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Approved NPC The legion of the damned

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A charger legionary

Name: The legion of the damned
Intent: To give the G.L.C a strong shock/close combat infantry force, and give them a way to deal whit remorseful slavers.
Affiliation: G.L.C (galactic Liberation Collective)
Availability: Uncommon
Type: Shock/close combat infantry.
Strength: A 100 Legionary's in every century(50 chargers and 50 Shield bearers) (1 unit)

Description: The legion of the dammed was foundet by a group of slavers who had been taken prisoner by the G.L.C. These slavers sought redemption fore there former deeds by fighting fore the G.L.C, in order to free the oppress and make up fore there crimes. After there offer was accepted they named themselves the legion of the damned, beceas there slaving had damned them. Over the years the legions numbers have grown masifly whit many slavers seeking redemption in the legion.
There only goal is redeeming themselves and protecting there comrades in the G.L.C, this has lead the legionary's to fight whit incredible zeal and conviction.
The legionary's have no fear of death, rather they see it as a great honor to die in battle believing there sacrifices will buy the freedom of many more, and will absolve them from there crimes.
The legionary's prefer to fight in close/melee combat, beceas of this all legionary's relie mostly on there melee weapons, only wearing small blaster pistols as ranges as secondary, though many legionary's have never even drawn the pistol.

There are 2 main types of Legionary's:
They chargers/berserk's:
These legionary's use larges 2 handed melee weapons like vibro axes and vibro(greath)swords or dual melee weapons like 2 vibroblades. They charge the enemy's lines hacking in on them whit brute force and rages, trying to get in the thick of combat as fast as pocibel and do as mutch damages as they are capelbel of.

Shield bearers:
These legionary's use a shield (some physical other energy, depending on wat the legionary prefers), in the other hand they will use a vibroblade or comparable one handed weapon.
Theyse legionary's use there shields to cover there comrades from enemy fire, both when attacking and retreating. Theyse are the last soldiers to leave the battlefield.

Legionary: This is the basik soldier in the legion.
Centurion: this is the officer in charges of a century(1 unit)
Extraordinarii: This are the oldest members of the legion, they work as mentors and instructors fore the younger legionary's, the Extraordinarii who are no longer physically able to fight on the front lines beceas of there ages, will often serve as adviser's to G.L.C officers, using there extensive knoleges of slavery to help the officers better fight it.
Legatus: This is commander in charges of the entire legion.

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Regor Laxvan"]

This looks very good and I want to approve it just there is one problem. You missed the name section of the template, please fill it out and I can stamp this.
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