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Approved Starship The Joyride

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  • Intent: To craft a Unique Starfighter for Maple
  • Classification: Starfighter
  • Length: 12.5 meters
  • Width: 4 meters
  • Height: 3 meters
  • Armament: Very High
007 Rapid Fire Laser Cannons, modified for 007 times the Damage, Range, and Accuracy

Interdictor Missiles with 007 times the range and accuracy of regular missiles.

Anti-Personnel Continuous Laser turret, under mounted. Recharges in 007 seconds after thirty seconds of continuous use

Defenses: Very High

Multilayered Shields modified for 007 times the Resilience of standard multilayered shields, which also recharge 007 times faster than normal shields

Chemically treated durasteel armor modified for 007 times the resilience to laser and kinetic weaponry

Superheavy Ionic Shielding, with 007 times the resilience of normal Ionic shielding, and also recharges 007 times faster than normal

  • Squadron Count: None
  • Maneuverability Rating: Very High
  • Speed Rating: High
  • Hyperdrive Class: Average | 1.0

One week of consumables.

Custom built targeting computer

Custom Flight Computer

Custom Comms Package


Heavily Modified Tie Defender Elite with highly accurate Laser Weaponry and Missiles modified to work at 007 time above average in some capacity or another, along with more powerful ECM defenses, Shields and Armor

Stygium Crystal Cloak Device

Heavily Modified Hyperdrive


GoldenEye: All weapons, in addition to being highly damaging and with great range, are highly accurate, thanks to Its Heavily upgraded CRX-9 Targeting Computer. All 007 laser cannons have been modified for 007 times the damage, range and accuracy. Its Interdictor Missiles have 007 times the range and accuracy, and its continuous beam laser turret is extremely accurate also

Barriers: All its defenses, from its multilayered shielding, to its armor, to its ionic shielding, are modified for 007 times the resilience

Fast: Fast engines ensure a speed on par with an A-Wing

Like a Fly buzzing around...: It high quality systems grant it extreme manuverability

Fly Swatter: An Elite Dogfighter to hunt other Elite Dogfighters, only the very best technology, or the finest piloting skills give an opponent a reasonable chance at victory, or at the very least, survival.

Stealth: Its Stygium Crystal Cloak Device enables it to hide for up to an hour


Wide Profile: Its design gives it a slightly wider profile to target when chasing it, and finds it slightly harder to maneuver in an asteroid field

Overheat: It can't fire its laser weapons continuously for more than thirty seconds, or it needs forty to vent the heat build up.

Stealth Limits: Its reduced to half speed in stealth mode and cannot fire its laser weapons while using it. It can however, fire missiles, but firing them will immediately give away its position.

Hyperdrive Limits: After the hyperdrive has been used twice in a row, it requires two hours to cool down.

Speed: While reasonably high, the power to other systems mean its speed is slightly less than its manuverability


The Joyride was Maple Harte's Jedi Starfighter back when she was still called Uri Udinia. A heavily modified Tie Defender Elite, Maple acquired it after taking the stock version from a Sith she killed from afar, and spent considerable time upgrading every system beyond even the Sienar Manufacterer's standards of quality. Maple has nothing against allied technology obviously, but in her experience, Imperial Weaponry is much more powerful and reliable, and of course one musn't discount the Irony Factor.
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