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Approved NPC The Jesters

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Intent: To provide John Doe a criminal organization.
​Image Credit:
Role: Crime Syndicate


Group Name: The Jesters
Classification: Crime Organization
Headquarters: Nar Shaddaa
Loyalties: John Doe
Group Sigil: A green, spray painted happy face.
Description: A motley crew of guns for hire, mercenaries, thugs, chemists, and assassins, The Jesters are the muscle in John Doe's criminal body, turning him from an isolated lunatic to someone who can actually achieve the nefarious deeds he wishes to enact, including the sale of Paprika and enforcing whatever the clown wishes to impart upon the people of Nar Shaddaa.


Hierarchy: There is no concrete hierarchy, but those who have survived in John Doe's service for more than a year are often put into leadership roles by their subordinates. All members answer to John Doe.
Membership: Members usually join by being referred by a current Jester. John Doe varies the actual joining process. Some things he has done in the past is have the prospective member challenge any current Jester to a fight to the death, and if he wins, is allowed to serve in the new vacancy. In rare cases, Jesters are outright hired, paid in whatever currency they want, whether it be credits, drugs, or sentient beings.
Dogma/Doctrines: The key tenant of The Jesters is unwavering loyalty to John Doe. No matter how strange or bizarre the order, Jesters are taught to always obey, or deal with the horrible consequences insubordination merits in this organization.
Curios: N/A
Goals: To expand as a criminal organization in Nar Shaddaa, and eventually, the galaxy.


John Doe: Leader.

John Doe realized that his demented desires for domination could only be achieved by having an organization to do his bidding. With that revelation, The Jesters were formed. Originally consisting of guns for hire, the clown has since expanded to petty criminals, immoral chemists, professional mercenaries, and assassins. With his whole organization dedicated to his goals, John Doe now has the means to expand his criminal empire.
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