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Private The Juncture

Quinn's Apartment,
Kaila Irons Kaila Irons
It was a beautiful Jutrand morning, just the kind Kirie liked- cool and clear and crisp. The sun had just risen and was slowly beginning to warm the stone rooftops that characterised the wealthy residential district where she lived with Quinn. Kirie stood on the doorstep overlooking the street, waiting for her visitor to arrive.

She had stood on this stoop waiting for her before. Back before she knew her as Kaila. Back when she had been Anathemous, and the sight of her melting out of the darkness had been enough to make Kirie jump.

But it was morning now, and even though it was not so long ago, a lot had changed since that night. Some of it bad, but most of it for the better. Kirie had arrived back on Jutrand with the realisation that her old life, the one she had been chasing, didn't exist anymore. She would have to make good on what she had found for herself in the Sith.

Quinn said that she had potential, a power that lurked inside her just as it did the Princess. Kaila and Quinn would help Kirie unlock that potential. That scared her, but she was willing to try. Even if she made a terrible apprentice and a worse Sith, it would provide her a place in the Empire with the woman she loved, and the friendships she had tentatively secured. And, if there was purpose that she could find for herself along the way, that wouldn't be so bad. It wasn't like she could just keep stumbling along forever.

The flash of blonde hair in the morning caught Kirie's eye and she looked up, giving Kaila a smile as she drew closer. She stepped down from the stoop so she stood her usual height, a little below Kaila's eye level. For some reason, standing taller than the Knight felt wrong to Kirie.

"Hey." said Kirie. "Sorry it's so early. I have class later but I wanted to get started." Kirie apologetically held out a duraporcelain mug full of steaming caf to Kaila by way of apology, and led the way inside. The atrium was empty, save for a few packing boxes stacked up in the corner, leaving space enough for Kaila and Kirie to train without fear of hitting something.

"We're moving soon apparently." Kirie offered. "Some new place. Better security." She gave Kaila a meaningful look. The need for increased defences would not be lost on her.

"So..." Kirie said slowly. "How do you normally, uh, do this?"

ᴅᴀʀᴛʜ ᴀɴᴀᴛʜᴇᴍᴏᴜꜱ

Wearing: Robes
Tag: Kirie Kirie

The cure to distrust is knowledge, for distrust is, to the denial of many sith, fear of the unknown.

Kaila wore a gentle smile as she approached, knowing she may trust Kirie. She trusted her with the treasure she held most dear even; the heart of Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin . Of the numerous who coveted it, Kirie was the only one with whom she willingly shared. She was a gentle soul, unlikely to break such resplendent diamond, but could she protect it? Kaila was here to ensure the answer would be a resounding

And so she arrived with a long case in her firm grasp, full of little things to help Kirie learn.

She waved with her free, gloved hand as Kirie stepped down to greet her, then graciously accepted the warm caff with an equally warm smile.

Thank you! how thoughtful."

The young Darth paused to savor he drink, sighing contently. Though she favored tea for her health, the extra caffeine was a welcome indulgence. Gods know she slept poorly, especially since Susevfi.

"Hey." said Kirie. "Sorry it's so early. I have class later but I wanted to get started."

"Oh you're quite alright. The empire never sleeps, neither do we." she stifled a chuckle.

Following inside however, Kaila frowned at the stacked boxes and empty floor, despite the repairs.

Moving?" she echoed.

Necessary, I'm afraid. But a wise choice."

Though it was not Quinn they'd been after, an attack on the home of their princess, and one held in such high esteem by the throne, It illustrated to Kaila the failings of this empire, the reason she fought for change. Their enemies were much too bold, too comfortable with such blatant disunity even whilst war raged on their borders. Borders which she had already bled to defend, borders for which Quinn bled to expand.

Her knuckles tightened around the suitcase at the thought.

"So..." Kirie said slowly. "How do you normally, uh, do this?"

Remembering that she needed to focus, Kaila released a slow, steadying breath.

For over over 4 millennia, our acolytes have drilled primarily in martial skills, even before learning the theory and philosophy of the dark side, perhaps even our code."

Kaila began, channeling her passion into the passing of historical study as she often had to her own student.

I believed in teaching my apprentice the opposite order, however I naïvely believed we had more time."

She set the case down atop some nearby boxes with a plastoid clatter, retrieving a pair of Bokken sabers, pointing one hilt first towards Kirie.

We did not."


Quinn's Apartment,
Kaila Irons Kaila Irons
"Necessary, I'm afraid. But a wise choice."

Kirie gave a tight nod and sipped from her caf to avoid looking at Kaila. There was no need to linger on those events, they were seared into both their memories. Quinn, dying slowly on Susevfi, and Kirie fighting for her life in the home they shared, while the Kainate tried her back into servitude. Thanks to Kaila, the mark on her arm that had triggered that attack was gone, with only her chain code tattoo left marring her flesh. But, the threat seemed to remain. That could not be forgotten. Her enemy, whoever they were, was just lying in wait.

Still, moving felt like a loss. This was the place where she had fallen in love with Quinn. Her safe haven. Sacred ground.

As she listened to Kaila explain the outline of their first session, Kirie walked a slow circle of the atrium, weaving between shafts of light that came down from the large framed windows above the landing. In the dust they had kicked up packing, they were like clear beams, which Kirie unconsciously avoided, her feet tracing the dark patches as she listened.

"I believed in teaching my apprentice the opposite order, however I naïvely believed we had more time."

Yes. Time. Even since she had returned from Weik, the outside presence of something, or someone who wished to harm her remained pervasive. She could feel herself being followed, whatever it was closing in. One day, if she wasn't ready, Kirie would be caught out. She could feel it coming, and she wouldn't mistake her gut again.

"Quinn has agreed to help with my Force instruction too- And I may yet enroll in the Academy." said Kirie.

Kirie looked at the outstretched Bokken saber nervously. She didn't like hurting people. Every time in her life that she had accidentally injured someone, she bad always ended up shedding more tears than her unintentional victim. A little embarrassing, but she couldn't help it. Violence had always made her feel sick.

But, that wasn't an option anymore, right? Kirie had to harden up. She had chosen a violent life. Danger, bloodshed, fear. These were the risks that she had accepted to be here with Quinn. But, Kirie knew she had to do more to prepare for it. She had already almost died here twice, and she would remain vulnerable if she didn't learn to defend herself. Worse, she would put Quinn at risk. She would never forgive herself if the Princess was injured trying to help Kirie because she'd been unable to help herself.

So, she would try to learn. She took ahold of the training weapon with both hands, holding it in what she thought looked like a ready stance in front of her.

"Okay." said Kirie with more confidence than she felt. "Let's do this."

ᴅᴀʀᴛʜ ᴀɴᴀᴛʜᴇᴍᴏᴜꜱ

Wearing: Robes
Tag: Kirie Kirie

Kaila remained silent.

The shift was inhuman at first, from the warmth of Kaila struggling to break free of the cold iron in her bones, to the mechanical focus of Darth Anathemous. The one who saw everything.

And Kirie's hesitation stuck out like a sore thumb.

The academy?" she hummed deeply, ghostly.

That is a dangerous place. I can see why she arranged me to teach you then."

Anathemous took a step forward, carefully lifting her weapon to Kirie's wrists, gently nudging them upwards until her guard was at the correct height.

Acolyte's setting up accidents for their fellow students, backstabbing one another for the chance at a sponsor, to prove themselves 'top dog' of the pack. To be noticed."

I know the type. Remind me to tell you about the Queensnake,"

She paused a moment, staring distantly, right through Kirie. The names... why couldn't she remember their names? Had she gone through so many?

Kaila blinked the thought away, then gently tapped the young woman's leg.

Back weighted stance, it will keep you balanced."

Then she stepped back a few paces, giving her footwork another glance. And once she was satisfied, Kaila assumed the same stance, holding her blade between them.

And in that moment, she recalled the first time He instructed her.

"What can you remember about fighting? I would see such knowledge put to the test as your first lesson, you may attack me with everything you have when you are prepared."

"Prepare. Attack. Do not hesitate."

The phantom pain flared in her ribcage. He did not hesitate to throw her about. The acolytes would not hesitate to end Kirie's life. But could Kaila prepare her for this, without becoming to her what He was to herself?

She took a deep, steadying breath, and gently added—

I can take it."


Quinn's Apartment,
Kaila Irons Kaila Irons

Kirie had spent enough time with Kaila to pick up the subtle shift that she underwent. There wasn't any one thing she could pick up, but perhaps it was a slight darkening of her expression, a change in the way her eyes glittered in the light, a minute adjustment in her posture. Maybe it was none of that, and took the form of some hard to quantify shift in her Force presence, something Kirie had only just found out she could feel. Whatever the mechanism, Kirie noticed the result. Kaila had stepped aside, and Anathemous had the reigns. A touch of the old nervousness that had always run through her when she was close to the Sith returned, surprising even Kirie. She hoped that Kaila wouldn't notice the slight twinge of fear. Hoped it wouldn't hurt her.

It was just, Kaila she could almost put a bounds on. That was the part Kirie had come to know, in the soft light of her old room down the hall, in the candlelit ballroom on Naboo, and later, by moonlight.

But, Anathemous was a different, foreign thing. A part of Kaila that Kirie had only seen a handful of times. Almost a different person, the way Quinn had seemed when she was out of control on Echnos. It wasn't a fair characterisation, and it made Kirie guilty to lay such judgement on her friend. But still, when the Sith took on that hard edge, part of her was afraid.

"Acolyte's setting up accidents for their fellow students, backstabbing one another for the chance at a sponsor, to prove themselves 'top dog' of the pack. To be noticed."

I know the type. Remind me to tell you about the Queensnake,"

Kirie listened attentively, trying to stop her eyes from following Anathemous as she walked a slow circle around her, correcting her posture, her guard. The things she was saying about the Academy were things she'd heard before in form, but specific, like Kaila had experienced them. Already she was hesitating from joining the Academy out of fear for its rigidity and dogma. Surely it couldn't be worth risking death for then, right?

And what about the Queensnake? Kirie wondered what that meant, but she didn't feel it was appropriate to interrupt the lesson and ask Kaila- Anathemous?- to tell the story. She made a mental note to ask her about it later.

Then, Anthemous, Kaila, stood in front of her again.

"Prepare. Attack. Do not hesitate."

Kirie's knuckles gripped the wooden handle. She had expected a few lessons on footwork and drills. Maybe a sparring match at most. Not... This. She didn't want to hurt Kaila.

"I dont think..." Kirie began, but the rest of the protest died in her throat. She had asked for this. Anathemous said she could take it. It was Kirie who was being the weakling again, shying from the reality that would leave her dead soon enough if she didn't face it.

Okay then. She just had to give everything she had, and not hesitate.

Kirie grit her teeth and stepped forward, both hands on the saber as she raised it in a wide and sloppy attack. She swung hard, muscles burning with the residual strength of the blood that had sizzled on her tongue, eyes closed so she wouldn't have to see it connect. She had aimed at the young Sith's shoulder, but in her step forward to strike, she had inadvertantly raised her arm. With her eyes now screwed shut she did not correct it, and instead swung the wooden saber at Kaila's head.

ᴅᴀʀᴛʜ ᴀɴᴀᴛʜᴇᴍᴏᴜꜱ

Wearing: Robes
Tag: Kirie Kirie

Kaila was a poor teacher, she knew.

Anathemous knew, or would, were she not so absorbed in the moment. That was the simplest explanation of her two halves— one to think too often of their past and future, and one who'd learnt to throw all else aside to survive the present. Yet both fought to prevent the past repeating.

Kaila wished to see Kirie break the cycle of loss.

So Anathemous raised her sword, pupils contracting at the faintest sign of movement. One had to appreciate the cruel irony, that she was more like the echani when at her furthest from understanding Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin . Or anyone at all.

The young lord took one step back to her own surprise, body twisting to avoid the Weikian's telegraphed but unexpectedly fierce blow which may have struck her face if not for the timely interception of her own blade, catching it first by the tip before both blades slid down the other's lengths. One could almost picture the sparks of real combat.

Anathemous certainly could.

Despite her stern, instinctual expression, the way it got her blood pumping, a part of the warrior-witch took great joy in that. But of course she'd not been trained to play games like other sith, and so she made to end the fight in one strike. Her muscles remembered countless hours of Juyo practice and acted thusly, twisting her defensive guard to strike at the head in one swoop. Fighting between her two halves however, Kaila stopped the mock blade just short.

Taking a few deep breaths, the baleful fire in her eye dimmed just slightly as Kaila regained her composure, and stepped back to assess.

"Sloppy, but not abysmal. Room for improvement."

No. She was determined to teach differently than her master, even if subtly so.

You're strong for your size."

Kaila nodded slowly.

You strike for the head, this is good. A saber cauterizes wounds, and so you cannot rely on bleeding the foe. Better to kill before you're killed."

She thought for a moment, replaying their ultimately short battle in her head, pinching her chin in thought.

Many beginners telegraph their blows, as did you, albeit subtly so. Rather than raise your arm to swing, try swinging from below, and twisting your wrist to strike from on high. Juyo draws on ferocity and unexpected angles of attack. I believe this form may suit you, in time, though we should discuss a few."

And... we may need to work on your flinch response. I did say I can take it."

She added with a knowing smile.


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