Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Location: Subterrel System
Equipment: Skinsuit, Jacket, Rusty Green Jumpsuit, Left Bracer, Plastoid Shingaurds, Mix and Match Harness
Weapons: Lossa's Lightsaber, Concealed Blaster, Nasty-Stabby
Tools: Fusioncutter
Personal Ships: Skiptown, The Buzzard, with V-2 Minimech 'Skid'
Tags: Khamesi Aivar Khamesi Aivar Primarion Hiperius Primarion Hiperius Nyles Kote Nyles Kote Vera Tillian Vera Tillian Cryx Tillian Cryx Tillian

Ground Support Fleet
-x2 Bellicose Class Frigate - Affinity, Indignation
x4 Combined Squadrons of Multi-role Droid Starships (160)
-x3 ES92 Nebulon Cruiser - Divinity, Dignity, Destiny
x6 Combined Squadrons of Multi-role Droid Starships (240)
-x4 CR90 MKVIII Corvette - Fractal, Forager, Fidget, Finder
-x2 Foray-class Corvette - Cutter & Clipper

The Communication and Sensor officers reported in as Lossa stared at the battle display. The slow updates to the map drawing her focus back and forth as she tried to figure out her best options.

"Strill Company is ahead of us Ma'am. They have encountered what we have surmised is a contesting fleet."

She chewed on her thumb again, glancing around the display as she pointed to the planet.

"We need to help the ground forces. And with everything between here and there, I doubt they've got much in the way of support." She chewed her thumb hard enough to split the nail at the end.

"Hyperspace reversions to the rear. Signatures suggets friendly Rimward Vessels have arrived."

The gnawing stopped long enough for her to frown.

"Lot of good that does-" The disinterest shortened by realization. "Patch us through. We might have a way in if we do this right."

Hustle and bustle of activity and purpose caused the command deck to come alive suddenly as Lossa tracked a course without touching the display. The new arrivals potentially fitting into her idea as the communication officer announced successful contact.

"Vessels within our contingent are to skirt the battlefield until ordered otherwise. Keep the Divinity and Dignity in a position to intercept starfighters. Have the Affinity launch their starfighters to help with defense. I hope this is only unpleasant and not fething disastrous. " She pushed the order past her thumb, letting the hand dropped to her side before chewing on her lip.

Nerves beginning to settle on her ability to be present for those on the ground. This was a chit-show now and she had to move.

"Contact has been established, Ma'am. Your orders?"

Her thoughts keeping her from responding as she continued to visualize the path ahead.


She nodded, drawing in a breath to give her the final moments to decide before speaking. The quick in and out she had originally figured this to be was going toward a full blown fight that she would get caught up in. Something she didn't need given what was under her direct command.

Something she hadn't wanted been intended for.

"The League Vessels have split into separate division's. Patching you into the closest one Ma'am."

Her brow rose, spinning to address the comm officer finally. This was what they needed. It wasn't a great way of moving forward, but it was this or linger.

"Have them form up for direct attack. Put them between us and the enemy force and we'll get in through them." She took three steps forward, making her voice more clear as the officer made to speak before she cut them off.

"Relay our intent to push through the lines while they engage and have them move accordingly. We are here to support the ground forces. Not deal with the enemies in space." Her final addition to the message as they nodded and turned to begin their task.

Her fleet slowly ambling toward the outskirts of the engagement while the second division began to push forward and beyond the ground support fleet.

"Don't let me down." A final sigh as she tried to get comfortable in the meantime. The Affinity dropped two squadrons of Multi-role Droid Starships engaged with their Laser Cannons. The droid starfighers creating a flight pattern around the ships in broken pairs of four to better cover the expanse of the fleet.

Their automated brains tying them together and back into the larger vessel as they circled and kept their patterns tight. Two Nebulons presented themselves toward the engaging groups, not engaging weapons yet but letting their defensive weapons spin up and prepare for the worst.

The Foray Vessels Cutter and Clipper engaged their Ion Cannons in preparation, the turrets swiveling and aligning themselves in sync with fire control as the Affinity and Indignation prepared their own Ion Cannons along with their point defense weapons.

The CR90's did little more than prepare their minelayer systems, stocking the munitions into feed racks, several more waiting in the crane systems as their captains waited to signal through the power feed with anxious tension. They knew their role, and waited. The engines waiting to receive the extra power given the lack of prepared weapons.

Another alert sounded as more vessels formed up behind them from fresh reversion signals.

"Friendly Assault vessels have dropped in. Troop transports for the ground forces Ma'am."

Her face contorted. Her blatant display of disbelief met with no small measure of irritation from the more veteran crews.

"Wait. More- Don't we have-?"" She pressed her palm to her temple forcefully at the development. "Ugh. See if they will form up on us. This went from simple to stupid real quick but feth it I guess."

The Communication officer frowned, eyes not quite leaving the one that had been handed command of the Support Division suddenly. This is what they'd been saddled with? The silent question in their mind until they couldn't ignore their duties any longer.

Her hands became a nervous flurry. Scratching across her scalp before chasing the wandering itch to just in front of her ear before letting an arm cross her waist while the other made a cage over her mouth.

It didn't seem the proper time to start yelling across the comms about assigning the unprepared for more tasks just yet.

Second Division Fleet Assembly
DNS Mina Bonteri, DDF Phalanx, DDF Pathfinder, DDF Herald, DDF Pilgrim, SNF Ackbar, PNF Kal'Shebbol, KNF Cyclops, KNF Krayt Dragon, RRS League, RRS Outer Rim, MIF Brawler, MIF Pathfinder, MIF Liberator

The Commanding Officer scowled at first at the relay from the ground support fleet, not realizing the purpose behind their suggested push into enemy lines.

"This is a rather foolish extension of our capabilities.

"They intend to push through enemy lines while we engage, sir."

The man blinked, exhaling through his nose as he pondered the ramifications of leaving the ground troops to their own. It would look bad if they didn't support those planet side in their escape given the coverage in space. And there was little hope of their escape without remaining in atmosphere for some time to avoid the enemy lines.

"...Very well. Assume battle stations and ready weapons. We'll be assisting Strill alongside the Ground Support division." Orders delivered as commands were relayed and acted upon.

Engines alight as the masses of metal and weaponry began to arrange themselves.

The Second Division's formation adjusted as they prepared to place themselves at the front of a diversion. The Bonteri taking a centralized position to keep its weapons in the fight. The Phalanx, Pathfinder, and Pilgrim separating enough to keep their noses pointed forward. The Phalanx and Pathfinder dropping below the Bonteri while the Phalanx ascended above. All keeping several hundred meters between them and the Bonteri as a precaution.

The Cyclops and the Krayt took positions just ahead of the Bonteri, spinning up their weapons as the Kal'Shebbol took position behind the formation alongside the two transport Vessels. The Ackbar however took the front, beginning to throw its starfighter contingents into space ahead of it.

Two squadrons of Zenith-series Multi-Role Starfighters began running formations ahead of the vessel, warming engines and weapons as the next vessels began mimicking them. Two squadrons of Angel-series Fast Interceptors followed them forward as well, but kept themselves from the front of the formation and held to the outer edges of the growing formation. Finalizing the deployment from the Ackbar was a squadron of Tau Devastator-series StarWing Bombers alongside a squadron of Angel-series Fast Interceptors that flew to the rear of the starfighter detachment.

The Second division stood poised with weapons ready as the starfighter took to space and began forming up in preparation. The ground support division under command of this Darcuhl woman slid into place almost directly behind them, beginning to mingle in with their own vessels. The tactical display changing with the shift as the commander frowned.

It wasn't a tactic he despised. But short notice and an order that was halfway a demand rather than a request had made him irritable. A new contingent of troop transports had arrived, making him further narrow his eyes before looking back to the support division on the display.

He wondered in silence how well the idea would work, but without any previous planning to adhere to, he supposed this was the best option available. However short sighted it felt. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he counted down, watching the final three vessels form up behind the Affinity and Indignation.

"Second Division, begin our push." Came the final sigh of a being resigned to someone else's plan.

The entire Second Division began to lumber forward towards the gaps in the Strill lines with weapons prepared to fire. The Support Division quickly behind them and bringing themselves lower than the attacking vessel to skirt the lowest plane of the defenders with the three troop transports behind them.

The Starfighters of the Ackbar screamed ahead, twirling through the Star Destroyers and plotting a path straight into enemy lines as their weapons warmed and began attempting to lock on to available targets.



Allied Tags: N/A

Enemy Tags: Nyles Kote Nyles Kote , Darth Strosius Darth Strosius , Cryx Tillian Cryx Tillian , Rhiza Dural Rhiza Dural , Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus [Rimward Trade League | Tsis'kaar]
Engaging: Vera Tillian Vera Tillian
Neutral Tags: Khamesi Aivar Khamesi Aivar [Unknown]

Patrols Dorn-1-1, Esk-2-1


They entered real-space in the void just outside the Subterrel-System, the three ships of his patrol in perfect synchronisation as they fired their sunlight engines for less than a second to move a bit further before holding. The Imperator engaged their sensors and send some probes forward to gather data in the system itself and waited.

A brief ping on the sensors indicated that the second patrol, Esk-2-1 appeared out of hyperspace and moved in line with the other ships, the GEMINI captains automatically adjusting to move into Phalanx-formation without engaging the protocol yet with one ship behind the five front ones. The on behind, Unit-1-14-B, was Primarions ship from where he observed the readings of the sensors and probes.

He would patiently wait for the data to come in. It would take about fifteen minutes till the probes reached the system and showed what was going on and revealed the amassing presence of enemy forces, Rimward Trade League units who were outnumbering and outgunning the few ships he had, even if another three patrols would jump in. And then there was the pirate presence which made little sense, especially since they were apparently opposing the league. But who were they supporting?

The options really narrowed down.

Inaction and sitting tight was none of them. They could play a few of their advantages and see if that would make the enemy reconsider their approach and maybe remove themselves from the system or stall them for as long as it took for real reinforcements to arrive.

With a blink he checked the ETA of the other two patrols and made his decision. The command was transferred via thought impulse to the GEMINI units and the formation prepared to their engines to microjump into the system.

The six ships erupted out of hyperspace right next to the Leagues formation, the six in close formation with enough horizontal and vertical spacing to allow both sides to fire freely. They were right away firing up their engines, propelling the cruisers forward in a swift and direct manner, aiming to enter any gap left by the mid and rear section of the Rimward forces.

Primarion was in the ship to the rear center, at a position where he could oversee the developements at the front and could still coordinate the direction while not suffering in the rear-guard. His eyes remained still as the sensors displayed the data on his HUD and he was going through the strengthes and ship types present, quickly analysing what was where and where they could inflict the most damage. The boarding pods were already prepped since before the entered hyperspace and would soon be spit out to cause mayhem among the ships around.

The Raptor Imperialis were charging their shields and aiming their weapons the moment the GEMINI captains had received the command via their unique frequency from the Imperator to unleash focused fire on specific ships with all weapons which could reach those while the rest was blazing away at the targets they could get a solution for.

The primary target for the attacking Legion ships were the Bastion and Indomitable, their Megamasers concentrating their fire, evenly spreading it on both frigates. Then launches of assault concussion missiles and proton torpedoes, being sent on their way to bring their devastating payloads to bear and tear the small ships apart.
All other batteries, which were not able to shoot on the two primary targets, would open fire on other targets, also focusing in their vectors. There was no single individual entity in the six cruisers, they were acting as one and trying to bring down target methodically. The AI captains not needing to talk and more being the ships themselves, there is no delay in their communication and therefore coordination.

Each of the Raptor Imperialis warships carried a single squadron of drone-starfighters, fast but weak in any term, which they launched for protection against enemy fighters and bombers, screening the ships by committing to very close formations. They were also controlled by the GEMINI AI and coordinated by the kind-of hive mind to intercept and launch themselves into the enemy if weapons should fail.

Once closer, the ships would, with focus on the Kerch Kushi and Prospector, launch drop-pods, dozens of them, going for the hulls of the two Star Destroyers and aiming to cause as much internal chaos and destruction as possible by spitting out their Skytroopers. Mostly normal but also heavy units with grenade launchers and flamethrowers were among them, especially potent in close quarters.

The commands were all coming from Primarions thoughts and were directly transmitted to the ships AI, he was picking the targets and he was directing the ships, all of them, more or less in full control as he experienced the battle first hand. Even the other five of his battle brothers and sisters were not engaging. He, together with the droids but mostly by his own brain, calculated and devised the tactics for this operation and directed each unit. It was an extensive micro-management while he did not lose focus on the entire battle.

Below his helmet, his face was neutral, not showing any sign of stress or emotion, just focus.



The reintegration of Darth Athora into the Sith Order, while recent, ushered in a new era of strength to the Eternalists. With her, the former Lord Admiral and Grand Adjudicator brought back the strength of the Imperial Armada that had waned in her absence. The Belderone system once thrived with peace and security as Athora ruled over it for so long. Now, she was once again an actor on the galactic scale.

The actions of the Tsis'kaar were swift. The reaction would have to be swifter. Darth Athora was summoned by her Emperor to break the coup before it get's it legs. The word of Subterrel was known to favor the Tsis'kaar thus it had to be realigned towards a better path. A more Eternal path.

Through hyperspace, the entirety of the 7th Fleet was traveling across the stars towards Subterrel to reintroduce order to the world before it was too late. Darth Athora stood at the bridge of her new command ship, a SD-10s 'Monger' Sith Star Cruiser, looking down upon her subordinates. A hologram of Subterrel lied before her with several points across the planet, highlighting major points of interest to her. While she was going at the command of the Emperor, she had ulterior motives to further increase the reach of Kulthis Manufacturing. Power is power, no matter how one seizes it.

Athora's apprentice walks up beside her. "Master. I will lead the re-education efforts planetside in your name." she claimed.

"You don't believe your skillset to be better used against those that do not conform to the new status quo?" Athora questioned.

"I feel that my time would be better spent with those that are going to benefit the future of the world and not those who wish to see it continue to rot. And there is no guarantee I won't have to use my skillset." Anila replied.

"Very well. Do as you wish. Subterrel will be beneath my heel in 7 rotations or it burns."

Heart Breaker and Life Taker
Current Outfit

Hilal never lead anyone into battle before, hell she never didn't get a chance to become the leader of her local Gooth Ball team as a kid. How was she able to lead a ragtag group of security forces against the fracking Sith? "I'll be sure to remind the Rimward Trade League to triple my pay when I get back." Hilal said navigating her starship alongside her Droid companion: DVA who was sitting beside her on the control panel his electrical cord connected to the ship's mainframe.

"Admiral Huil," Hilal said. "This is Hilal of Clan Vizsla, 3rd division is holding rear but we got Six Sith Cruisers above and below our positions!"

Looks like the Sith were trying to pincer the ships and shower them with megamaser fire from all sides. Hilal gritted her teeth, her heart thumping to the point where she felt she was going to have a heart attack. What use was she as a commander? She was just a Bounty Hunter but the Trade League thrusted her in this position for the promise of an Ocean of Credits. "I should've told them to quantify that," Hilal muttered to herself. "But I signed on the dotted line and looking at hindsight is for quitters and excuse makers. Not me!"

Hilal swiveled her ship towards the Six Sith Cruisers. "DVA! Full power to shields!" Hilal ordered while DVA whirred in confusion.

"We're surrounded!" Hilal explained. "With Vera Tillian Vera Tillian and Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus initiating their attack we have to make sure they don't get flanked from behind! The best course of action is to take at least one cruiser out!"

DVA gave a concerned look towards Hilal who gulped. "I don't know if it'll work, okay?" Hilal said her hands tightening around the controls trying to calm her nerves. "But I need to be strong for our guys and for Vera and Lossa! They need us right now and we're going to give it everything we got!"

Hilal's starship pulled up and DVA set the shields at maximum. "Everyone! Form up!" Hilal shouted. "Follow me!"

Nyles Kote Nyles Kote , Khamesi Aivar Khamesi Aivar , Primarion Hiperius Primarion Hiperius , Darth Athora Darth Athora , Cryx Tillian Cryx Tillian
Last edited:

Nyles Kote

Strill Securities Me'sene Tra'alor'an



Friendly Units:
  • 5x HSD-01M Beviin-class Heavy Star Destroyer
    • Ca'tra b' Nau (flagship): 100 | 100
    • Ve'verdyc: 100 | 100
    • Oya'karur b' Beviin: 100 | 100
    • Tra'kad: 100 | 100
    • Aay'han: 100 | 100
  • 5x HF-03 Gar'buurenaar-class Heavy Frigate
    • Tra Ramser: 100 | 100
    • Jehavey'ir: 100 | 100
    • Tra'gor: 100 | 100
    • Tracyn'beviin: 100 | 100
    • Ram'ser b' Sur'ar: 100 | 100
  • 10x HC-01 Tra'phatir-class Heavy Cruiser
    • Parjai: 100 | 100
    • Gotal'yaim b' Nau: 100 | 100
    • Kalikir: 100 | 100
    • Shukur'kad: 100 | 100
    • Koo'nar: 100 | 100
    • Ali'nar: 100 | 100
    • Shek'viinur: 100 | 100
    • Ver'gebuir: 100 | 100
    • Tra Cabur: 100 | 100
    • Verd b' Kar'tayl: 100 | 100
Ally Tag(s): Cryx Tillian Cryx Tillian | Rhiza Dural Rhiza Dural | Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus | Vera Tillian Vera Tillian | Hilal Vizsla Hilal Vizsla | Rimward Trade League
Enemy Tag(s): Khamesi Aivar Khamesi Aivar | Primarion Hiperius Primarion Hiperius | Darth Strosius Darth Strosius | Lucia Naberrie Lucia Naberrie | Darth Athora Darth Athora | Sith Order



"New signatures dropping out of hyperspace," came the casual announcement of the sensor officer. Nyles saw their reversion point on the main tactical display barely a fraction of a second later. He let out a sigh of relief as their IFFs indicated them to be friendly. For a moment he frowned as their sensors scanned the allied ships, the projected image and its various readouts changing as more sensor data was resolved by the fleet's Manda battlenet computers, briefly recognizing the name of the estimated manufacturer of one of the ships. A lifetime of mercenary work had taught him that yesterday's enemies were sometimes tomorrow's allies.

Nyles didn't need to tell Kal's comms officer to stay alert for any comms from their allies. He didn't try to raise his reinforcements. They likely had their own tasking and would keep him appraised of things as and when needed. Ideally, anyway. "Incoming comms from the Ash Dragons," called the comms officer, snapping Nyles out of his thoughts. A nod from Nyles was all the invitation needed for him to play the message.

"I'm afraid Fleet Admiral Kote that your demands are untennable, I will no sooner break a contract to save my own neck than you would purposely disgrace your Clan or House. I do regret having to engage with Mandalorian forces, even mercenary ones, Admiral Aivar counts members of House Vizsla as friends and allies, when possible we are to avoid Mandalorian engagements to avoid damage to these ties, even on accident. However, our word is our bond, and our standing orders are that when given commands that would gurantee a breaking of that word, we are to refuse. As Ash Dragons, we would rather die fighting and free, than dishonored or in chains. Mayhaps if we both survive this we will find ourselves allies in the future, but as it stands, your demands have forced my hand to engage. I am sorry. Kote at gar Me'sene Tra'alor'an Kote, o'r parjai ra kyr'am.

Nyles had nothing against the Ash Dragons just as their commander had stated that he had nothing against Mandalorians. He was silently impressed at his grasp of Mando'a to boot. That was more than Nyles could say for himself or many of the men with him who had axes to grind with those among them that sought to return to the old Crusader ways and/or embrace the ideals of the Kyr'tsad. Such was the way of life they'd chosen, however, and should the time come when he could fight alongside the Ash Dragons provided they survived today he would not be against such a thing. Nyles was about to give the order to fire when his HUD alerted him to incoming vessels.

The incoming signatures that dropped out at quickly resolved themselves to be League ships. The lead ship was one Nyles was very familiar with. The League had purchased a number of Breshig weapons to fit out their Remittance-type Lucrehulk refits. Nyles had never been a very big fan of the ancient warships in the battlecruiser role, but the Trade League's refits certainly proved to breathe new life into the ageing space frames. "Tracking outbound communication to the Ash Dragons fleet from the Trade League's lead ship," announced the comms officer.

"Probably giving them the chance to stand the shab down," offered Kal, shrugging. "Same as we did." Nyles didn't doubt the possibility, but somehow he had a feeling that whoever was in charge would have figured that he would have already done that by now. No, this had to be something else.

"Maybe," shrugged Nyles. "Patch it in. Let's hear what our burc'ya are putting on the table." Nyles didn't give voice to his thoughts, but he was willing to bet not an insignificant portion of his last paycheck on the League attempting to buy off the Ash Dragons. It wasn't a bad plan, and were the Ash Dragons the garden variety pirates they initially presented as, he had no doubt it would likely work. Somehow Nyles had the feeling that things were just not going to be that easy today.

"I am Commodore-General Huil of the 23rd Cruising Squadron of the Joint Strategic Command." He paused for a moment, watching the communication officer nod after ensuring the transmissions' strength. "My best estimate is that you are the commander of the Ash Dragons, and I am authorized to offer you a contract: twenty thousand thousand credits in mixed currencies of your choice and safe passage for your ships and any passengers you wish to take aboard within the next hour, in exchange in not getting involved. A secondary, larger contract is also on the table should you be willing to join us against the expected Sith Order blockade. I have spoken."

Nyles let out a sigh. Not out of exasperation, rather because he fully expected them to decline this offer as well. "Patch me through." He caught the comms officer nodding moments before an icon in his HUD indicated he was connected and transmitting. "This is Fleet Admiral Kote. I know the chance that you'll take him up on his offer is minimal. So I will say that what we're about to engage in isn't personal. We're on two sides of different contracts. I could tell you that my client has the moral high ground, but it wouldn't matter for what comes next. I will urge you, however, to take his offer, and promise you that I will not fire till you do. Kote out."

"League forward picket elements want a word," said Kal from beside him. Satisfied that he got his attention, he added, "Patching it through now." That was Kal's way of telling him that he'd already listened to it, but was waiting to see what Nyles' orders were once he'd had a chance to listen to it himself.

"Patch us through to the privateers," Vera said before waiting for a moment. "Strill Ships- this is Commander Vera Tillian of the Rimward Ranger Service, currently leading the vanguard of the first division of the twenty-third cruising squadron."

It felt strange to say since the 23rd cruising squadron was an administrative fiction explicitly created for this operation. Not that there weren't actual cruising squadrons, but this wasn't one of them. It was summoned from the various defense forces from systems such as Suarbi, Kerest, Praesitlyn, and Sullust, but without weakening the primary defense positions.

"We'll rendezvous with you shortly, moving to secure the center while the second division moves to our left flank. Do you feel confident on holding the right flank?"

"Acknowledged, we'll hold," he quickly answered. "We'll try to feed you sensor data to avoid affecting you with our electronic warfare." He had no doubt that League's shipboard sensors were more than capable, but Breshig manufactured ships brought a lot more electronic warfare to bear than most did. As Nyles glanced at the tactical display to see the newly arrived League ships taking up position, he also saw the force that had arrived earlier attempting to skirt around to get closer to the planet. This reminded him that that if they didn't get their ground complement down to the surface, Ruus and his vode were going to be stuck on board.

Nyles hit the transmit button once more, "Be advised, Commander, we're launching Nagnol gas rockets to cover our troop transports. I'll forward the relevant telemetry." Nyles and Kal shared a glance before the latter went about that particular task. Nyles tapped at the display to issue orders to the formation, ordering the deployment of four D/EWP-01 'Jahaatir' Decoy/Electronic Warfare Probes from each vessel to cover the launch of the four squadrons of HAT-01 Busayr-class Heavy Assault Transports, which left three probes presenting themselves as the very same dropships they were protecting.

Nyles flicked through the external feeds that showed the probes intermingling with the assault transports as they moved away from the detachment and toward the planet. That was about when the order went out to launch
Dha Werda-class Countermeasure Gas Rockets over the Manda battlenet for as much of the transports flightpath as was in range for their ships. One by one, the rockets streaked outward and detonated in a puff of expanding senor blocking nagnol gas, blocking the Ash Dragon's sensor coverage of the departing transports, but cutting off that much of their own sensor coverage of the Ash Dragons as well.

Just as he was about to take a breath, his HUD lit up with the warning of ships dropping out of hyperspace once more. "Who the haran is it this time?" sighed Nyles as he glanced at the display. The signatures that opened fire on the League ships with almost inhuman alacrity were quickly flagged as hostile even before their IFF resolved as ships of the Sith Order. "Kal, buy them time!" he snapped as he looked over the enemy fleet.

"With pleasure," breathed Kal as his hands danced over the command interface. "Weapons, twelve Tbarsr, twelve Tra'ragir, all launchers." That was two missiles from each launcher, one of each, and twenty four total missiles each ship. Nyles could see he'd duplicated the same orders he'd issued to his own ship to the other four Beviin-class Heavy Star Destroyers. A hundred and twenty blips were magnetically cold-launched toward their targets, set on active homing salvo mode. That was ten missiles of each type per enemy vessel. The display didn't show the comms traffic between the missiles as they coordinated to engage their targets, but it was this capability amongst the myriad features of the new missiles that endeared them to Nyles. Now all that was left was to wait and watch.


PERSONAL LOADOUT: All personal gear/armor listed in mobile infantry, M.I. Electrostaff, AXC Canisters (8), MI 6M Pistol, MI 5 Compact Blaster Carbine, PS 118 Blaster Shotgun
SRR TEAM: 12 special recon troopers-mix of weaponry listed- including MGLs, BR-1s, electrostaves, anti-material rifles, AXC canisters
12TH PLATOON: 4 Squads of 16: mix of weaponry listed- including MGLs, BR-1s, electrostaves, anti-material rifles, AXC canisters
Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Rhiza Dural Rhiza Dural Nyles Kote Nyles Kote
Darth Strosius Darth Strosius Darth Vriya Darth Vriya Lucia Naberrie Lucia Naberrie

Cryx cradled the stock of his carbine next to his chin, gazing down at the foundry below while the other members of his half-platoon went about their business. Nearly silent, save for the occasional grinding of gear against stone, or the slight rasp of the breath masks as they shifted out of position. Cryx paused and tightened his own with one hand. Type II atmosphere wasn't terrible- but it wasn't ideal, especially for anything strenuous.

There was a slight crackle in the ansible comm piece in his ear. "Snipers in position- sensor teams moving into position."

"Acknowledged," Cryx replied in a breathy whisper- scanning the edge of the foundry with electrobinoculars while two of the SPECRECs next to him pulled out an EnhanceScan general-purpose scanner and an SE-90 Structural Engineering scanner. "Three commando recon droids-" Cryx whispered to the two. They nodded, gesturing to a third member, who pulled the small recon droid from her pack, before launching the three small droids up into the air, where they hung for a moment before shooting upwards and outwards in a series of arcs, scanning the surface for hazards or defenders.

"Sensors hides ready," the platoon sergeant said, rolling along the rocky surface and touching Cryx lightly on the shoulder. "Ansible systems online, little interference."

"A-firm," Cryx replied, glancing up at the sky through the bitter fog that hung between them and the sun. It made him uncomfortable, that fog. It wasn't natural. "Snipers and sensors in positions- start marking positions. Focus on entry points first, followed by high thermal exhaust."

Entry and exit points, weak points in the insulation and reinforcement, as well as higher probability of maintenance access.

His mind clicked through the procedure out of habit, identifying what he would use in a solo or small team intelligence operation. "Mark an LZ for the rest of the assault force, RZs for exfil, and high-priority targets for turbolaser strikes."

The two SPECRECs next to him with the sensors rolled into the shallow trenches with rocks piled higher around them.

"Nothing on comms is yet indicating an awareness of attack," the one said over the ansible. "Scattered life-signs, with the closest being close of the foundry perimeter- but outside it."

Cryx frowned, considering. "Someone sneaking drinks on their shift?"

"Can't tell from the scanner, redirecting one of the reces." There was a slight pause as the small droid redirected its flight path, moving somewhat lower to get better visibility. "No visual- suggests the target is in hiding of some sort."

Cryx shaded his eyes with his hands, squinting through the electrobinoculars. Nothing that he could see.

"Keep a probe on them," Cryx considered after a moment. "We shouldn't have any other troops down here- and with the split between the Tsis'kaar and the rest, who the feth knows who they are. Could be an Eternalist or Kainite spy, or a civie."

There was a click on the comms, and Cryx glanced at his small holomap of the structure as data fed into it from the structural scanner. Hot spots were marked in red. Cold spots were marked in blue, suggesting more armor or thermal insulation.

A large golden dot appeared at the center of the structure, deep below the surface.

"We figure that's the reactor or the molecular furnace," the SPECREC said. "If you can hit it or open up enough holes, the gunships and frigates can pour down fire."

"Acknowledged," Cryx replied, "First squad with me- second squad hang back one hundred meters. Snipers-- direct our travel. If you spot potential defenders, give us a click."

He pushed himself to his elbows and knees, double checking his gear one last time- the pistol, the electrostaff, and the beacons especially.

Then he slithered up and over the edge of the ridge, letting the fatigues and body armor take the brunt of the brutal surface, with the poncho rolled up beneath the armor. The first squad filled in behind him as he gained distance, with gaps large enough to prevent multiple grenade casualties and staggering their position and firing arcs to ensure total coverage of both sight and clear firing angles.

Cryx paused momentarily, staring ahead through the piles of crumbled rock and waste ore, and he could feel the vibrations from the core of the facility. Something was itching at the back of his mind, some sort of vague awareness accompanied by a tension in his stomach. He glared ahead, before whispering into the comm.

"Any movement?" Something was wrong. While the clang and clamor and belching smoke of the foundry filled the air and pounded around him, it wasn't enough to give him this kind of sensation.

"Negative- adjust your angle of approach to bearing two-two-four, to keep away from the life form, we've got the spot covered with two of the AMRs." Cryx paused and checked his navigation device, and made a slight adjustment in the position of his body to bring the holo-compass bezel to two-two-four before making a series of hand gestures behind him. Being covered by laser cannons gave him some small comfort, but didn't shake the unease he felt.

"Adjustment made- any sign of hostile action or weapons, take the shot," Cryx replied after a moment. Rules of engagement were to fire only when fired upon, but that life sign was an anomaly. And a lifetime in dealing with secrets and pattern analysis had taught Cryx to hate anomalies.

A slight squeeze on his leg told him the message had been received and passed down the line. Bounding movement and a course adjustment. Nice and simple, with the four elements acting as miniature squads, with two providing cover and overwatch while the other two crawled ahead. Cryx went first, until he found a few small boulders that he could take cover behind, with the others in the first element taking up position next to him. The other element was about twenty meters to the other side and the two rear elements moved up through the middle.

"Eyes on the towers, eyes on the piles," Cryx murmured to his element. "Big guns have eyes on the life sign and a recce is holding position." Not that the small recon droids were heavily armed or anything, but they were quick and nimble and gave them eyes where they couldn't naturally see. Still, he rested his carbine on the edge of one of the boulders and dialed in his scope to watch the area around the life form, and activated the amplifying chamber to move to particle bolts. He considered the possibilities.

It was a worker slacking off and hiding. Possible, but not probable. That would be nicer, but it wasn't a risk they could afford to take. With two members of the element watching ahead to cover the movement forward, one directly behind him, and the third looking ahead to keep an eye on the foundry, it was the best they could do for the moment. Once the Strill troops and mobile infantry deployed, they would have air support and heavy weapon coverage, as well as Mandalorians, both of which were nice feelings. A team of Jensaarai would have been ideal, but the Saarai-Kaar had them very busy. Hunting Sith spies and informants, tracking down and eliminating organized crime, and relentless drills in armored lightsaber combat in conjunction with the non-Jensaarai forces. The foundry wasn't a high enough priority of a target to send them, or even more than a small handful of Jedi volunteers or contractors.

But for the moment, his attention needed to be focused here and now. He pushed the other thoughts to the back of his mind and pressed his Force presence down, making it as small and hard to feel as possible, and gazed back down his scope.
Vriya chuckled to herself as she continued to move towards the enemy troops and got a sense of their futile efforts to prepare for her. All of their technology, all of their planning, it was mostly for naught when it came to fighting a true Sith Lord. It was like preparing for a hurricane, there were things you could do to reduce the damage a little bit but at the end of the day a storm was coming and there was not much one could do but cower in one’s shelter and hope one could ride it out. Still, it was best not to get too arrogant at this point.

They have not opened fire on me yet, which means they are not sure whether or not I am a poor lost civilian or not. Best to keep them in the dark until I get closer.

Gathering a small amount of the Dark Side to her, she reached out with a small, subtle hand gesture, making a quick crushing motion to destroy the recon commando droid keeping a close eye on her. If successful, it would go dark within seconds, not able to relay much more about her exact position. Of course she still got the sense she was being watched by less precise vehicles, but that was no bother for now. Speeding up her pace a little, she moved for the cover of a medium-sized rock formation.

Cryx Tillian Cryx Tillian

Objective: Stall for Time
Equipment: 1 Vodal Class Strike Frigate, 3 Agrias Class Rapid Frigates, 3 Shikkar Class Assault Corvettes, 12 Thanaton Class Corvettes, 6 Ichthon Class SpecOps Corvettes, 3 Muur Class Transports, Kuartzoa Raptor B7 Interceptors, Errubi Z5 Assault Fighters, Zafiroa K1 Bombers, Reaver Class Boarding Pods, GS-77 'Tsrotzhu' Gunships
Enemy Tags: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Rhiza Dural Rhiza Dural Nyles Kote Nyles Kote Cryx Tillian Cryx Tillian Vera Tillian Vera Tillian
Allied Tags: Darth Strosius Darth Strosius
Unknown Tags: Primarion Hiperius Primarion Hiperius


"I am Commodore-General Huil of the 23rd Cruising Squadron of the Joint Strategic Command." He paused for a moment, watching the communication officer nod after ensuring the transmissions' strength. "My best estimate is that you are the commander of the Ash Dragons, and I am authorized to offer you a contract: twenty thousand thousand credits in mixed currencies of your choice and safe passage for your ships and any passengers you wish to take aboard within the next hour, in exchange in not getting involved. A secondary, larger contract is also on the table should you be willing to join us against the expected Sith Order blockade. I have spoken."

Zhardev sighed as another message assailed him. He had just explained quite clearly to the Mandalorian it was not money, but honor that bound him and the other Dragons here. Fortunately, he knew what they didn't, that his mistress would be here anytime now in order to try and repel this enemy fleet. At this point, even if no territory was being held, this was a large battle, not a mere skirmish, and he knew he didn't have the forces for such a thing. So with other, if hostile to his mistress, Sith forces engaging, he took his chance to begin circling the League fleets in order to join up with Khamesi's forces for a push when she arrived. For his part he wouldn't leave them hanging, so he responded to Huil as his movemets and the screens of his ships, plus capital weapons coming online, revealed his full intentions.

"I'm afraid your terms are untennable Commodore-General Huil. As I explained to your Mandalorian forces, it is not just money that stands in my way, but a matter of honor and loyalty. I was entrusted to this job by my Commander, my Mistress, to who I owe my life, and my freedom. As long as she says we do not break contracts, we do not break contracts. No officer among her forces would willingly betray her in such a grandiose manner, or at least none that command the ships. I am more than that, I am her second in command. I would die before betraying her, or this contract. You could have offered fifty thousand thousand thousand credits and my anwser would still be no. Perhaps we could have stood down, but betraying her? Just leaving? All out of the question, so you have forced our hand. My forces are already re-."

His transmission was cut short, though the line stll open, as new arrivals from hyperspace began to join the battle. In normal ships, it almost doubled his forces, what was most impressive was the Omen of Ash, a ship he had yet to see in person. Accomanying it were serveral cruisers he did not recognize, and a pair of Destroyers he didn't recogize. None of these bore the colors of the Ash Dragons, but were already in formation with the Omen of Ash. His forces, no counting what remained in atmosphere attempting to engage any troops landing or taking off hostile to the Sith, rushed to join the formation as Khamesi began her broadcast.

"League forces, this is Khamesi Aivar of the Ash Dragons, this is your only chance to flee the field. Already this fight is far beyond what either side predicted, but we will not abandon Subterrel without a fight. Make your choice, flee before I am in weapons range or be fired upon."

The Omen of Ash boasted an unusually powerful super-heavy Ion Cannon, among numerous other Ion Cannons, and unlike Sith Destroyers, was built for broadsides and speed, not spearhead assaults. As is, the Super-Heavy Ion Cannon was already charging up, and the numerous fighters brough by her borrowed destroyers were moving into similar screen positions. Penetrating the web of PD and starfighters she was setting up would be difficult, though not impossible, and she now had some bulk to let her enegage enemy capital ships. Whatever happened next, thousands on both sides would die if the league did not retreat, and she doubted any but a few small shuttles or starfighters would.

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