Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Jedi Alliance Council Location

Hello Everyone,

I remember in the threads there was a suggestion that when the Council convenes we should do so on the chief planets of the Jedi factions (in turn) which is a great idea to allow for a variety of threads for us all and to provide something more interesting to write about.

But I was thinking, that we also should have a central place for times of emergencies for example when traveling is not an option to discuss something of immediate importance (all attend through holodisplay channels). I was thinking that it might come in the form of a space station or a large ship, located in wild space so it would be difficult to locate by the enemy.

A ship might be the best choice as it can be move if and when required if threatened. Whatever the location might be, its purpose would be to not only house or give us a means to communicate and sit on council but act as a place in which to keep records of not only what has been discussed, but a database for all things Jedi. (maybe a back up to all Jedi archives etc)

This is just a suggestion, and may not be necessary but I would love to hear what you all think and if this is something of a good idea I would love to hear other options for this.

in my vision, we'd have the various Jedi worlds/locations hosting, Kashyyyk, Emerald Temple (Corellia), the Star Temple for Covenant/Shattered, Winterfell.

The NJO has a few Star Temples that are basically the Protoss mothership but are a mobile base. I was thinking of setting something up, and I know its been tossed around but making something new similar to the Justice League Watchtower. Trusted reps can be there to help watch for threats to Jedi, and from there, we assemble the Alliance Council, and make quick thoughts of "Kashyyyk is getting raided, Silvers are responding, who can assist with XYZ" to get a really well planned and layered approach to how the Jedi work.

As the challenge was of getting us all to a table,each group has a center focus on what they see the Jedi doing, some of the Orders/Schools prefer to be healers, or warriors, or diplomats, so this gives us a chance to kind of outline to a great degree, where each group wants to be seen doing what.

But yeah that go off topic.

Doing a cycle of the various groups because this group is designed to help the orders, not alienate them, and having a mobile command center thing would be clutch.

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