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Private The Lawbringers

The Lawbringers
Valery Noble Valery Noble
Coruscant. If one ventured deep enough, natural sunlight would become a scarcity. It would eventually reach the point where the day/night-cycle stopped mattering. The Onderonian Crown Prince was almost there. With his speeder parked in the one spot where the light still shone in from above, it was hard not to notice how even the passing Coruscanti traffic high above caused the light to flicker.

He was not there by chance. The Onderonian Ambassador to the Galactic Alliance was a warrior at heart. One not content spending his time on the Alliance capital world lounging at the Embassy or the Senate Chambers. Instead, he had found an apparent interest in exploring the sprawling city and meeting people who had no reason to know of, or care for, the Royal family of Onderon.

This time, however, things were different. For instead of having found a nice spot to meet some new people for a pleasant chat, he had found what appeared to be a hideout. Or at least where a suspicious looking speeder with broken lock mechanisms had ventured. A, perhaps overly formal, direct message had been sent to the comms frequency she had provided.


Dear Valery,

Thank you for Manaan. It was a wonderful trip. Your prowess in combat impressed yet again. The Alliance is lucky to have you.

The coordinates we forwarded might be of interest to you and Coruscant law enforcement. We intend to investigate.

Yours truly,
Vince Ivro Kalmorak, Crown Prince


The wait before going in had not been long. Well inside, he lingered in the sunny spot whilst taking in his surroundings: The area in metallic gray hues outside the relatively small sunny spot was surprisingly large. A seemingly natural hallow spot had formed between a number of buildings with crisscrossing speeder tunnels and skybridges forming a solid ceiling-like layer. From what he could see, there were only two ways in and out of the large area: One was through the 'hole' he had just arrived through. The other consisted of a number of large hangar doors along the southern building. It was where the suspicious speeder was heading.

Until it wasn't.

Intrigued brows shot up as the Prince noticed the speeder turn around to head in his direction. Hopping off of his own speeder, he remained in the sun with one hand peacefully resting on the pommel of his saber whilst the other hovered close to his belt where his blaster hung. Soon, three men disembarked from the speeder and stepped into the flickering sunlight where the Prince stood. Individually, they were all considerably less physically formidable than the young Royal - but then, there were three of them.

A disarming voice called out for the Onderonian "Hey there, buddy! We don't get visitors down here often" Meanwhile, the three of them were all approaching, with the left one making a subtle reach for the knife strapped to his belt.


Outfit: New Jumpsuit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Valery stood on the edge of a Coruscant rooftop, an endless stream of traffic high above her, and her fiery gaze down at the bustling streets below. She wasn't quite sure how to feel just yet. Vince had shared the coordinates of where he was going, but she would have been happier if he had waited for her to join him. Or, at least, for her to have arranged some backup down there. The lower levels were treacherous and often dangerous even for experienced Jedi Knights.

Vince could hold his own, sure, and she wasn't going ever to imply that he couldn't take care of himself, but she still worried that he could end up in trouble.

Or perhaps she was just annoyed that he didn't ask her along.

Valery's lips thinned into a line, her stubbornness refusing to blame herself for this. She could sense Vince out there; he was still alive, so she jumped from one rooftop to another to find him. Eventually, when his presence was near, Valery stopped and glanced down over the edge, her hand already removing the hilt of her weapon from her belt. Vince was down there, she could tell, but he was not alone.

Valery was tempted to already jump down and interfere but chose to wait and watch. If he could handle those three on his own, would she insult him by jumping in to 'save' him? She groaned and clenched her fist, frustrated with herself for not being decisive. One thing was certain though — if it looked like he'd need help, she would be down there before the first blade could ever reach him.

Vince Vince

The Lawbringers
Valery Noble Valery Noble

For a moment, it seemed as if the Ambassador would respond. A pleasant smile formed as the weak reflection of the sun high above gave his eyes a pleasant glimmer. But then, the thug to the side produced a knife. The happy and trusting expression that had just clad his features almost seemed to linger until it ceded ground to one of focus and surprise. It did not, however, hamper the warrior in the least.

Immediately, a large hand shot forth to catch the wrist of his assailant to the left. Holding it - and thereby the knife - with apparent ease, his eyes quickly scanned the others. Continuing with an almost fluent motion, he produced a kick against the foe on the right as she started to pull a blaster from behind her back. Instead of getting ready to fire, she would instead be flung back a meter or two to land on her back.

By this time, the third one - the talkative one in the middle - had produced a blaster pistol. But before he could get a clear shot, Vince yanked the wrist of the first attacker hard, pulling him from the Prince's left to his right, effectively blocking his mate from taking a shot as well as misaligning the blaster as he pushed against it. The distraction would be momentary, for the young Royal did not kill the momentum there, instead, he kept pulling to send the first assailant tumbling onto the second one.

Taking an aggressive leap forth, Vince closed the distance quickly to use his backhand to smack the gun away. Placing one firm grip on the man's throat and another against his upper inner thigh, the Royal let off a subdued grunt as he hurled the man off of the ground and in the direction of the other two.

As casual as the thug-flinging might have appeared, the warrior prince soon proved that he was not one to leave things to chance as he dashed towards the heap of hostiles. Had he moved slower, they might have had a chance to recover - but now, he was able to quickly and effectively remove their weapons before taking a step back.

Taking a step back, his chest rose and fell with every breath. He produced his comms unit and began typing a quick message


Dear Valery,

We fell into a scuffle with the locals and fear that they might have sustained injuries. We offer our sincere apologies and will await law enforcement for the matter to be investigated thoroughly.

Yours truly,
Vince Ivro Kalmorak, Crown Prince


Once the message was sent, he stepped towards the heap once more. With the same force, discipline and tenderness of someone tending to their horse or some cattle, he started to arrange the criminals in a line whilst tying their wrists behind their backs.

As he got to work, the hangar bay doors to the south opened and ushered forth a number of swoops and some larger land speeders, seemingly teeming with thugs of the same sort as the ones he had just encountered.
Last edited:


Outfit: New Jumpsuit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Oh my.

It was a good thing that she hadn't interfered just yet. The three thugs, despite their weapons and determination, were no match for the Prince of Onderon. The scene down below was like an action movie — the Prince cleverly blocked and even used their bodies to shield himself. He was minimalistic with his movements and attacks, yet thorough and complete, leaving all three of them unconscious with only minor injuries.

After watching him fight, Valery bit her lower lip but quickly pulled herself from her own mind to gaze down as her comms unit began to beep. Blinking, she reached for the small unit in her pocket and opened it up to see a message from him. She snickered at the politeness and briefly considered sending a reply back to tease him.

But before her thumbs could reach the buttons, she heard the sound of trouble.

Looking back down, Valery watched a swarm of swoop bikes and larger speeders emerging from behind hangar bay doors, all moving toward the Prince to surround him. From a few of these vehicles, people emerged, pistols and blades on their belts and they looked much tougher than the first three thugs. These weren't the young, troubled minds they hired to move around packages or deliver messages.

These were the toughest of their gang.

Having seen enough, Valery leaned forward and shifted her center of mass over the edge of the roof. Without a sound, the Jedi Master moved through the air until her boots collided with the roof of one of the larger speeders that had emptied out, denting its ceiling down towards the seats. The impact for Valery was largely absorbed with the Force and a bend of the knees, so when Valery rose to her full height atop the vehicle, she stood without a scratch.

"Vince," Valery said, choosing to use his first name while she focused on him. A gentle smile tugged subconsciously at her lips before it faded as soon as those fiery eyes turned to the others.

Two violet blades of plasma ignited from each emitter of her double-bladed weapon, and the eyes of the gang all turned to her, filled with uncertainty and hatred, "Last chance to put down your weapons and surrender," Valery told them.

Vince Vince

The Lawbringers
Valery Noble Valery Noble

There was a bit of distance between the approaching gang and the Onderonian. But they were closing the distance fast with the swoops leading the charge. The Prince quickly gave up on securing the two remaining thugs he had beaten and hoisted the defeated one onto his shoulder. He only had to take a few quick steps before being able to dump the unconscious man into the back seats of his open-top speeder before hopping in himself.

By the time the vehicle was ready to go, the swoopers had already arrived and the larger speeders were slowing to a halt with a number of hostiles hopping out. With blasters drawn on him, it was hardly a good time for the young Royal to do anything rash. Perhaps he would have done something rash regardless, Valery Noble Valery Noble entered the scene first.

Suddenly, the glass of one of the larger speeders exploded out as the metallic roof and its supporting structures gave way to her powerful impact. As the dust settled, she rose. Unharmed. A grateful smile formed despite - or perhaps due to - his first name being used. But for him, the time to speak was not now. Many of the drawn weapons shifted from him to her. With foes on both her left and right, as well as some trying to move to her front by Vince's speeder, the deflective flurry he had seen her employ before appeared as a risky endeavour.

It was hard to tell who acted first. The thug on her right who pulled the trigger, or the Prince, who made his speeder roar to life. There was nothing he could do about the first shot fired at her and couple thugs shot to where he had just been and missed as the speeder accelerated way too fast. There was, however, something he could do to remedy her situation momentarily. Instead of using the vehicle to escape, he brought it up a meter or two into the air and rotated it 90 degrees whilst sweeping in next to her, thus making its belly face the enemies to her right whilst his own head pointed up at her.

A number of blaster bolts found purchase in the vehicle, setting a part of its engine on fire whilst smoke erupted from the other blaster marks. Just as the first volley had been fired at her, the speeder continued on, landing on the other side. However much he might have wished for it to hover, it had no means to hover sideways.

The landing was a hard one, for the vehicle had apparently done its part. It was a civilian luxury item, not something meant for combat. Meanwhile, plenty of shots were being fired in the direction of the Jedi. One Trandoshan was rushing towards her with a vibrosword in one hand - the other hand just hurled an electronet at her. Meanwhile, a second Trandoshan came from the other side and waited to toss her net in case their force wielding foe managed to get away from the first one.


Outfit: New Jumpsuit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

All hell broke loose.

Valery had offered them a chance to surrender, but she already knew that they were not going to take it. They had her surrounded and outnumbered her perhaps 10 to 1. Even for a Jedi, those were tough odds, but Valery was no ordinary Jedi and she had some help. Vince, while not sensitive to the Force, was a far more skilled warrior than they might expect. And the two of them understood each other's skills and qualities.

She felt a connection in battle.

When the first shots rang out, Valery swirled her weapon around and batted the bolt into the chest of a thug still focused on Vince. It helped give him the clear path he needed to take his speeder and drift it around her, using it as a shield against the swarm of blaster fire that followed. Valery flashed him one smirk as she met his gaze halfway into his maneuver, and forced herself to focus right after.

Was he showing off a little?

From her position, Valery watched a Trandoshan charge at her with a blade drawn, while two others attempted to trap her with special nets. Perhaps to their surprise, Valery didn't move and waited for the nets to nearly close around her, before she suddenly phased and passed right through them. The Trandoshan swung and it was as if his blade cut through air, causing him to stumble forward.

Now behind him, Valery stabbed the rear blade of her weapon back and punctured his heart through the back. With the Trandoshan down, Valery jumped off the vehicle and went after the rest.

Vince, meanwhile, became a target himself. Several thugs opened fire from behind cover, their bolts erratic but still deadly, and another approached with a more peculiar weapon.

The Zygerrian's shock-whip crackled with energy, as he lashed out at the Prince.

Vince Vince

The Lawbringers
Valery Noble Valery Noble

Things progressed fast as many of those eager to fire of a weapon seemed to have turned their attention to Vince. It was no wonder, seeing how the Jedi proved to be a difficult target - especially when engaged in melee with the Trandoshans. Pushing his head against the door to duck from the blaster fire, it was clear that something had to be done. The speeder could take a beating but at some point, the integrity of the hull would falter.

What made matters worse was the shock whip which licked his shoulder, effectively tearing the fine cloth off and opening up a wound. The Royal would make no pained scream from the shocking sensation, however. Instead, he let off a low grunt, apparently trying to push through it. As the whip failed to wrap around his limb, Vince reached for his saber - only to endure a second slash: This time, he nullified the risk of being grappled by crouching down even further, making sure that the whip hit his back. Another muffled grunt escaped him.

The third attack from the whip, however, proved to be unsuccessful. Instead of catching the Prince, the whip was intercepted by the Officer's Saber and quickly wrapped around the thing weapon. First, the young Royal shuffled to turn around before producing a powerful pull. What followed was far better than expected. Instead of snatching the weapon which had inflicted him with so much pain from the thug, the attacker had refused to let go of the weapon and was pulled to the speeder door with a loud thud.

Almost immediately, the incoming waves of blaster fired ceased: Their own ally was decorating the speeder door. Instead, a few of them shifted their attention to the Jedi by moving closer to her with agile steps to take shots at her from a close distance where the risk of hitting their own allies would be much smaller. A few others kept their sights aimed at the speeder still.

Vince reached up over the door-frame and produced a few powerful punches at the whip-wielding assailant until he fell unconscious. Holstering both the melee weapons, he then produced his blaster and peeked out to fire a few shots at one of the thugs who had turned their attention to the Jedi. But his offensive streak would be short lived as the few enemies who kept their sights trained on him quickly forced him to duck down behind cover once more.

Meanwhile, the two remaining Trandoshans made the most out of their new support. Instead of rushing the woman like their friend, they made a careful approach and made sure to watch each other's backs. When one swung, the other would make sure to keep her ally safe. With this, they appeared to aim to produce lethal opportunities where all their bases were covered - all whilst their allies circulated close to take careful shots at the Jedi.

Still suppressed, the Ambassador hollered loudly to be heard over the blaster fire impacting against the speeder door "We need to try something else. Remember Manaan?" The two of them had fought together with great synergy in the past. Not the least when they defended against multiple Mandalorians by a bridge shortly after having landed in Ahto City.


Outfit: New Jumpsuit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

The battle was intense.

These thugs put so much pressure on her, that she could hardly keep up with the crown Prince and his part of the fight. She heard the familiar sound of a shock whip snapping through the air — and she felt his pain — but she couldn't do anything to stop it. The gangsters had surrounded her and were getting more clever. She needed to trust Vince and find a way to hold her ground, so she could stand with him again.

A single bolt piercing her defenses and striking her leg was the last drop.

After she yelped from the sudden pain, Valery threw out her arms and telekinetically blasted everything around her away with incredible force. The two approaching Trandoshans, the blaster-wielding thugs, and even a few of their vehicles were not protected against her blast.

"We need to try something else. Remember Manaan?"

With a clenched jaw and a bleeding leg, Valery dipped her head and jumped the distance between them. She positioned herself in front of the Prince and swept her blade across to swat away a wave of incoming fire. It hopefully allowed him to get out from cover and relieve her of that pressure in turn.

"They're all coming!" Valery exclaimed, as the thugs recovered and moved in closer. The blaster fire they unleashed was intense, but Valery was still holding on.

Though with the two Trandoshans closing in again, she needed Vince to cover her before they got too close.

Vince Vince

The Lawbringers
Valery Noble Valery Noble

It was hard to miss: His friend and ally had just been shot. Fortunately, she was able to create a pause in the fight and close the gap between them. Peeking out from underneath the speeder door with both shoulder and back-pieces of his ambassadorial garbs torn, he spoke a valiant and perhaps verging on brutal "Hold on, we will cull their numbers."

Finally able to peer out from cover properly, he fired a hailstorm of blasterbolts at one thug, then another, effectively taking two more of them out. But the onslaught would continue: For the ones who had previously been hit by a push powerful enough to move swoops and speeders were finally starting to recover.

With one arm pushing up against the speeder door, he hopped out of the vehicle and fired another volley at one of the armed thugs who tried to move up along their right flank. Turning to his left, however, he saw the two Trandoshans approaching once more. First, he fired off a few shots at one of them but armour and pure grit seemed to keep her in the fight. It was becoming abundantly clear that the two of them were closing the distance way faster than his blaster could finish the job.

The Prince's free hand reached for the shock whip to produce a quick attack against the one whom he had not hit with his blaster. The weapon quickly latched onto the alien's ankle and started sending waves of electricity through her body. First, she tried to keep pushing, but the consistent shocking waves that were applied quickly brought her to her knees.

Meanwhile, he had holstered his blaster and produced his officer's saber with his other hand. Taking a step forth, careful not to leave the protection offered by his ally, Vince raised his blade to redirect a slash sent at the Jedi. He then proceeded to make a quick counter attack which the trandoshan blocked in return.

At the same time, the number of ranged assailants had been reduced as the duo had chipped away through them throughout. But the threat they posed still remained potent. Still, with the one trying to flank taken out, most of the attacks came from the same direction.


Outfit: New Jumpsuit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

With Vince's help, Valery finally felt like they were getting the upper hand. Backing up toward him and the vehicle meant that she kept every enemy in front of her, and the Prince's precise shots slowly thinned their numbers. Each gangster that fell was a weight off her shoulders and allowed her to maintain her defenses. The only trouble was the Trandoshans — if they drew her into melee combat, she would not be able to cover Vince anymore.

But the Prince recognized that threat.

Using his newly acquired shock-whip, he managed to lash out and wrap it around one of the attacker's ankles, sending jolts of electricity to her body that brought her to her knees. At the same time, he used his blade to cover for her, and that finally allowed Valery to advance. With the trandoshan's body in the way of being shot and his weapon locked into a defensive counter against Vince's attack, there was no way of stopping her.

The front blade of her weapon was swept up and sliced his hand clean off. Before he could scream from the pain, a telekinetic wave followed that sent him flying across the street. She could have just as easily killed him there, but with respect for life, she chose to give him another chance.

Now, it was their turn to make a move.

"Forward!" Valery called out, as she swept away what little chaotic blaster fire remained, hoping to clear the way for Vince to neutralize those who wouldn't run.

Vince Vince

The Lawbringers
Valery Noble Valery Noble

The light her powerful dual blades emitted came and went in a - to him - comforting frequency as she spun the saber to keep them shielded from incoming blaster fire. Then, rather suddenly, the constantly fluctuating lights ceased to fluctuate. Instead, one of the blades appeared directly in the Prince's field of vision as it sliced the third Trandoshan's hand off before he was propelled away by a force fueled push.

Having lost a large parts of their numbers and their toughest fighters too, the remaining thugs looked demoralised. A confident smirk clad the Prince's lips when his ally called for him to charge. Bloodied, with clothes torn and still hungering for battle, Vince eagerly complied. The fear in their opponents' eyes was clear for anyone to see. And so was the relief when he stopped right before leaving the Jedi's side.

Pointing his blaster at them he offered a nod "Alright, let us be done with this. Let go of your weapons." Like he often did, the young Royal spoke casually whilst failing to in any way hide or mitigate the formal and posh ways he had grown accustomed to.

Fearfilled eyes and hands verging on shaking met the Prince along with a large dose of hesitation. He threw a quick glance at Valery "Go on, you know that this is not a fight to the death. Continuing this fight will only make things worse."

A pause ensued - perhaps one to be filled by words from the Jedi. For soon, the three remaining foes would let go of their weapons. Using his blaster, Vince pointed to the speeder his friend had crushed upon entering the battle "Put your hands over your heads and move to face that vehicle. If you try anything, please trust that we will know of it and deal with it." The tone turned harsher - perhaps even a little intimidating - as he instructed the thugs on what to do. For the time being, it seemed effective.

With their backs turned against them whilst they faced the vehicle, Vince turned to Valery. His eyes quickly shot down to her injured leg. The Warrior Prince had seen many friends and allies fall during the defence of Onderon. Still, his eyes glimmered with compassion as sadly he mouthed a silent Valery.

Without hesitation, he placed an arm behind her back and reached around to place another arm under her good leg to let the injured one simply rest on the arm without any pressure. With that, he hoisted her up with a high enough speed to indicate how it was done with relative ease. His caring eyes quickly ventured from her injured leg to her eyes "Is this okay?"

If it was, he would nod and move with her to the back-end of his own speeder, stepping over the knocked out Trandoshan in the process. Once there, he gently laid her down on top of the trunk and took a quick step to grab the medkit. Opening it with the routine of someone who had had to patch up people in the past he threw a glance at her "No objections, correct? Are there any allergies I should know of? Have you done anything funny with the leg in the past?"


Outfit: New Jumpsuit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

"You've seen what we can do," Valery added to what Vince was telling them, her eyes shifting between each individual gangster to drive her words into their minds via eye contact, "Put down your weapons and nobody else will get hurt." With her fiery gaze intently focused on them, she looked as intimidating as a Sith Lord. They had also seen her throwing around vehicles and she cut down the Trandoshan warrior who they relied on.

Paired with Vince's threatening demeanor, they finally caved in.

"Good," Valery said as they slowly turned and moved towards the vehicle, "I can sense your thoughts, your emotions, and your intentions. No funny business or we will be forced to defend ourselves again." It was hardly necessary to put more pressure on them, but she wanted to be absolutely sure that they weren't going to try anything.

Her wounded leg was still a problem and with adrenaline fading from her body, she began to feel the pain.

Vince had noticed as well, however, and after he mouthed her name silently, he walked closer. Valery blinked, as he stepped into her personal space, but didn't move or resist, even as his hand settled against her back. Her eyes on him, she swallowed when he leaned down and swept her off her feet, hoisting her up in a bridal carry. It was meant to help and allow him to move her, but when he looked from her leg to her eyes, she couldn't stop her cheeks from burning up. The fight had left his shirt torn and his muscles tense, and here she was, within his arms.

She drew in a breath and exhaled to steady herself and nodded with a smile, "Yeah, that's alright," she said softly, "Thank you." Vince carried her over to the trunk of one of the vehicles, where he gently placed her down to tend to her wounds.

"I've only used it to kick people on occasion, but nothing else." She smirked and placed her hands behind her to lean on them, all while her eyes were focused on him, "But it's alright. You can cut away as much as you need from my pants and I'll do my best to sit still." She could get new pants, so risking an infection wasn't worth it at all.

It just didn't help her flustered state.

Vince Vince

The Lawbringers
Valery Noble Valery Noble

Dimples quickly formed as he laughed out lightly upon hearing the fun stuff her leg had been up to. The young Royal's eyes fell to her blushing cheeks for a brief moment, causing the dimples to grow a little deeper as he offered her a smile and a nod. Soon, his attention shifted to the medkit once more. While it would be hard to spot a change in hue of his own cheeks, they would most certainly feel warmer to the touch now than they had before. Vince unpacked the medkit methodically and only paused for a brief moment upon hearing her allowing him to cut away as much as he needed. An amused chuckle was allowed to escape him before he quickly resumed and produced a pair of scissors.

Although lacking the delicate hands of many field medics and healers, he worked with enough care and routine to keep the experience from becoming an all too painful one as he carefully separated cloth from skin and made cuts with the scissors to give it some room to breathe. As soon as he was done, sympathetic eyes ventured up to meet hers "Are you still doing okay? We are afraid this is not the worst part. This disinfectant - it packs a punch"

Concern seemed to linger as he kept his eyes fixed on hers. Finally, he placed his free arm by her wrist with a careful "May we?" - If given the go ahead, he would guide her hand his arm, roughly where the delts and bicep met. "If it stings too much and you simply don't have a choice, go for it" a comforting smile was offered before he grabbed the disinfectant.

"Ready?" Once given the go-ahead, he would start to apply it


Outfit: New Jumpsuit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

"I'm alright," she assured him with a gentle smile, her eyes intently following the scissors as they carefully snipped away the fabric around her wound. It wasn't that she doubted his carefulness, but the presence of doctors, nurses, or anyone tending to her always left her on edge. Vulnerability was something she loathed, and the idea of someone else handling her injuries was just beyond her comfort zone. Still, she understood it was a necessary concession.

Besides, it felt easier, almost natural, to place her trust in Vince.

"This isn't my first fight, so I'm used to the pain..." she said, clearly still on edge at the idea of feeling that familiar sting again. But in an attempt to lessen her discomfort, Vince reached out to her hand. Once more, Valery swallowed and did her best to resist her body's urge to burn up. A futile attempt, as she gave her approval and let him guide her hand to his shoulder, her fingers positioned near and around his bicep.

With a deep breath, Valery steeled herself.

"I'm ready," she declared, though the resolve wavered as the disinfectant met her skin. A sharp hiss escaped her lips, and instinctively, her fingers dug into his shoulder. Realizing what she had done, Valery blinked in surprise and quickly offered a sheepish, apologetic smile. "...Sorry, that hurt a bit more than I expected."


"I hope your shoulder isn't too sore?"

Vince Vince

The Lawbringers
Valery Noble Valery Noble

When she let him know that she was ready, he nodded to confirm and proceeded with disinfecting the wound. The Jedi's fingers bit into his shoulder as a hiss left her. First, it almost looked as if he had been stabbed as startled brows shot up as he let out a low and prolonged "OOOOh" But the Warrior in him soon regained his composure and tensed the delt up along with a parts of his back and bicep, effectively pushing out against the entrenching fingers as the muscles swelled and hardened.

A refreshed smile clad his lips as he shook his head with a chuckle. His eyes ventured up to hers, steadfast as ever. Despite closing his mouth, the smile still lingered underneath. Vince shook his head and spoke a fast "It is fine." His gaze then wandered back to her wound as he continued cleaning it up "This disinfectant really does pack a punch. It is said to have originated from Dxun."

Finally, he proceeded to apply a bacta patch to the wound and circled a piece of bandage around it and her leg a few times to keep it in place. "You should probably let the leg rest a little, let the bacta kick in" he mused, drawing from past experience as he studied the patch before looking back to her. He has been friendly and warm throughout the process but also professional and focused on getting her healed. Letting out a deep breath, he allowed his chest to fall and his lips to form a content line.

His gaze had lingered on her for just a little too long. Suddenly, he mustered enough willpower to draw his attention away. "We will secure the prisoners" he said, placing a large hand on hers as he spoke and then guiding it away from his shoulder upon completing the sentence. A flash of reluctance in his eyes might have been spotted by the perceptive but he quickly bounced back into his pure and friendly self.

With that, the Prince proceeded to take a few long strides to the shocked Trandoshan and got to work from there.


Outfit: New Jumpsuit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

The sheepish smile lingered, even after he reassured her that he was fine. She had felt his muscles tensing against his fingers, and his initial reaction had revealed enough — she had hurt him, even if only briefly. Way to go, Val. After a longer sigh, Valery watched him apply the bacta patches and managed a smile to show her gratitude. It'd take some time before the bacta properly kicked in, but she already felt a great deal of pain relief.

It was almost as good as Force Healing.

"I'll give it some rest, but not too long. We still need to get out of here before we draw more attention." These thugs had surrendered, but it was reasonable to assume that people had heard the fighting. One thug among them, and they could alert others to attack while she was recovering from an injury. That thought sparked some deeper thought, making her just as reluctant as Vince when he pulled away to address the captives.

Don't be gone for long.

From where she sat, Valery watched him handle the hugs and let out a breath of relief when he later returned. Their little mission was a success, albeit a chaotic one.

But it had brought them just a bit closer again.

Vince Vince


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