[SIZE=11pt]Location: Tipoca City[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Objective: Detain Doctor Numa Doa[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]"There are no innocent men. Only men not as guilty as others. As an Inquisitor you must maintain the mindset that all men are guilty, even if it is not the crime you accuse them of." [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]“It will not leave my mind,”[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] she assured her Instructor, a little confused at whether or not he had approved of her father’s comment. She turned her attention to the mission at hand, she modeled her instructor’s behavior, moving with a little more force through the crowds, bringing her feet down with a little more aggression, and attempting to display a little more authority in the way she glanced around. It was a fine line between walking like an Inquisitor and strutting like peacock. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]“I understand Instructor,” [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]she said after hearing the explanation. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]“We will discover if she is simply incredibly devoted to her work, or if she is, in fact, a traitor.”[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] She nodded and began to move a little more quickly- excited by the notion of doing something worthwhile. She didn’t find her absence as suspicious as her instructor seemed to, but that’s why he was in charge and she was just following along. She nodded and took the lead in the group. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]“Unfortunately, sir,” [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]she said to the man with some amount of caution. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]“I actually didn’t attend the Academy. I joined with some training and the powers-that-be believed I was too advanced for the Academy but too inexperienced to be a full-fledged Inquisitor.”[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] She was one of the handful of genuine volunteers to the Inquisition. She had flown right to Kamino on a transport, and when the troopers came in for inspection she had announced her desire to join the elite force and requested they put her in contact with the proper authorities. They arrested her. She had spent the night in a force cage. By morning, an Inquisitional Scout had appeared to examine her. The rest, as they say, was history. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]They approached the lab where the suspect worked, a large structure purely white in color. There were all manner of species moving about in lab coats or delivering messages or discussing recent findings while wearing their smart business suits. She turned to the Death Troopers with them, “stay back, you guys are a little intimidating.” They silently acted on her request as the two Inquisitors moved past two lab doors.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]“Excuse me,” a short, plump man called out to them, moving as quickly as his legs could carry him towards them. He had an unkempt mustache and square glasses resting on his stubby nose. As he drew Alema’s attention, she moved her belt to better conceal her saber. “Excuse me,” he said again as he wattled towards them. “This is a sanitized area, you can’t just come in! You are potentially jeopardizing millions of credits worth of research investments,” he snorted at the thought of it. “Now, if you need to go any further, you’ll need to go back and sanitize yourselves.” [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]“Oh,” [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]she said, starting a little bit at his bold approach. She wondered for a moment how her instructor would handle it- probably forcefully. She considered responding in kind- barking orders and making rash demands… but he had wanted her to lead. Presumably to see how she handled situations herself so that he could correct her. “I’m sorry, we didn’t realize,” she said apologetically. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]“We’re here to see Dr. Doa,” [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]she said, the man nodded to indicate he knew the woman. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]“The Moff Council is funding some research she is conducting, she recently reported that she made a breakthrough. I work for the Council, we were hoping Dr. Doa could give a brief of this breakthrough and we’d like to schedule a presentation before the Council.”[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] She attempted to feel through the Force if he believed her, but she sensed little from the man. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]“Pursuant to the recently implemented Imperial Uniform Code on Council Grants for Academic and Scientific Research, the IUCC-GASR, we need to conduct this interview within the next twenty-four hours, otherwise, all Council funding will be suspended.”[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] She sighed, [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]“I’m sorry for the short notice, but with the bombing we’ve been working hard to catch up, otherwise we’d have given more forewarning.” [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]He seemed to be pondering why he’d never heard of the rule set before it was implemented, probably because she had fabricated it on the spot. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]“Could you fetch her for us?” [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]The man nodded before vanishing to fetch the doctor and it was only a few moments before the woman arrived. A long white coat fell along her delicate, slender frame. Her greying hair was pulled back and done up in a bun to keep it from getting in the way of her research. She approached the group slowly and extended her hand, “Doctor Numa Doa,” she said seeming eager to make a good impression. If they did control the purse strings, it was a reasonable decision. “Now, can I take you somewhere private to answer your questions? My office is just around the corner.” [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]“A pleasure to meet you,” [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Alema replied, declining to give her name. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]“That does sound lovely, unfortunately, we’ll have to record the conversation for presentation to the higher ups later. We have the necessary equipment set up nearby. If you’ll follow us?” [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]The woman seemed annoyed but agreed, inquiring how long it would take as she had to get back to her research. Shortly after they were out of the research wing, the Death Troopers fell in behind her. Alema turned suddenly and announced loudly, [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]“Doctor Numa Doa,”[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] she made her voice as authoritative as possible, it caused several of the people walking by to pause and look over. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]“By order of His Imperial Majesty’s Inquisition, I am placing you under arrest in conjunction with the failed terrorist attempt on the Grand Moff’s life.” [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]She turned to the Death Troopers, [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]“please detain her.” [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]They moved quickly to pull her hands behind her back, she seemed in complete shock, and the rapidly assembling crowd gasped, rushing in to spread the gossip. Word would get out to her suspected associates if they were, indeed, associates. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]“If you’re innocent Doctor,” [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]she assured the woman, [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]“this will all be cleared up quickly. And if you’re not…”[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] she paused for a moment, staring into the woman’s green eyes. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]“You should explain those factors that mitigate your complicity.” [/SIZE]