Darth Vyrassu
Immortal Jen'ari Sith Emperor
The doctrine or philosophy of the Jen'ari otherwise known as the Resurgence Code follows the basic principles of The code of the Sith, as well the Resurgence code depicts that the rule of two, and the rule of one is non existent and that there shall be not one Dark Lord, but multiple Dark Lords
Peace is a lie, there is only passion
It is our passion and our desire that fuels the Force. It is conflict that improves the lot of civilization and the single being both. Conflict forces one to better one’s self. It forces change, growth, adaptation, evolution, or even death. These are not our laws, but the universe’s. Without conflict, you have only stagnation. Through passion, I gain strength. What fuels your power with the Force but your passion? The stronger darker emotions, anger, hatred, fear. These passions empower us. The Force gives us all power, even the Jedi, but it is our passion that gives us the strength they lack. It is our goal to be stronger, to achieve our potential and not rest upon our laurels. We are the seekers, not the shepherds. Through strength, I gain power. The stronger you become in the Force, the more power you will achieve, but always must you fight for your power. Without strife, your victory has no meaning. Without strife, you do not advance. Without strife, there is only stagnation. Through power, I gain victory. How many victories can you imagine? Peaceful victory? Victory by sacrifice? A truce? An achievement? Unless your victory is achieved by demonstrating that your power is superior, it is only an illusion that is temporary at best. We seek more. Through victory, my chains are broken. This has been argued over, and often. The chains represent our restrictions, those placed upon us and those placed upon ourselves. Ultimately, the goal of any Sith is to free ourselves of such restrictions. In a way, it is that we may do whatever we wish, but there is more to it than that. One who has freed themselves of restrictions has reached perfection, perfect strength, perfect power, perfect destiny. That is our ideal. Perfection is a goal rather than a state of being. The jedi would argue that, no doubt. The Force shall free me. The Force is our servant and our master. Our teacher and companion. A weapon and a tool. Know it, and any would know the universe. Master it, and you master the universe. Strive for perfection and the Force shall reward you.
Darth Revan created the Rule of Two, Darth Bane enforced it. One to have the power, one to crave it. This held for a little over 1,000 years. It failed upon the second Death Star when both Darth Sidious and Darth Vader died, this philosophy died therefore it failed. We do not follow this philosophy.
Darth Krayt created the rule of One. One Sith Order, one Dark Lord to lead. This was viewed as a dictatorship, while it proved stronger than the rule of 2, it ultimately failed upon Krayts death only to be revived nearly 800 years later by Kane Zambrano, a pathetic and weak Sith that would rather cower and hide and send in servants to fight for him to keep his power. This is cowardice and this philosophy has failed and will fail once again. This is not our philosophy.
The Ancient Order of True Sith is our philosophy. Not one dark lord but many, that form a Dark Council, a political Sith organization to discuss the views and goals of the Sith and merge them into one goal that the Dark Council work towards with the rest of the order. An order without infighting to allow all Sith to gather the same amount of power as everyone else with hard work and dedication. If one Sith wants to take out another Sith over greed, power, personal issues or whatever the case may be, can be organized by the Dark Council in a battle arena. With this philosophy, all Sith have one goal and work together to achieve it without only 2 Sith, not even one Dark Lord but several Sith and multiple Dark Lords all serving one goal under an Emperor.