The Sequel
It was a beautiful Jutrand morning, just the kind Kirie liked- cool and clear and crisp. The sun had just risen and was slowly beginning to warm the stone rooftops that characterised the wealthy residential district where she lived with Quinn. Kirie stood on the doorstep overlooking the street, waiting for her visitor to arrive.
She had stood on this stoop waiting for her before. Back before she knew her as Kaila. Back when she had been Anathemous, and the sight of her melting out of the darkness had been enough to make Kirie jump.
But it was morning now, and even though it was not so long ago, a lot had changed since that night. Some of it bad, but most of it for the better. Kirie had arrived back on Jutrand with the realisation that her old life, the one she had been chasing, didn't exist anymore. She would have to make good on what she had found for herself in the Sith.
Quinn said that she had potential, a power that lurked inside her just as it did the Princess. Kaila and Quinn would help Kirie unlock that potential. That scared her, but she was willing to try. Even if she made a terrible apprentice and a worse Sith, it would provide her a place in the Empire with the woman she loved, and the friendships she had tentatively secured. And, if there was purpose that she could find for herself along the way, that wouldn't be so bad. It wasn't like she could just keep stumbling along forever.
The flash of blonde hair in the morning caught Kirie's eye and she looked up, giving Kaila a smile as she drew closer. She stepped down from the stoop so she stood her usual height, a little below Kaila's eye level. For some reason, standing taller than the Knight felt wrong to Kirie.
"Hey." said Kirie. "Sorry it's so early. I have class later but I wanted to get started." Kirie apologetically held out a duraporcelain mug full of steaming caf to Kaila by way of apology, and led the way inside. The atrium was empty, save for a few packing boxes stacked up in the corner, leaving space enough for Kaila and Kirie to train without fear of hitting something.
"We're moving soon apparently." Kirie offered. "Some new place. Better security." She gave Kaila a meaningful look. The need for increased defences would not be lost on her.
"So..." Kirie said slowly. "How do you normally, uh, do this?"
She had stood on this stoop waiting for her before. Back before she knew her as Kaila. Back when she had been Anathemous, and the sight of her melting out of the darkness had been enough to make Kirie jump.
But it was morning now, and even though it was not so long ago, a lot had changed since that night. Some of it bad, but most of it for the better. Kirie had arrived back on Jutrand with the realisation that her old life, the one she had been chasing, didn't exist anymore. She would have to make good on what she had found for herself in the Sith.
Quinn said that she had potential, a power that lurked inside her just as it did the Princess. Kaila and Quinn would help Kirie unlock that potential. That scared her, but she was willing to try. Even if she made a terrible apprentice and a worse Sith, it would provide her a place in the Empire with the woman she loved, and the friendships she had tentatively secured. And, if there was purpose that she could find for herself along the way, that wouldn't be so bad. It wasn't like she could just keep stumbling along forever.
The flash of blonde hair in the morning caught Kirie's eye and she looked up, giving Kaila a smile as she drew closer. She stepped down from the stoop so she stood her usual height, a little below Kaila's eye level. For some reason, standing taller than the Knight felt wrong to Kirie.
"Hey." said Kirie. "Sorry it's so early. I have class later but I wanted to get started." Kirie apologetically held out a duraporcelain mug full of steaming caf to Kaila by way of apology, and led the way inside. The atrium was empty, save for a few packing boxes stacked up in the corner, leaving space enough for Kaila and Kirie to train without fear of hitting something.
"We're moving soon apparently." Kirie offered. "Some new place. Better security." She gave Kaila a meaningful look. The need for increased defences would not be lost on her.
"So..." Kirie said slowly. "How do you normally, uh, do this?"