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Knights of Zakuul



  • Tradition Name: [ Knights of Zakuul ]
  • Tradition Type: [ Militarised Order ]
  • Tradition Focus: [ Spiritual, Intellectual, Political, Military ]
  • Influence: [ Interplanetary ]
  • Orientation: [ Balanced ]
  • Influence Area: [ Zakuul, Iokath, Eternal Empire ]
  • Symbol: [
    The current symbol is a combination of the old Eternal Empire's coat of arms and the current Eternal Empire's sigil. ]
  • Description: [ The Knights of Zakuul, also known as the Zakuul Knights, are an order of Force-sensitive warriors who serve the Emperor or Empress of the Eternal Empire. They differed in philosophy from both Jedi and Sith of the era, believing that the Force was a tool to be used in the pursuit of justice, and that they drew their connection to the Force directly from the Eternal Emperor. ]

  • Membership:
    • Recruitment - Knights of Zakuul are conscripted from the Force sensitive children of the inhabitants of Zakuul, Iokath and all its colonies and territories. Their recruitment is indiscriminate, though it is remarked that 99% of inhabitants are usually humanoid or near-human. Serving in the Knights is considered an honour for the family and frequent screenings and testings at hospitals guarantee that all but a few Force sensitives are found. Eligibility is not determined by a minimum amount of midi-chlorians or Force potential, anyone who can tap in the Force will be conscripted. This offers a higher rate of recruitment than traditional Jedi or Sith recruitment which was based on potential or even Force-selection. Recruitment age is usually around the age of four to seven galactic standard years old, but any Force sensitive found during settlement process will be automatically send to the Knight Schools and trained as Squires.
    • Training- The training of the Knights of Zakuul is structured into three different pillars, all receiving attention at a different time for a growing Squire but none being discontinued upon reaching Knighthood.
      • Pillar of Fitness - The first pillar of Zakuulan combat is relying on physical fitness. A Knights body must be ready to recover swiftly and remain capable and fit through long, suffering hardships. Only perfect constitution offers the clarity of purpose and unyielding willpower Knighthood demands. Further, armour, shield and equipment have their weight and need to feel like parts of the body. The armour is the protective skin, its weight undone, the shield is the extension of the left hand, a block only a gesture, the pike is the right, a thrust nothing more than a punch. Stamina has highest priority and agility more than strength. Your body must be steel, lighted by the fire in your heart and mind to fight for the Eternal Empire. One will be tested again and again to show the will to go through enormous exhaustion, just to move on and fight, for your brothers, for Zakuul, for Justice. While combat and equipment training starts very early on, the intense physical workout adjusted for every metabolism will only start when the Squire is past adolescence and the body is in full development.
      • Pillar of Arms - The second pillar is the usage of your weapons. Every Knight receives the mighty lightsaberpike and sturdy Aegis shield to protect and fight injustice and the enemies of the Eternal Throne. But every Knight comes with more equipment, equipment which cannot be put down and removed: Fists, feet, elbows, knees - every muscle and every limb in and of the body is a tool for combat. The Knights training emphasises equally on the usage of weapons and unarmed combat. The main focus is the usage of pike and shield, though the pike alone or another weapon of choice is equally important as the fight without any arms at hand.
        The combat with the ordinary lightsabers is a small part of the actual knights training, yet not to be ignored, it offers the opportunity to learn about the common enemies in form of the Jedi Knights and Sith.
        The unarmed combat is equally part of the Knights training as the practice with the pike and the shield. The possibility to ease a situation without a weapon drawn can be very useful during the enforcement of the will of the Emperor. Though the unarmed combat skills are to be implemented in the armed combat as well, the range of the pike and possibilities of the staff are an excellent advantage, but enemies will learn and try to get closer. In such situation the Knight must be able to overwhelm the enemy by surprise without his weapon or a combination of his weapon and his unarmed combat skills. Training in martial arts and combat starts at the earliest entry of the Squire.
      • Pillar of Cohesion - The third pillar for the Knights of Zakuul is the training, practising and usage of formations. Every Knight is a brother, every Knight is an enforcer and every Knight is also a soldier in the name of the Eternal Throne. The Knights learn to fight as being a piece of a larger unit, every piece has to be in harmony to create working whole. The chain is only as strong as its weakest link. From the beginning, every Knights training is focusing to perform every other aspect of learning, inside a unit. The shield and pike are in best harmony inside a formation of skilled, zealous and true Knights. Further the diagrammaton is offering strong bonding exercises and true comradery in the early years of the training as the young squires who are teamed up, often share many hardships together until they are broken up to understand that all Knights are their brothers and sisters.
      • Other aspects of training include investigation, interogration, tactics, basics of economy, statecraft and science and training with the Force. The latter is never emphasised as being more than any other aspect of the training, lowering the Force to be a skill and nothing more.
      • Indoctrination, ideology and philosophy are major parts and will be taught to the Squires with vehement eagerness across all lessons and practices, glorifying the role of the Eternal Throne, highlighting the lawlessness of uncivilised cultures and the dogmatism of those who adhere to frivol religions such as the Jedi and Sith.
    • Ranks:
      • High Justice - The High Justice is the supreme commander of the Knights of Zakuul, their grandmaster. There is no shared leadership or hidden hierarchy, the High Justice stands above all with unquestionable authority and power. Responsible for the direction, operations and standards of the Knights, they are an exceptional combatant, commander and organiser.
      • Adjudicators - Two Adjudicators (or Tribunes) are the right and left hand of the High Justice. Usually with one deployed in off-world operations while one remains at the stronghold to balance command and responsibility. They are the second-in-command and take on administrative as well as command duties, depending on their deployment.
      • Exarchs - Governors and leaders, exceptional warriors and soldiers, the Exarchs are an extension of the Eternal Throne's will and only answer to the Throne itself. They are military governors for conquered, unruly or frontline sectors, commanding a Star Fortress which highlights their might.
      • Eternal Champion - The Eternal Champion is the unquestioned master of dueling in the order, their skills at overcoming a single foe are legendary and require no explanation. They have mastered either or both combat with blades and the Force to a degree that will make even Sith Battlelords or Jedi Battlemaster tread carefully.
      • Blade Champions - Picked from the finest of the Paladins, the two Blade Champions are the foremost combat instructors and duelists in the order. Called the Black and the White, one for melee combat and one for Force combat.
      • Shield Captain - The Shield Captains (also called Knight Captains) are the primary officers of the order commanding the Shield Hosts, the foundational organisation unit of the Knights of Zakuul. Every Shield Host varies in size and veterancy as well as in tasks and duties. It is only from this rank upwards that a Knight might be introduced to the Code of the Shroud.
      • Horizon Guards - There are Knights who surpass their brethren in their zeal and devotion, those which are unyielding even in comparison to the rest of the Order. These Knights are accepted into the Horizon Guard as exemplary bodyguards and enforcers of devastating discipline and unrelenting power. It is not rare for these warriors to be leaning much further to the Dark side.
      • Paladins - Paladins are the veteran Knights of the order, displayed by their unusual dark grey armor. They have served a long time among the Knights and are considered senior members, examples for the younger Knights. Paladins are the first rank eligible to apply for being considered into Project Exarch.
      • Scion of Zakuul - A reclusive and exclusive division of the Knights, completely separated, are the Scions. Those Knights which show a great potential in the Force school of precognition and farsight, will be approached and introduced in this secretive sub-order to serve as seers and advisors to the ruler.
      • Cyborg Knights - Cyborg Knights are those who fail in the final trials of Project Exarch and/or cannot continue the procedures. They will be listed as having died in the process and will become nameless and faceless enforcers of the Exarchs and the Eternal Throne. They are considered purely Dark side users and are violent tool, rather than honorable Knights.
      • Knight Lieutenants - Junior officers often tasked with overseeing training and administrative duties when not squiring for a senior officer, they are the first step up the ladder of the hierarchy.
      • Knight Brothers/Sisters - The Knight Brethren are the rank and file of the Knights, the ordinary members wearing the typical golden armor, wielding pike and shield. They are enforcers of justice, the tip of the spear, the shieldwall on which the enemy is stopped.
      • Squire - The term Squire refers to any member of the Order who did not complete the basic training program and ascended to Knighthood. This includes fresh introduced members as well as those who are about to become Knights. Their status varies greatly.
  • Motives:
    • Justice - To serve justice is the central pillar of the philosophy and ideology of the Knights. Justice is defined by law and the law is defined by their liege and sire, the Immortal Master of Zakuul and the Eternal Emperor. Justice is enforced without mercy or exception, it is their ultimate goal to serve stability and the law, through it they gain greater understanding of the Force.
    • Service - Fullfilling ones duty is its own reward. The Knights are serving soldiers, there is no place for elaborate philosophy, morals or values for their purpose is laid out pure before them in serving Zakuul, the Eternal Empire and their liege.
    • Loyalty - Loyalty is central to their pursuit of justice and in their service, both the loyalty to each other as well as the loyalty to the Eternal Throne are central to be maintained and upheld at all times. They see the lack of loyalty as a great crime and no loyalty is greater or more important than the one to the Eternal Throne.
    • Order - Order, stability, discipline. Without these tenets no civilisation will thrive, without these guidelines, no civilisation deserves to be called equal. It is the Knights' honour to bring these tenets to those who lack it, be it through persuasion or violence.
  • Rules and Teachings:
    • Unquestionable Obedience - Atop the teachings for the Knights of Zakuul stands obedience. Their hierarchy is absolute and their devotion to the Eternal Throne is beyond measure. From the beginning of their training to till their dying breath, they will be always reminded of their position and entitlement to honourably serve a greater good. This greater good is nothing less than the Will of the Eternal Throne. They are far from mindless puppets, but they are soldiers with stalwart discipline and unyielding loyalty.
    • Limitless Power - The doctrine of Limitless Power is built around the core value of brotherhood. Each Knight is responsible for their brothers and sisters and vice versa. They are loyal to each other and only the loyalty to the Eternal Throne is above that. The doctrine is aimed towards keeping each other in check, in balance and sharing information and knowledge. No Force power is outlawed, no knowledge taboo. It is through mutual understanding and openness that the Knights are progressing as individuals and expanding their powers. The Force is a mere tool and not worthy to be recognised as anything greater and to use a tool, you need to have the knowledge. Knowledge has to be shared so everyone can use the tool to the best of their efficiency and ability.
    • Zakuulan Lightsaber Combat - The Knights of Zakuul developed two distinctive versions of their lightsaber combat. First, the Knights Cut, the Embodiment of Izax. The development of this form utilised the advantages of fighting in a unit while the second form, the Heroes Cut, the Righteous Wrath of Tyth, emphasised the duelling against few or single opponents. Both forms are based around a very high level of physical fitness and valuing speed over strength. The Knights training was focused around the basic weapons of a lightsaber pike and a shield, but offering ordinary lightsabers as well. While armed combat was the primary focus, unarmed combat was not ignored and received a very large influence as well. While the Knights Cut goes into teaching formations and discipline combined with speed, the Heroes Cut puts its focus on unleashing your very power to overwhelm your opponent. Nobody will ever advance to the Righteous Wrath of Tyth when not having mastered the Knights Cut, furthermore no Knight of lower rank will receive training in it either
      • Diagrammaton: The Diagrammaton is a system of warrior partnerships among the Knights. It is a system where two Knights work together in a union, one being the offensive partner, the second the defensive. The spearman, the offensive partner, is the one harassing the opponent and pressing on the attack to deal the killing blow, while the shieldbearer, the defensive partner, is taking the role of a tank, moving to keep the enemy busy and distracted. For experienced Knights of Zakuul, the switch can come organically, even multiple times during a single fight, which makes it very challenging and difficult for individually fighting opponents like Jedi or Sith to overcome this combat doctrine.
    • Justice - The pursuit of Justice is the central goal and occupation of the Knights. Its ideology is strongly simplistic and authoritarian in its application and approach. Justice is the word-made-manifest of the Eternal Throne, it is the laws passed by its government and the orders issued by it. This enforcement includes everything from personal missions, to military campaigns and policing and law enforcement duties. The Knights are deployed to all sectors of public life for maintaining public order, to protect the state and its integrity, to guard over the Eternal Throne and its ruler and to prosecute the enemies of state, stability, prosperity and order.
    • The Force - The Force is a tool for enacting justice and a reward for the service to the Eternal Throne. It holds no religious or ideological value outside of its usage and is a stark contrast to the Jedi and Sith philosophies. Force atheism is not only encouraged, it is enforced among the Knights to prevent any morale dilemmas with the Dark or Light side. Furthermore the Limitless Power doctrine is taking good care of the issue of corruption to either the Dark or Light side. With making use of both if available, but rather neither as desired, the Knights are focused on primarily Control abilities with individual exceptions.
    • Unit Tactics- A central element of the teachings are unit tactics and formations building upon the Diagrammaton and more military-taught lessons. These are to overwhelm enemies in direct combat via superior deployment, coordination and discipline. Examples include:
    • Organisation
      • Shield Hosts - The general unit all Knights are assigned to are the Shield Hosts. The Shield Hosts are not closed brotherhoods but are put together based on the mission or campaign parameters. A Shield Captain can essentially be alone in their Host or command several groups of Knights are the same time. While those at guard or garrison duty may number manifold that due to their non-deployed state. Usually the Shield Hosts will wear the standard gold armour, but there are exceptions, both to the color as well as the permanent state of their assignement. Essentially the same but among the Horizon Guard a Shield Host is called Spear Host instead.
        • Imperial Honour Guard: The Honour Guard are selected Paladins who are assigned directly to the Imperial Family. Their service is for until they are unfit to serve anymore or are dismissed by the Eternal Emperor. Their armour is white with golden trim and they are led by an Exarch. They are functioning as guard, aides and enforcers.
      • Shield Banner - The Shield Banner is a formation deployed only for military purposes and only ever so rarely. It is a combination of multiple Shield Hosts under either senior Shield Captain or even an Exarch or Tribune. They are typically deployed to battle to swiftly overwhelm an enemy.
    • Common Skills
      • Interrogation
      • Tactics & Strategy
      • Administration
      • Security
      • Unit Formations
      • Criminal Investigation
      • Limited Economics and Statecraft
      • Riot Control
  • Reputation:[ The Knights are known as local protectors and guardians, introvert in their power projection and not aiming for expansion. Their fanatism and strictest martial discipline are equally frightening and wary to behold, but so far have proven to be of little nuisance to the larger Galaxy. Yet their combination of militarisation, zeal and readiness to do anything is a threat that may not go ignored for much longer, especially if they should appear on battlefields far from Zakuul and Iokath itself. ]
  • Openness: [ The Knights of Zakuul carry themselves with pride and consider themselves honourable. They see no need to hide or to conceal any of their self from the outside. They are very willing to work with any civil or military organisation which they are told to but will not yield lightly to supporting Sith or especially Jedi unless the Throne dictates it. ]

  • Characteristic Equipment:
    • Lightsaber Pike: [ The Lightsaber pike is the trademark weapon of the Knights of Zakuul. A long staff-hilt, usually made out of phrik or other lightsaber resistant materials, has a shorter blade on top. In probably more than nine out of ten cases a blue crystal will be used, the Knight will decide what kind of crystal. ]
    • Shield: [ A shield is part of the Knights equipment and training from the earliest days as Squires. A protective piece of equipment both to highlight their rather defensive-reactive ideology and rounding up the oldest and most successful combination of arms: spear and shield. ]
    • Knight Armor: [ Every Knight will take part in the construction and forging of their own armor as part of their ascension ceremony. While the production is done by industrial forgemasters, the Knight has to take part in it both for ordinary measurements as well as understanding the physical and mental connection they will make not only with their armor but also order. ]
  • Notable Force Skills: [ The Force focus of the Knights of Zakuul is very much on the self-augmenting abilities, to improve the own abilities both physically and mentally rather than influence the environment and people around. Enhanced interrogation techniques will call for more invasive mental procedures through the Force and combat situations certainly can lead to more offensive Force powers being used. ]
  • Notable Force Limitations: [ The Knights of Zakuul are, despite their Limitless Power-maxim, neither fully committed to the Light side nor to the Dark side. It will therefore be very, very rare to have Knights performing exceptionally well at the more dedicated, higher arts of either side. Ranging from ritualism, sorcery and alchemy on the Dark side to healing or Force light on the Light side. No Force powers are forbidden by their own rules, but falling to one side or another is usually prevented by their comradery and mutual control and oversight. ]



Eternal Empire of Zakuul [from wookipedia]
The Knights of Zakuul drew their origins from the Force-sensitive tribal leaders of early Zakuulan settlers; Matriarchs, Champions, and High Shamans. After Valkorion united the tribes centuries prior to 3636 BBY, these roles were organized and formalized into the Knights of Zakuul. Considered protectors of the people and fanatically loyal to him.
The Knights kept serving up until Valkorion's assassination, wherein they served his successors Arcann and Vaylin. The finest Knights, under Arcann's reign were selected and chosen for the experimental Project Exarch and fitted with its state of the art technologies. During Vaylin's reign, the Knights continued to serve until the Assault on Odessen, afterwards they were disbanded and scattered.
A "contingent" of Knights was recruited by Senya Tirall and Sana-Rae to join the Alliance, although this particular contingent of Knights turned out to be quite small. Senya's contingent aided the Commander on Iokath, whilst a large group of Knights and Horizon Guards joined the Order of Zildrog under Vinn Atrius. Another group of Knights and Horizon Guards proceeded to join Battalion Commander Tassar on Lehon with the Zakuulan Forward Recon, along with Knight Captain Maevee, and Horizon Guard Sterla to construct another Star Fortress and avenge their late Emperor.

Post-Empire Obscurity
It was after the fall of the Eternal Empire, Eternal Alliance and the splinter groups that only a handful Knights remained in the Galaxy. The new Zakuulan government was wary of their fanatism towards Valkorion who was broadcasted as a cursed demagogue and therefore no real efforts to rebuild the order were done on Zakuul itself. Luckily for the Knights, Zakuul itself faded into obscurity and unimportance in the decades and centuries that followed. Only memories remained of a great civilisation, wealthy and prosperous, technologically advanced and highly educated. Memories which could not live up to the meagre power the new governments held.

But the Knights survived, small units kept patrolling the areas of Wild Space which once belonged to the vast reaches of the Eternal Empire. Vigilantes who were walking the shadows of an Empire of Memory to uphold a vision that was not to be. A vision thwarted by nothing less than the Force itself, an enemy of the Knights ever since.

But while presumably most of the higher echelons of command were lost, one of the Exarchs had indeed survived and would continously rally funds, support units and provide guidance for the lost Knights. Through the centuries this figure remained and established himself as a leader, obscure and reclusive but benevolent and determined to rebuild what was lost.

Rebuilding an Order
It was not until well during the New Sith Wars that the Knights of Zakuul reemerged on Zakuul itself. No coup, no civil war or any violent confrontation is recorded but a welcomed return of silent heroes of ancient glory. Flawlessly integrated back into society as protectors and guardians, they were bringing Zakuul back to a more harmonious era.

Long lost were the times of having the cutting edge technology of the Galaxy, but the prosperity gained under a new unified government with the support of the Knights was enough to take care of maintaining the world in a state of industrial meaningfulness. The Knights were responsible for law enforcement, security, even for internal affairs and judiciary matters, having a strong influence on the entire world and its politics.

The figure who had steered them and reintroduced the Knights to meaningfulness would only emerge for keeping the course and teachings as intended, to make the history as powerful and influential as it could be and the memory of both the Eternal Empire and Valkorion a splendid dream.

When the former Exarch would finally come to offer more, both Zakuul and the Knights were ready. The Knights were elementary in their role to help guide and protect the colonisation of Iokath, creating the diarchic hegemony of Zakuul and Iokath.

The Knights of Zakuul Today
The Knights are far less extrovert in their projection of power than Jedi and Sith and see the preservation of their realm as primary prerogative. Enforcers of justice and bringers of order they are in the slowly expanding clouds of influence of Zakuul and Iokath, even taking root in the new Eternal Empire as potential public Force-sensitive division. A division from which Wardens of the Shroud can be drawn more securely due to serious indoctrination and the possibility to have thorough screening and selection processes.

After more than four millennia, the Knights are still unyieldingly loyal to the Eternal Throne and have not ceased their fanatical devotion to the one who sits upon it. They are a shield currently, protecting an idea and minor realm but could any day be turned into a sword that strikes to claim a greater Empire that once was theirs.

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