Rafan Kasper, Host of the Kasper Report
Like any good news outlet, Rafan's producers had been poking around knowledgeable guests that could shed light on the sudden and radical policy shifts of the Confederacy. However, to their surprise they found a high level CIS official offering interviews, to provide an insider look from the CIS's perspective.
They snapped at the opportunity, booking them for a full hour interview during prime time, but Rafan made them stress a few things before the interview went ahead. He would try to be fair in his questioning, but it definitely wasn't going to be a softball interview cheerleading for the CIS. They should expect to be grilled. Billions of people within the Kiribian Systems Union and the greater Colony region had legitimate concerns about implications of the new policies on their livelihood, and so he owed it to his viewers to do his job as a journalist.
"Good evening and welcome to tonight's Kasper Report. I'm your host, Rafan Kasper, providing in-depth analysis on developments in the world of business and finance every Sunday. During the week, stocks across all major indexes continue to tumble in the wake of the CIS's declaration of its 'Confederacy First' policy. Almost all major powers were quick to condemn the unilateral policy as isolationist and harmful to intergalactic trade at a particularly perilous time, urging the CIS to walk it back. Domestically, this act and internal measures have also been met with controversy, resulting in some high level resignations. However, citing security concerns and trade imbalances, the federal government of the CIS has yet to budge, expanding upon its original executive order. Thus continues a war of words between opposing propaganda outlets."
"The fear of investors and entrepreneurs is that this war of words will soon escalate into a full-blown trade war."
"As always, the Kasper Reports tries to cut through the noise of politics to present the cold hard facts. Beginning with the CIS, we hope to interview all affected parties to get to the truth of the matter."
The full screen of Rafan at his desk transitioned to a split screen showing his guest.
"Tonight, via Holo call with me tonight is the Lord Commander Voph, leader of the Knights Obsidian. He is also leading up the recently activated Inquisition currently underway in Confederate space. The Confederate Inquisition is akin to an Inspector-General or Special Counsel in the KSU, empowered with special privileges for sweeping investigations across almost every area the CIS government at the local and federal level. His position gives him an intimate, top level view of the happenings within the CIS, so we're hoping he'll be able to help us make sense of recent developments in the government."
"So welcome, Commander. Before we get into the review of the Confederacy First policy, I thought it would be a good idea to look into the catalyst that got us to this point. The bioweapon attack on Atrisia. If I have this right, you're investigating the origins of this attack and other past disturbances within the CIS. Can you talk what you've uncovered about the attackers at Atrisia, and talk about what else you're looking into with your investigations?"