Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The King and I

Commenor Palace

Walking up the main steps of the palace, I was to meet with Veiere. Newly wedded to Lady Kay, a friend of mine, and an ally to the Iron Empire in limited ways, as well as aiding me with the Vanguard. I owed a lot to the man even though our first time meeting was at the Iron Empire Gala. The reasons I was meeting with him is to gain more traction with him. Show him that I am not just someone who keeps calling in favors and not follow up. As well, I wanted to talk to someone in the Commenor government, or someone who had a lot of weight with their words to rally my company with them.

I valued the Commenor government. With their rapid growth into the Galactic scene, and having allies with them, it would be best for my company to grow by allying with multiple people and produce more product than just a small blacksmith company like my mentor before me had. Armed with my lightsaber, and a Wraith bow, I walked up the front steps of the palace.

Against all judgment, and my habits, I left the mask off today. I kept it with me in case I needed it, but it was off and hanging from my belt. A quiver of arrows were over my right shoulder, with a small loop that allowed the bow to hang comfortably with the arrows.

The guards in the front of the palace saluted as I walked past. Unlike my first visit, I was welcome to come and go. However, I had to make my presence known. Unlike other times where we had a mix up of me walking in and some of the guards not knowing who I was. That was a day. Shaking my head at that thought, I stayed in the lobby as one of the guards approached.

"King Veiere has been notified of your presence. He will meet you momentarily."
"Thank you Sir."

Speaking with a nod of the head, he returned one in kind as I mulled over the words "King Veiere." I guess you get that title when you marry the queen of a planet. Just thinking about that, pulled me to my thoughts of Thalia, and how soon I will need to release her back to Hora so that she could rule one of the many Kingdoms. I just hoped that she was up to the task.

[member="Veiere Arenais"],

It couldn't be the farthest thing from what Veiere thought of himself, nor representing anything in the way that he dealt with others around him. Titles of "King" or "Lord" always placed people up on some sort of pedastal in the public eye, yet Veiere had gone above and beyond to keep his demeanor casual and compassionate for all those that crossed his paths, he wanted none to think of him as some self righteous monarch with a chip on his shoulder and he firmly believed in mutual trust and benefit through joint co-operation, not standing over others and telling them how it was to be. This was why Kay had already spoken to him several times now about the decision, the officials within the royal palace knowing well by now just how important he was in her life though thus far the Public had been kept out of the loop and his coronation put off for the time being. The bright side was that this still enabled him to walk freely through the streets without mobs of people trying to get his attention.

Today however was something curiously unexpected, an audience from [member="Atheus"] of whom Veiere had worked in league with a couple times now yet had few opportunities to actually spend any time in company with given the situations they often found themselves in had thus far been either violent, political or otherwise a massive social event with little room to really move, so to speak. How odd it seemed to him that even the guards seemed to fall in line under him when it was just a year or so ago that they'd called him traitor for trying to come to [member="Lady Kay"]'s aid the day of her return and the day they'd all first been introduced to Prazutis, a man of whom Veiere quietly hoped he would meet again.

"Atheus..." He greeted the man by his name, walking through into the lobby and rather than turning back to lead him into the palace, Veiere sought the sanctuary of the world outside while remained so close to the entrance and before any of his people could drag him back in for whatever political nonsense they required boring him with, "It's good to see you, come, let's walk..." He placed a hand to the mans shoulder with a little more encouragement than needed, guiding him to turn with him and moving for the doors.

Stepping outside, Atheus might have noticed the lovely warm breeze, the peaceful pace of the wind flowing about them and complimenting the lively world...-Or he might have noticed Veiere physically face-palming, a hand running down his front before turning to glance over his shoulder almost precariously. "Thank the Force you turned up..." He muttered under his breath before he began to walk down the steps leading into the courtyard surrounded by the gardens that his wife loved so much; "By the end of the day I gather they'd want to dress me a certain way, show me how to walk a certain way and let me know how my real friends are, all politely tidied up in an itinerary for their approval..." truthfully he didn't quite know what he was saying exactly but with a dismissive wave of his hand at Atheus, the other man would certainly get the point. "They're going to learn the hard way just how stubborn I am if they keep trying to get me to walk, talk and act like a trained blasted monkey" he grumbled to himself, wrapping his hooded sleeveless vest around himself, only moments ago nearly having lost it as they'd told him his dress code wasn't up to par.

"i dunno how she survived it for so long..." He shook his head, soon remembering who he was talking to and turning back to glance to Atheus curiously, "Sorry Atheus...-Was there something I can help you with?...-It'll keep me from killing someone here so do say yes...".
Upon meeting face to face with the man, He seemed distressed from what I could feel and see. With a placement on my shoulder, I would have normally taken the man's arm and broke it for touching me when I didn't need to. However, this was his house, and I was trying to be a better person. My arm moved of reflex to try and grab him, but I stopped it. Oh I hated changing. It took time and used so much effort than simply acting out of instinct. I walked behind him for a moment as the man rubbed his face. Rolling my head to pop a little as I was about to speak. Yet the man cut me off with his thanks, and a tangent of being pushed into positions he didn't want.

I smiled quite the grin as I too, knew that feeling. Being brought into the Iron Empire politics, as well as trying to train a future queen of my homeworld, it was difficult. I understood his stress to some extent. But a King? That I couldn't relate to. There was one thing that prevented me from thinking poorly of him, and that was his resolve not to be pushed into doing what others want. He wanted to lead, but lead in the front, and lead by example. That, I could get behind. That I could support. As bringing myself to walk beside him, I shook my head at his question.

"I do wish to speak to you about my company and the Commenori people. However, you are stressed out with this."

Walking beside him, I continued to speak, not letting him get in a word before I finished my thought. I used to never speak my mind, but now? It was needed. He was an ally, and there was no point of hiding who I am from him, or what I have done. I had been doing the same with Lady Kay, so I am sure he already knew some of what I am, but he may not know enough to make a good call.

"You are a man who leads armies, and men. Official work, titles and politics is new to you. If you were thrown into an assistant's job, it might be easier, but being claimed as a leader before you get to know the position can be dangerous. However, I trust you, and Lady Kay to make up for that. Kay has been doing this for years. She knows how to deal with diplomats. I am sure if you have a problem, you can speak to her."

Bowing my head, I knew that offer was likely not going to be taken. Veiere was a man of battle. He was a Jedi. He knows how to do this himself, but wants to learn for himself. Not be shown or led by the hand. He wanted true experience. Not pseudo attempts of becoming something he is not. I completely understood. First with my company, second with the Iron Empire. And likely soon with my own people, or the people of Commenor to some extent.

"Veiere, I have the same thing happening to me. My company needs to grow. I work with the Iron Empire to improve relations with others, and I am training a young girl to become a queen. That means I have to learn for myself how to be a political leader, as much as I am a general, or an admiral. Deal with that you are comfortable with, and use that to propel you with your other lines of work."

Maybe that could help a little. Set him at ease that he is not the only one who has a lot on his plate. While I couldn't amount to being a leader of an entire planet, I knew that my advice could potentially help a man who was quite like myself in many ways. Either way, I left that to hang in the air for a moment while we waked past the gardens. Speaking up, I brought to him the reason I was here.

"To be clear, I am just going to spit this out, and ask for your ear. I run a company that creates weapons, armor, and gear for various groups. Mostly I have been doing small stuff to make ends meet, but the company needs to grow. I see potential with the people of Commenor. I want to be able to aid you guys from a personal stand point. You know that I don't have the power to make anything with the Empire official, but I want to move with you with my company. I came to you to speak about the specifics. And maybe show you what I have to offer."

[member="Veiere Arenais"],
"[member="Lady Kay"] is much more comfortable handling our more delicate affairs, of which for the most part I'm quite content to leave her with".

Veiere admitted with a slim smile, his wife had resided over Commenor for some years now both as a democratic leader and then later trying to instill more of a dictatorship backed by the Sith from the north western part of the Galactic Charts; Veiere had been quick to route this out from Commenor's future and having spent a great deal of personal time with Kay, both as she worked for the people and as they as a pair worked to unravel the hold the Dark-side held over her, Veiere remained confident in her leadership and state of mind that he could do exactly as [member="Atheus"] was suggesting, focusing on the parts of his job that he were already well experienced in dealing with.

"And I will always have time for friends of Commenor and most certainly those of my own; regardless of what else might be troubling me...".

He added with a faint smirk though it was masked as he turned to glance back towards the Royal Palace, slowing in pace as he looked at it side-on, his brows furrowing a moment in consideration for their environment. Chasin City was the crown jewel of trade these days, immense goods both import and export were being dealt with the inclusion of other worlds under their direct control had far more than doubled their income yet so too their need for security and higher financing of military and civilian needs; they'd been run off of their feet of late and while it had kept Veiere quite busy, he hadn't had the time to spend much of within the Woodlands of Illaria off to the west.

"In all honesty, Atheus, I feel you give me too much credit. I am experienced with these things certainly, though as are most who once called themselves a Jedi Knight and those whom still pertain to the Order today. I don't know if that pegs me up there as some natural leader per say but I will say that I try to do what's right for those I can. I feel my given title now is more for appearances, Kay Larr still runs this world and from what I've thus far experienced, it's given me a bit more freedom to move about and see to my duties as a Knight of Commenor...-Yet I want none of the spoils so to speak...-Does that make sense to you?"

He was trying to say that he wanted nothing of the prestige that came with being any part of royalty or upper tier leadership, recognition was one thing and it did give their law enforcement the knowledge of who Veiere was and where he stood in league with Commenor, it allowed him to come and go from the Palace hindered none in his meetings with Kay nor did anyone stop him should he choose to add a bit more financial strength to the Praxeum's standards of living off to the west within the woodlands. The point however he wanted people to see in him was that he did none of this for himself or for his own ego. It had all started out as simple as being Kay's bodyguard, he a lowly Exile of the Jedi Order, a nobody who had fallen in love with a politician and they wound up here running a monarchy. The matter of Atheus' company however had certainly peaked his curiosity...

"You're talking about the military industry? As much as I don't like to admit or justify the need for violence, I have been quite focused on trying to strengthen our military ties lately. Our most significant gain has been the Gyndine Shipping yards, they of whom have begun production in addition to our Navy. It's a step that Commenor was at first reluctant to take, considering we try to place ourselves as a neutral party for the likes of other powers within the Galaxy. Kay first positioned Commenor with arms open to others, gaining contacts and securing embassies on this world that all nations might meet on safe grounds to delegate between one another in times of war with a bit of added security and confidence in what we hoped might lead to peace talks...-I'm not certain how our forces being built up will effect our diplomatic ties with those outside of our system yet it's a risk we've had to take with the inclusion of Gyndine and Mimban under our control...-I do have both the authority and the experience to make such a decision, though I'd like to know more about this company of yours and it's affiliations too, if I might be bold".
There was emotions from the man of uncertainty. Anyone who knew what to look for could find it even without the force. Only it was more noticeable by me through my natural link to Empathy. I could easily feel the emotions of others around me, and feed upon them to power myself. However, I didn't feed off of them now. There was no need for it. Instead, I walked with the man and listened as he spoke. Even while he stopped to look at the palace behind us, I stopped with him and simply listened. Sometimes, its best not to talk. Waiting for the right time, I voiced my own thoughts.

"You are a natural leader because you do not seek the honor of battle. You seek to better the lives of others, and that is quality that any leadership needs. The feeling that they need to do something, anything to further the lives of their group. Even if you are a Sith, you wish to further your empire correct? I will not say that the Sith are good, but they are very reliable and very frightening forces because they know what it takes to be in a leadership role."

Pointing to him, and indicating that he is who I spoke of, I continued while I kept my voice and ideas of this matter very clear.

"You are someone who feels as though they do not deserve to lead, or has the feeling that someone else could do it better. When in truth, you are the best suited. Even the strongest of men do not wear crowns. You have never worn one till now, and it is now that you doubt your prowess because so much is resting on your shoulders. Now because everyone is looking to you and your wife to lead, its daunting. However, I have faith that you can do this."

Reaching behind me, I produced my bow. Making sure that it was strung all right, and pulled on the string just a little to make sure that the draw strength was not ungodly to try and use. I found it easy to do so, and reached up over my shoulder to pull a simple arrow from the quiver. I didn't knock the arrow into the bow, but I did hold it closely together. Even smiling slightly as Veiere asked to be bold.

"Be bold sir, As you have any right to be, and should be with your people at stake. I do know that Commenor has attempted to become neutral in the affairs of war, and as you say, there is no justification for violence. Ironic that I, a former mercenary states that, but it is true. Prevent violence where you can. However, I believe that it is everyones natural right to defend themselves should someone bring violence upon you, your family, or anything that you hold close."

Knocking the arrow into the bow, I used my hand to make sure that the counterweight was correctly positioned for my use. All the while, I continued to speak to the man.

"The company I have is called Cerberus Enterprise. It was passed down to me from my mentor long ago. He used it as a simple shope to create items for others. I however, want to grow the company into something that will aid others in the protection of their ideas and values. To do that, I need to grow period. One of the creations we have is this bow I hold. Compound in nature, created with carbonfibers, and it has been altered with the force."

Lifting the bow up, I took aim. Pulling on the string with not just my arms, but my back and chest. Equally pulling all of the weight on the arrow. I took one second to break from my words to breathe and then release the shot. Even from where we stood, The arrow soared across the distance and smacked into a tree that created the lining of the forest in front of us. The solid thwak sound echoed back to us to signify that I did hit my target.

"Its been altered to aid with any arrow fired to be shot more accurately well into rifle ranges. Silent, and should a force user command the bow, can influence the arrow further by increasing its velocity, accuracy, and range to much further distances."

Dropping the bow down to not be aimed, I then took my right hand and reached into a pocket. Producing a ring. While it may be around the normal size for a human male, it wouldn't fit on any of my fingers. Handing it to Veiere, I nodded my head to let him know it was okay.

"We create trinkets as well. This ring, connects to a second one, and when worn, will allow the use of telepathy between the two people wearing the ring. If you so wish to test it yourself, The ring is connected to one of my men who is at the spaceport. If you wish to speak to him, You may."

[member="Veiere Arenais"],
Atheus sounded fairly confident in the things he was presuming around Veiere's position in leadership over Commenor, though to be fair, Veiere himself hadn't put a great deal of priority to thinking on it all, he'd tried to do anything but that, to be more to the point. He supposed that Atheus had a point in that fact, Veiere simply trying to do the best he could for the trade world and her neighboring allies now, rather than wanting to peg himself on an all time high because of the place of importance in both Kays life and her peoples. They were still after all, her people, he was simply there helping her carry the work-load now. His choice of bringing the Sith up in relevance to the discussion of leadership was a curious one, one that held a great deal of negative memories for Veiere though he understand what [member="Atheus"] was trying to say in the remark, he had worked with Dark-siders in the past since his coming out of exile and into Kay's service; not all of them had been as blood thirsty as those who had raided Svivren.

"Honestly, I'm just trying to make the best of the position I've been given"

It was a simple reply though between the lines so to speak, there was an extra-ordinary amount of work that followed in 'doing his best' where the trade world was concerned. Without the counsel of Elders who had formerly advised Kay in how best to govern the world and her people, Veiere had seen reason to prioritize funding into the worlds defensive fleet, their naval and military capacity having slipped some and after seeing what had happened to Atrisia and Voss, or hell even mimban back in the Galactic Republic of which was now under their banner, he had put a great deal of credits towards trying to strengthen their fleet.

As they walked, Veiere's gaze was drawn to the bow that Atheus had pulled, the weapon a distinct choice given the nature of technology today though more significant was the fact that Atheus had chosen to draw the weapon within the public light, those guards within eyes sight of the pair soon turning their attention in their direction to which Veiere responded with a wave of his hand, signalling to them that there was nothing to be worried about. Atheus was clearly proud of the bow, speaking on it's modifications by his company. Cerberus Enterprise, he had called it.

"You can imbue items in the Force?"

He soon asked as he was handed the ring, Atheus claiming that it could communicate telepathically with the counterpart, a second ring of which someone else within his company or group of people were wearing. Such Alchemy and manipulation of powers was not something Veiere had experienced before though he had heard of people skilled in the ability. Creating weapons that could strengthen the one possessing it, to further the power of the Force that they controlled, the Sith Lord who had brought Kay back to Commenor had been one such person who had carried with him an item of darkness, bolstering his own ill-intent for the world and its Queen. It had taken weeks for Veiere to break through that hold that he'd had over Kay, just to get her to open up to him, alone.

Putting on the ring, his closed his eyes a moment to allow the telepathic connection to expand, feeling his senses being strengthened through the ring as a catalyst, he immediately felt something akin to the bond that he had with Kay now through a person of complete unfamiliarity. It was almost startling, given that his bond with Kay was utterly unique and not something he thought could be imitated. Removing the ring from his finger he handed it back gingerly to Atheus though it gave him something of a thought.

"If you can manipulate telepathic connections through such things, could you create something that could empower Kay and myself. To strengthen us both and to further aid us in whatever need we may face in the defense of ourselves or the other...-How possible could it be to amplify a force bond through a new pair of rings such as these...".
I smiled and nodded my head. the man was quite surprised with my talents that were not of war. Yes, they could create weapons, but I could do so much more with it. I could attune items from rings, gloves, or even boots with the ability to increase the wearers usage in battle, as well as in daily life. However, I wanted to be truthful with the man. As I was to speak again, Veiere spoke up about creating rings that could further the bond between Lady Kay and himself. I nodded my head with a sly smile. First, I had to talk of the implications.

"There is no doubt that I could, and will do that. However, I must come forward."

I reached out and gently took the ring from the man. Holding it up for him to see, I almost peered through the hole in which one's finger would reside,

"These... artifacts, come with a price. Not in credits, but in the strength of your will. In the past, I created these items with the intention to use them, and to further my own rage and fury. They were dark sided artifacts that could do many things. Even the sword I carry with me is a fabrication of the Dark side. I live with it because I accept that I will never be a being of the light. I will never be someone who can walk in the light without sin. You, I cannot push you to do."

Taking the ring, and handing it back to him, I pointed at it, and spoke more about this dark side.

"Alchemy, also referred to Sith Alchemy, is the twisting and bending of all natural laws to create something grotesque. While the ring may be beautiful, it is in fact a creation of the darkness. However, I can create objects of the light. I can imbue them with the light. If you wear the ring once more, and search the force with all of your might, you will find the darkness hidden within."

However, as it was spoken, I opened a datapad. One that was filled with much information about attunement of armor, Jal Shey, Jenessari, and even Je'daii sword making forms.

"Sith Alchemy twists anything into something else. All of these processes of imbuement on the datapad are lightsided, or neutral. I can do these with your rings that you request of me. However, I bring this up to be clear with you. Not all of what I make is suitable for the faint of heart. These artifacts can very easily corrupt people who are naive to the darkness, or even more so with those who have already fallen."

I mentioned this out of pure care for this man, and his own wish to become something better for his people. I wouldn't ever want him to become corrupted with power. Nor would I want his wife to be anywhere near something dark for a fear that she might relapse into the Dark Side. I have worked too hard with Lady Kay and keeping her emotions, and dark influences in check for her to fall to them again.

"I will only provide you gear, that you see fit for your Knights, and for the soldiers of Commenor. So, if there are to be no dark sided artifacts, then I will not provide you with any. I wish to start this cooperation between each other on clear, and truthful grounds. I am not a man of the light. At best, I am neutral in the ways of the force, but dabble in the darkness from time to time. And I do not want to force anyone to feel as though they have to do the same to become influential, powerful, or respected."

[member="Veiere Arenais"],
Before now the two had never spoken of their personal alignment in with the Force, they had neither fought side by side in their ventures though their past had seen them both involved in some of the same conflicts, even on the same worlds yet never within reach of one another to be able to determine who followed the Lightside and who followed the Darkside of the Force. Veiere by this point however was well known by his reputation of being a former Jedi Knight before having entered into Kay's service and from there on, his ability in the Force and specifically his lightsided talents had kept her from death several times now to have turned heads. If he had to guess, Atheus knew a damn sight more about him than he did the other.

"The Darkside of the Force can be a difficult thing to live with..."

He responded somewhat quietly as his thoughts ran back to the past Enclave on Svivren. He had been brought there at the age of four years and trained right up until adulthood, a prime example of the typical life of a Jedi student of old, though even in those days many of the traditional customs had fallen away and been forgotten, much of his life was circumstantial before studying the traditional Order himself. That very same Enclave had been attacked during the early years of the One Sith coming to power and taking the fight to the Core Worlds. Svivren had decided not to invest personnel to Coruscant's defense and yet Veiere and seven others had strongly disagreed with the Council and opted to leave regardless. It was a difficult decision and he had left his Padawan behind feeling that the boy would be best kept safe there within the protection of the Enclaves walls. He had been so wrong. The Sith had sent a strike force to several key Jedi establishments within the southern sectors of the galactic charts seeking to weaken and cripple the Order before the schism occurred within the Galactic Republic. Everyone had been killed and by the time Veiere and his peers had returned, only a handful of Sith remained. The last of them cut down in cold blood, the men that returned in search of their friends and family, Jedi no more. It was the beginning of Veiere's twelve years of Exile to which he sought solitude and isolation upon the world of Alzoc Three.

"The Order of Commenor as you know consists of force users experienced in many varying aspects of the Force, some seek to be Jedi others seek the ways of the Darkside and in the future who knows, perhaps we will be graced by the likes of the Matukai or some other culture that wishes to expand on their learnings while calling this world home..."

He spoke while studying the ring that [member="Atheus"] had handed back to him, struck curious in that as the man seemed to be encouraging Veiere to take a deeper look at the piece. His gaze however shifted then again back to the other as Atheus spoke of his ability to imbue the lightside of the force within objects or talismans of similar design. This was of course something much more to Veiere's liking. He had witnessed the affects of armors and rings of this sort of work, this alchemy though he knew not how to do it himself had been witnessed during Prazutis' entrance to Commenor during which Ryn'Dhal had fought against him. The Sith Lord had used a ring that had strengthened the darker emotions of the user and inspired those around him to feel true fear and discouragement, enough so to deter most from having to focus to strike the Sith Lord down.

"I imagine that your services will be greatly appreciated in both aspects of the Force though again, for myself and Kay these rings that perhaps we could use as a test of sorts, would be best imbued with the lightside of the Force, for the both of us. If you could do this for us then it will give [member="Lady Kay"] more than my word in support of your offer but so too a wedding ring unlike any other...-One that will represent your craftsmanship as well as my marriage to her. Do you think that might be a good first step towards your receiving funding through Commenor in collaboration with your supplying our troops as well as the Order?"

Funding, Veiere spoke of more than simple payment but supporting Atheus too in his works wherever Commenor could do so. For his support of their world and their people, standard payment didn't seem fitting enough. Trusted help was hard to come by and Veiere had already found confidence in he long before they'd met this day. The battle that had taken place in Nirvana had more than solidified their ties not as friends but as brothers in arms, those who shared in the experience of fending away would-be oppressors. A like-minded will to put themselves in front of danger for the protection of others, this, Veiere respected above all else and any such friendship they would build upon had started there, that day.
"It would be my honor, nay- a privilege to create rings for the both of you. If this is just one step closer to seeing myself as an ally of the Commenor people, and the Knights of your order, then consider it done."

Lady Kay is a friend of mine. I would take a hit for her if necessary. And by extension, I would aid her husband as she chose a man who was build upon a code of honor, and virtues that I would want to see any ally with. As a Leader, he wouldn't give an order out that he himself wouldn't do. And that I respected greatly. I respected many for their prowess in battle, as well as their extensive knowledge. However, I found a different respect for Veiere. One build out of honor, and the willingness to see through to the end. A man who would do anything for his people, or for his wife.

I reflected upon myself how I would have done that for someone... once. I wanted to have that feeling again. To feel wanted... needed. I had a twinge of jealousy for this man. While not all of the pieces were set in place for him, and odds were stacked heavily upon his shoulders, I found a deep friendship from this man, and wanted it to continue. Company or not.

"Provide what you deep appropriate, and I will do what I can to return the favor tenfold. I do not hand out words like these lightly, but that my friend, is a promise."

As much as I never held words to others that would mean anything, as much as I kept everyone away from me, and keeping everyone a "safe distance" away, If I gave someone a promise, I kept it. My word is my bond, and my oath. The Hellyni people were much like this. Stoic in their ideals, but if they give a promise, it was kept.

Extending out my hand to him, I wanted to shake it as a sign of respect, and to seal the deal in the future between Cerberus and the Commenor people.

"If you feel that my aid is applicable, then I agree to work with you, and your people."

[member="Veiere Arenais"],

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