Ah. How long had it been? Too long. Blackness exploded into incredibly bright light. A whirling circle of death he was, so close to finally becoming what he had always fought to be, the most dangerous knight in the galaxy, the most ferocious of warriors, feared by all. Broad saber in hand he cut down his foes left and right, this time it had happened to be reptilian like aliens, no threat to the knight usually, but him and his elite task force of personal soldiers, The Dudes, had broken into a whole nest, and they swarmed out like ants. This was not technically authorized by [member="Jyoti Nooran"] But Draven had never really been one for rules, regulations, or being told what to do. So he had gone without the back up of the jedi, he trusted his men completely.
Lasers whizzed back and forth, huge mech suits on either side of him, Draven could not have felt more in his element, the hordes of foes washing over them, only to be beaten back by brutal force, and incredible amounts of machine gun fire. The knight let his temper flow, and he began to cut forward into the reptilian horde, pushing farther and farther out, snarling savagely with each and every slice of the blade, crushing those who came before him, his juyo technique serving him well. The battle raged for hours, absolutely savage, his Dudes out gunned, out manned, and certainly out numbered, but they continued to fight and beat off wave, after wave of foe.
Finally the gunfire stopped. The corpses piled higher than the short Jedi stood, and death absolutely surrounded them. Draven finally saw the hive mother, ripping her way out of the huge hill which they had been flooding down, massive, strong, incredibly dangerous. He hefted his incredibly large saber, and began to charge forward, swinging it back and forth, dead earth crunching beneath his feet, corpses flitting past, many of them his own dudes, the huge mech suits like craters in the thousands of dead bodies around them, smoking and flaming where their pilot had roasted. But as the knight grew closer to the huge, towering reptilian mother, which flicked its tail back and forth, snarling and snapping savagely, he noticed a lack of familiar ground shaking foot steps. Confused, he turned, looking for his elite vanguard, his soldiers, his men, and found them slowly fanning out into a semi circle around him, trapping Draven between his own men, and the creature. Captain George's voice crackled over comms, "You have lead us to one too many defeats Draven. We were brought on as warriors. Not some jedi master's lackies, or pups. We lost too many in the last battle, and too many here. Sorry kid." And with that, the comms crackled off, and the air was ablaze with machine gun fire, which the knight oh too well. But it had never been directed at him.
Draven whirled the broad saber, roaring out curses, calling them traitors, but the voice landed of def ears, and the fire continued to flow. His muscles burned, his head ached, wounds covered his body, a savage creature had raked him down the side, and left his abdomen oozing blood, this felt on fire as his muscles worked to continue whirling the saber. Then a incredible sweeping force smashed against his head, and his entire body flew like a rag doll. Bouncing across the ground, once, twice, his body eventually came to a halt, the huge reptilian creature swept forward towards The Dudes as they opened fire on the pile of bones which was Draven, only their first barrage reaching its target before they were forced to swap their attention to the bigger enemy.
Draven's face burned, he clawed his way towards the open tunnel which lead into the hive of the hill, his body writhing in agony, a glob of blood spit from his mouth, then another, then a flood, a mix of puke and blood splattered down his front, as the knight's head spun. The last thing he remembered, was thinking with a surprising cold, calmness, "Why is half the world black?" Then trying furiously to blink his right eye, working a lid which was no longer there. Then? Then nothing.
His eyes opened. Or eye rather. The knight jerked out of his deep slumber, hand snatching up his lightsaber and the rippling heat of its ignition flitted across his face for a moment, as the unstable blade came into being in front him, blue light flickering and shifting. He had seen some ad about a treasure hunt, and the knight...was he a knight anymore? Draven shook his head, and stood up, beginning to dress. The knight would answer, maybe even catch a ride back to silver territory. Throwing on his absolutely shot armor, Draven would roll his shoulder, it had never been the same after the betrayal, he just couldn't swing his saber like he used to, it would lock up on him. Staring down, the knight would flex his hand, the middle finger of his right one missing, and aching horribly. How he ached. Letting the force flood through him was the only way Draven could muster the strength to step outside the cruddy little inn door, and make his way downstairs.
Draven would approach the ship, sabers on his hips as always, and a gaping, fresh eye socket glaring out at the world. He'd call out two the two rather...dirty looking men, "Hey kids, heard there was treasure that needed hunting." He walked with a bit of a limp after his encounter. His shoulder plate which had been made of trooper armor was completely blasted to hell, a gaping hole in it, and his thigh guard was smashed to bits, barely holding together. He certainly didn't look any better than the rest of them.