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Approved Tech The Light Fang

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  • Classification: Lightsaber
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Light
  • Tiger's Fang: A Crystal found deep within the jungles of Cathar, the blade it produces is a bright yellow-ish white.
  • Ornate hilt design: Built to mirror the murals of Cathar, Jonyna carved the metal to allow Rayia to feel as part of her tribe, a reminder that she is always welcome.
  • Flash! Ahhh!: The blade is able to produce a blinding flash on command, allowing it's user an upper hand in combat. Depending on the will of the user, the flash can be a simple flashbang, but when channeled with the force, could possibly become bright enough to permanently blind someone.
  • White Hot: The blade, on top of being a normal lightsaber, seems to burn much hotter than your average saber, allowing it to cut much easier through softer materials, and allowing it to cut through even some normally lightsaber resistant materials with a bit of effort.
  • One Hander: A blade designed to be wielded in a single hand, even dual wielded by a skilled fighter, The Light Fang is designed to match Rayia's fighting style.
  • Paladin's Blade: The crystal inside emits a passive version of Force Light, as does the blade. Should the user learn this ability, it would make this quite the bane of a dark sider.
  • Songsteel Hilt: A choice material, allowing Rayia to use the hilt to block blows from other sabers.
  • No Dimetris-circuit: After spending years wielding a cortosis blade, Jonyna modified her padawan's saber to be resistant to such attacks.
  • Directed EMPs: While the reinforced Duraplast prevents the blade from shorting out from minor EMP blasts, anything more directed will short out the blade.
  • Not A Toy: Due to the blade's increased heat, the blade requires a bit more care in use than your average saber. A mistake could be costly.
  • Water, the old enemy: While the blade does have a wood lining, making it resistant to immediate damage, extended submersion of the blade while active will short it out
  • Costly to Repair: While the hilt is quite sturdy, the craftsmanship within the blade makes it practically an art piece, and thus repair would be costly.

Designed in tandem by Rayia and her master, The Light Fang acts as Rayia's first step into becoming a full fledged jedi. Built around a crystal from her new home planet of Cathar, the blade emits a white glow that seems to ward off creatures of darkness, and slices through steel and bone all the same.
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Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
Factory Judge
Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

Flash! Ahhh!: The blade is able to produce a blinding flash on command, allowing it's user an upper hand in combat.

Points off for not making a Cutie Honey reference

Now for the jist of this feature. It should have a downside. It doesn't need a weakness per say but a limit to its effect. Change the language to "possibly" while detailing the upper levels of its abilities. Is it like a flashbang and bright? It is a flash of both light and energy that might echo through the force if a miraluka was encountered?


King of Pumpkins
Submission Name: Jonyna's Armored Coat
Link to submission: here
Reason for Factory Modification Request: Image broke and upgrades

Submission Name: The Light Fang
Link to submission: here
Reason for Factory Modification Request: to fix images

Submission Name: Jonyna's Custom Boots
Link to submission: here
Reason for Factory Modification Request: to fix images and upgrade

Submission Name: City-Tree Wood
Link to submission: here
Reason for Factory Modification Request: Updating Sub, not happy with some of the wording

Submission Name: GAAB-28 Claw
Link to submission: here
Reason for Factory Modification Request: Upgrades people, upgrades.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

Looks good, one thing, you can't write Rayia Asai to the Manufacturer without their permission, because it is not your character, I would like to ask you to ask a permission to this or remove the character from this field.
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