Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Insurrection Direction Roleplay Idea

The Empire is on the move... and Kaine, Minister of Imperial Intelligence is not one to start small. He's organized a sinister operation with the aid of Darth Voracitos to gain control of Ralltir's banking systems via intricate and clever infiltration efforts. The idea, is that the operatives have kidnapped high-ranking members of the banks and have undergone a cosmetic transformation to look exactly like those bankers. They've also delved into the banker's brains and have learned a great amount of the former's persona and mannerisms to better fit into their new roles. The idea now is for Kaine and the Fat Bastard Darth to travel to Ralltir and oversee the operation, and add assistance if needed, but we can't just have them having fun, people need to ruin it and be party poopers. So, this is the place to brain-storm, toss around ideas, and see what sort of crazy concoction we can create, so... yeah. Brain-storm away.

ALSO!: Besides the main objective, there could be alternate objectives waiting in the wings for the Empire in this operation. Ideas such as constructing a powerful new ship prototype, requiring vast reserve's of money to begin construction, hiring mercenary army, cripple the finance's of anyone allied to this bank to weaken enemy economy, ect, etc, etc. Brain-storm about that too.


Disney's Princess
I like toga parties. So I suppose I could try to crash this one too. Hehe.
Karen could be on-world investigating specific syndicate activities linked to Coruscant, like fraud and embezzlement concerns. Leading her to rub shoulders with your disguised bankers as she searches for clues. Putting your puppet's acting skills to the test. Can they dissuade a Jedi from their parallel plot? Or will their parade reveal too much? Dum dum dum. :D :p


Disney's Princess
Good thinking. PM me with a link when you get the thread up. Otherwise, I might never see it. *blushes* :D :p
Thanks a million Kaine!
Well-Known Member
Wow, I thought this would get a lot more bite. I think it will work though Kaine, we just need more momentum. Do we have any new idea's that we haven't discussed?


Disney's Princess
Banking, Finances, and Espionage might not be everyone's cup of tea Jhar'. However, extending a personal invitation to other parties via PM couldn't hurt. After all, if the fish don't come to you. You might as well send the hook to them. Lol. Nothing time, patience, and a little elbow grease can't remedy. :D
I was thinking that maybe my character could have some of her assets under said bank, and upon hearing the major changes went to 'talk' to it's leaders only to. . . . I don't like to completely plot everything because it ruins fluidity in my opinion but those were the lines I was thinking of. And as for Karin perhaps my Jedi could tag along because I doubt they would allow a padawan to go alone on such a big mission?


Disney's Princess
'They'. They meaning Ben? Our Faction doesn't really have much oversight right now. We're pretty much our own boss as Jedi until the Faction gets a Council in place. :(

Religious oversight aside. I think it would great to have you along! Yippee! The more, the merrier. Lets do it! :D


Disney's Princess
Looks like the fellows are chatting IC. I'll wait for a better plot point to jump in. It would be weird for an intro in the middle of your plotting. :D


Disney's Princess
Ah. Your so subtle I didn't even notice. Nice. Let me just check and make sure Jedi Dependus is tagging along as well. Otherwise I'll bring NPC Grant along for company. Thanks. :D


EDIT: Change of plans. I'll have to drop for now. :(

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