Eventually the rumble faded away, just moments after Perth asked whether she should be worried. It was a question he couldn't have answered anyway. He had done a little mapping of the shallower sections of the planet’s tunnels, like this system. But all of them seemed to have their eccentricities. This one was no exception. For the moment however, he returned to their forward momentum and their conversation.
He might have guessed she was from a warrior culture even before she'd quoted Atrisian philosophy considering her seeming naturalness when he'd posed something of a challenge only a little earlier. In her mind his appearance might have been nothing more than an aggressive ‘hello’, the opening to a preferred method of conversation. But Echani was interesting indeed. It did not get more disciplined, more all-encompassing than their particularly single-minded culture. Himself? He'd chosen the life of a warrior and though he loved it he imagined he wasn't quite on the same level as the world she had come from.
And still their conversation itself was the kind of battle he imagined her people might like - a casual game, about learning and not survival.
Something like the Middle Way. Let your opponent destroy themselves, but gather the tools to do so yourself should you need it.
“I'm not sure,” he said in reference to the rumbling, content enough in its ceasing to just hope it was the earth settling.
“It is your turn though.” He was okay with the give if he could take in equal measure. There was no pleasure in winning against someone less equipped. Information was no less valuable and if their casual partnership turned sour they should have the same weaponry.
“So, shoot.”
Without warning another rumble rocked the walls, this one much louder and more powerful before - all the sudden - something massive and powerful shattered through the ceiling directly in front of them and then disappeared in to the floor as it tore through it with sheer momentum. He'd been unable to see details save for a head sharp and metallic and a body that had looked almost worm-like. Looking over his shoulder at Perth quickly before taking a step forward, he glanced down the new hole in which the creature had disappeared.
“Oh feth,” he breathed as he saw the same animal - or at least the same kind - crawling up the tunnel wall back towards them. It was disgusting to look at it but furthermore it was huge, maybe three meters long with strong arms and legs that allowed it to shimmy up the wall like some lizard. And fast.
“Back the way we came!” he shouted, turning to get out of the cramped passageway to find more favorable ground to fight on.
However...it seemed that wasn't to be, for the second he turned around he saw another of the same creature slithering on all fours around the corner they'd just taken in traveling down the passage. When it saw them it stood to its hind legs.
“Time to see that Echani heritage in action!”
Turning to take on the lizard coming up the hole, he ignited his saber and swung as its clawed paws came over the lip in an attempt to break its climb. One came off and the lizard-thing screamed so loud it nearly deafened Onley in the small space. He swung for its mouth but it closed it just in time for it to blend in with the rest of its metallic face. His saber did nothing to the silver skin there.
[member="Perth Levov"]