Lord and his Voice of the first sector, Darth Vitium. It had been plowed through, destroyed, and rebuilt as a result of the many invasions that had taken place on its soil, and now it stood as the beacon of despair for those who sought to fight against the One Sith. Nothing occurred on the world that did not reach the ears of one of the Dark Lord's most loyal servants, the ears of Silara Vantai - Darth Vitium. Especially not something so open and blatant as a massacre in the halls of the Sith Temple. What the Sith Lord felt had been ironic was her holding of the most extremely concentrated region of space in the galaxy in relation to the presence of the Sith mentality, and she found it so amusing that while she held the ideology of Banite sith in the highest regard the others - namely the less experienced Sith or those who were mere puppets of the various Voices or Hands - held firm to the most outdated, outrageous, beliefs known to the Sith. They took many apprentices at once, they saw others as equals in any capacity, and they hardly ever showed true strength. They fought in numbers, they fought with dirty tricks, they gave chase to those whom were clearly weaker with the knowledge that those whom were more powerful were indeed threats. It was absolutely disgusting, and she did not endorse their actions or habits.

It hardly mattered, however, following the massacre of an honestly uncounted amount of Acolytes, and perhaps a knight or two, which promptly shortened the lifespan of this ineptitude until those in power that held the same thoughts would cease to be. And so the Sith Lord found herself approaching the temple with not so much concern as much as frustration - someone had dared to cross her and the Dark Lord in their capital. This was completely unacceptable, totally and completely egregious in nature, and she would most certainly not stand for it. The Acolytes had been less than desirable, certainly, but they were more than mere toys to be broken once used, they were blind soldiers of faith and conviction, those who would lay down life and limb for not only the Sith Lords they obeyed but the Dark Lord himself. As she neared the temple she could feel the source of the dark side that radiated from so many deaths in such a short time frame, one could even say they formed a nexus to the dark side, but within she could feel the presence of two beings, one that felt twisted and deranged and the other that felt somewhat darker than the other. Whom the two were, she did not know or care, she was simply conscious of the fact that any who disrespected the Dark Lord would be thanked with a painful death - one she would see to personally. 'How foolish, daring to perform such treasonous actions on my doorstep.' Silara thought, quite livid at how many Sith had, of late, dared to raise their voices to her, to act out. How she craved the spilling of their blood at her feet, and it appeared that she would now have the opportunity to do so.

[member="Grauxius"] | [member="Darth Venefica"]
Something evil this way comes. Grauxius could quite literally taste the presence of someone much stronger approaching, and he relished it. The feel of hatred radiating and coming nearer was almost intoxicating for the Sithspawn; but this anger did not come without warrant, it was for a reason. The behemoth of armor looked to the woman who was speaking, having no input or response to give back to her but silence. Grauxius was a thing of few words but spoke when prompted to, or if he felt the need. This enabled him to do neither. This temple, however, was labeled by Lord Vornskr himself as unworthy; acolytes unfit to carry out proper Sith teaching, discipline, or even simply appearance. They were garbage, to say the least. Mere fodder and a light snack for the insatiable one.

Of course, the Sithspawn itself had no true discipline when it came to respecting boundaries. No one had warned him or told him it was unacceptable, quite the contrary, rather. Up until this point, he simply acted out of lust and slayed out of permission. Like a soldier given orders to secure an area for the namesake of his creator. Strength was what Grauxius had shown here, the corpses that littered the floors were testaments to that fact. If they were desirable in the slightest, wouldn't they have at least some self-worth to defend themselves better than such? A laughable excuse, if any.

If they were so set on being dubbed Sith, then they should have displayed a greater sense of being and raw power; that wasn't what Grauxius found here. Their blood showed no value being spattered on walls like a canvas. Killing was a key design in the monstrosity's role. This matter was not one of a respect issue, merely that of the creation acting upon its own nature. Like an animal in the wild that had caught prey.

These murdered bodies would remain nameless as far as Grauxius was concerned, for their identities meant nothing. Their flesh told him all he needed to know, down to the way they tasted to his vile tongue. They were nothing more than the weak that could not prove themselves, and if that were not evidence enough of why they were invaluable in every regard, then it would all be lost upon the Sithspawn.

[member="Darth Vitium"] [member="Darth Venefica"]

Kyla Foy

Coruscant, deep within the forest, close near the One Sith Academy Temple. The planet was ruled by the Dark-Side, but where hope had resided, the light was still alive. Where the light resides on a dark planet, it will eventually disappear. The Dark-side of the force flowing like waves into the forest and further around. The Force sensitives were the people that especially had heard of such a thing, an echo which was trying to taint them into the darkness.

The humiliation that this full blood Ghoul had experienced through his life, the fear, the sadness, the hate of the people within his city that hated ghouls. It was only that he had never been eating the flesh of humans and never truly activated his ghoul This was why he was falling down onto the ground, he knew nothing else but those things, yet he was denial. He was still a somewhat light-side child. The purity of will, the glamour of hope, this was what kept on keeping him on the good side.

There came from the darkness, a boy slowly stepping forward. He had his eyes looking down to the ground, and followed the echo. His body was shaking, it was hard for him, but he was able to restrain himself against falling onto the ground. "Stop those voices...Make those voices stop...I tell you...Stop those voices.." He thought as his hands kept on his back of his head. He slowly made his entrance coming from the dead forest. His clothes ripped apart at many places, only if his back was seen you would see some skin that was ripped open and some bones could be seen, but the rest of his body seemed fine.

[member="Darth Vitium"]
[member="Darth Venefica"]
The Dagobah Sith slowly cocked her head to the left, as she felt a strong presence in the Force, the pleasant aura of the Dark Side all around this individual. Had another come here to do what the monster before her did? She felt a tinge of anger rising at being sent her on a fool's errand to speak with the teachers at the temple if the order had come down to eradicate the lot. And why would they send two do the same job? It was apparent to her that this armoured monster was quite enough to handle the task, or was it that the other one now approaching had come to snuff out this monster. Loose ends and all.

Like a mighty wave crashing over her, the realization of whom the approaching figure could possibly be had set in. If this abomination had been sent to cull the weak Acolytes, and perhaps even the teachers, then why was he alone and not accompanied by the Voice of the Dark Lord, the overseer of Coruscant and the this sector. She looked at the thing and whispered, "Fool! What have you done?"

She stepped several feet away from the armoured individual not out of fear, but because what ever forthcoming judgement that would be cast upon him, she didn't want to be accused and categorized as his accomplice. She was no fool. Her loyalty was to the Sith and all they stood for. She knew their laws and the penalty for breaking them. She was also aware of what horrors could be wrought upon one if they committed acts, such as this, without the permission of the overseer.

She drew back the folds of her satin cloak, making it easier for her to obtain her weapon.

[member="Grauxius"], [member="Darth Vitium"], [member="Thanatos Eligos"]

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