Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The Korriban Contact

Location: Corellia, Korriban

Elim Thorne Elim Thorne , an information broker
Lao-ta Lao-ta , a Jedi Master

Summary: Lao-ta, a jedi master, reunites with a contact from her past to gather information on Korriban and its mysterious new King. Elim Thorne makes his way to the ancient Sith Homeworld to gather intel for his report, hoping his cover and his neutrality are strong enough to protect him.

Chapter One: Queen of Staves
Status: [COMPLETE]

Location: Corellia
Participants: Elim Thorne Elim Thorne , Lao-ta Lao-ta
Summary: Lao-ta arranges a meeting with Thorne and hires him to gather information on Korriban and its current king.

Chapter Two: Balance
Korriban and nearby space
Participants: Elim Thorne Elim Thorne , TBD
Summary: Thorne arrives at Korriban and begins to report his findings to Lao-Ta.
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