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Private The Korriban Contact: II. Balance


[Transmission/// secure comm channel l40-t4-09222024557]

[to: Lao-ta Lao-ta ]
[from: E. Thorne]

Korriban || Initial Dossier

[Archival Geologic Survey] [Summary of Ashlan Impact] [Historical Highlights]

Lao-ta: Review attached for preliminary information on Korriban. I doubt there's much in here that isn't already in your Jedi Archives, but you can cross-check the data for accuracy. A few interesting points I've picked up from conversations:

- Korriban has a strong Falleen presence. I've acquired some pheromone blocking patches. Hopefully I won't have the chance to test their efficacy.

- While Caedes is King of Korriban, much of the administration of planetary rulership seems to be in the hands of a Falleen Sith, one of his allies. They are members of the Kainite faction.

- There are rumors of an academy somewhere on the planet, but while some chatter says Korriban, I've also heard it's on Jutrand.

I'm about to enter Korribani space. First update to follow in three days.


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Thorne thumbed the comm, terminating the connection, and let out a slow breath. The last three weeks had been a flurry of preparations - calling in old favors, buying information, scrounging together equipment and contingency plans. Now, he was as prepared as he could be, and it was time to put it all to the test.

As he began his approach to the red planet he flipped a switch and the transit code he had purchased began transmitting. He doubted that would be enough to get him cleared for landing on Korriban, but maybe he'd get lucky.

A light started flashing on his control panel, and his comms popped and hissed as a crackling voice came through. His mouth twisted in a wry smile. So much for luck.

[Frrreighterr vessssel.] The voice was sinister, vaguely reptilian. [Confirrm yourr identity and ssstate your purrpossss for entering Korrriban ssspace.]

He checked his notes one last time before he responded, his voice tired but respectful. "This is Captain Marcus Grieg of the independent freighter Mollusc, requesting clearance for landing in Vardin. Transit code Alpha-753-Delta-8. I'm making a delivery of tea and some other goods to a Lord Kee-Raj."

His intel said that goods had been purchased from across the Galaxy for this Sith lord in recent months, luxuries and delicacies of every kind. There was little information about the purchaser. Probably male, with a short temper and a taste for hedonism... So, basically your standard Sith.

There as a pause, then the comms crackled in response. [KAI-Rrraj is no Lorrrrd.] The voice sneered. [And what would Kyrrraj want with Off-Worrrld tea?]

Thorne shrugged. "Safer to call a Sith a Lord than not, especially one with a temper. 'S good tea. Fancy. Gatalentan stuff. Plus some tea picks and other accessories, and the image files for engraving were corrupted on those, so if I'm going to get them done in time I've got to get down there and get to work."

[That'ssss yourrr prrrroblem, Frrreighterrr.]

Another pause, this one longer. Thorne tried not to hold his breath. He'd picked tea because, beyond taking any excuse to buy good tea, something like liquor or exotic meats might have been enticing enough to warrant an inspection by opportunistic security personnel. Hopefully tea wasn't interesting enough for them to want to sample the merchandise.

At last, the voice growled through the comms once more, sounding bored now. [You arrre clearred forrr landing, Mollussssc.]

"Copy that." The blocky ship dipped and surged forward, moving into orbit over the planet.

He'd cleared the first hurdle. Now the real fun began.

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Palatial Capital of Korriban

Tags— Elim Thorne Elim Thorne

Vardin rose like a crown from atop Korriban's blood-red sand. Stalagmite tower superstructures formed the city's foundation, made into silhouette by the chilly glare of Horuset and interconnected by a webwork of elegant bridges. Lavish parties sprawl across open balconies high in the air, raised to a skyline where pleasure yachts and luxury starships drift lazily between stone skyscrapers and a glowing peach sunset. Jen'ari servants, linen-wrapped and perfumed, meandered gracefully through the crowds, serving skewered delicacies (sometimes still wriggling) to the Korriban's elite.

Below, massive stone promenades wind throughout the city in concentric geometric configurations, livened by a steady flow of speeder traffic reaching high into the sky, weaving through the hanging bridges and saucer-flat repulsorlifted landing platforms. Street sides here pulsed with life, threading through cavern-esque markets and silent stone temples, restaurants and shopping districts, shipyards and the trackless expanse of Golg Desert. Intentionally, Vardin's every inch was carved in harmony with Korriban's natural rock, its streets descending by way of ramps into subterranean warrens. There, the city's true industry lay hidden, engulfed by hewn passages and natural, gaping chambers lit aglow by dimly luminescent veins of crystal.
Ascending from skylanes further down, two Sorzus Syn-class Sith Spherecraft elevate to a flanking position and guide the Mollusc in.

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Palatial Capital of Korriban
Lower City Docking Port
Early Evening

Red dust puffed and swirled underfoot as Thorne's boot hit the shaped stone floor of the docking bay, rising to coat the dark leather with a rich layer of color. He adjusted his breath mask slightly as he turned, head craning upward to see if he could spot the two Sorzus Syn-class Sith Spherecraft escorts who had guided him to the station. A faint glint in the fading sunlight might have been them, but it seemed they had already moved on.

Summer had passed here, and the city was cold. The heat of his breath, trapped in the breath mask, was a welcome comfort. A spherical visor protected the upper part of his face, tinted slightly for UV protection and to somewhat obscure his features. The back of it disappeared under his hood, which was pulled back from his shoulders now and fixed in a long hanging bundle that swung against his back as he turned to scan the docking bay. A chilling breeze tugged at his draped poncho and slid around his legs, seeking any gap in his sartorial defenses.

The Mollusc's ramp hissed and groaned as it closed behind him. The final creak brought a conflicting sense of both finality and anticipation. The port was largely empty. Only one or two other docks held ships - one hulking cargo hauler, and another that was hard to identify under the tightly-secured dust cover that engulfed it. He wasn't sure if the cover had been red originally, or if it was the dust that seemed to cling to everything that had turned it the color of freshly spilled blood.

He whistled through his teeth as he stepped forward, the sound filtered and distorted by the mask's speaker. The whirr of a repulsorlift rose broke the silence, and a somewhat battered-looking prowler droid hummed into place at his shoulder. "Watch my six, P-K." The droid bobbed and whirred in confirmation.

He made his way out of the port, registering with the protocol droid who manned the desk before he left, and stepped onto the streets of Vardin.

The streets were not as empty as the port had been. All around him, they seemed to thrum with life. Conversation and song spilled out onto the streets from restaurants and bars, colored lights giving a festive air to the exterior of some of the buildings. Above him, speeders whipped through the air. Street vendors called out to passers-by in a handful of languages, their wares shining under their lamps. The people in the streets paused, chatted, browsed.

It was almost unsettlingly familiar, and not at all what he had expected to find on a Sith planet, of all places. Where was the miasma of danger and despair? Shouldn't the populace be huddled in terror, peering through boarded windows? Where were the rags and starving urchins? The only urchin he could see was perched on a crate playing a reed, for feth's sake. People were tossing coins in his basket.

He snorted quietly to himself and stepped out into the marketplace. He needed to track down this Revel place, actually deliver his goods, but for tonight he would get some food and a feel for the place. Vardin was certainly different than he had thought it would be.

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Shotgun Transmission from Sith Holy Space
RC-2 Twilight Scoutship Bulfus
Image source [mummies]: Those Who Serve, by Volkan Baga
[Condensed Data Packet/// secure comm channel l40-t4-09222024557]

[to: Lao-ta Lao-ta ]
[from: E. Thorne]

Korriban || Reconnaissance Report I

\\\\ decompression complete

Landed in capital city Vardin two days ago. The city is technologically advanced and seems to be reinforced or protected with some kind of sorcery. Upper levels are reserved for aristocracy, largely Falleen. Lower levels are for trades and commoners. Some kind of tunnel system leads to a subterranean level, I've heard mention of mines.

The overall attitude towards Darth Caedes Darth Caedes among the populace is one of reverence. He's almost a mythic figure here. I bought a charm in the market meant to bestow his blessing, a small bronze amulet with two entwined sand snakes. They say he is the spirit of Korriban, and lives in the sands (which are everywhere). The Jen'ari enact his will (see below). He recently made an appearance, giving a speech about a recent victory at Sluis Van, alongside Elmindra Xitaar Elmindra Xitaar - his second in command. She seems to run more of the actual planetary operations, highly respected for her competence in planetary defense and security. There's less mysticism around her, more the normal fear-based respect one would expect for Sith leadership, but her touch on the populace seems relatively light.

Other associates of Caedes include Xitaar's apprentice, Kyraj Kyraj , who was apparently responsible for eliminating of the last of the Ashlan holdouts on the planet. He's noted for his martial prowess but is opening a high-end nightclub (grand opening is tomorrow night). I may be able to establish and leverage a connection with him. Caedes seems to have an apprentice or two of his own, though information on this is unclear. There has been talk of both a plant or tree-woman (possibly a Neti?) and a beastmaster of some kind. It's not clear if these are different apprentices, or the same person. I will attempt to learn more.

The streets here have an odd sense of security - not the security of oppression, but of a lack of desperation. There's a strong middle-class and little to no lower class. Food is inexpensive, and menial labor seems to be performed largely by the Jen'ari. These are a ubiquitous presence here. I have been told they are undead, raised by Caedes to serve Korriban and its people. If they are truly undead, there is a strange lack of fear around them. They are neatly wrapped in clean silken bandages, and some are even adorned with ornate collars and jewelry. There is a scent I have come to associate with them, a strange perfume. I will analyze a sample when possible to see if there is a pheromonal element that might be calming the populace.
Cleanly wrapped mummies carry goods through a sprawling metropolis

Jen'ari haul trash, deliver goods, clean the streets, and even wash dishes in the restaurants. They are seen as an enlightened solution to the 'need' for slaves, and this is a point of pride here. They are also used extensively as servants on the higher levels, from what images I have been able to capture with my probe droid.

There are hundreds upon hundreds of Jen'ari in the city, and that's just what's out in the open. It's said that more are buried beneath the sands, even under the feet of those who walk the streets. The local bartender was practically taunting me to cause trouble, boasting that if I tried to run I might find a hand reach up from the ground itself to grab me by the ankle.

I'll do my best to avoid such an experience. Opening of Kyraj's new club (The Revel) tonight should be a good source for gossip and possible connections to higher levels of society. Next transmission will follow in 3 days. Will seek additional intel on mining operation, Caedes' apprentice(s), Jen'ari, etc.

[end data packet]

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