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Skirmish The Kashyyyk Incursion

Ziggst Aruetii



In the emerald embrace of the towering Wroshyr trees that stretch into the skies of Kashyyyk, a peaceful way of life enjoyed by the Wookiees is violently disturbed by the unannounced arrival of Clan Ha'rangir. This once-ally of the Mandalorian Enclave nows emerges as a foreboding presence that casts a deep shadow over the vibrant ecosystem of the forested planet.

As fear and uncertainty grip the Wookiee community, a sinister callboration takes form as the Trandoshan Mercenaries slink through the dense undergrowth, their cold-blooded eyes fixed on capturing innocent Wookiees to be sold into the curel and vast reaches of the galactic slave trade market.

Admist the rising tensions and the ominious convergence of the
Mandalorian-Trandoshan Alliance, the noble Wookiees look towards their revered King and trusted chieftains for their unwavering support in these dire times.

With the prospects of conflict looming like a storm on horizon, the people of Kashyyyk must rally together. In the face of impending peril, the heart of the Wookiee community beats with a fierce resolve and a quiet determination to stand steadfast against the encroaching darkness that seeks to engulf their beloved homeland.


As the Shatual Class Heavy Battleship Mark III 'Kur Ha'rangir' emerged from hyperspace above the Wookiee Homeworld of Kashyyyk, the blinding light of hyperspace gradually faded away.

Accompanying the immense battle cruiser was a fleet of HCT-2001 Dragonboat-class Reugeot 905 freighters, Trandoshan Dropships and GS-100 Salvage Ships from the nearby planet of Trandosha, operated by Clan Ha'ssack.

With the Silver Jedi Concord no longer safeguarding it, the world was left vulnerable and ripe for a grand endeavor. The Trandoshans seized the opportunity to launch a massive raid, with the intention of capturing an entire city's worth of wookiees, intending to sell them on the bustling Galactic Black Markets.

The massive hanger bays of the Battleship, which emitted a low hum as they began to unlock one by one, presented a formidable sight against the backdrop of the endless expanse of space.

Within these colossal bays, a myriad of TF-88G Heavy Vehicle Transports, their metallic hulls gleaming under the artificial lighting, and Trandoshan Dropships, with their sleek yet menacing design, were prepared for deployment.

Alongside them, the agile Fang-Class Starfighters, their engines humming with contained power, were ready to swoop down in a synchronized dance of precision.

As they moved down to the surface of Kashyyyk, the planet's lush greenery contrasting sharply with the cold metal of the ships, they seemed to form a symphony of war descending upon the peaceful landscape.

Their descent breached the atmosphere of Kashyyyk with a resounding boom, a visible ripple in the sky marking their passage.

The City of Kachirho, nestled amidst the towering Wroshyr trees that stretched towards the heavens like ancient sentinels, lay unsuspecting of the impending storm about to descend upon it. It was here, in this very city, that the echoes of history reverberated, where the ghosts of battles long past lingered in the air.

Kachirho once bore witness to the infamous clash between the armies of the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, a conflict that had shaped the destiny of worlds far and wide.

The streets, once filled with the bustling life and vibrant culture of the Wookiee inhabitants, now stood deserted, shadows cast by the approaching armada lengthening ominously.

As the heavy transports and dropships descended upon the city, kicking up clouds of dust and debris in their wake, the Starfighters streaked across the sky like shooting stars heralding destruction.

The once serene cityscape was now a canvas for the chaos of war, the clash of metal and the roar of engines drowning out any semblance of peace that may have lingered.

The inhabitants of Kachirho, caught in the crossfire of galactic conflict once more, could only watch in fear and awe as the fate of their city hung in the balance.

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Tag: Open for Whomever
The sound of rain pinged off Drego's helm. He knew this was coming, and had promised the Wookies the Protectors would stand by them.

The remnants of the Enclave, Trandoshan Mercenaries had come to once more raid the wookies for their pelts, looking to make a cheap credit. Drego had once stood alongside his Vod in the Enclave, but no more. Now he was Warmaster. The Head of the Protectors military.

Time to show he was worth that.


Tish Cowen Tish Cowen

While the Enlcabe resorted to preserving their ways and abstaining from their ambitions of conquest it would not dissuade Adenn’s hunger for war. He’d keep true to his traditions, the foundations of his culture established by the progenitors.

Kashyyyk once burned from his wrath, and it would once again.

Clansmen of Munin and Beroya descended upon Kachiro City, the Wookiees scattered in fear remembering the previous offense by the Mandalorians. Their Basilisk droids screeched across the sky, a barrage of missiles raining down.

He’d make sure the fury of his people would still burn bright across the Galaxy.

“Bring me every pelt from this city!”
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Location: Canopy Level - Kachiro, Kashyyyk.
Equipment: In Sig
Objective: To victory or death.
Allies: Wookies and more, Drego Ruus Drego Ruus
Foes: Slavers, Trandoshans, Adenn Munin Adenn Munin Sarrogg Ha'rangir

Amidst the towering canopies of a Great Wroshyr tree, the air thrummed with urgency. Thick vines swayed as a figure, distinguished by its striking black and silver fur, swung with remarkable agility and speed, ascending various levels of the colossal tree. Grrwunhoooll, his form powerful and determined, bellowed in Shyriiwook, alerting his kin of the imminent danger bearing down on Kachiro, the heart of Kashyyyk.

Below, a scene of solidarity unfolded as countless Wookiees rallied together, their determination palpable in the air. With swift yet purposeful movements, they escorted their loved ones to safety, ensuring their protection amidst the encroaching chaos. Women and children were hurried away as the warriors armed themselves with an array of weaponry, from bowcasters to the formidable Ryyk Blades and Bronzium Shields, each a testament to Wookiee craftsmanship and resilience.

As Grrwunhoooll addressed his kin, his deep voice resonated like thunder through the air, commanding attention from every corner of the gathering. His words carried the weight of history and the strength of generations past, invoking a sense of unity and purpose among the assembled Wookiees. In a rather young and dramatic display of defiance, Grrwunhoooll ignited his lightsaber, the blade shimmering with a brilliant azure hue against the backdrop of the forest. It was a symbol of light and hope for that present moment. With a primal roar that seemed to reverberate through the very fabric of the universe, Grrwunhoooll unleashed a war cry, his voice augmented by the raw power of the Force itself. The sound carried on the winds, echoing across the capital and beyond, a clarion call to all Wookiees who heard it.

In response to their champions impassioned cry, the entirety of Kachiro stirred with a palpable energy. From the depths of the forest to the highest branches of the trees, Wookiees raised their voices in solidarity, their roars blending together in a chorus of determination and resolve. It was a moment that symbolized the indomitable spirit and unwavering strength of the Wookie species, united in purpose and ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.


ALLIES: Adenn Munin Adenn Munin | Sarrogg Ha'rangir
ENEMIES: Drego Ruus Drego Ruus | Boggo Flib Boggo Flib
ENGAGING: Catch me if you dare
GEAR: In bio (including "starfighter" Kad)




Haunting howls pierced the peaceful skies of Kashyyyk.

Most of the inhabitants have heard that very sound once before. Knew the terror the sound brought. The flashes of golden bolts raining from above. There were still scars on the trees from the previous time.

This time, that already terrifying presence was tripled as greater shadows fell over the city. Clans Beroya and Munin's alliance with some Trandoshans were doubled with an alliance with Clan Haran'gir and their own Trandoshan alliance.

Jan was sitting within Kad's cockpit as he howled through the air, spearheading the Beroya forces and their Howler basilisks alongside Clan Munin's. Above them all, alongside Clan Haran'gir's fleet, was Clan Beroya's own contingent of capital ships. Among them was the true marvel and, in Jan's case, an impish play on Clan Haran'gir - the Haran'gir-class Star Destroyer.

They all came with one thing in mind - strength.

“Bring me every pelt from his city!”
Jan rolled her eyes behind her visor. They have their fun with each other but he was still annoying as shit sometimes.
<Still with the complex, Munin?> she quipped. Then she opened the channel to her forces. <Capture as many alive as you can. Otherwise, make sure they know who Haran'gir is.> she ordered them. Her confirmation was the increase of howling before the entire contingent descended.

Kad also angled downward without being directed.
"You ready, Boy?" she asked the basilisk.
://: I was made ready. ://: he said as his rotary cannon whirred in confirmation.
"Let's raise Hell."

She looked out the cockpit and saw Adenn was still where she left him.

<Am I going to outshine you again, Princess?>


Ziggst Aruetii




Engaging Currently: Drego Ruus Drego Ruus

As the TF-88G Heavy Vehicle Transport and Trandoshan Dropships, attempted to make landfall near the City of Kachirho, their mission faced unexpected resistance from the formidable Wookiee Dual Missile Turrets serving as anti-air defenses.

These turrets were equipped with a pair of explosive warhead-tipped missiles in each launch tube, ready to unleash destructive force upon any approaching threat.

Despite their slower rate of fire, the precision and power of these missiles enabled them to penetrate the hulls of the Transports, hindering their landing efforts with each well-aimed strike.

The reverberations of the explosions echoed through the air, creating a tense atmosphere outside the transport as the Alor of Clan Ha'rangir closely monitored the unfolding situation on the tactical screen nearby, strategizing their next move amidst the chaos of battle.

"Alor, incoming gunships from our rear." Came a voice from the cockpit, as they glanced at the senor readouts as a series of blips appeared on the radar screen, indicating the presence of Auzituck Anti-Slaver Gunships rapidly closing in on them from their exposed rear.

The Mandalorian pilots exchanged a concerned look, knowing the capabilities of these infamous vessels all to well. The gunships were not to be underestimated, armed to the teeth with Sureggi twin laser cannons that could easily pierce through their heavy armor at the right angle.

"Open the hatches, on the side of the transports and advance ahead towards the landing zones." Sarrogg, known for his characteristic cybernetic influxuration, exuded a commanding presence as he strode confidently towards the vast side doors of the transports.

These imposing doors served as the threshold beyond which his dedicated warriors stood, ready to pledge their unwavering loyalty and march alongside him, regardless of the peril that awaited them.

"As you command, Alor. t-minus 10 seconds before hatch unlock." - the pilot said, clicking a few buttons on the control panel.

The air crackled with a sense of anticipation and determination as Sarrogg gazed upon his faithful followers, a silent understanding passing between them, binding their fates together in a shared purpose.

With every step closer to the looming doors, a palpable sense of purpose and resolve enveloped the group, reinforcing their collective commitment to facing whatever challenges lay ahead, no matter how daunting.

Sarrogg's gaze, steady and unwavering, mirrored the unwavering determination that emanated from his warriors, a silent promise of leadership and strength that inspired confidence in all those who looked to him for guidance.

The mechanical roar of the
Modernized Basilisk War Droid surged to life with thunderous intensity the moment its owner, ascended onto its formidable frame. The doors of the transport hissed open, heralding their imminent depature into the fray against the formidable Wookiee Forces standing in opposition.

The war droid lept from the transport, along with his proud warriors in an direct intercept course with the City. with the Mandalorian Style Electrohammer tightly gripped in one hand, he skillfully manuevered the reigns with his other hand, directing the charge towards one of the many defenders within the city in the form of Drego Ruus Drego Ruus

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The Eternal Flame Fades. The Warlords Go Without Thrones.
Surrender Your Soulfires, To The One True Heir.

ENCLAVE: Sarrogg Ha'rangir | Tish Cowen Tish Cowen | Adenn Munin Adenn Munin | Kes Stag Kes Stag | Milena the Piece Milena the Piece

ENEMIES: Drego Ruus Drego Ruus | Boggo Flib Boggo Flib | Todblaz Graker Todblaz Graker | Ruus Kote Ruus Kote | Eugen Aker Eugen Aker

Her center of being had learned to hold...

Precious gravity had re-asserted itself, and as it ascended from the phoenix ashes of its immolation, the world slowly turned right side up once again. Abstract blurs of color and sound and voice became coherent concepts that the mind could latch on to and understand once again; gestalt halves of murky understanding fused and were born into new light. The hungry tongues of the netherworld abated and the hazed thinned into a blessed clarity, a clarity Dima had not felt in a long while. It was a lot like living blind and dazed in a world full of bright lights, thinking all was as it should be - only to find herself staring through a looking glass that sharpened the focus, shined the lenses on all that she'd missed. Then arrived the realization that there was more to this than angry welts of distortion.

It was a rougher path for Dima to integrate herself another time into the screaming, desecrated Sith. She'd spent so long in the isolation of the Mutilated Womb of The Manda that it was hard to assimilate, hard to think. In the abysmal depths she'd been broken and damaged beyond repair, breathing cosmic stardust while the nurturing murmur of the Dovahkin Warmounts heartbeat soothed the itch in her bones.

Things were becoming stranger now. The Daughter of The Destroyer had begun to notice things. The stillness in the stars.


Even here, on this…jungle world, the rot of stagnation taking fervent root within the core of this planet. Still clinging to each other in the dark whilst Dima sought to spark a flame to warm her bones. In the Primearchs life growing up among the ENCLAVE where…great civil conflict descended upon a vast majority of her people. As if sabotaged by their own doubts or concerns of morality many had gone back into hiding and back into 'safety' as a burning flame returned to smoldering embers.

What a sad, sad existence. Mandalorians had been on a downward spiral since 4000 BBY after the FALL of Mandalore The Ultimate at the hands of DARKBORN godtouched. REVEN Dima recalled, similar to raven, which is what the primitive lifeform associated the Ancient Sith with. But even if after all these hundreds of thousands of years while others had forgotten the Age Old Bond of their ancestors. Dima still dreamed sweet deliciousness of destruction and domination so profound it could only be described as DIVINE.

And when she awoke, she made those dreams REALITY.

Because in the end, O audience mine. Who among any can really STOP HER? It is a hunger that cannot be satiated from a creature beyond the understanding of the human condition.

Evolution perfected to give startlight FORM & EDGE.

And the Shadow of the Eternal Flame recognized such POTENTIAL as the burning flame of it's shade levitated over the shallow beaches of Kashyyk miles away from the incursion taking place on the forest village-state. The water beneath its flame evaporated from the Phantom Weapons mere presence as it watched the Azure Mandalorian Descendant. Domina herself landing her own vessel a bit further away, having been finding a streak of independence in her destruction since the SHUTTERING of the Enclave to the winds.

Even so, it would not stop Domina from waging a war and fanning the flames of destruction as was the path of their Destroyer God the Allfather Ha'rangir.

But this…this was just a spark. Dima would see this world in Embers. And woe to whoever stood in her way as her five eyes lingered on the distance past the village. At that MASSIVE TREE taking ROOT in the middle of the planet. And in Dimas mind she could not help but wonder…

What would it look like on FIRE?

The Phantom Flame swelled in it's presence.

"Seeketh Power & Fire O Sweet Sister Mine; All Else Shall Follow~" A whisper sang lovingly into the Xeno Queens ear. The furious image of a long gone mythic age in the shape of a weapon shimmering in the light as Domina pondered the nature of a SOUL. But The Shades message would not go unheard as the blistering flame of a volcanic hue radiated as mere shadow. A wish of a thing that wanted to be but lacked the PASSION of a Kindred Spirit to lend it life and strength.

"What does that like, even MEAN though? Because like, this one godlng Dima met. His name is uhhhhhh….heh, well, Dima forgot! But This One calls him Lord Red! He has a lot of pretty birds dima likes to try and catch and HE SAYS that like…wisdom is a power or someth--" The Shade of The Blades Flame, agitated and impatient in it's hunger intensified in it's heat. Cutting her off from referencing Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr


"O-oh, well, Dima thinks she sees fine and uhhhhhh…Cousins says Dima don't sing so good though so. ESPECIALLY Jedi, they are really mean in battle ya know know passion no passion at all just 'Oh, YOU MUST DIE CREATURE' or, oh, 'I WILL NOT ALLOW YOU DO TERRORIZE THESE PEOPLE ANY MORE! WE HAVE COME TO FACE YOU!' It's kinda no fun and really kills the bliss of it all ya know? This One if just…confused…people just say Dima just some stupid…thing. But This One is a GREAT Daughter of The Manda. SOME PEOPLE even run away at the sight of Dima! So This One MUST be Fierce, yes?" Dima rambled girlishly! Impish and childish in her sheer delight as she excitedly SNATCHED UP a big ol' Mandalorian Warmount Saddle for some large land creature that Dima had haphazardly stitched together in the forge to fit her lovely Dragonbeast as she wrestled him off the hull of her much larger ship. Luckily he had not grown TOO MUCH bigger so she could still keep him on her ship.

Needless to say. The DOVAHDRAKE FLEDGLING was incredibly resistant. The SPARK, CRACKLE & BOOM of the distant settlement several dozen miles away and the thunderous crashing made the merely two year old creature incredibly nervous. Especially only having been small enough to be held within Dimas arms mere several MONTHS ago. It's whimpering and whining making Dima gasp in exasperation behind her Mask.

"Oh come ON it's just a buncha SILLY PRIMITIVES it's not like they are SCARY OR ANYTHING like the uhhh, fancy people in black Darkborn now THEY are mean! You're gonna be FINE just put on the SADDLE this is a PERFECT day for your first test flight in REAL combat! C'mon come to mama!" She cooed while chasing the beast about as its wings flicked and it exhaled smoke and embers from it's nostrils, whirling it's tail and smashing it into the earth each time Domina approached the poor Fledgling Dragon.

The Spirit Flame watched in……….incredible BEWILDERMENT. One might think The Spirit was at a loss for words it seemed the impish Xeno was none too intimidated, curious, or...concerned about the ghost of a flame following her around trying to communicate it's will. SEARCHING for WORTHY descendents of Manda and so far, having found quite the…fascination with this presence in the force that could only be described as a 'black hole' sparked a curiosity within The Phantom Flame.

"...Precious Little Sister…Sweet Little sister…Lost Little Sister. Tell This One. What Guides Thy Descendent Emb-?.............." The Flames Spirit reconsidered it's final choice of words considering the Xenolass's…primitive nature and lack of vocabulary. "What Guides The Fire In Your Heart?" The Flame Spirit finished, Dima slightly distracted as she tiptoed to the dragon and suddenly POUNCED up into the air and crashing onto the creature's back.

Azura The Blue Dragon was none too pleased as he was suddenly being wrangled as Dominas tail wrapped around his neck and those four arms began putting the saddle onto the creature. The Newly Branded Warmount bucking and squirming as it was quickly tamed under it's adoptive Primearch.

"Huh? Whatcha say?" Dima quipped, dragging her claws along the scales of her neck as in excitement as if she had a rash as the Dovahdrake Fledging whined in protest. "Fire? Dima likes fire! Dima likes runnin, and jumpin and climbin and clawin stuff! And uhhh, sweet tasty food. SQUID SOUP oh yes, and shiny things! Like THIS thing~" Dima pulled out a small marble.

It was just…a marble.

A magenta marble with flecks of gold…

A literal useless shiny thing that sparked a devilish delight in the Destroyer Gods Daughter.

A tiny orb held between two of the girls claws as Dima stared into it before giggling and stuffing it back into her cloak like some kind of charm.

Once again, the Flame Spirit starred in complete shock at the girls naivety. It was like speaking to ones child, only at least most children listened and were obedient to their elders.

This Azure Creature was beholden to no one or thing but the whims of her soul.

Dima plopped down onto the saddle of her Dragon, preparing to enter the great battle ahead! Falling a little late due to her meandering about trying to get her Warmount motivated.

Maybe It was true…maybe Dima did lack vision. And she wasn't exactly a great singer…but she did have sweet sweet dreams! Sugarspice, Sweetbread, fields of flowers and fields of FIRE!

Because in DOMINAS DREAMS. All enemies were laid before her bound with CHAINS holding pots of gold in sweet SLAVERY to her demand for tribute. All things that shined, glimmed and sparkled had to be harvested and smothered in her embrace of curiosity as the Devilish Azure Mandalorian drank and drank from violence and carnage in both the day and the whimsy of her nightdreams. She spoiled herself rotten with the sweetest delights she could consume as was her warborn right as a Daughter of Manda. To experience pillage, pleasure and POWER was not a dream to Domina Prime. It's simply REALITY~.

And the JEDI? LIGHTBORN GODTOUCHED? They had some of the most DELICIOUS shiny things and sugary treats and in all her HUNGER for THINGS she too felt an incredible itch to commit violence and domination on a scale that could not be fathomed by the human condition.

MAJESTY was at hand. And the nature of Dima could not be understood by many, the flame spirit uncertain how to communicate with it's Mandalorian Descendant due to her sheer scatterbrained behavior.

Not that this…accursed object of a mythic age could understand…a shade of cinders anguished in regret of a death dealt swift and unjust in a time where her people…Dimas people. Were lost in a great downward spiral that swept like a great famine through the bones of their rotten civilization.

So often she occupied most days in her search for purpose in a galaxy coughing and wheezing on its own twisted cosmic sickness. Dead air on the dead surface of a dying and withering worlds, cityworlds that had stood for centuries. Kingdoms that had lasted even longer…but TODAY?

Today was her RIGHT to be DIVINE! Like the ancestors of her beloved kin the act of WAGING WAR was how she convened with her god, and her gods war was eternal! Dima may not have been very smart in her childish nature and feral design but one thing could not be mistaken as she yanked the reins of her Warmount. The Dovahdrake standing from the ground and awkwardly getting used to having Dima riding upon it's back.

No Mandalorian currently living was capable of the sheer DISCORD & DESTRUCTION that Dima could deliver upon gods and beasts alike. Hunter or Prey, it was the most basic law of Mandalorian Nature. And to Dima a god was the most worthy of prey to be had, and to hunt anything less was disgraceful to her design of decimation.

The Spirit wished he could see it. The Force Dead Xeno making it incredibly difficult to predict and 'feel' the creatures presence.

But curiosity had gotten the best of the ghost. And it wanted to see what it's descendents were capable of all these EONS later.

"Sweet Little Sister, I wish to provide you with an accord." The Flame lingered closer, a wisp of fire floating towards Dima as the wings of her dragon flapped. "Fan The Flame, My Descendant. Seek Fire & Destruction and I will bestow upon you POWER. From which, all else will follow O Sister Mine~" It spoke directly to Dima now, it's flame emboldened by something about the Xeno.

Dima tilted her head innocently, smiling and showing those rows of alien teeth. "But Dima IS powerful. Also what is an 'accord?' It sure sounds FANCY." Dima mused, giving her beast a good ol pat to calm him down. "Can Dima just have some shinies instead?" She mused, making the flame slowly grow into the great shape of the weapon it once took the form of. Giving the Mandalorian Daughter a mere glimpse of it's mythic visage.

"O Sweet Sister Mine. Feed the flames our ETERNAL war, bring upon this world DELICIOUS DESTRUCTION and i will grant you a TREASURE forged in the HEART OF STARS!" The Flame roared, making the light in Dimas eyes radiate with incredible awe as the Xeno gasped at the sight of the Mythosaur Axe burning in radiant flame as the water of the beach around them turned to a broil and the earth was scorched beneath the axes visage, evaporating the water around it.

Dima gasped and giggled, clapping her four hands together in awe as five eyes widened and dilated like dinner plates.

"Woah really!? Pretty fire~" She murmured, bringing her claws to her lips as she bounced in her saddle in giddy excitement. "Ya mean it? Dima can make lots and lots of fire!" She reached out and ran her clawed hand through the spirits fire. And in that moment, the shade of a ghost appeared and reached out its burning infernal hand.

"Promises of an age-old bond, sweet sister. To This Vow, I solemnly swear. For to hear the song of war is the only dream left in these fading embers~" The Phantom Flame cried crestfallen.

Domina grinned wickedly and looked towards the LIFETREE of KASHYYK as she used her hooked foot talons to scratch against the Warmounts flank, causing it's wings to flap and it's jaws to screech as Dima pulled upon his reins.

"A sweet song of fire is your desire godling ghost of flame? Good, then listen closely. CAUSE YOU AIN'T HEARD NOTHIN YET!" Domina snarled as with a single bound, the Dovadrake had leapt from the earth and took to the skies! The ship she had left behind re-engaging it's cloaking tech and taking off now that they had finally moved along to battle.

The Phantom Flame approached Domina as she reached out one of her four hands and in that moment, the ghost would deem, for the moment, this creature as worthy enough to wield it's mythic design as the steel was clutched into Dominas claws. Erupting into a mighty flame as the blade feasted from the sheer biological energy fusing through every cell of Dominas anatomy of evolution.

"Ohhhh yeeeees, how your touch warms this cold Mandalorian Soul. You may be WORTHY to INHERIT my embers yet O Sister mine. Warm me in the flame of your destruction!" The Axe sang into the creature's ear as Domina grinned wickedly from behind her mask as the Dovahdrake warmount picked up speed as it split into the very clouds.

"Dima is gonna to show you something beautiful, phantom sister." Domina mused as she dragged a claw delicately across the steal of the Accursed Mythosaur Axe, clutching the reigns of her Warmount as the core of her being radiated outward like a signal.

And as they flew through the darkened clouds as remnants of Enclave Warships descended upon the planet.

Domina arrived with forces of her own.

An earth shattering bellowing erupted from orbit as THE DRAGON SWARM descended down to the world as well, coming in from the OTHER SIDE of the battle and bringing down upon this planet destruction so beautiful Domina almost wished she could make it a painting!

AZURA, Dominas Warmount was the first to ignite the spark. An azure spark radiating from his chest as the evolved firepower of the beast
swelled into a flame of sweet cremation as they IGNITED A PATH through the forest settlement as her fellow Mandalorians descended upon them! Domina taking this opportunity to soften them up and scatter them to the winds to be easily round up.

Two other dragons, MUCH larger than Dominas own warmount at its current maturity lowered themselves and CRASHED into the battle where the Mandalorians descended.

"Rejoice! Prime has arrived to purify your stagnation with the flame of war. This one hopes you grow from this, and if not, perish~" Domina roared as she waved the Mythosuar axe through the air as it ignited itself in delight as those dragonkin began to completely ENGULF the entire settlement, the forest and beyond. Raining delicious fire down upon the wookies as Dominas eyes remained at the TREE OF LIFE far far in the distance.

There was nothing there to pillage, nothing to take, no reason to see it as a target in the eyes of many.

But Domina saw it as a symbol of the wookies worship to stagnation. Many of these trees had stood for hundreds or thousands of years…some longer. Huddling in the dark and letting rotted root take firm hold of their society, a spark to burn them out was what she needed.

Domina could have dismounted. Claimed some pelts like she had before, but at this point…if it wasn't a god, then it wasn't food fit for her.

And so it would be. ASHES & CINDERS. Domina would not leave the surface of this planet until EVERY tree was burned and all that remained was the azure embers of her flame. The Dragon Swarm descended upon the battle, unleashing hell and havoc anywhere they turned their fires. While others in the swarm indiscriminately began to just obliterate different parts of the planets forest around the battle causing decimation just for the sake of doing so.

If only the Phantom Blade could fathom…the creature of unbridaled devastation she had forged a contract with.

Who else, but the Daughter of The Destroyer God herself? His spiritual kin in the most literal sense.

Annihilation was at hand. The strong would survive and be adopted into the loving embrace of Mandas flame. And those who rejected that embrace would know the cold chains of sweet slavery.

Please, O audience. The Gods, The Force, whatever you believe in dear observer they BEG of you.

Someone for the love of all that is holy STOP THIS DERANGED DAUGHTER OF DESTRUCTION & DISCORD!



Mandalores Daughter of Discord & Destruction Seeks DIVINE DESTINY
Upon the back of her Mandalorian Warmount Domina Prime descends from the clouds with a DRAGONKIN SWARM
Descending upon the battle from the OPPOSITE SIDE, she and her swarm proceed to OBLITERATE all in their PATH

Domina Prime remains elevated above the chaos upon her Warmount. Eyeing the TREE OF LIFE as her desired target.
She & Her Dragons
For to destroy thy enemy, one must scorch their very soul!

And Prime Dreams of Divine Destruction

Is this not the way, O Kin of Mine?


The Silver Rest had long since been dismantled when the Concord dissolved, but a few pockets of veteran Silver Jedi and Antarian Rangers remained on the mid-rim world of Kashyyyk. Over the decades, entire generations of Jedi and Rangers had been born and raised there, so they stayed even when the last Grand Master made the final call to withdraw the SJO as an institution. It was their home. The Silvers no longer commanded the vast fleets and armies of old, but the few who remained answered the call. Across the planet, those still active (and even a few retired) scrambled to help their Wookiee comrades...


Allies: Wookie Defenders & Friends Drego Ruus Drego Ruus , Boggo Flib Boggo Flib
Opposition: Slavers Sarrogg Ha'rangir , Adenn Munin Adenn Munin , Tish Cowen Tish Cowen , Domina Prime Domina Prime

Jyoti clicked her tongue as she studied the sensor readings on her display. There was a sea of red blips before her, representing a massive combined armada of Mandalorians, Trandoshans, and vile winged warbeasts, all arrayed against Kachirho. Master Quin Su had informed her things weren't looking too great for Kashyyyk these days, but she still hadn't expected to come face-to-face with a whole enemy fleet at the end of her medical supply run from Eshan. The Wookies and other locals of the world possessed the defenses to defeat the typical raiding party, but this assault was on a different level, practically an invasion.

The surviving Silvers on the planet had managed to scrounge up a decent number starfighters (Saberhawks, Cuevero) and Gunships (Aquillian, Luna) and ferrying Wookie Nightstalkers and local militia volunteers to the battlefield, but they weren't picking off battleships or star destroyers with that kind of force. No, but they could assist the Wookie gunships already in the air to rain hell on the descending dropships and war droids and give the defenders on the ground a more even footing. The longer the raider's vehicle assets were tied up, the more time the Wookies would have to safely evacuate and disperse away from the slaver's clutches.

"All gunship crews, focus on the dropships, warbeasts, and vehicles," she ordered over friendly encrypted channels, "Starfighter flights will work on enemy fighters and basilisk."

As they approached the airspace overhead Kachirho, the composite wing began to break up into smaller formations, joining the fray with the Wookie gunships against their common foes.

She switched her focus to Kachirho on the comms. "Whatever you all need, the Silvers will do our best to provide. We're open to local ground commanders to direct us for close air support as needed."

While she was conversing with the local wookie commanders, she was already beginning to line up targets. Hunters would soon become prey for her golden beast.

Engaging: Domina Prime Domina Prime
She wished this was under better circumstances. Taam Moghul Taam Moghul had promised her that he'd take her to his homeworld, and yet...

Here she was.

The call had come out. Kashyyyk under attack. Again, the Enclave, or at least what was left of it, came out of nowhere and raided the planet for pillage and plunder. She would've shown up for that alone. But no, this was a different issue. She had learned that one she had fought before, one who had escaped custody under her watch, was descending now on mounts of flame.

Jonyna wasn't one to flex her wealth. She hated it, in fact. But today.

Today she had a point to make to the one who called herself Prime.

Five Tenacity Class Cruisers came out of hyperspace just above low orbit. They weren't interested in whatever the Enclave Fleet was doing. No, they had given express orders.

Si Tech's finest were dispatched to take down the dragons. Flak filled the skies of Kashyyyk, as the cruisers decended into the atmopshere, sixty sets of Spear Thrower guns filling the airspace with exploding bolts of plasma and durasteel, as an X-Wing stormed out of the fray, gunning right for Domina's mount. The Tank Ripper autocannon opened up, as did the cockpit, the wind screaming as she climbed out of her X-wing, holding onto the speeding fighter with only her power of the Force.



Outfit | Ranger Armor
Location | Kasyyyk
Equipment | Z240 Revolver - [Right Hip] | Kriin Sentinel - [Left Hip] | EL53-Max Knife | AM-67 Lever-Action Rifle [Clipped into back]
Ship | Def-110 Personal Transport Spacecraft
Engaging | Domina Prime Domina Prime
Enemies | Sarrogg Ha'rangir | Tish Cowen Tish Cowen | Adenn Munin Adenn Munin | Kes Stag Kes Stag | Milena the Piece Milena the Piece
Allies | Drego Ruus Drego Ruus | Boggo Flib Boggo Flib | Ruus Kote Ruus Kote | Eugen Aker Eugen Aker | Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran

Tod swiftly dispatched a Mandalorian with a well-placed kick, firing his revolver and splattering blood across the grass as the man fell. Nearby, a Wookie tore into another enemy with ferocity. Holstering his weapon, Tod made his way back to the makeshift FOB they had set up in front of the village.

As a reservist stationed here in case of conflict, Tod hadn't expected major fighting in this direction due to its lack of strategic importance. So far, that assumption had held true, with only a few skirmishes against Mandalorian squads causing minimal damage. The Wookies had proven themselves formidable, suffering few casualties in previous engagements.

However, his respite was short-lived when a Wookie approached him, emitting its characteristic guttural sounds. Though Tod couldn't understand, the Wookie's assistant caught up, breathless. "Mr. Graker, we need you to reinforce the area near the Tree of Life. Reports suggest winged beasts are gathering there."

"Aye," Tod responded, "I'll handle it. We can cook some up afterward." His hidden grin belied his confidence.

But his demeanor shifted when the assistant added, "I don't think you understand. We're facing dragons. You'll be accompanying additional ships."

Tod hesitated a second before he raced to his ship, followed by numerous Wookies boarding various vessels [fluttercraft, Owool Interceptors and Auzituck ships]. The prospect of battling dragons was a new and daunting challenge for Tod, though he remained skeptical of the reports. He suspected the Wookies might have mistaken large creatures or craft for dragons.

His skepticism vanished when he laid eyes on the towering beasts, breathing blue flames and beating massive wings. "Holy shit," Tod muttered in disbelief. Quickly, he commanded his ship's control pad to load High Explosive Anti-Tank Fin-Stabilized rounds, designed to penetrate fortified targets. The autoloader's faint clicking barely audible over the roar of the engines as a light turned from red to green, indicating the charge was armed.

Hurrying to the armory in his ship, Tod equipped a Z-6 jetpack [no rocket], ready for aerial maneuvers. Returning to his controls, the Wookies' ships had already passed and gone into assault the beasts. Tod targeted the nearest two dragons, unleashing a barrage of rounds [four shots - two each]. Despite the size and penetrating power of the rounds, Tod remained uncertain of their effectiveness. Pulling back, he sought to exploit his range advantage to bring down the beasts.

Action Summary:
Put on Z-6 jetpack
Boarded: Def-110 Personal Transport Spacecraft
Flew to range of 300 m away from closest dragon.
Loaded High Explosive Anti-Tank Fin-Stabilized into 105 mm X75 cannons (2 on ship) firing 4 rounds at 2 dragons (I have 0 clue if these will penetrate, but they have 400mm of armor penetration at all ranges), neither of them with Domina Prime Domina Prime on them.
Wookie ships doing whatever go destroy them if you want.

Note: I still am new to combat so, if I make any mistakes or there's any issues don't hesitate to reach out and I'll fix.




Engaging: Sarrogg Ha'rangir
Unit Comp:
Full Company of Clan Ruus Warriors
x15 War Jaws
"Vod! vi motir ti cuun tomade! vi akaanir par ijaat! Oya! Oya! Oya!"

The cheer of the vod filled his heart as he saw the Basillisk war droids starting to come down. With a gesture, the War Jaws opened up with repeating particle blasters, waiting for them to get in range, before their mortars fired off with EMP rounds, airbursting above the war droids, as the mandalorians of Clan Ruus opened fire with heavy Rippers, black line troops firing off solid projectiles from sniper rifles, hoping to pick off enemy troops from their mounts.

Drego himself waited, waited for Sarrogg Ha'rangir himself to get in range.

A Proton Grenade was sent of Drego's shotgun, carreening towards Sarrogg, before Drego charged forward, using his jump boots to skip across the waterline, rushing towards Sarrogg and his Basilisk. Have no Fear. Be a Man.

Be a Warrior.

A Mandalorian.


Ziggst Aruetii




Engaging Currently: Drego Ruus Drego Ruus

It did not take long for the Alor of Clan Ha'rangir to notice the Mandalorian Protector's War Jaws waiting for them. Several blips on the heads-up display within his helmet alerted him to the emp rounds soaring over the heads of the Clan Ha'rangir warriors, who were mounted on their traditional Modernized Basilisk War Droids.

The electro-magnetic pulse weaponry they were up against was incredibly effective against droids, and such effectiveness had been proven since the times of the Ancient Clone Wars, a distant memory since the Gulag Plague happened.

Even their towering war droids, found themselves vulnerable against the formidable tide of electricity coursing through their intricate systems. Sarrogg, was a seasoned strategist with a keen sense of impending danger, swiftly strategized a plan to outsmart their foes.

Pulling on the reigns to his own, Basilisk War Droid as it began to dive bomb away from the more potent electric energy as several warriors fell from their mounts, only being saved by their jetpack systems.

Although they were swiftly picked off by the black line troops firing off solid projectiles from sniper rifles of Clan Ruus.

"Yaimpar tracyn bat those snipers bal ve'ganir mhi some heavy tracyaat!" came the formidable cybernetic voice of the Alor, as their hired mercenary unit of the Mythosaur Supercommandos began to return fire with their Mandalorian Heavy Repeater, not exactly trying to hit their target but spread enough covering fire for the rest of the assault team heading towards the City.

The round of Proton Grenade sent from Drego's shotgun, slammed into him as Drego Ruus Drego Ruus came foward to confront him, causing heavy scaring to the reinforced beskar plating around his form as they exploded.

"Hettir them at cinders", Sarogg said pulling on the reigns of the Basilisk War Droid as it began firing its Pulse-wave cannons.

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Tish Cowen Tish Cowen

<Am I going to outshine you again, Princess?>

<“You know what, Jan?”> opening his comm lines to his significant other, having an idea that would keep her silent…hopefully. <“If I get more pelts than you, you have to take up my name whenever we seal the deal.”>

It would get her blood boiled and earn him a slap, but he’d gotten accustomed to the dynamics of their relationship. Each of them had changed and picked up a thing or two ever since they met.

<“Maybe you’ll finally beat me at something,”> referring to their first encounter being a duel in an arena.

His war droid violently descended to the earth, breaking the acceleration of the drop to firmly land on the sand. While there was tactical protection being within the sturdy cockpit of his war droid, he’d find pride and glory in killing Wookiees in close quarters with his beskad.
Location: Kashyyyk
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic”
Objective: Raze Kachirho
Tag: Domina Prime Domina Prime Todblaz Graker Todblaz Graker Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran Sarrogg Ha'rangir Tish Cowen Tish Cowen │ Open

While Kashyyyk itself held little of immediate importance to the Kainate beyond its rich natural resources, given the world's present besieged state, something else was on offer which presented an ephemeral opportunity that could only be seized now. Mandalorians from a wide range of creeds and clans had descended on Kashyyyk, aiming to defend it or plunder it for its sentient wealth. For her part, it mattered not whether they had come to do one or the other. QK-2510 had been sent here to test her strength against them, to prove that she was deserving of the divine work which had shaped her flesh.

The work of the Eternal Father.

And what better enemy was there to test her than the Mandalorians? Animals though they were, the fact that many clans yet endured after the purging of Moridinae was a testament to their resilience. And yet, QK-2510 hoped to reaffirm the superiority of the Kainite Sith over the Mandalorian beast, even if only to further the divine aims of the Eclipsing Mission.

However, she first needed to show her worth in the raging skies of Kashyyyk.

Diving through the lower layers of the atmosphere at terminal velocity, QK-2510 positioned herself head-down as she willed her jetpack’s wings to unfold, at which point its engines howled to life to accelerate her towards the growing furball in the airspace over Kachirho. Her company’s objective here for this raid was simple. Kill as many Mandalorians as possible and raze the home trees of the Wookiees in Kachirho.

However, it went without saying that dragons were the very last thing she had expected to find prowling the skies over the Wookiee settlement. Especially Mandalorian dragons.

Nevertheless, QK-2510 continued her diving descent, committing to an intercepting trajectory with a Wookiee fluttercraft as she did. Then, upon drawing her rifle from its place on the back of her jetpack, she brought the weapon level with her target and pressed down on its trigger, blowing the unsuspecting bandit to pieces as a salvo of hypervelocity slugs assailed its wroshyr wood frame. The two Wookiee operators were not spared, as a hail of shrapnel and slugs ripped through their flesh, severing limbs and blowing open body cavities in the process. A short salvo was all the jet trooper needed before pulling up, a sudden wash of g-forces causing her muscles to flex and tense as she pushed her body through the hard maneuver.

A deep breath was all it took for QK-2510 to find relief as her jetpack’s inertial compensators caught up to the strain. However, she was already honed in on her next target. She now had one of the dragons within her sights.


"Hettir them at cinders", Sarogg said pulling on the reigns of the Basilisk War Droid as it began firing its Pulse-wave cannons.
Bob and Weave. That was all he could do, leaping from one position to another to avoid the pulses of energy. One pinged off his chestplate, knocking him into the water. But he persevered, his jump boots' built in water jets launching into out of the water and into the air, before he landed on the head of the war droid of Sarrogg, slam firing depleted barradium slugs into the mechanical beasts' head to try and bring down the monster.

War Jaws from the backline kept up the fire, the symphony of sixty blaster cannons firing in rhythm as they engaged crusaders on war mounts, and 15 mortars, endlessly firing high explosive shells, rained down on the battlefield.

Elsewhere, Wookie Beam Cannons, leftovers from days gone by, fired on Crusader fighters. The defense would hold, and the attackers would be repelled.


Ziggst Aruetii




Engaging Currently: Drego Ruus Drego Ruus

The simphony of explosions and the reltentless barrage of blasterfire enveloped the atmosphere, echoing through the tight confines of the Alor's helmet.

Such auditory noises painted a vivid picture of the chaotic battlefield, depicting a scene of warriors engaged in fierece combat against the formidable Wookiee defense network and their steadfast Mandalorian Protector comrades.

In the midst of the chaotic battle, a fierce conflict unraveled as both factions fought for dominance, driven by a pressing need to secure an advantage. Amidst the turmoil, Sarrogg remained focused, his thoughts sharp and unwavering.

The heads-up display in his helmet confirmed a successful hit on Drego Ruus Drego Ruus , with his Pulse-wave cannons. yet the Warmaster proved resilient and refused to be swiftly defeated.

Wrapping his foot around one of the reigns with a swift movement, just enough for him to still control the Basilisk War Droid but enable him to confont the Mandalorian of Clan Ruus in a one-on-one engagement, as the depleted barradium slugs slammed into the head of the mechanical droid behemoth. The sparks of lightning would occur where the rounds pentrated.

Sarogg lept forward with his Mandalorian Style Electrohammer tightly gripped in both hands, charging it up and slamming it on the ground at an angle, creating a shockwave ripple towards the opponent.

Some G40 Series Armored Assault Tank had finally arrived as reinforcements, blasting their heavy cannons near the walkers.


As Drego saw the warhammer come up, Drego switched targets, slam firing two rounds into Sarrogg's chest area, before it finally came down. With a thought, his manga-clamps on his boots activated, weathering the shockwave that rattled through his body.

The War Jaws stood firm, heavy blaster bolts pinging off thick beskar plating, as the walkers opened fire with blaster cannons of their own, along with EMP mortars on the tanks to try and disable them, while Wookies came forward with rocket launchers and bowcasters to try and fight back the reinforcements.


Ziggst Aruetii




Engaging Currently: Drego Ruus Drego Ruus

Drego's shotgun, rounds slammed into Sarrogg with unrelenting force, while the Mandalorian Style Electrohammer descended to unleash a devastating shockwave at an angle.

Though his beskar'am armor might not have been the bulkiest in the galaxy, it proved resilient enough to endure the relentless onslaught of countless battles fought by Clan Ha'rangir.

With a swift motion, he yanked the chain entwined around his foot, causing the Basilisk War Droid to hurl itself towards the water's surface with incredible speed, a quick release of the holster around his armored belt, allowing him to bring up the Stouker Concussion Rifle and fire off a few rounds, while the electrohamemr was wedged in the mount's hold for a moment.

The G40 Series Armored Assault Tank thick shielding and ion shielding would enable it to survive much of the impact thrown against them, although they still took quite a few casualties on the battlefield. Firing their Chain-fed energized shell projectile launchers (6) with a Payload of 12

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The wardroid slammed into the water, and Drego once more felt the impact of an enemy on his chest. Three concussive blasts hit him, and yet, they seemed to have no effect. The Ruus was unphased, slam firing four more slugs into the demagolka, before quick drawing his Thunderfist, unloading a whole gas canister into his opponent at once.

In reality, he felt it. The thud against his chest, knocking the wind out of him. Any lesser man would keel over and cry at the pain.

"Incoming!" A walker driver called out, before bailing out of his vehicle. The mandos of clan Ruus burst forward, jetpacks roaring to life as they launched backpack mounted missiles, others firing heavy rippers into the tanks.



ᚨ ᚷᛁᚱᛚ ᚹᚺᛟ ᛞᚱᛖᚨᛗᛊ ᛟᚠ ᚠᛚᛟᚹᛖᚱᛊ ᚨᚾᛞ ᚠᛁᚱᛖ

ENCLAVE: Tish Cowen Tish Cowen | Adenn Munin Adenn Munin | Kes Stag Kes Stag | Milena the Piece Milena the Piece

ENEMIES: Drego Ruus Drego Ruus | Boggo Flib Boggo Flib | Todblaz Graker Todblaz Graker | Ruus Kote Ruus Kote | Eugen Aker Eugen Aker | Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran

There would be no end to this MADNESS. Domina Prime would see the sacred symbol of the wookies turned to ashes and cinders as the Axe whispered sweet songs of fire into the ear of the primitive Mandalorian as she rode upon the back of her Warmount followed by a vicious swarm of Dovahdrakes igniting a path of divine destruction through the forest of Kashyyyk.

The crackling and burning of wood sent smoke and smog into the clouds, filling the air with a darkness that could only be described as BIBLICAL as Domina neared the Great Tree of Life. Clenching the Axe in her hand tighter and aiming her dragon downward to sweep along the engulfed forest of flame below. And just as she did so, Domina could hear the horrific roars of her dragons split the skies as Todblaz Graker Todblaz Graker unleashed a barrage of shells on her swarm that had struck and taken down THREE of her drakes, watching as their bodies fell from the skies and crashed into the burning forest below as the shockwave from their crash caused the earth to rumble.

"The FUCK was THAT?" Dima quipped, looking behind her as her Warmount continued to carry her towards the Tree of Life. And then…another individual named QK-2510 QK-2510 came flying in shooting at her swarm of Warbeast, causing Dima to become agitated as she used her hive link to scatter the swarm into dogfighting formations rather than scorching the earth. Allowing them to focus on evasion and air support as Dima tried to regain her focus.

And then, splitting through the darkness of the smokey clouds a familiar presence revealed itself as Jonyna Si Jonyna Si barreled towards Domina, nosediving towards them before SHOUTING Dimas name in such a way it caused the xenos tail to perk up.

"DOMINA!!!" The Jedi barked ferociously, causing Dima to turn around while standing on the back of her dragon, looking up to see the Cathar warrior standing on the top of her X Wing while never wavering in her approach.

Dima blushed behind her mask, unfolding all four of her arms outward towards the Jedi as if welcoming her into a grand embrace.

"Godling! It's been AGES! Should be more careful the way you SCREAM Dimas name kitten, you say This Ones name like we're lovers. Others might get the wrong idea!" She barked back LOUDLY, biting her lip and encouraging the Cathar to come even CLOSER! "Well c'mon then! Come on down! The Fires just FINE!"

She yanked her warmounts reins, forcing him to suddenly pull UPWARD as they FINALLY arrived at the Great Tree of Life. Dima blowing the jedi a kiss before finally jumping OFF of her warmount and CRASHING into the Great Tree's branches atop it's canopy. The sheer size of the tree itself making it easy enough to have firm footing on its MASSIVE branches and such as Dominas five eyes glared down towards the base of the tree below to see what forces had gathered there in attempts to stop the Mad Witch of Mandalore.


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