Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction The Jedi Praxeum: Rebuilding Knossa City

Location: Ossus | Crystal Cave
Valery: Appearance
Outfit: Factory Link
Lightsabers: Link!
Ship: Factory link
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani
Gone was the darkness that had sought to devour the young Padawan and in its wake, crystals once again colored the cavern around her. A warm feeling in the Force returned to the young woman, whose mind had been tested to withstand the temptations of the Dark Side. She had faced the mirror and denied the call of another path - a call that would never truly fade, and only Jedi with pure hearts would be able to resist.
Iris Arani had proven herself both worthy and ready for this path, and while the haunting images of the crystal caves were likely to linger, the pull she felt from the Force earlier had returned. It wasn't dark, nor was it tied to any negative emotions - it felt warm and appreciative with vibrant colors radiating outwards.
"You came for me."
Even though the child and dark phantom had disappeared, the voice still seemed to linger. Looking around, Iris wouldn't see anybody - she seemed alone, but the colors around her suggested that she wasn't.
But then, from the corner of her eye, a reflection of light against a crystal would pull her attention as no other crystal had in these caves. Everything had felt overwhelming and crowded in the Force, but now all paths and colors seemed to converge. The Force was guiding her.
"Who are you?"


Iris tensed. Would she be saved? No, that didn't matter. Her grip around the child tightened. If need be, she'd use her own body to protect them. The seconds ticked by, and.. Nothing. The padawan blinked. The cold she felt was gone. The horrible images around her, gone. Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex 's twisted image, gone. The light had returned in it's place. Colors, both natural and in that field only she could see, gradually brought life to the room they were in.

"The lights are back.."

"You came for me."

Iris blinked, turning her gaze back towards the child with a bright smile. They were sa- they were gone. She hadn't even noticed it, too distracted by the returning lights. The child was gone. Part of the illusion? .. No, they felt too real. Worry filled her gaze until she noticed the colors shining from her hands that were clutched to her chest. Again the young girl blinked, pulling her hands away. In her palm, a gem that glistened with every color to the naked eye. But to hers, she could still see the colors of the child. Her smile returned as she hugged the gem to her chest again.

"Who are you?"

"Iris. Let's get you home."


The Padawan emerged from the cave, still holding the gem to her chest. In the walk she'd learned much of her new friend. Domxite was there name. They had no home to return to, no friends or family. Though the later was more because it never knew such a concept. Now out in the natural light of the sun Iris covered her eyes with a forearm, looking around. Right, she was supposed to get a lightsaber crystal.

She smiled sadly.

Why are you sad?

"Ah, I failed my test. It's okay though, you're important."

You can use me.

Iris blinked in surprise, pulling her hands away to again look at the gem. "Huh?"

Location: Ossus | Crystal Cave
Valery: Appearance
Outfit: Factory Link
Lightsabers: Link!
Ship: Factory link
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani
While Iris ventured into the crystal caves, Valery had found herself a quiet spot near the ledge of the rocky surface she was standing on. With her long hair flowing along the currents of the wind, and her eyes closed, she enjoyed the fresh air and peaceful silence of the surrounding area, as her mind shifted into deep meditation. There was much to think about - her life right now was hectic, full of responsibility and uncertainty. But moments like this, when her Padawans were taking important steps forward, made it all feel worth it.
Soon enough, she felt the presence of her Padawan again, as she emerged from within the crystal caves. Valery turned around and met the girl with a warm smile. The experienced Master could feel the presence of the crystal, and it was a rather peculiar one.
"Welcome back, Iris," Valery said with a dip of her head.
"It seems that you were successful. I'm very proud of you."
The woman then stepped forward and extended her hand, offering the Padawan the hilt they had crafted for this very moment. Valery had held onto it while Iris went into the caves, but now was the time to officially mark this endeavor as successful.
"Insert the crystal, the heart of the blade, and ignite your lightsaber."



Confusion still filled her gaze. She lifted her eyes to stare towards Valery Noble Valery Noble as her Master stepped over. Iris hadn't failed? The confusion lingered even longer until a calming feeling escaped the gem in her hand. A smile formed next. Once again the Padawan clutched Domxite to her chest, her smile returned. She had passed. She took a moment to relish this feeling before accepting the hilt she'd made.

With her crystal's approval she slipped the gem into the blade's core and thumbed the ignition. A sparkling blade erupted, flashing through various colors before settling on the faintest shade of pink.

"Beautiful.." She'd done it. Taken her first steps to becoming a true Jedi. Succeeded. Her gaze drifted to her master as a brighter smile spread over her lips. She wasn't the same girl anymore.

Location: Ossus | Crystal Cave
Valery: Appearance
Outfit: Factory Link
Lightsabers: Link!
Ship: Factory link
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani
Valery watched closely as Iris slipped the Rainbow gem into the core of her lightsaber. When she tapped the ignition switch, a special blade ignited and another proud smile could be seen on Valery's face. Her Padawan really had done it, and she had returned with something incredible.
"That's quite the special crystal you have there, Iris. Take good care of it because as I'm sure you know already, you're carrying life with you," she said as she placed a hand on the girl's shoulder.
"But by constructing your lightsaber, and igniting this symbol of the Jedi, you have taken an important step on your journey. Many more will follow, and you'll find many challenges along the way, but always cherish this moment."
She patted the girl on the back and turned away from the cave.
"For now, let's return to the Praxeum. I'll cook us something special to celebrate, hm?" she smirked.

"Do not interfere when your opinion is not sought." - Thomas A. Kempis
He stood there at the holo terminal inside his safehouse reading. He was reading up on the galaxy and the goings-on. About two hours in, the big man came across a "puff piece" about the Jedi Praxeum rebuilding Knossa City, or whatever it's called. So he thought about what he could do, what he should do, and what he would do. He could sit back and do nothing. The fact that no one came to look for him when he was missing showed Vanagor just how little the Jedi thought of him, so he owed them nothing. This was not some kind of grudge, it was simply following the reality of things. He should help them because it was the right thing to do and he has dedicated his life to this notion and concept. The fact that he has no concern over the Jedi, the Sith, or whoever should not leave the innocent people high and dry. They did nothing to hurt him, so there is no reason for him to let them get in the way of anything going on. All of this being said... he was still left out in the cold. A belief and a people that he gave everything to dropped him like a bad habit, so they would not see him.

What he would do was make an exceptionally large donation to the city treasury. One that should cover infrastructure, education, and emergencies. It came from the discretionary account of Guardian Authority Ltd. so anyone who followed the paper trail would see it was him that knew it. Anyone who traced the signal would easily see that the donation came from his address.

Maybe he wanted to be found after all.



The bright smile only got brighter as she listened to Valery Noble Valery Noble . She was trying to stay humble about this, especially after what she'd encountered in the cave. But she was young. Excited. By the time her master mentioned food she was practically vibrating with excitement. The lightsaber shut off and was placed on her hip, to keep Domxite ever close, but she nodded quickly.

"Food sounds great!"
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Eye of Ashlanae

The city was beautiful and standing there in the eye as she looked across trhe city to try and see everythign that they were doing. The jedi master continued to meditate but she had moved as her mind wandered.. roaming and she could feel the Ancilla being made... something that was meant to mirror the eye as well as many other aspects of the construction efforts. She was looking at parts of the world and the Ysanna were allies from the time they were helping them before... when Velok kept a mind prison under the library to trap wayward jedi after the sith empire was forced off of the world. She was still shifting and changing.. being able to feel the structures of the stone as she reformed it in places to return parts of the temple back to its original. Two of the Ysanna who had come to join and observe stood there watching her. "You aren't like the others, you knew where you were going?" She gave a look. "I have been here several times before, different orders, different groups but all the same wanting to rebuild and retake the planet from the darkside... a noble goal yes but the reconstruction efforts are usually where it falters and staying power. Still if I can aid Romi Jade Romi Jade in her endeavors it is my duty to do such."
"This is Starchaser, heading for the ruins, coordinates attached to my entry point. Let me know if you want to coordinate."

"Copy that, Starchaser."

Okay, so he wasn't exactly a Jedi Knight. In fact, Atlas didn't care much for hokey religion, but the frontier captain could no longer deny their Force was real. Ruins like these could be found scattered all over the Outer Rim. Some of them were thousands of years old. Even though his own ancestors were descended from Ancient Republic colonists such a legacy still seemed hard to fathom. Now that the Ossus Initiative and Master Romi Jade Romi Jade were neighbors her enclave's strange mysticism was everywhere.

"Bring one of them Green Jedi," Captain Drake locked on to Coren's transponder, "There's a lot of earth down here that needs moving. Maybe they know, do the magic hand thing."

Several of the hidden passages were still blocked off. Old legends whispered about a Chamber of Antiquities buried deep underneath the lowest levels. Perhaps the Silver Jedi or Sith Empire already knew of such a place yet recovering lost knowledge and cultural artifacts from the great cataclysms was one of the Initiative's prime directives. Atlas took a long drink from his canteen before passing it over to one of the native Ysanna excavators. He was sweating through both his off-white tunic and black utility vest.

"Send one of your people to guide the Jedi," he instructed a Ysanna who could speak some Basic.

Atlas knew a few local words and phrases however communication still occasionally presented a challenge. He would be grateful for Master Starchaser's assistance. They were both of a kind, natural explorers. Restoring Ossus wouldn't be possible without the Jedi Praxeum's help. Fortunately, this was one of their oldest holy worlds.
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He could hear the call from Julius and was always excited to have his brother-in-arms-and-green-Jedi-robes on world with him. He wasn't sure if Julius was opting to assist Romi somewhere but for Coren, he was going to be hitting the ruins. There were answers, some for questions he knew he had, others for questions he had no idea he was asking. But that was the challenge of being here, of being anywhere to be honest. He wasn't fighting a war, what was he standing for?

He was an explorer, one to expand his own knowledge and if possible, the knowledge of those in the galaxy, those that called themselves Jedi.

But the response to his call, that was definitely not a Jedi, Coren knew the voice, Drake was a good man and a good explorer. "Glad to have you aboard, Drake. And Julius, you heard the man, if that lady don't need you, come on over this way."

The Sentinel of Sullust stood near the entry point, checking on his gear. Old Levantine Sanctum Frontiers Corps gear, but it was enough to help him if he needed it. But with Julius and Drake nearby, he doubted that would even become an issue. It was more in the Sith laid traps for everyone.

"Seems like you have some interference Drake. You already inside? Where can I meet your people?"

Since he did try to send coordinates, but if Drake was already in, why not go meet up there?

Julius Sedaire Julius Sedaire Atlas Drake Atlas Drake
Fluidity and grace, even at his age he moved almost like a liquid in motion. Checking gear as he went, he pulled one lightsaber and clipped it to a bandoleer across his chest, taking out a glow rod. Satisfied he was ready, he closed his eyes and drifted. Like a wasted muscle, he was trying to stretch and use his connection more to restore his tolerance to the strain of it all. Folding space was a difficult thing even at this short of a distance and with a target he could see. One incident had landed him in a janitor's closet with a mop bucket stuck on his foot during a boarding action. Thankfully, as the Force wrinkled the air about him and folded reality to transport him to Coren's side, nothing ill or untoward happened. Raking a hand through his hair to hide the disorientation, he smiled at Coren.

"My old friend. Ms. Jade seemed occupied elsewhere. Shall we journey onward ourselves?"

An easy smile and a light tone, but it had been since before his descent into alcohol and worse that he had seen Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser , having hid his whereabouts just that well. Lingering doubt of what the man thought of his counterpart remained for Julius, but he trusted if there were issues Coren would let him know.

TAGS: Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren | Justice Lesan Justice Lesan

This wasn’t his first time on Ossus, but it was his first time coming here partly on someone’s insistence. And that someone had wandered off, sometime after his attention had been grabbed, as follows:

“Hey, you!” He paused in his tracks, stopping mid-conversation with Briana Sal-Soren, and turned to the source of the childlike voice… which was in fact a child. A little too old to be a youngling, but just about the right age for a padawan, classically. Something that was starting to be more on his mind as of late, though he was still as yet a padawan himself, but the time on that was, as he’d found out recently, becoming short. Change is one of the few guaranteed things in life.

“Me?” he asked, pointing in at his chest, “Or…?” he gestured to Bri with the other hand. The young twi’lek girl looked at him, unable to hide her thoughts and feelings from her expression - this look said ‘are you an idiot?’. He had half a mind to be surly, but he didn't want to give the wrong impression to such a young, impressionable mind.

“You, duh,” she said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the galaxy, “are you a Jedi?"

Viz took a couple steps closer, and crouched to her level, "You could say that," a simple yes would have sufficed, but simple answers for a clearly intelligent child wouldn’t do. He set his arms down on his thighs, leaving his hands dangling between his knees.

“What kinda Jedi?"

Was this an interrogation? He blinked, strangely caught off guard by the question, "What do you..." a pause, as what was being asked hit him, "...a padawan." Viz glanced back towards Briana… who had wandered off. Not that this was an issue, per se, but he closed his eyes for a brief moment, blowing a sigh out of his nose, and turned his attention back to the girl with an honest smile.

"Me too! Um… Almost!" the kid exclaims, but then, "I hope I'm not still a padawan when I'm as old as you."

Viz stares at her a moment, slightly taken aback, "I'm not old..." his mouth assumes a line and he shakes his head, a tad incredulously, with a small laugh. Suppose from her point of view, it was an accurate assessment.

"Are you sure you're a Jedi? I haven't seen you anywhere before."

He was just about to form a reply to her skeptical question, when another, older voice interjected, drawing his eyes to its source: the Arkanian Master Ithar Pell, one of his own Master’s acquaintances.

"Imri, let's be nice to Master Sato's padawan."

Vizion rose from his crouch, some part of him grateful to be saved from the inquisition. Imri, for her part, went wide-eyed with this nugget of information, "Really?! You're..." she catches the level stare of the master that just admonished her, and sheepishly turns back to Viz, tipping her head, "...sorry, Master Sato's padawan."

Viz resists the urge to laugh, smiling, "I'm Vizion,” and with hardly skipping a beat, “It’s nice to meet you, Imri.”

Imri brightens, seemingly forgetting having just been told to mind herself, "Hi, Vizion, nice to meet you too!... oh, doyouknowEmirIthinkhe'scute."

Master Pell laughs, "Breathe, Imri,” and approaches the unlikely pair, standing half a head taller than Vizion himself, the both of them casting shadow over the young twi’lek, "Now run along, Imri, or you'll miss your class."

The realization hitting her, Imri squeaks in surprise, "Eep!" and runs off, without another word.

They both watch the girl go, all four limbs winding as she disappears into the gaggle of her classmates, "I've heard you'll be preparing for your trials soon," with Ithar changing the topic from the one that had been foisted upon Vizion, to the one that was most heavily on his mind. This made his mouth assume a line, and he crossed his arms, glancing downwards in thought for a few moments. There was so much to unpack with that impending reality, and relatively little of that had anything to do with the business of being a Jedi.

"My Master seems to think I'm ready."

That felt like the best response. It wasn’t something he’d divulged as of yet, as if he held some concern that voicing it would make it real. That things would change, irrevocably, putting it into words. His relationships had weathered his becoming a padawan, all those years before, but this… this was in many ways different. This time she was Jedi, too.

"Don't you think you are?"

It wasn’t the trials that weighed on him. He rose to the challenges laid out before him, proving himself through every turn. Viz gave the pale master a tight-lipped smile, “Suppose my trials will answer that,” his smile became a little less tighter, and a little wider, warmer, “It’s good to see you, Master Pell. My Master sends his regards… now, if you’ll excuse me, there’s someone I need to go find.”

After wandering away from the site of the interrogative ambush, Viz came to a standstill again, and compiled his focus, drawing on the Force, seeking… “Where are you, Bri…” …his eyes flicking open some scant few moments later, “...ah.” whereafter he made for the direction she had headed off in, towards some old, abandoned structures at the far reaches of the Enclave’s present territory, keeping that bead on her while directing a sliver of focus to enhanced hearing, scanning for certain sounds - voices, organic and otherwise, and not coming from the direction of the current main settlement of the Enclave.

When he anchored on the familiar voice of one of his oldest friends, as his feet brought him closer to the structures, the words she spoke told him she wasn’t alone, and another unfamiliar voice (whose awkwardness he could hear from here) started to reply to her request. Coming close enough that the two were in clear line of sight, Viz dropped his focus and surveillance, and picked up the pace, arriving in close proximity within mere moments, kicking up a small amount of dust as he slowed, relaxing into a gentle pace for the last couple metres.

“Calm your nerves, ‘Just’,” He quipped, having caught the other guy’s name and gotten a good look at how he stood, and wrestled with the weight of yes, a beautiful woman in his field of view, giving him not just the time of day, “She isn’t gonna try to ravish you with a harness on.”

The cheeky grin he directed at her, though, as she fiddled with the harness and rope, before he looked back to Justice. “I’m Vizion Trozky, that’s…” he jerked a thumb back at the girl that just as easily made his temperature spike for several reasons, “...Briana Sal-Soren, my wandering friend who thought it’d be smart to climb alone.”

The particular voice of that one emphasised word wasn’t the guiding, gently admonishing one she caught from him sometimes, on the subject of not teasing wild animals. No, this was more… a lot of other things. Particularly that ‘you could have gotten hurt’ thing. Or worse. He wandered over to her, holding out a hand for the hook.

“I'll make you a deal - I’ll help you get it placed,” she was a Jedi now, so it was no benefit to her to just do it all himself, “if you give me your word that you’ll think things like this through, next time.”

These words were a much lower volume altogether, meant to be only between the two of them. There wasn’t usually other people around for such moments. Viz turned his head and looked towards the other guy.

“I know she asked for your help,” he spoke up again, and motioned for the other guy to come closer, “and I think you can help, Just. So I’ll help only so far as getting the grappling hook going in the right direction. You two should be able to get it into place from there… I could just do it myself, but you both won’t learn anything from that.”

He hooked a thumb into the front trouser pocket on that side.

“So, either of you know anything about telekinesis? Levitation?”
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