Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Journey of the Acolyte

"We are arriving at the 7th landmass of Glee Anselm Master Malgus, turning over flight controls"

Service Droid P44 Version 2.4 readied the control panel.

Animus awaking from Sleep took control of the Z-95 and careened over the hills of the 7th landmass of Glee anselm, observing the beauty of this Oceanic world, heading for what seemed to be a docking bay or Cargo Hold of some sort. Massive Hangar doors could be seen even from the height of the Z-95 as it swooped down to the Hangar doors met by Nautilan Guard at each side.
The Z-95 hovered down impacting Thrusters to the floor as the Cockpit hatch popped open and Malgus Stopped out to the green pasture with his sack of equipment, Ships could be seen exiting the cargo bay and dropping through a cliff that ended into the massive endless oceans of Glee Anselm, the Very Docking Port itself was on top of a massive Cliff precipice that Ships used for Underwater Impulse for their thrusters.

A Nautilan Dressed in Ceremonial Robes and Traditional Garments approached the Ship of Malgus and Bowed respectfully.

"Welcome to Gee Anelsm, we got your Transmission from Outer Rim requesting transport to Pierlaos and Docking for 1 B Class Fighter ship. We as Nautilans are Glad to be of service to you "

The Nautilan Smiled and Gave a smirk of Pleasure eyeing Malgus for just a second...
Malgus feeling his gaze and come what confused to the Homecoming of this Nautilan.

"I thank you for the Hospitality... " Malgus said revealing his cloak and locking eyes with the Natuilan in a very Intense gaze which the Naitulan met with visible fear. "But i did not come here for sightseeing, tourism, or pleasantries, Where is my Holo card Nautilan?

Visibly Shaking and terrified the Nautilan handed over a shining card and replied with a Shaking voice "O.. of course, yes.. the ship is j... just leaving, b.. but if you wait a few Days...."

Animus Grabbed the card and ran to the Cargo bay, the Ship in question had just dropped into the Cliff and Malgus without a thought jumped behind it.
The fall was easily thousands of feet above sea level and Animus Swooping eyes locked upon the ship angled his body to boost his decline speed reached the side of the Hatch door of the ship before it impacted the roaring sea waves in the bottom of the cliff.
Using the force to push himself forward he grabbed the back railing of the Nautilan Ship, The ship itself was a strange thing with hedges and pokes all over and easy to grab, unless you were falling at 120 miles per standard hour.
Animus Managed to grab the hatch of the right side door and with every ounce of strength in the force, with every drop of hatred and anger, he pulled deep inside himself to make that hatch open with a loud *Thump*

e shot inside of the Ship closing the door behind him seconds before the impact of the ship in the water sent him ricocheting around the insides.

Terrified the Passengers mumbled and screamed in fear while he careened in energy across the ship hitting various passenger and smashed into the Service droid.

Animus Calmly caught his breath, steadied his heart beat, Flashed the Holo card to the Service droid of the ship Which Confused took the Holo Card Beeping out Commands to Flight control.. Took his seat ignoring the gazes and the obvious lack of a "Smooth Entry" he had desired

Animus was bleeding from his nose, Hurt and has bruises due to the impact, in excruciating pain ....he could not hide the smile.

Gazing at the lights of the underwater Capital of this Planet, he could say he was excited for once. He felt something call to him from the darkness of the waves...

That very thing that had nagged him into coming to this outskirt planet... Unexplainable, undeniable... He shut his eyes and meditated... This was what he was looking for all along...

Animus Activated his Wrist Communicator he had nabbed from Mandalorian Merchants for what was left of all his credits and contacted PP4
*"Stay with the Ship and await my arrival, however long it may take*"

*"Confirmed Master Malgus, Ending Transmission feed as you Commanded*"
Pyrrhus stared out of the wall-turned-window. The view was excellent. Just an open lens to the sea, and all its creatures. "Well? What are you going to do about it?!" So tranquil and without a care in the world, a pack of fish swam by. They moved in perfect unison, a synchronised dance. "Aren't you supposed to be in charge here? Ever since the Sith took control of this planet-" "Ah, but we didn't, did we?" Pyrrhus finally gave him some time of the day. Slowly, the Togruta turned away from the beautiful scenery from the ambassador's office in one of the wings of the government building on Pieralos.

The Nautolan addressing him was a civilian, and his angry and loud tone revealed he had never addressed a Sith before. That concept was foreign to him. The man was no one of note, really, but he was some elected official from some branch of the Nautolan capital's industry. His problem was the destruction left in the wake of a number of rebel attacks. It kept people out of their homes, and it prevented production to return to normal levels. Rebuilding had been promised long ago, but nothing had come to pass. Now he was blaming the Sith.

"One Sith are aware of the issue. We've provided your Natuolan Council with all the necessary resources, long ago. I'm surprised to hear they've not acted yet. Surely, they didn't take the credits for themselves, do you think?" In truth, some of the rebel attacks, that had been labelled terrorism, were already known to the Sith. Others, were in fact arranged by the Sith. One Sith's efforts to aid the Council in rebuilding were less generous than what Pyrrhus implied, but that was besides the point. They had provided credits, though unsurprisingly, and completely according to plan, the Nautolans appointed by the Sith to lead were prone to corruption, and had taken much of the wealth for themselves and their houses. The people saw little of it.

"What... Really? Well, if you're aware of the problem, why don't you take charge? Why don't you make them-" again, Pyrrhus interrupted the man as he saw fit. "We deposed the Council that betrayed your trust, and installed a new one. We did not invade Glee Anselm. Your planet's level of independence was always clear. It was our understanding that you did not wish direct Sith control. We respected that wish. The small garrison we have left have been to train your own forces, as well as support in your struggle against the rebels and the Anselmi" He reminded him of the violent past months of Glee Anselm. The Council only appeared moderately effective. Their success always came when relying on the Sith. In truth, whenever the Sith got directly involved, everything went swimmingly for the ocean planet.

"Well, clearly it's not working out!" the man's anger had not faded. Pyrrhus made sure of that. Throughout the conversation, the Togruta Sith had made sure to seek out his mind, and with subtle nudges of the Force, suggest and influence his line of thoughts. While he monitored the process to make sure that he reached the appropriate conclusion, it was not a long leap. There was already a growing dissatisfaction, but the Sith had due to skilful political manoeuvring not been at the source of it. A revolution was brewing. "Clearly."

But if not another Nautolan council, who then? Their Council of Ten had failed them, betrayed their trust, twice within a short timeframe. "Maybe the Sith should get more involved!" "Maybe we should?" he spoke as if he was beginning to consider a thought that had never been on his mind before now. "Maybe the Sith should rule." "Maybe we should." They were getting to the heart of it. One by one, individuals of note, that people listened to, were influenced to see things the Sith way. They would rile up the others. Through the minds of a few, they controlled the many. The power of a rhetorician was not to be underestimated.

"I will see to this matter personally. I'll make sure the project gets underway, with the trademark efficiency of the One Sith. No less will be tolerated. The pearl of Glee Anselm will be rebuilt." Finally finding satisfaction, the Nautolan removed himself from Pyrrhus' presence. Of course, the Sith would have to deliver. But now he had cause to take personal action. Within the week, everything would be restored. The Council was being undermined at every step of the way. Soon, the populace would demand a more direct Sith involvement, or rise up in revolt. Glee Anselm had had enough of rebellions lately. It was time for an end to that. It was time for stability and strength. It was time for the Sith.

Darth Pyrrhus, the Togruta Sith Knight went back to staring out of the wide window that extended from one edge of the room to the other. Like always, he was dressed in the traditional garbs of the Sith. Dark hooded robe, though the hood was kept down - it was not ideal for dealing with political matters, but moreover, his montrals did not allow them. Like other Togruta, his montrals extended into lekku. Though most had three, he had four; two at the front, two at the back. He looked fierce, with his red skin and its exotic white markings. However, now his attention was not on the fish that swam by, or the seemingly endless ocean. He felt a presence. New, unrefined, yet decidedly dark. Someone was coming... Perhaps he would not have noticed, had it not been for the Force itself, seeming to make him aware of the young presence. Somehow, this one's destiny was linked to his own. For now, he monitored this presence. Soon, they would come face to face. Soon™

[member=Animus Malgus]
ʜᴄ sᴠɴᴛ ᴅʀᴀᴄᴏɴᴇs
Trysts felt restrained. The submersible transport glided smoothly beneath the surface of the water. The sun cast its rays through the water, and branching structures of coral glittered in its light. The Echani acolyte was unmasked, dressed in a tight-fitted white outfit. Pinned to his breast was a metallic Sith emblem.

"Arrival is due in fifteen minutes." The voice was as artificial and serene as all of the things in Glee Anslem felt to be. The One Sith craved order, yes. Control. And he was nothing if not Sith - born into it, trained to be a part of their will. He had tasted chaos on Csilla, during the rebellion's raid.

"You are young." his master had said. "Your tastes will mature with time. For now, enjoy these simple pleasures. Soon, you shall realize that it isn't enough." That was the way of the Dark Side - the craving of ever greater control. An unslakable hunger for power.

"Simple pleasures..." He whispered to himself. Soon enough, he would make his report to [member="Darth Pyrrhus"], as per his orders. He closed his eyes, and thought of the feeling of blood running down through the spaces in his clenched fist as he waited for that time to come.

[member="Animus Malgus"]
Tristan sits in his former room that somehow was still there and untaken after his early dismissal from korriban , he meditates cross legged and in his undergarments his red skin standing out among the white sheets of his bed and the black walls an floor , he repeats the sith code in his head mentally watching his poor mothers execution at the hand of the sith the people he had swore alliance to and always to defend during that moment when the firing squad opens up on her it would of been easy for Tristan to turn against the sith most likely joining the Jedi but his mothers last words changed that for him as he sighs he stands up putting on his sith roads walking from his room onto the dark red sand of korriban the sun bigger than normal stars following to it being hotter and staying out more hours as he walks though the sand killing many dog like creatures that littered the planet with little to no effort now but when he was a acolyte they proved a challenge in numbers
The ship landed into the Capital city of Glee Anselm, Pieralos. Animus had never been to an Underwater city before, but the sight was not what he had come for.
He had come for something in his mind, something that nagged at him constantly, not letting him sleep... he had visions as of late, or a large facility packed to the brim with Knowledge and power, but just as he was about to enter it he awoke from the dream.

Animus was bleeding through the nose and the cloth covered it as he stepped out of the nautilan vehicle pushing aside the distressed Passengers. He was not concerned with subtlety right now, he wanted to search the city... see what he could see, find clues to what he was looking for, whatever that was he did not even know himself.
Walking the semi crowded streets of Pierlaos and noticing that many of the people were.. "antisocial" very rarely did he notice them speaking to each other, mostly building things that seemed to be destroyed.
What happened here? Animus mused in his mind. Suddenly his body froze, he felt something... something here... as if he was being hunted. That nagging feeling he had back in Naboo before he departed for the last time but this time it was... Dark... Sinister...
Animus looked around the Streets and did not notice much, cloaked figures were common so he put his hands in his pockets and kept walking through the streets.
He saw at the end of a road a Cantina. Animus was thirsty, a drink would not be bad right now.. also cantinas were home to many Loose tongues.
Animus SHrugged and thought of killing two birds with one stone and started walking in the direction of the cantina.

[member="Trystis Ray"] [member="Darth Pyrrhus"]
With the final Nautolan leaving his office, Pyrrhus was afforded some tranquillity. He had seen to his duties, and made sure that everything was moving along according to plan. The ocean pearl was behaving as he had suspected it would. Assured by this, he was eager to move on.

Pyrrhus did not plan on staying in Pieralos much longer. He would move to another location on Glee Anselm, the recently constructed Sith Academy. The Togruta Knight was pleased to see it buzzing with activity. Many Nautolans, those of note, had been snapped up and started their training. More so than just the locals, even people of other planets sought out Glee for knowledge.

Leaving his little office behind, Pyrrhus moved to meet with [member=Trystis Ray]. He'd await him on the steps of the government building. The acolyte would have to give his report while they travelled from there to the Academy.

While the Academy's location was a relative secret to those not Sith, it was accessible to anyone of their order. Perhaps [member=Animus Malgus] would find any acolytes with a particularly loose tongue in the cantina? Perhaps he'd bump into Trystis. For now, Pyrrhus merely monitored things from the distance. He had a feeling the presence he had felt would find its way to him.
Through the dual doors of the cantina Animus could see the end of the bar. He walked through the doors and eyed the patrons inside the Cantina.
Inside it was dimly lighted with red and blue Neon Light emitters and loud music. He walked slowly towards the Bar before he got grabbed by a Nautilan Patron who was at it seemed very drunk.
"Gitin... yer ass outtaaerrr. " The Drunken Nautilan grumbled as he Grabbed Animus by the cloak and began to push him outside.
The Nautilan Although drunk, had a fierce grip and Animus did not expect a grab from his cloak stumbled back and dove into his cloak removing it. With one hand he grabbed his cloak as he was removing it, and with the other he drew his Relic Sith Sword and pointed it's thrust inside the concealment of his robe flowing in his face Covering the nautilan.
Animus Used his Cloak and threw it at the Nautilan Patron before Stepping in with his sword which was concealed under the cloak and thrust, breaking the fabric of the cloak, and the Insides of the Patron.
The patron eyes popped open slumped forward which Animus catched.
Holding him over his shoulder he placed him in one of the Cantinas Entrance chairs under shadows. He had avoided a big mess, and a big show that would reveal his presence, he walked outside, cloak drenched in blood and a hole poked behind it now. So much for the Cantina...
Animus walked outside but he stopped... he felt the presence of something... something strong. What he came he to look for...
He walked in that direction, scanning, observing... Under the hood of his cloak.

[member="Darth Pyrrhus"] [member="Trystis Ray"]
[member="Animus Malgus"]

Pyrrhus waited, though his patience was being tested. He would stand on the steps only so long before it was time to move on. Through his contacts, he would receive the information he sought one way of the other. It was a process that singled out which sources could be counted as reliable, and which could not. As usual, Pyrrhus attitude towards the Acolytes was that it was not his role to slow down for their sake, but their role to either catch up, or fall behind.

And so the Sith Knight set out, his path destined for the Sith Academy. The presence he had felt was still here, getting closer. Vague, and mysterious, could it be the presence of the acolyte he had been expecting? He suspected not. Its purpose... Was unclear. Yet he felt as if the two were drawn to each other, one seeking the other. Time to give him a clearer trail to follow. Call it a test, to see if he could find him. If he did, he would find the Togruta Knight by a personal dock/hangar, waiting by a submersible vehicle, one that would take him, or both, to the Academy.

'Do you fear death?' the cold, chilling voice of Darth Pyrrhus came within reach of Animus. However, if he turned, he'd find no owner of the voice. It was all in his head. Was he going mad? 'Plunge yourself into darkness' there it was again. It was getting louder, beckoning him. The Dark Side was radiating from Pyrrhus, purposely leaking a thick trail through the Force, a little beacon for him to follow. 'Let it consume you. Give in. Embrace it.' the voice promised a life without light, without a touch of gentle compassion. But more than that, it promised strength. 'Take the leap. Doom yourself, and allow your potential to become unleashed. Find me' the voice faded, yet its message was clear.

Animus could choose to stay where he was. No harm would come to him, and his life could continue in whatever way it had been so far. Though, if he was willing to sacrifice himself, forfeit his life in service to the Dark Side, he stood to gain everything. Your move, Animus Malgus
Animus walked through the Buildings and streets of Glee Anselm, normally he would be happy to look around and ask questions but he was busy.
So far he had not seen what he came here to see, no sign of the Sith, no sign of Dark side users, Nothing that the Muun had told him was true.
He stood in the middle of the street, water dripping in his head, the light of a street lamp shined on his miserable whim. Animus was not a poor man, neither was he homeless, a small Mansion waited in Naboo with food and women, Money and business associates of his father eager to re-initiate the lifestyle. Animus wanted more... Not just money, not just women, not just a large house and influence, but true Power.
As if in response to his musings, he heard a voice in his ears. 'Do you fear death?'
Animus looked around and saw no one, nothing. "Who is there?" Animus said aloud as he looked around the half empty street, urchins around and a very unsavory part of town. No answer... Am i going insane? Animus thought to himself. But then he heard it again louder '"Plunge yourself into darkness'"
This time he heard it TOO damn clearly, but he felt it... like he felt the urge to come here like he felt the urge to give in to the dark side and kill his parents... He followed the voice, letting his body move on it's own accord, where instinct carried him to the Edge of town. where a Large Hole filled with Dark water ended.

'Let it consume you. Give in. Embrace it.
He definitely thought he was going mad, jumping to this dark water? leading to where? Out of a gut feeling? Something he could not possibly explain?
'Take the leap. Doom yourself, and allow your potential to become unleashed. Find me'
.....He did. Plunging down and swimming deep inside the black Water. In the blackness of the underwater chambers of Glee Anselm... he saw a shimmering light... more like a shimmer Darkness.
He Swam towards it, into a small hatch that closed behind him. "This is it" he thought. Im going to die, Locked inside this hatch drowned and doomed. All he could see was the light of what appeared to be... a Hangar? Underwater? Nothing made sense!!!
Suddenly the water drained, and he slammed into the floor of the hangar, Coughing up water, vomiting it as he emptied his lungs from almost downing.
His body shaking of cold and damp wet he looked up... Seeing the Mighty Togruta standing above him. [member="Darth Pyrrhus"]

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