Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Light (All Permitted, though Light Sided are prefered for... what will become obvious reasons.)

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandra, unlike her counterpart who had been working on a separate project the day before... (So people can join both threads)... looked over the roof of the temple and scratched at her neck, humming to herself as she looked towards the entry way up to the top of the Massassi Temple.

This entrance of course was new, seeing as there was no real reason that the massassi would have created such a thing and now she was looking as the ground work for a roof top garden like in the old temple was ready to be started, she even carried something a tad interesting. A pod from the very same tree at the old temple, ready for planting and fueling.

Much like before she and who ever else arrived would be given the opportunity to aid in creating a garden of light to keep the forge of darkness in check, and to prevent from any misunderstandings.
Veino headed for the rooftop, carefully cradling a small bonsai tree that he had liberated from Sith occupation in his personal garden on Alderaan. The pilot had made fun of him for it, but so be it. This was beauty. This was art. This was life. All of these were hings that, despite the Sith's alleged reforms, the Dark Side would never truly understand or appreciate. The Dark Side was about control and power and self. Those could only create propaganda. Interesting for scholars, perhaps, but not really beautiful.

True art was alive and allowed the freedom to breathe through multiple interpretations. In a way, that was where the beauty in it lay. Art and life were owned only by themselves. All could share, but none could truly own them or bend them to their will. Only fools would try that, which ironically, was very common for the Sith to attempt.

He nodded to [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]as he passed, but kept going. The temple was painfully tall and reaching the top was going to take a while. Even with the Force to sustain him, he had had no desire to make the climb lover than necessary or use more air than necessary. He already wasn't sure he had enough.
Besides, there was a feel of sacred ritual to this, and it felt as if it would be profaned by delaying or talking during the ceremony.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Veino Garn"]

Alexandra smiled as she looked on to the top of the temple and slowly made her own way up it, looking about as she finally came without a few landings of the room and smiling as she thought of something. They probably could have created a controlled ecosystem on the inside of the temple and her grin widened as she saw that Veino had come with his own offering to the Garden of Light. It was hilarious too her but she herself knew that talking was not the thing that was necessary at this time.
Veino frowned slightly as he picked up amusement from [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]. More than amusement, actually. It was a disadvantage of being an empath. Even when fully shielded, it was still incredibly easy to pick up on emotions from people one spent any amount of time around. Just like reading body language, except much more precise.

But he ignored it for now and reached the top where the garden would be. He set his own plant down, turning around to survey the area. Presumably there was already soil somewhere? Or would they have to bring that up as well?
Hakora made his way up the temple to where the garden was being created, but he wasn't alone. He had his Padawan [member="Amee"] with him and a bunch of small creatures that were not mean in the least bit, but were wild animals. Hakora's addition was animals to live in the garden because small animals were actually good for gardens as long as they were not destructive animals and animals were life just like the light side. Hakora arrived and raised an eyebrow to [member="Veino Garn"]'s tree, "Interesting, didn't know those still existed." Hakora walked more into the opening. "I bring creatures and my Padawan, where can we assist?"

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]
[member="Hakora Cinthra"] [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

So, I'm okay with joining one group, but I didn't need to be dragged into another! Well, he's my master and I decided go with him, so... oh well.

With her tooka Ranger and several other creatures trailing after the master and apprentice pair like they were famous, Amee followed her teacher into the construction site. Amee heard that this Alexandra was Hakora's sister and former mentor. It would be interesting to meet her. The mute togruta silently stood there, not meaning to stir trouble although her head already was in her.

Ranger was completely opposite though, he'd raced off to explore the new world around them. Amee only wished she had his energy...

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Veino Garn"] [member="Hakora Cinthra"] [member="Amee"]

"Hakora, you should be remaining silent for now. Let us start as this looks to be the only ones that are coming." She looked at the spot where the focus point of the nexus would be and smiled as she knew that Veino could sense her emotions. With a turn of her head the kind smile hinted for him to plant his tree there, it would be his choice though and if he accepted it would be his offering that would become the new tree.
Hakora did has he was instructed, but did send her a telepathic message for only her, " this is my first Padawan, so take careful your words to not embarrass me so that she will not develop distrust or disrespect." As Hakora and his Padawan stood there, Oberon, Hakora's black wolf came creeping into the area. The wolf was half a year old, but was a fully grown male wolf. Oberon hid in the greenery near Hakora as he was smart enough to not disturb their meeting.

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]
[member="Amee"] [member="Veino Garn"] [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] [member="Hakora Cinthra"]

So ironic. Once more the Zabrak was watching a formation of the Garden, one he had originally assigned his own apprentice to do way back when. Yet here he was again, back just in time. With a slight smirk he'd stay in the dark, simply waiting. After all, Alex would probably kill him, and that wouldn't do good for a Light Side Nexus.
Veino caught the implications and feel of [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]'s gestures, and he gave her a small nod in return before heading over to the focal point, pausing to kneel for a few moments, surrounding himself in the light side of the Force, letting it flow through him and around him, reaching out from all living things that surrounded him, and then the universe.

Everything was purely as it was meant to be, alive, shining, and bursting with energy. That was what he fought for. What he believed in. Why he didn't give up, for he could sense the dark side out there as well, full of rot and death and decay, cloying. It almost made him choke, but compared to the vastness that was all life in existence, it was a drop of ink in a bathtub of water. The more it reached out to consume, the weaker it became.

Then he reached and scooped out a hole for the small tree, moving dirt aside with his hands, feeling its grains and their infinite miniscule inhabitants slide through his fingers, making contact with the trillions of tiny lives upon his skin and then the millions of airborne organisms on its fall to the ground. Once the hole was large enough, he set the plant inside, adjusting its roots to ensure it would survive, and then brushed the dirt back inside, patting it down to have a loose firmness and watering it from his canteen.
While Amee watched her master go off, she was confused. She didn't know whether to ask her master or her master's sister what to do... but she couldn't stand around looking like an idiot either way.

Ranger came bouncing back to her within that moment though, happy to see a familiar face after exploring a bit. The soil covering his fur told her he'd been up to his usual feline mischief. Amee's body motioned the reaction of chuckling as she bent down to her tooka friend and brushed him off. She picked him up and stood, deciding to ask the leader of this program what to do. "Need assistance in anything, master?"

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
@[member="Veino Garn"] @[member="Amee"] @[member="Krest"] @[member="Hakora Cinthra"]

For a moment Alex thought her revenge senses were tingling, something about a Zabrak that had tried twice beaten her to a pulp after saying he was her friend... then she realized how stupid that sounded. Krest -was- dead after all right? None the less she looked at Amee as the girl came up to her and smiled as she asked Alex if she needed assistance. Alexandra nodded and kept her physical voice silent while she and, annoyingly, Hel spoke to the girl. Her voice coming first and being the same soft and kind thing that Alexandra was more often than not seen using.

'Yes actually, sit down with me here so that we can meditate. When Veino there planets his tree we will need to both feed our aura's and power to the tree while coaxing it to grow slightly, of course it wont become its full size but if we do this right we should be imparting our very being. Have you ever been extremely happy, in love, or can you think of a memory that brings forth happy or good emotions miss?' The second voice that now spoke was Hel, though it was more to Alex than it was to Amee. As such the darker half that achieved its own sentience spoke up fro its bonds within Alex's mind, the voice harsh and broken. 'Good Emotions ehh Alex, pract-' It was quickly cut off as Alex pushed it down and spoke in Amee's mind once more. 'Ignore that spiteful being.'
Hakora smiled as his student sat with his sister, but then felt a darkness near by, but he could not be sure as it was an unfamiliar presence. Hakora kept an eye on the presence in case something happened, but walked over to Veino and knelt by him. "It is a beautiful tree, how long have you been caring for it?" Hakora's intentions were to provide the nexus compassion and friendship by the interactions of two Knights. Hakora still felt like a student around Veino as Veino was one of the more wise force users he knew.
@[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] @[member="Veino Garn"] @[member="Krest"] @[member="Amee"]
The words and presence of [member="Hakora Cinthra"] were noticeable, but just barely. Ripples in the fabric of reality nudging against the center, which at the moment, was this tree. So small and delicate, yet it had survived two invasions, countless lightyears, and Veino's barely passable gardening skills. The question bounced against his awareness and he nodded slowly, gently making small tweaks to the tiny tree.

"About a year now," He murmured, leaning back on his knees to study the garden area. It was a good place. Lots of room to grow and shape. "Had to abandon it during the first battle of Alderaan and retrieve it on the second attempt."
The light. It had been a very long time since Krest last felt it's embrace. It's warmth. Even from a distance he could feel it, warming him to his core. There were many sins he had made after his capture by Vulcanus, but now he was free of that corruption. No longer did he have the fake heart implanted in his chest. No longer did the echos of his former master scream in his head.

He stepped out, moving to the group with both hands behind his back. He was never a being of pure darkness, and now he had found his balance once again. His aura was both light and dark, swirling together in almost pure harmony. He would step up beside [member="Veino Garn"] and [member="Hakora Cinthra"] to offer his own light once more to the garden. He did not speak, but chose to focus on the task at hand.

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] [member="Amee"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Veino Garn"] [member="Krest"]

Alexandra's breath slowed as she centered herself and shut out everything in the world, letting her being separate from her body that now slumped over as she walked from it, smiling to herself as she moved to the tree in her astral form while her physical body didn't move a inch. Once she reached the tree she touched its strand, its connection to the force and began to feed her own aura directly into the tree itself, giving it a direct connection and transfer of energy.
[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

Krest glanced over to the woman, blinking slowly. It wasn't often he saw someone split spirit and body. With a slight grin he'd move over to the spirit, but didn't bother trying to touch her. Spirits and all that. Holding up one of his hands, he'd begin to channel his own light with hers.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian

She remained eyes close and smiled as she first started with her joy and began to push that into the tree, this being much easier than the last time that they had created a nexus over the temple. The first memory to come to light was the day she spent building her lightsaber with vulpesen, amused now looking back and happy as she let the memory play on the backside of her eyelids while she pushed her feelings and power into the tree and letting it absorb Alex's very essence to a degree to help it along.
A twitch of a smile formed on his lips as he stood near [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] . He could feel her memories, her joy. And as the Zabrak felt it, he felt alone.


The Zabrak frowned then before pushing the thought to the back of his head. Jealousy was not the right path to go for this. Instead, he would focus on the happy thoughts of his apprentices. All of the ones he's taught. With a grin he'd bring those thoughts forward to put into the tree.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian

Alex herself saw the change immediately and rolled her eyes at him, though the action would not be clearly seen by krest, but she did realize he probably could tell what emotion she was thinking of and now she herself pushed the emotions of all those she had taught before, the happiness and will and need to protect them. As well as the lessons with Minna and the many talks with the man that stood beside her, her silence was broken though to talk to him for a moment. "Krest, stop being normal and go back to being a stiff." She smiled, the joke only adding to her light feelings and heart at this moment.

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