Seven hundred and fifty-two days, that was last time she had even heard a word from Shepard. It bothered her more days than some. When she took on jobs that seemed further and further than what he would have disagreed on, it made her contemplate her choices. Although that was part of her process, her mind would always go back to the real issue...credits. It had been a short while since her last effort to try and gain a large stack of credits, but this time something felt different. The coordinates sent her precious White Raven to Dubrillion. It was a planet that had avoided her throughout her many, insanely dangerous hunts. Regardless, it was a well paying Job and as her gorgeous ship bucked while entering the dense atmosphere of the planet, she slid into her armor with ease. Another jerk was forced as the ship twisted quickly to correct itself for landing.
This wasn't the first time she had to make a stealthy landing. She could hear each heavy branch scraping against the metallic exterior of her one and only ship. Her lip curled into a smirk of niether amusement or satisfaction to the sound. Ignoring the slight chill it gave her, fully knowing another paint job would be due in the future; she gripped onto her bounty helmet and snapped it into place. Her visor lit up, assessing her surroundings as the hull hatchmade door sprung loose. Gases pressurized the area in a sudden reluctance. The hiss was like a soothing tea, a consistent sign of wealth every time Revy stepped foot off the White Raven. She was one of the best at what she did, but still something continued to eat at her. She had questions for whoever in charge.
"Why the secrecy?" Revy asked, taking in a deep sigh. Her visor scanned the area around her, the lush green shimmered with a morning dew. Revy deduced several things about the first few seconds standing on the morning dirt of the planet. One, the oxygen levels were easily breathable. Two, she was fifty-nine meters from her destination, per request of the contractor. Still, no motion was picked up on her internal combat indicator. For all it was worth, Dubrillion in the first few minutes was peaceful. Unfortunately, Revy had been on one too many jobs to know it wouldn't stay like that for long. Her violet eyes lifted from the ground and shurgged, her words echoing through her helmet as she took her first steps toward the meeting spot.
"Well, shit."
Emma Farron