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Approved Species The Iredani

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  • Name: Iredani
  • Designation: Sentient, Human-level of sentience
  • Origins: Their home world Areanor (Non Canon and located in the Unknown Regions)
    Araneor is a large terrestrial world with a barren moon orbiting around it. The planet itself is quite large compared to a standard terrestrial world such as Naboo. With this in mind, gravity on the planet is much higher than it would be on a normal world. Despite this, the planet is filled with vibrant forests and running water. The fauna here are sturdy and strong, being able to be used as beasts of burden.
  • Average Lifespan: 300-400 GSY
  • Estimated Population: Planetary- There are approximately 4 billion Iredani living on the world of Areanor.The Iredani live in major urban centers and the surrounding villages that are near the cities.
  • Description: The Iredani are well known for their height and also their horns. Their horns come in various shapes and sizes, but most Iredani have large curved horns. Iredani who are nobility are often granted the Mark of Arenaor, which is a floating symbol that hovers above their forehead. They are bipedal, but have hooves instead of feet like other humanoid races in the Star Wars galaxy.
  • Breathes: Type 1
  • Average Height of Adults:
    Males- 226 cm
    Females- 215 cm
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A
  • Skin color: Blue, Purple, White, Red, Grey, Golden Yellow, Teal, Maroon, Black, White
  • Hair color: Any
  • Distinctions: Each Iredani stands much taller than the average human, with the males being slightly taller than the females. Both Iredani males and females have horns with each one growing to be different in size, shape and length. These traits do not seem to be restricted to either gender or race of the Iredani. In all races of the Iredani, neither sex show signs of aging when they mature, unless the males have facial hair which will slowly turn white when they age. Iredani also have tails which vary in length and tendrils that come down from their face. Males would have tendrils coming from their chin to act like a beard, while females have tendrils coming behind their ears.

    Xeranni- Xeranni Iredani have glowing yellow eyes, and their hair color is usually either white, purple, or silver. Their skin tones are gray or gold, or brown. In addition, the Xeranni often have glowing tattoos on their body. These are natural tattoos, which also emit a faint light.

    Argussian- Argussian Iredani have glowing green eyes, usually come in red or maroon skin. Their hair color usually is either white or black. Some Argussian Iredani also grow wings when they reach adulthood. This process is usually very painful as the wings are a result of a weird bone growth within Argussian Iredani. Thus Argussian Iredani are put into specialized chambers to accelerate the growth of the wings to their full size, while numbing the pain.

    Exodian- The most common type of Iredani. Their hair colors are varied and skin tones are usually teal, purple, blue and other variations of those three. Their eyes are normally blue, sometimes purple, and teal.
  • Races:
    Xeraani- (2nd picture)
    Argussian -(Bottom 3rd Picture)
    Exodian- (1st Picture)
  • Force Sensitivity: Standard
  • Expert Artificers- The Iredani are adept engineers, especially when it comes to using crystals. They can build most machines and technologies involving them.
  • Higher Gravity Resilence- Due to the nature of their home world, Iredani could survive more easily on planets with higher gravity on it.
  • Enhanced Strength- On average, the Iredani are quite the physically strong race compared to normal humanoids, so much so that an Iredani female could beat a human in feat of strength easily despite not showing much muscles.
  • Slower reaction times- Compared to the average human, Iredani react slower to attacks when in melee combat. This allows more agile races to land multiple attacks before an Iredani can counter attack.
  • Sensitive Horns- The horns of Iredani are sensitive to touch. If one is ever lost or severed, it causes great pain in the Iredani who lost the horn. The regrowing process is also slow and discomforting for the affected Iredani.
  • Exotic Technology- Due to the unique nature of Iredani technology, they have no concept of how other technologies work in the galaxy. Ships, medical technology, advanced robotics, and such are all foreign to them. However, melee weapons, blasters, and thermal detonators are simple enough to understand.
  • Diet: Omnivorous
  • Communication: They speak through their native tongue, which is known as Krookul. However they are known to also speak Galactic Basic, though with a heavy accent
  • Technology level: Space/Feudal
    The Iredani are an odd race for while they are able to produce starships capable of hyperspace travel, their homeworld itself isn’t industrialized one would think. All of the Iredani’s technological marvels are based around Argunnite Crystals which are in abundance on the planet.These crystals have allowed the Iredani to achieve Galactic Standard technology, such as holograms, mass transit, shields, blaster weaponry, hover technology, and even starships and war machines

    However, there is a distinct lack of mass production or industrialization. Many Iredani cities live as if they are feudal, where specialized workers handle certain goods in society. While there is mass transit, many still use beasts of burden. Goods are often sold in market places, hunting and herding animals still makeup much of the economy.

    The only real mass production comes when it builds starships in specialized facilities.
  • Religion/Beliefs: Iredani believe in the Trinity. The Trinity are said to be the founding deities of the Iredani people. Each member of the Trinity is represented as the three races of the Iredani. Fareeya represents the Xeraani, Yrel represents the Exodian and Kilaeden represents the Argussians.

    Fareeya is known as the deity of justice, bravery, healing and light. The Xeraani often honor her by attending mass prayers at their cathedrals, led by floating chandelier apostles. These chandeliers are not sentient beings but are memory Argunnite crystals that have been kept safe for centuries as they relate the teachings of Fareeya.

    Yrel represents resilience, innovation, peace and balance. The Exodians often celebrate Yrel through a festival. Usually showing off the latest technological marvels made with their Arguunite crystals and with lavish feasts. There is also always a fireworks show in accordance with this.

    Kilaeden is often associated with the afterlife, war, honor, and vengeance. The most volatile of the Trinity, it used to be that Kilaeden was honored by blood games. However, this has morphed into proper honorable duels between warriors, force users, or even war machines. It is a friendly competition, with the winner being declared “Avatar of Kilaeden”. A prestigious position in Iredani society.

    All Iredani do participate in each religious celebration after the Unification.

  • General behavior:

    Much of Iredani society remains very feudal in nature, with many citizens either working on farms, hunting, or becoming skilled trade workers. There are few cities on Araenor but the cities are highly dense and crowded. Each city is usually ruled by an Exarch, in which the noble families of the city each vote on who becomes the next Exarch. The planet itself is ruled by the Council of Exarchs in which the body makes all executive decisions for the Iredani people.

    Despite much of the society being ruled by nobles, it is not hard for a commoner to be ascended to a noble and be given a Mark of Araenor to show their status. Usually commoners of great merit or skill, or through selfless acts can achieve minor nobility status. Other times, it is through marriage.

    Iredani are very loyal to each other and are highly communal. They will always think of the needs of their people and society first before anyone else. This extends down to even on the family level. Iredani are often portrayed standing together as one race and one people. This stance has sometimes made them wary of outsiders, but they try their best to be accommodating and friendly.

    Even though they may not be as industrious as the other races in Star Wars, the Iredani are formidable warriors and soldiers. Their unique crystal technology has allowed them to combat foes who use galactic standard technology or at least compete with them.

Throughout much of the Iredani’s history, they did not participate in worldwide galactic affairs. Their planet was isolated in the Unknown Regions and much of the Iredani focused on more domestic affairs than ever trying to achieve intergalactic travel. There were constant conflicts and wars between the three races for control of the planet of Araenor. These wars were known as the Centuries of Kinslaying. There wouldn’t be peace between the three until the first Glassing Argunnite Pylon was built and used. Parts of the Argussian homeland were entirely rendered lifeless which prompted peace talks to be had. The Exodian and Xeraani were tasked with repairing the Argussian home regions, while a new capital city was built. The Council of Exarchs was formed to help promote unity and cooperation between the three races.

Iredani society would continue to progress and advance. By the time they managed to build their first space faring vessel, The Gulag Virus was making rounds around the galaxy. From what random private explorer vessels that came into the Unknown Regions, the Iredani found out it was a nasty plague. To protect themselves, they had built orbital defenses and tasked what ships they had to destroy any vessel that ended up in their system. For years, it will remain like that.

The Iredani wouldn’t venture back out to the galaxy til the events of Annihilation, where Iredani found themselves assisting against the Bryn’adul threat. Fighting against such an aggressive, adaptable alien force was a culture shock for the Iredani. Many thousands of them died in the war against them, becoming just more casualties to the war. Once the threat was defeated, the Iredani returned back to their homeworld to focus more on advancing their technology to protect their people.

Currently, the Iredani are open to the galactic society. Politically they are not aligned with any one faction. Though a few Iredani have been seen throughout Galactic Alliance space acting as merchants.

(Author's Note: I apologize for the picture sizes, I can't edit it to make the flow together nicely. Also the planet doesn't have a sub.)
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