Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Jedi Council: A Broken Circle

In seven years, The Sith have left a trail of destruction during their conquest to take the center of the galaxy. Emerging from the Sith Empire, they have carved their way into the thoughts and the hearts of the free people. For these seven years, the Jedi have been fighting a war on two fronts...against the enemy and themselves leaving their numbers diminished.
Grand Master Corvus Raaf has disappeared, and the title was passed around until it fell upon Master Korr' shoulders. Under his administration the Jedi have cut all ties to the Republic, backed in his decision by the council, they've declared the Republic morally corrupt. They renounced their military titles and any Jedi who were found guilty of war crimes were banished from the Order.
The High Council convened and decided that they should give up their status and join the New Jedi Order in the Galactic Alliance, this ultimately led to internal struggles and in turn a schism. Most Jedi left due to differing views either to become independent, serve the Alliance, the Sanctum, or the Republic. The role of Grand Master was relinquished and The High Council disbanded. The Jedi temporarily moved to Telos to regroup.
[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] | [member="Mak Manto"] | [member="Nefertari Sovint"] | @Je'daii​
A temporary council was put in place from those that remained. They were called to convene...
She sat within the council chambers, amongst the others that had been asked to sit on the governing body. Her right leg crossed over the left, and her hands sat gently on her lap. She held her head down with her eyes closed as she contemplated. She could feel the energy from the collective minds who had gathered.

"Let us take these seats together, with no one above the others. May the Force be with us all, free from ego or jealously. May this remain a realm of mutual respect for others thoughts and speech." She spoke her very soft words before she would say anything else, looking up finally at the others.

"There is no doubt that a lot has transpired lately, but I feel we haven't yet encountered the worst. I have called you together to convene on the current state of the that we can discuss the direction in which we should proceed. As it stands we have temporarily relocated to Telos and remain a separate entity from the Republic, a decision I myself stood behind. The question is where do we go from do we get back to our roles as peacekeepers." she said looking to the others...
[member="Shmi Labooda"]

She had been curious about it all, when offered a chance well this was not something she could just pass up and not take. A chance to really help the jedi order even if it was divided into several sects. At least she was able to handle some of the more dangerous things here while sitting down with her cloak over her arm. The bodyglove with her boots and channeling gloves gleaming while it was sealed under her chin in a very uncharistic zeltron garb. The tome for recovering informatin from the archives and databanks. She had the index from SHatory attached to her belt so she could quickly get to it and bring up information.

She was interested in learning about some of the other ones. She knew them somewhat but rather then judge mostly she was keeping her attention on a few of the things sitting down. "THe jedi have never stopped being peacekeepers grandmaster, it has just changed." She looked at some of the things. "We've had more jedi interested in playing politics and concerning themselves with the things leading to ego. You have seen it where those who blow spoke and follow certain masters are given special privledge compared to others and are never questioned while others are tirn down at every oppertunity."

She looked at some of the things on the tome while bringing it out and had the information in question that they had been going through while tapping the screen inside. "We can't go back to when we were united there is to much that has happened and to many disagree on what should be the goal. No longer is it keeping the peace it is some who want to be left alone, others wish to control and condemn at every chance anyone who disagrees with them, some wish to fight the darkside, others dig their heels in and only surround themselves with like minded friends who will tell them they are right and the most special."

"A few just got sick of it and have abandoned all hope that there will be a difference for things and while I believe soundly in the tenets of the order I am not going to deny annoyance in some of the things. We gave up thepath of compassion and forgiveness for petty vengenace and looking for every chance to tear people down to make ourselves look special. Playing politics within the order so if someone doesn't agree they can be ganged up on and voted out of the order, We have been getting so sensitive about the Republic when it functions as it always had. It is large, it is old and it is corrupt.... I fail to see when this was any different then the Republic of near twenty two thousand years?"
The last few days had been a dizzying sort, and those he had never thought he would see. Ryan Korr had become the Grandmaster, and the Jedi Master, by all means, was ready to leave. He could admit that, and he would tell it to Shmi's face if asked. He had come back because Corvus had assured and promised him that things were returning to normal. That had changed the moment that Corvus had disappeared. With Korr, a more militiant Jedi, who made rash decisions and attempted to heavily punish even those not under his banner based on small assumptions and not even speaking to the target, set to become Grandmaster, that promise had been broken, and Josh had seen the writing on the wall rather quickly. He had been on the planet that the fated encounter that came to do one thing - and that was to resign. But a stop to the office of the only remaining counselor left to resign had gone differently then planned when he saw a crowd of Jedi gather. Jedi who still believed in that vision he yearned for. It was there that he had learned of Korr's actions upon becoming Grandmaster, and it was there that he had decided that he would find a way to finally make things right for the Jedi again.

And in doing so, endorsed for Shmi to become Grandmaster and lead this new Jedi Order into the future.

But what came next was a surprise even to Josh. It had been over a year and a half now since he had served on the Jedi Council... And for the first time in a long time, he was happy. He had spent so long travelling alone in the Outer Rim after leaving the Jedi Order, after leaving what he felt was the greatest job in the world at the time. He had been happy, before the things that drove him to leave came along, serving as a member of the Jedi Council. The power, of course, wasn't the reason. It was the fact that he was able to serve, develop and steer the Jedi Order to success in the most impactful way possible. His reasons were mainly of loyalty. Loyalty to an Order he had been a part of and loved since he was a mere child. He had never been happier then when he served. Happier still when he was Grandmaster, as short as it was, knowing that he could help further. But that didn't last long enough to become his happiest memories. His happiest memories, of course.... Were his long tenure on the council.

When he had left, when he had been driven to leaving by the militiant Jedi... He had become unhappy. He tried to fill that void joining the Silver Sanctum in hopes of recapturing that happiness. But it didn't feel the same. He then tried to fill that void by travelling the far reaches of the Outer Rim, taking down slaver after slaver, freeing hundreds of innocent people. It brought him satisfaction in a way, but... It just wasn't the same. He still felt empty. Like a void in his heart was there that would never be filled.

As the Jedi Master walked into the new council chambers on Telos, [member="Shmi Labooda"] might notice a change in him. A new brightness in his face, and in his eyes. Being back in this job, in a council of Jedi who believed in that vision that he believed in... It had brought him that happiness again.

As he looked around at the other Jedi, a half-smirk crossed the Jedi Master's lips. "My my, in a Jedi Council surrounded by women, and one man. It's almost like I never left" The Jedi would immediately joke as he walked toward them. Not to be mistaken for unprofessionalism, of course. But considering all that had happened lately, being lighthearted and bringing a smile to one or two faces was really what the Jedi in this room could use more then anything, even if they didn't see it right away. And being under the regime of militiant Selena Halcyon for so long, Josh knew all about what being uber serious could do to morale...

Cane tapping loudly, a stream of smoke was disappearing behind him as he came to the doors of the Council chambers. Sighing softly, he relit his pipe and let out an exhale of smoke before the doors opened up.

Slithering in, he saw the several councilor's already in the room, talking among themselves and without a pause, he moved past them, taking his own seat.

"Sorry I'm late. I had to take care of a small matter..."
She smirked at the words of [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] while her eyes dashed towards the entrance of [member="Mak Manto"] .However between that she listened to the words of [member="Nameless One"] and she quite frankly had been saying what the others have expressed before...

"What bothers that I feel we have given up on the people who are caught in the crossfire. As peacekeepers the citizens of the Republic look to us for protection along with the government, or at least they did...There has been whispers of a New Republic and Galactic Systems Senate brewing. If we're to solve the problem...would it be wise to work with them to bring about order? Our role should be beyond the borders of the Republic...if there's more information to be found about these organizations I think it's best we look into it." she said before taking her silence. Others were sure to give their opinions...

"Then there's the question of where we should take root. Telos has been accommodating thus far, but looking forward this planet could surely be valuable to any dominating government. Should we relocate? Exis Station has been brought up before..."

[member="Nefertari Sovint"]
[member="Shmi Labooda"] [member="Mak Manto"] [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]

"There is always talk of something new." She said it looking there at the grandmaster. "Someone doesn't like something or feels slighted so they rush off with their friends to found a new government or order within the force where they are in charge." She didn't say if it was bad or leave it... but had some implied. Few if any orders or splinter governments were made with altruism in mind. Usually it was just for the persons ego and served their ends. "As for location... Exis station is not known by many who don't read in the library and pay attention to their histories. I know Sasori found and worked on fixing it up to a new standard hiding it with one of the cloaks that Corvus commissioned for temple locations."
With joke made, the Jedi Master would immediately head toward a certain chair. It wasn't the exact same chair as his old one, of course. It had likely been destroyed when the Temple on Coruscant had been destroyed. (Ironically a misunderstanding with his preserving of some of the Coruscant archives exclusive to the Coruscant Temple, and moving them to the temple on Ruusan on orders of Grandmaster Dista before he left led to him being hunted by Grandmaster Grayson later. That's gratefulness for you.) Regardless, the reason he picked this seat was simply the view being one he was used to, and he never was one for change. It was a symbolic way of telling himself he was home again. The moment the Jedi Master took his seat though, his expression immediately changed. It was time to get serious and he knew that. He listened to the exchange between Grandmaster [member="Shmi Labooda"] and who he assumed to be the Knight Representative in The [member="Nameless One"] before he would speak.

"Work with them as allies and friends. But never under them. We work as a separate entity, and if we choose to assist them, we assist them, but we have no responsibility or anything forcing us to do so. The moment that people get the impression that we're someone's b*tch... We're already right back where we started" He would explain calmly, looking from each member of the room to the next from his seat. He had changed so quickly, the laid-back man with flirtatious jokes making way for the Jedi Master who had formerly sat in the Grandmaster seat that Shmi now occupied.

"As for where we are staying... We need to establish ourselves on a planet that we can permanently base our operations around, that fulfills a Jedi's needs, whether they be Padawan, Knight or Master, in the way that planets such as Tython have done in the past" He would add. "Whether you pick Telos, or this other planet... Or another you find entirely... (OOC note: If a decision has not been made, perhaps looking at planet creation to suit your needs might be an idea?)... We must pick one that we do not have any plans or fears of being driven out of. Our Jedi need to know where their home is."
Sitting quietly, he looked out the window, listening to what each of the councilors had to say, what their own opinions were. Letting out a small stream of smoke, his eyes became unfocused as he remembered a similar conversation he had hundreds of years ago, the same discussion that had gone on between him and Oppo Rancisis.

Were the Jedi bound to serve a government that aimed for justice and freedom, or were they merely to go it alone due to the corruption and lies that were becoming more rampant?

"Whatever the course of action is going to be, it needs to be done soon enough..."

Relighting his pipe, he closed his eyes, feeling the ebbs and waves of the Force.

"I sense a great change coming, one that has the chance to upset every major power in the Galaxy..."

[member="Shmi Labooda"] [member="Nameless One"] [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
Nefertari had been listening to the others' comments. They all made good points.

"While I can see working with others as a good idea, we should not tie the knot too tightly. It seems the Jedi have been all but wiped out when such has happened before."

The Jedi had called many places home in the past, and now this order was looking for a new home. (I agree, the planet creation might suit us)
"My home village, while not suitable for a permanent settlement, could give Jedi a safe place in the core. I leave it open to use by the order."

Master Manto said
"I sense a great change coming, one that has the chance to upset every major power in the Galaxy..."
Nefertari could sense something, but not as strongly.
"If something is indeed coming, we should prepare for it. A shaken galaxy usually has need of its peacekeepers."

[member="Shmi Labooda"], [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"], [member="Mak Manto"], [member="Nameless One"]​
[member="Mak Manto"] | [member="Nefertari Sovint"] | [member="Nameless One"] | [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]​

"I think we're all on the same page when it comes to government, the ties if created will remain loose. I will personally go and look more into the matter...we're still unsure if these organizations remain." she said bring her hands together and interlocking her fingers.

She marinated on the words of Master Manto, "I sense a great change coming, one that has the chance to upset every major power in the Galaxy..." she felt the same, there was an air lately about all that had transpired and she frankly believed more things were coming.

"Due to future safety concerns...I think it best we move and take root on Exis Station providing us with some mobility among other things." she spoke after contemplating the words of the others, they didn't have time to convene continuously on these issues.

"This is an important time period that can determine the future of the order...therefore it should have an official name. I dub this The Restoration Period, a time for The Order to regroup, rebuild, and restructure itself."

List of reforms: (Some OOC things included)
  • The Jedi High Council will consist of 5 total members, 3 permanent members who are Master level and Admins. 2 temporary members who can be Knight to Master level and Moderators.

  • The 3 smaller councils: Reassignment, First Knowledge, and Reconciliation will not be reformed and instead the work will be condensed and split amongst the members of the Council creating the following positions
    Headmaster/Headmistress of the Academy: Oversees curriculum, teaching methods, and the knighting of students.

  • Chief Envoy: Oversees negotiations with political factions, and handles the trials for Jedi accused of falling to the darkside, and for committing crimes.


[*]The separation from the Galactic Republic will remain intact, however Jedi who still wish to serve are within their rights to do so as long as it doesn't have ramifications that effect The Order as a whole.

[*]We'll work on strengthening our ties with the Silver Sanctum and New Jedi Order to deal with The Sith threat.

(Anything we should add or change?)
She was looking at the granmaster and gve a bow of her head. "We can do that, do we have anything we want to try and set up or prepare for? The jedi research teams there are welcoming and always happy to help but they use it for research and containment of some of the more interesting things. I believe there is an archival database with access to their AI. Collected holocron and datacrons that the jedi who help Sasori have input to make up for our missing vaults and tomes."
With a rebirth comes new mandates, new rules, new methods. This Order's rebirth was no different. But a great change.... Yes, he felt it. He had felt it for a long time. A shift, a surge, in the Force... He had pondered of it, but now he knew a little more of it's possible origin. That change... Could they be dead center in the middle of it? It was a question to ponder of, but in the end... He wasn't surprised at all. The Jedi Order, this Jedi Order... The original, the centerpiece of all these Jedi Orders that had cropped up the last few years... It had always been at the center of something - whether it be adulation, success of controversy. Now it seemed they were smack dab in the middle, once again...

The Restoration Period... A fitting name for this new era. The Jedi Master would nod in response, seeming satisfied with the rulings, and satisfied with the decision. "Then it is settled. We will move our operations to Exis Station for the time being. If we find a planet in the future that is more suitable for our needs, we can discuss it then. But for now... We need to take baby steps first. We need to bring the Jedi together again. And when we do that... Then we will be on the right path" He would advise.

"Is there anything else to cover while we are here, Grandmaster?"

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