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The Iron Giant - Revisited

NAME: Iron Giant
FACTION: The Kathol Outback
RANK: Cybernetic Mercenary
SPECIES: Original Resu (Terrestrial)
AGE: 26
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 4 meters tall, with a 2 meter long tail.
WEIGHT: 200 kilograms
SKIN: Pale silver
FORCE SENSITIVE: Force Blind (Racial)


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

(+) Intelligence & Inventiveness - From a young age, Iron Giant was never a standard thinker among her people, diverging quickly from her siblings due to her injuries and necessitating her inventiveness, only furthering her growing intelligence to survive. This has served her well, particularly in later life after being exiled for refusing to utilize her intelligence for the repetitive and mindless task of weapon forgery (despite her proficiency in developing high quality weapons of all categories). In particular, her intelligence and inventive behavior has led to the first known cases of Resu utilizing foreign technology attuned to their specific medical biology as both prosthesis, and as body enhancements. In other words, the creation of the CybeResu sub-class, the organization dedicated to the protection and preservation of the original Resu form from the viral threat of the Morossian Resu (and their newest offspring, the Resuspawn Horde).
(+) Resistance to Technovirus - With the threat of the Morossian Resu ever present on her mind, her focus on improving her body through the use of technology particularily focused on effectively putting the body under armored quarantine, to prevent the virus from interacting with flesh in all but the most penetrating attacks. She, and the CybeResu, are capable of withstanding most lacerations or abrasions contracted from melee combat with the Morossian Resu, though are still vulnerable to deep penetration. Luckily their skill in melee combat helps to prevent that from happening, but even the best of warriors must fail at some point.
(+) Environmentally Adaptable - With her new cybernetic upgrades, now more than ever, Iron Giant is allowed the freedom of mobility most sentients of the galaxy take for granted... and then some. With her body effectively quarantined, she is comforted by a sealed environment that can survive the deepest depths of her home, to the empty expanse of outer space, and relatively anything in between. She is also moderately protected from temperature variance between the cold depths of the open ocean of her home, and the intense heat of geothermal vents, though this is largely due to her biology (and only if she has time to consciously prepare).
(+) Brawl/Melee Warrior - It should be clear from her heritage alone, that war and bloodshed are no strangers to her, and that her profession as a weapon forger never undermined her ability to actually use the weapons she crafted. She is very well versed in the use of her weapons, from Tusk Swords to Claw Hooks, she is a relative master of her particular martial art. How that stands up to traditional sword fighting and other martial weapon practices is still up to the test, but remarkably few forces in the galaxy still use melee weapons (with the exception of other primitive races, ceremonial cultures, and warlike force users). So despite the unknowns, this comes out as an advantage to a galaxy using primarily blaster weaponry, so long as she can get within reach. Her use of bioelectricity as a ranged attack, also assists her in reaching that range for obvious reasons.
(-) Hydrogenated Achilles Heel - Similar to the Morossian Resu and Resuspawn, Iron Giant being in a lifesuit is vulnerable to the same weakness they suffer: the need to breathe. With hydrogen being an explosive gas, it comes as no surprise that trying to keep her hydrogen supply protected is her highest priority. If struck by a well placed blaster bolt, or penetrated in a similar manner, they could explode or otherwise rapidly depressurize, causing a quickly and probably painful death for Iron Giant.
(-) Vulnerable to EMPs - Given the sheer amount of electronics put into making Iron Giant more mobile than any Resu has ever been outside of their home environment, little protection has been invested into EMP or Ion shielding. As a cyborg, she is incredibly vulnerable to having her limbs and life support systems shut down by these electrical interferences. Luckily, they are high in electrical resistance to withstand the constant bioelectrical production of the Resu, but the concentrated bursts of an EMP or power of an ion blast will wreak havoc on her external cybernetic equipment.
(-) Vulnerable to Sudden Freeze - CryoBan is a nightmare for a Resu, as while they are capable of withstanding the deep freezing temperatures of their nearly arctic lunar ocean beyond the safety of their thermal vents, it takes time for them to prepare their organs to keep their body warm and unfrozen. So naturally weapons utilizing rapid freezing are potentially lethal for Iron Giant. Her cybenetics offer some protection from lethality, but not much considering they are also vulnerable to the damages caused by a rapid freeze.
(-) Limited Vocabulary - Even after years in the galactic community, she is still limited by what her translator can make sense of. There is only so much she can understand, and only so much she can communicate back clearly. Though usually, the straight forward thinking of the Resu can be to her benefit among company who are intelligent enough to infer what she intends to say.
(-) Loathes Repetition - Iron Giant was exiled because she refused to endless forge the same tired designs her people have been using for centuries, desiring something new and exciting to satiate her divergent intelligence and inventiveness. Any task that requires mindless repetition is loathed by her after some time. That doe no mean she can't suppress her hatred for a time if it serves a higher purpose for her, but it still puts her in a foul mood.


‘Iron Giant’ was no ordinary child to Resu parents, on a terrestrial planet outside of the main Realm of Resu. When she was hatched from beneath her mother's powerful underbelly muscles, and released into the feeding frenzy that was birth to all Resu, she was not the strong or the dead, or even the scavenger. She was the odd one, the one that probably shouldn't be alive today. She was a bit too slow comparatively to the rest and because of it she had been bitten by her hungry mother, and although injured remained alive, forgotten by her parent's blood lust to chase down the swarm of her newborns. Because of her child hood injury, it was expected that she would never amount to anything.

However, she is what is known by Resu society, as an "early divergence". The divergence that was described, was the point at which a Resu becomes independently thinking from the rest of their siblings. This normally occurred sometime later when the rites began, and their gender began to set in. However, because of her injury, she quickly became unpredictable to society as she was now on a path that was different from the one her siblings were leading as a communal conscious. While they rushed, she became tactical, choosing just the right opportunity to take what she needs to live. During her fathers return after the infants birth, many of her kin rushed to steal the meal, and as they ate the child (still wounded and becoming hungry) waited for a 'stealer baby' to attack a fellow Kin. That is when she swooped in and stole the meal while her kin fought.

When the survivors attention was redirected at her, she left and allowed the infant to pass, too weak at this stage to fight. No, she was not the strong, the fast, the scavenger, or even the dead, the injured fish was actually the cunning. She repeated the process until she had her fill from the collection of carcasses, and though it was behavior of a scavenger, it was done not with brawn but with intelligence. It might seem strange for outsiders to believe that a being hardly an hour old could diverge so quickly from cultural standards and think up its own nature in the matter of a short time span; but the Resu were different from the creatures of the galaxy, and being this strange feral intelligence granted them this incredible flexibility.

She did however manage (quite well actually) passing her Rite of passage into becoming an adult, just after she became female at the age of 11, as an early bloomer thanks to her divergence. She became quite the able soldier, despite her scarred tail. She was too wounded though to effectively fight, and although she did for the first year serve on the front lines, she eventually fell into a support position as a weaponsmith. She churned out an uncountable number of weaponized tusks for the front liners, and reserves troopers, while she carried out a pack full of these much needed weapons.

She faced boredom though, as he increasing expertise and talent was wasted on repetitive chores. Thus, she then simply decided she was no longer making weapons. This refusal to comply to the unspoken laws of compulsory military service in family vendetta, was reason enough for her to be banished entirely, turned into an outcast. It didn't end there though, where most outcast's simply die of shame or something else, Iron Giant did not. This was a time of change, where ships importing new technology's paved the way for Resu outcast stowaway's to exist. She was one of these stowaway's, and eventually stole the ship, disregarding the dangers of leaving behind the pilots with limited hydrogen supplies. She forgot them though, as they were no longer of importance to her.

However though, she had no idea how to fly. It took her a whole month to figure out how to operate the basic controls (a fairly long time in Resu terms). Once she had it figured out, she told the ship to land at various ports until she finally landed in Fish hell- Tatooine. Through a series of events, this is where she was first introduced to the SSS, and this is where she decided to settle, as she had no where else to go. With nothing more than a basic translator, she was no more than a power armor brute, or common thug. However though, with human help she is fast gaining skills in the development of better and better equipment suited to her taste. Though the translator is still fairly simple, the rest of her suit is becoming bigger, more threatening, dangerous, and recognizably associated with the quickly rising name Iron Giant, the mechanical one-woman army Mercenary.

But as the SSS went into a decline, the Resu Mercenary had to find somewhere else to find home. She had a lot of time on her hands to figure out how to pilot her Freighter, as it is difficult to do so when you have no teacher that speaks your language (or can for that matter) or a teacher that understands the technology her people use, as in the Thermal and electrical signals that indicate various things about the environment outside the Freighter. But she became adept enough to find her way around, and fell into the territory of the Hutt Cartel. She was quickly criticized, and of course the linguistically and culturally inept alien was unable to understand. The relationship was initially hostile, and it left a bad mark in their relationship. She floated about there for a bit, officially weened off the dependence of the SSS, but she wasn't happy with her current 'home'. That was when she eventually met a woman who called herself Ori'vod, and her crew. Through her, she discovered the Vagrant Fleet. A traveling band of outcasts and Galactic travels. Instantly she knew where her home was.

When finally the merry band of the Vagrant Fleet broke up, she decided to hang around with her good friend Jorus Merril as his ships personal body guard. Unfortunately for her, she would learn once again all good things come to an end. A crisis in the Realm of Resu would have a guerrilla force of Resu Veterans setting up a situation to catch the Iron Giant, not to kill her, but to bring in her expertise as an opportunity to save her race from impending annihilation by the techno-viral Moross Resu under the leadership of the First Convert Stone Hermes.

These guerrilla fighters had evade infection through active avoidance, stealth campaigns, and in the unfortunate event of getting caught and subsequently rescued, amputation. They were also among the only Resu who had not been exposed to the fertility plague which threatened to snuff out the last surviving originals in the Ysraka "Reservation Sector". Despite being abandoned by her family and exiled due to her disability... somehow her reputation as the exotic Mercenary under the figure Jorus Merill managed to reach back to the lunar system. In short, they needed whoever they could get, and they needed someone who could operate advanced technology. This had become her second chance to be part of her people once more.

That is when the CybeResu where formed. Through her galactic connections, technical expertise, and familiarity with Resu biology, she had devised a manner in which technology could be surgically implanted into their bodies in such a manner as to make them resistant to contracting the Techno-virus on surface exposure alone, and to fight them in most environments with less difficulty then ever before. Heavy utilization of metallic hydrogen had shrunk much the technology which had been cumbersome before. She had become one herself, and all but abandoned her former armor despite its technical marvel. Through many communications with C.O.M.O., she had come to the theory the "armor" was not originally intended to be worn, but rather deployed as a deadly battle droid with significant enough intelligence to be a true threat. However, considering the galactic criminals who found her did not have that kind of artificial intelligence lying around to install, they settled for the next best thing - a living being. That part of her life though, was long past. With a maximum lifespan of 40 years, her life was already half over at this point, she did not have time to dwell on the past, especially all those who wronged her were either killed already or were no longer of importance to bother with.

​From there, she attempted to use all her resources and call in all her favors in a desperate attempt to rescue the few remaining Original Resu from the clutches of the various plagues. Would the Underground in the Kathol Outback be successful in allowing her to save her people?

Resu Class Freighter (Hyperlink)





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