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Approved Lore The Jedite Church

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Intent: To expand on a religion significant to a couple of my characters for future roleplay purposes. Very much snowballed into something faction-worthy.

Image Credit: Here (original artwork commissioned by me)

Canon: N/A

Permissions: N/A

Links: Second migration, Celestial, Force crystal, songsteel, beskar, Force healing, Force empathy, Church of the Light, Path of the Open Hand


Religion Name: The Jedite Church (formerly known as the Fellowship of Light)

Religion Type: Force-based

Influence: Major

Influence Area: While members are ubiquitous, scattered across the galaxy, most congregations are based in the Mid Rim and beyond, where slavery and poverty prevail

Symbol: None officially. Most members may be recognized by the Force crystals they wear as necklaces, pins or headpieces.

Description: A religion that worships the Light side of the Force through healing, medicine, and community outreach


Founder: Unknown (historically), The First Chairmen "The Thirty-Three" (formally), The Eternal Light (according to Church tradition)

Membership: Open to all who desire to serve the Light side of the Force. A demonstration of service to the Church and vow of dedication to the Church’s beliefs are required to become a member. Those who are born into the Church must go through the same rite of passage as new believers, once they reach an age of emotional maturity. The formal process of membership consists of submitting one's name to the Church registry to become an initiate, entering a period of service under supervision of the Church, at the end of which they become an official member, sworn in by an Elder of the Church. The details of service and dedication ceremony, as well as grounds for revoking membership, are flexible upon circumstance and vary across different congregations. By tradition, most members will acquire a Force crystal to wear as a symbol of their faith.

Sacred: The Jedite Church Accord

Dogma: The Jedite Church Accord is a collection of beliefs and systems that govern the Church, including:

The Prime Doctrine. "Life and Light", the motto of the Jedite Church and the infallible standard by which every member is sworn to live by. Both literally and symbolically, to achieve a state of oneness with life and the Light side of the Force, and to impart knowledge, hope, and healing to those in need.

The Eternal Light. The Church believes in the existence of Celestials and a creator deity called the Eternal Light. That the universe was a perfect state of Light until the fall of a group of a Celestials whose immoral actions birthed the Dark side nature inherent to all mortals in the galaxy. The Eternal Light imparted the Force as a medium by which to communicate with and test mortal souls—offspring of the fallen Celestial host who were then stripped of their immortality and banished to a galaxy far, far away. To redeem themselves, those who remain true to the Light will become Celestials after they die, freed beyond the galaxy and its dimension.

To accept the crown of sorrow, an uncertain fate of hardship and martyrdom, is the oath of every member. The Church does not aim to conquer with Light, but to remain true to it, that a life full of righteous actions seal one's place among the Celestial throng. It is prophesied that the Dark side will prevail, all who are true to the Light in the end times will ultimately perish at the hands of the Fallen, and only when Darkness has consumed the entire galaxy will the Eternal Light shine forth to cleanse the galaxy of all evil forever, restoring the universe to its perfect state of Light.

Church. Refers to the Jedite Church organization or collective body of members as a whole.

Sanctuary. Equivalent to a church or parish. Refers to any place with a dedicated congregation and Elder that is sanctioned by the Church. Every sanctuary has its own registry (records of members, events, etc.) and treasury (supplied by donations) that supplies the Global Conference.

The Celestials. Heavenly beings created by the Eternal Light.

The Eternal Light. Otherwise known as the Maker, Creator, or simply the Light. The sole creator deity of the universe, whose being is a pure representation of the Light side of the Force.

The Fallen. The original host of fallen Celestials and/or the Lost who have fallen to the Dark side.

The Lost. Offspring of the fallen Celestials; everyone who has ever lived in the galaxy.

The Jedite Church Global Conference. The representative body of government of the Jedite Church, the Global Conference serves to unify its leaders and outreach programs across the galaxy. Under its management is:
  • The Jedite Church Global Treasury. Funds all Church related activities approved by the Global Conference.
  • The Jedite Church Global Registry. A public database of records, including names and affairs of members, sanctuaries, and outreach programs approved by the Global Conference. Aims to provide a base of legitimacy and transparency among its members and to outsiders.
  • The Jedite Church holosite. Available for the general public to view. Contains news and information about the Church, including its history, the Accord and the Global Registry.

Congregant/Member. Every congregation has authoritative power over their local sanctuary, and elects its leaders up to the Global Conference through means of a voting system. All members are volunteers and not obligated to receive financial compensation for services rendered to the Church.

Counselor. Ministerial head(s) of a congregation. They counsel new and old believers on matters of the faith, and those in need of spiritual guidance. They are also leaders of meditation, a medium through which many of their sermons are preached.

Elder. Managerial head(s) of a congregation. Often a promoted Counselor. They oversee the needs and affairs of their sanctuary, and represent their congregation on the Global Conference. No Elder can be of current military or political rank.

Director. Head of a Church outreach program. They represent their program on the Global Conference.

Chairman. Head(s) of the Global Conference. Chairmen are selected from a pool of volunteer members, usually with backgrounds in law, as they are to preside over Global Conference meetings and act as judges if need be, during votes. While they may be advisory and representative figures, they hold no supreme power over the Church. No chairman can be of current military or political rank, or simultaneously be an Elder.

Chairman Secretary. Chairman aide(s) responsible for organizing and recording Global Conference meetings.

THE FORCE. The Force was not originally a dual-sided entity. Rather it was the Light side corrupted by the works and spirits of the Fallen that the Dark side eventually arose. The true nature of the Force is the Light side of the Force. All life is tainted by the Dark side, yet every soul contains the spark of Light, no matter how corrupted by the Dark one may be, for true Darkness would be death. For this reason, all life is precious and should be preserved. The Church believes in using the Force as it was originally intended. Not as a weapon, but a spiritual guide and healing aide. Not for selfish power, but to save others and achieve peacefully what mortal hands cannot. While the Church has no qualms with its members using mortal means to achieve personal goals, one must know the separation between their own will and that of the Force, not to mix the two. By using the Force to serve oneself, countless souls unknowingly deceive themselves into feeding the Dark side.

THE CHURCH. The Jedite Church is a religious organization and voluntary society. There is no centralized leadership above that of the Force. Members are free to interpret the Light and set up their own congregations, pursue their own interests and serve other factions. Apart from a few sovereign territories owned by the Church, all members are subject to their respective governments and must balance their relationship with the Church accordingly. Any military or political affiliation is to be kept separate from Church-conducted affairs. The Church abides by the principles of medical neutrality and right of asylum, providing healing and sanctuary to all in need, without discrimination. All members are obligated to act as caretakers of their sanctuary and servants to their community. There is no standard attire or regalia. Humility and simplicity are emphasized, including abstinence of technology, with exception to the medical field that the Church places prime importance on.

Cloning. Permitted, with ethical discretion. Technological and scientific advancement under the medical field is encouraged, including cloning and sentient experimentation in search of medical treatment or other scientific discovery. All life forms are to be treated with respect, and test subjects rendered comatose before any invasive procedure.

Slavery. Permitted, as long as there is no abuse. The Church does not approve of forced slavery aside from criminals. In backwater worlds where slavery prevails, the majority of the Church's slave population comes from multi-generational families of slaves ingrained in slave mentality, and the Church upholds the practice as a means to protect slaves and assimilate those willing into free society. All slaves are to be treated fairly and cared for as part of the Church family. All members of the Church are themselves servants to the Light, and the word 'slave' means little difference.

Execution. Discouraged. In preserving life, not to waste life, the Church would rather enforce slavery than execution, granting every possibility of redemption, even to the worst of criminals—if at last resort, to be used as test subjects for scientific experimentation, that their deaths may be used for the greater good, to give others life.

Droids. Discouraged. The Church disapproves of "sentience" being given to machines, that reliance upon droids demeans the value of life and is an insult to the Light who created it. Beyond the necessities of medicine and science, service from droids is to be avoided, much less ownership of them.

Lightsabers. Forbidden. Over the course of war-torn history between Jedi and Sith, the Church has come to view lightsabers as sacrilegious symbols of "playing god", striking fear into the hearts of the common people. Creation and possession of a lightsaber is forbidden by the Church. Force crystals, the heart of many a lightsaber, are not to be desecrated by being fashioned into weapons, but may be worn as spiritual compasses, tokens of belief in the Force's guidance.

THE JE'DAII, THE JEDI, AND THE SITH. The Church views the three as one and the same. Power-hungry abusers of the Force who have lost sight of the Light, blinded by the Force in their attempts to master it. The Sith being Dark Jedi by another name. Despite the faults of their wayward brethren, the Church aims to make peace with those of whom they share ancient history with, whose old Orders shaped the early foundation of the Church.

The Jedite Church Templars. Ceremonial warriors of the Jedite Church. The Templars are their own organization and creed, a group of Jedites dedicated to defending the Church and the weak. The Church has no authority or legally binding claim over the Templars, but by longstanding tradition, allows the Templars to operate how they best believe is right, in serving the Light, so long as no blood is shed on sanctuary grounds. They act as private security for the Church, guarding its sanctuaries and figureheads, and share a common arms of heirloom swords, made from a songsteel-beskar alloy.

The Jedite Church Crusaders. A militia of Jedite extremists founded by rogue Templars. In its early history, what started out as an "honorable" war against Jedi and Sith became splintered and uncontrolled among the various types of Jedite extremists and nonregulated flood of civilian members, tarnishing the name of the Church with infamy. With the Global Conference's intervention, the Old Crusaders' leadership was dissolved, though its mantle remained for a line of scrap followers to pick back up as the New Crusaders. The word "crusader" or "culler" has since become synonymous for a Jedite terrorist.

The Jedite Church Knight Crusaders. A militia of Jedite extremists founded by the "dissolved" leaders of the Old Crusaders, who came together to reform their group after a quiet pact made between them and ambassadors of the Global Conference: That the Church would remain neutral, neither hindering nor helping the Crusaders, so long as no harm came to any member of the Church, and no harm took place on sanctuary grounds. While the Knight Crusaders abide by this pact, the same cannot be said for the New Crusaders whom the Knights no longer control. Having rehoned their focus on dethroning the Jedi and Sith Orders, the Knight Crusaders remain a small, elite group of warriors and hunters, inspired by the Templar dress and conduct.

Centrist. Type of Jedite extremist. Believes that the Force and the playing field of the galaxy must be "centered" (balanced/leveled) by eradicating 'oppressive' outsider Force users, including Jedi and Sith.

Solist. Type of Jedite extremist. Believes that the Church should be the "sole" religion of the galaxy, by eradicating those of other religions.

Purist. Type of Jedite extremist. Believes that the Church must be "purified" by eradicating undesireable members of the Church.

Reputation: An ancient religion whose influence has permeated nearly every corner of the galaxy, Jedites can be found amongst all walks of life, under a myriad of names contributing to the muddled history of the Jedite Church. United by belief in the Eternal Light, there are a few expressions in which Jedites have drawn outside scrutiny and attention:

HEALTHCARE. The promoted face of the Jedite Church is one of altruism, providing aid to those in need, particularly healthcare. The Church plays a hand in many relief programs and medical projects. Wherever war and poverty are found, so too are the Jedites, to heal and to serve. The Church places the medical field on a pedestal of which many Jedites strive to meet excellence in care, quality, and advancement. Some with fanatical obsession, producing the occasional mad scientist that raises ethical debate.

FORCE CRYSTALS. What may be seen as ornamental jewelry to outsiders are the Force crystals worn by Jedites, also called "focus crystals" or "focuses". These Force-attuned crystals are worn reverently by Jedites as symbols of their faith in the Force. Often through extensive meditation, a bond achieved with one's Focus can bestow prophetic and self-defensive properties, acting as amulets of guidance and protection, even in the hands of non-Force sensitives.

WEAPONS & COMBAT. The Church advocates pacifism, however nothing in their Accord prohibits them from taking up arms or joining the military. While Jedites are a varied lot combat-wise, there are a few exclusive martial arts facilities privately owned by Jedites who teach an ancient Jedite warrior fighting style, blending that of Mandalorian and Je'daii techniques, and procuring exceptional hand-to-hand fighters and swordsmen from them. Traditional Jedite weapons include blades and armor made of a songsteel-beskar alloy, formidable against blaster and lightsaber, often found in the hands of Jedite Templars or Crusaders.

FORCE POWERS. Most Force-sensitive Jedites specialize in Force healing and empathy. Known as compassionate, powerful healers and negotiators in the form of many a doctor, diplomat, and Church figurehead. The Church advocates using Empathy to sense, not manipulate, others' emotions, working with 'honest' communication to resolve issues.

THE JEDI ORDER. Some see the Church as the scorned, unsung shadow of the Jedi Order, built upon envy and disillusionment of those "better" than them, and resentment of the Order's segregation of non-Force sensitives – a primary factor of the Church's appeal and growth. Others see the Church as the "true" Jedi Order, even calling the Jedites "Jedi" themselves, seeking to usher a new age of what being a Jedi means. The Church ultimately sees the Jedi Order as flawed, deceived, and contributing to the growth of the Dark side. While most Jedites have (seemingly) made peace with the past, more conflict and tension exists between the Church and these "false servants" of the Light than Darksiders.

DARKSIDERS. All Dark side practitioners are natural enemies of the Church. While many Jedites fear and avoid them, there is a common acceptance of and respect toward Darksiders whom they believe play a part in fulfilling a Jedite prophecy that will bring about the end and rebirth of the galaxy. Many brave Jedites still extend their hands in friendship to try and convert as many Darksiders as they can to the Light.

JEDITE EXTREMISTS. The Church has its share of fanatics and corruption, with extremists culling inside the Church and out. Terroristic campaigns against the Jedi and Sith Orders, against other religions and even other Jedites, have all garnered their own audiences in popularity and infamy. Yet despite the fear and argument surrounding these extremists, the Church continues to grow. It is theorized that the Church is the source of many other religions, such as the Church of the Light and the Path of the Open Hand, shaped by splinter groups of non-technology and non-Force Jedite extremists, respectively.



35000 – 20000 BBY
Among the exiled host of the Second migration are loyal followers of the Je’daii faith. Of their descendants, rise a following after the Jedi Order. Largely non-Force sensitives, outsiders of the Order yet adherents of the Jedi faith. Of these, rise another following after an obscure Jedi prophecy, seeding the foundation of a religion that worships the Eternal Light. Early known as the Fellowship of Light, the name "Jedites" becomes popularized, in their relation to the Jedi Order.​

10000 – 5000 BBY
The birth of Mandalorian society, followed by the Sith Order, incites an wave of Jedite crusaders against the Jedi and the Sith. Mandalorian Jedites forge songsteel-beskar weapons and armor, honing an elite breed of Jedite warrior, forerunners of the Jedite Church Templars.​

19 BBY – 4 ABY
After the fall of the Jedi Order, Jedite crusaders join the Galactic Empire in hunting down Jedi survivors. In absence of the Jedi Order, the Fellowship of Light gains prominence under a new name, the Jedite Church.​

739 ABY
The Jedite Church unites at the end century of the Four Hundred Year Darkness. The Jedite Church Global Conference is established and the Jedite Church Accord is ratified. The Fellowship of Light is formally renamed the Jedite Church. The First Chairmen of the Global Conference, a group of thirty-three individuals who signed the Conference and Accord into effect, are credited as the founders of the modern Jedite Church.​
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