Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Invasion of ???

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I'm Sexy and I Know It
The next invasion is imminent! We don't know where or what planet, but we do know when. Saturday, September 6th the invasion will kick off. We'll be on the defensive in an objective based fight.

The objectives are simple, easy, and generic. There will also be fleeting. There will not, however, be any allies available to either side, primarily due to this invasion being a complete surprise IC'ly. Republic vs One Sith only. Lastly, there will be a two alt limit per writer. Not per writer per side, two alts per writer, period. The breakdown is as follows:

To Summarize:
1V1 Fleeting, 25km fleet length for each side
Up to 3 extra members controlling Single Ships within the 25km limit.
Assault main city's seat of power: The One Sith must assault or destroy the Capitols main seat of power. The Governors palace must be attacked and taken over, or razed to the ground.
Secure the main city's large archive: The Archives must be secured by the One Sith either partly or entirely intact. The Republic wins by either preventing the One Sith from entering or by destroying the Archives.
Raid the main city's medical facilities: In order to ensure that the Republic cannot heal its wounded and injured soldiers and to strike at a weakpoint the One Sith must attack or destroy the Capitols Medical facilities.
Time Limit: 3 weeks September 6th to 27th
Unless there's a clear victor or both admins agree to extend.
No Allies
2 Alternate Characters per Writer

Be ready, folks. Let's win this!


Came in like a wrecking maul
*chokes up chain and polishes hammer*

This is going to be fun. Sith might be bringing Glitter and Sparkle to the fight.

Win lose I am going to punch that leviathan in the face. Hopefully my armor will be approved before

Atticus Savar

Unfortunately there is a 98% chance I will not be participating on the republic side as I will mostly likely be using my Sith during this invasion.
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