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The Liberation of Sullust (New Republic Invasion of the First Order) OOC

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
The Invasion of Sullust

World Being Invaded: Sullust
Invading Faction: New Republic​
Defending Faction: First Order


The Republic will be conducting the invasion of Sullust in a week's time from the post of this thread, on Friday the 18th,

The Republic will be initiating an invasion in a non traditional sense, in which their people will not be openly there as Republic units and soldiers, but rather running guns, breaking out political prisoners, or hitting First Order supported supply lines for the Imperial backed government. In addition to this the Force users of the Republic will be around to deal with an artifact that they know is located planet side, heading to retrieve it before it is found and taken by the Knights of Ren or other such individuals. The Republic must fall on the ways it new in the past, the methods and doctrines that the Rebel Alliance had brought to it when they had rejoined the New Republic.

But just as the Republic will be attempting to sow discord on this Imperial aligned world, the imperials will be standing ready.

There is those ships defending a supply fleet on route to the planet, light in comparison to the great fleets of the galaxy. But this was just some standard milk run, nothing to suspect would draw the focus of old Galactic Alliance Loyalists or pirates, but that is just what was prepared to happen, Republic and alliance in exile crews serving together on old Alliance craft, meant to force the supply fleet to never reach its destination, and to stop it from delivering the ammo, food, soldiers, or whatever other cargo it had in those ships.

Then, there is the Garrison of the planet, AG-S Marius, who's position controls one of the Railways that provide resources and supplies too and from the city. Just as the First Order would find it in their best interest to not only protect the Garrison for which their troops find as a home while stationed on the planet, the Sullustans who remain disloyal find as a symbol of Imperial aggression, and might. One they would see torn down, but to do so requires resources themselves, resources that the transit systems carry and could be used against the Imperials if that transit system was intercepted and its contents liberated.

All while this happened, individuals showed up with their own intent and reasons, a red haired woman coming as a correspondent to record the escalating situation, distracting the focus of security individuals. A group of Jedi and Republic Knights, searching in the depths of the tunnels and Biosphere ruins to find what artifacts or items may remain, a group of Rens finding their own way into those very same ruins and across those jedi, falling into a fight before anyone can calm tensions. All of these seemingly small players, adding to the agitation and hostility on the world until a single spark can light on the planet, a flame in it's people, breaking their chains and plunging their own people into a civil war... or a people too far broken to do anything meaningful against the galaxy wide empire which works against it.

First Order Allies:
1. [member="Koda Fett"]

New Republic Allies:
1. [member="Chekīta Awaud"]
2. [member="Shia Kryze"]
3. [member="Cuan Kunn"]

[member="The Major"], [member="Natasi Fortan"], [member="Asharad Graush"], [member="Tanomas Graf"] and [member="Rolf Amsel"]

@Alexandra Feanor, [member="Noah Corek"], @allyson Halle, and [member="Avin Starfire"]

Jaius Sovv

We shall fight on the beaches. We shall fight on the landing grounds.

We shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills.

We shall never surrender.

Fiolette Fortan

After some consideration, I'll toss my hat in for ally slot. [member="Natasi Fortan"]
That rail transit system looks vulnerable and important for subterranean supply and reinforcement of First Imperial assets planetside, [member="Rexus Wenck"] this asset requires Special Warfare Command personnel for protection. Let's do it.

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