Keepin Corellia Weird
Thick, well made parchment in heavy envelopes would begin to find their way out into the galaxy. They would be delivered by the trademark companions of the former Thamaturge, Ostanes, ascended tuk'ata. Each were dressed in simple white robes with their own cultures form of leather armor, with ArmaTech made weaponry strapped to them where they desired, and any who could sense the trace of Alchemy would notice no few trinkets about them. Most also carried chests of thick stone, engraved with Sith runes and Dathomirian enchantments and lined with nullification resin, floating on repulsor chasis. Each chest would open only for the proper one needing it.
To [member="Draco Vereen"] came a small collection of chests, containing the following note -
My old associate, how time does fly before us. I go to do something stupid, and draw out my madness. Perhaps by doing so I can purge it, and thus live free again. Perhaps it will kill me. Regardless, I give you these few trinkets, to use as you see fit. I trust you will utilize them properly. Also, should you ever decipher the cryptex, a personal holocron of mine rests within it. Have a caution there, it is perhaps the most dangerous item I possess, given the intersection of knowledges within. Some of these, should I manage to return from whence I go, I will need when I am ready.
Within the chests would rest:
The tuk'ata approaching Dissero seemed wary, and was accompanied by a full dozen of his fellows, all very heavily armed and armored in anti-Force amulets, trinkets, and weaponry. They eyed the chests with a special sense of unease, particularly the one with blackened electrum chains wrapped around it, shaped like a long cylinder.
[member="Dissero"] -
You know me mostly by reputation, and a few brief meetings. I send to you certain items that I would just honestly rather not have in anyone else's hands. Have them, keep them or destroy them. But exercise caution in letting them free to the Galaxy at large. Particularly the Codex and Shumdijara I fear the effects of in the wrong hands, and dread Obeah being reawoken. Also, I believe one of these items is a family heirloom of yours, so to speak. And so, I am happy to return it to your line, for now. I go to purge myself of the madness of tying my mind and spirit to the Netherealm. We shall see what comes of it.
Within the chests for Dissero.
[member="Cerita Sarova"] would just notice an envelope on the former hjarna-stone cryptex-desk of Ostanes in the R&D department, addressed to her.
"Cerita - The code to the desk, and what I have assembled of Rave's research, is quite simple. It's just a series of 9's. I figured everyone would expect some grand riddle knowing me, so making it obnoxiously simple would probably secure it better than anything else I could do. Use the knowledge wisely.
OOC: The rest of his belongings and 'crons will be released via Treasure Hunt here rather soon. A few more dispensations may go up here as well.
To [member="Draco Vereen"] came a small collection of chests, containing the following note -
My old associate, how time does fly before us. I go to do something stupid, and draw out my madness. Perhaps by doing so I can purge it, and thus live free again. Perhaps it will kill me. Regardless, I give you these few trinkets, to use as you see fit. I trust you will utilize them properly. Also, should you ever decipher the cryptex, a personal holocron of mine rests within it. Have a caution there, it is perhaps the most dangerous item I possess, given the intersection of knowledges within. Some of these, should I manage to return from whence I go, I will need when I am ready.
Within the chests would rest:
- 1x Marauder's Bag(Weightless)
- Location/Acess codes to: Vanir Technologies 'VT Sliver'
- 4x Oubliete Satchel
- Grip of Enlightenment
The tuk'ata approaching Dissero seemed wary, and was accompanied by a full dozen of his fellows, all very heavily armed and armored in anti-Force amulets, trinkets, and weaponry. They eyed the chests with a special sense of unease, particularly the one with blackened electrum chains wrapped around it, shaped like a long cylinder.
[member="Dissero"] -
You know me mostly by reputation, and a few brief meetings. I send to you certain items that I would just honestly rather not have in anyone else's hands. Have them, keep them or destroy them. But exercise caution in letting them free to the Galaxy at large. Particularly the Codex and Shumdijara I fear the effects of in the wrong hands, and dread Obeah being reawoken. Also, I believe one of these items is a family heirloom of yours, so to speak. And so, I am happy to return it to your line, for now. I go to purge myself of the madness of tying my mind and spirit to the Netherealm. We shall see what comes of it.
Within the chests for Dissero.
- The Dtaisia Shumdijara (Force God on a Stick)
- Seers' Throne
- Grimoire
- Darth Moridin's Mask
- Taurannik Codex Translation 1 & 2 (Datacrons)
[member="Cerita Sarova"] would just notice an envelope on the former hjarna-stone cryptex-desk of Ostanes in the R&D department, addressed to her.
"Cerita - The code to the desk, and what I have assembled of Rave's research, is quite simple. It's just a series of 9's. I figured everyone would expect some grand riddle knowing me, so making it obnoxiously simple would probably secure it better than anything else I could do. Use the knowledge wisely.
OOC: The rest of his belongings and 'crons will be released via Treasure Hunt here rather soon. A few more dispensations may go up here as well.