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Public The Lion’s Roar Pt2, Return To The HMS Shii-Cho (open to anyone)

Location: Large landing pad at the Elysium Empire Training Camp on Dagobah

Objective: Hitch a ride with Var-Sulis Var-Sulis to the HMS Shii-Cho which is docked at Sluis Van, finishing general maintenance.

Possessions and gear:


Vice Admiral Burtch, newly promoted, followed a group of wookies and trandoshans to the landing pad. Each of the persons in front of him was carrying a box of his documents and books which he had collected over the years. Like most Chiss, he tended to favor books and hard copy documents over electronically stored information. However, not only was it a cultural point for him, but a practical one. He felt that electronic documents were more susceptible to tampering, hacking, or accidental deletion. Flimsiplast documents, while physically fragile, were much harder to alter and had to be physically possessed in order for one to steal information from them. That being said, because of Elysium procedures and for the sake of convenience, he also kept electronic copies on data tapes and datapads so that he could seamlessly transfer information to colleagues or other sources as needed.

He himself only carried a small suitcase of personal belongings. It wasn't very full, though, and Burtch wasn't sure that anything in his suitcase wasn't originally issued by the military in the first place. He didn't collect art, momentos, or even gifts really. In his mind, he couldn't help but feel like his books and documents were more of a personal collection of his than anything in his suitcase. And everything in those boxes was property of the Elysium Empire Navy. Despite his military wage, which was ample as a senior officer, he didn't really have anything of his own.

Together, he and his aiding group of wookies and trandoshans zigzagged through the halls of the rapidly fabricated training base before they emerged onto a massive landing pad that was large enough to host several sporting events at once. There were a dozen-or-so total marines stationed at the access ways, and dock staff bustling about in preparation for the transport that would take Burtch to his destination. It had not yet arrived, but Burtch knew that already. Punctuality was important to him, but a selfish-boyish part of him still liked to watch big warships land. So he had arrived extra early.

He and his host stopped at the edge of the marked landing zone and they set his belongings on the pad. He formally thanked them all before they were sent off, leaving him alone. He sat on one of the crates marked "tapes" and took a rare moment to relax and look up at the stars above Dagobah while he waited.

Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun
The Lioness' engines roared as she came towards the landing pad. The thrusters activated, allowing for a gentle touchdown. Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch was sure to recognize it. The purple lions donned the aircraft, a gift given to her as a wedding present.

Once the fighter was powered down, the cockpit hatch was unlocked and lifted up. Both Lori and Arla removed their helmets before climbing out; the former in her Rebel Ops armour and the latter in her flight suit.

No doubt the Chiss wouldn't be too happy with seeing Lori there, especially after the infamous 'sling-shot' maneuver. Burtch wasn't a fan of it and neither were some of the crew. But it worked flawlessly!

"Well, well, well...look who it is, Arla. So you're the one needing an escort, huh? Lucky for you I've got the right bird for the job." She grinned a bit of cheeky grin before dropping her cocky demeanor and holding out her hand for him to shake. "Good to see you, Burtch."

Var-Sulis Var-Sulis
Previous Thread: The Lion’s Roar
Location: Large landing pad at the Elysium Empire Training Camp on Dagobah

Objective: Hitch a ride with Var-Sulis Var-Sulis to the HMS Shii-Cho which is docked at Sluis Van, finishing general maintenance.

Possessions and gear:


Burtch felt a tickle in the back of his neck before he heard the soft roar of ION engines arriving from a distance. He snapped out of his reverie and turned his attention away from the stars to look in the direction of the incoming spacecraft. In the distance, Burtch could see a tiny blinking light slowly getting bigger and brighter. As soon as it got close enough to make out outlining details, Burtch could tell that it was an Elysium X-class Starfighter. At first, he figured it was a patrol doing a flyby or coming to land at the nearby Starfighter field. But as it got closer, Burtch saw that it was vectoring into the very landing pad that he was at. Curious. Why is a lone fighter coming to see this landing pad while I'm waiting for Var-Sulis Var-Sulis to arrive?

Then it got close enough for Burtch to make out the finer details of the craft and his heart sank a little. The blue marking and large purple lion emblems on the wings could only mean one thing. Her.

Oh, now this is going to be an expensive trip…

Despite his mild despair, Burtch couldn't help but admire the way the small craft gracefully curved into a nice soft landing. A testament to the quality of both the pilot and the craft. Burtch remembered, vaguely, how the King had spent an exorbitant amount of credits on the little spacecraft as a wedding gift to the new princess of the empire. It was incredibly well-built, and far more advanced than the average main fighters that the Elysium Empire typically deployed. It was truly a work of art.

But what is she doing here?

The hatch on the little fighter opened up and two women that Burtch recognized stepped out. He walked over to them, maintaining a neutral expression. For some reason he couldn't explain, he felt the urge to grin. Was he amused by her arrival? He had to admit that her usual shenanigans were entertaining in an irritating sort of way, but if he smiled at all, he felt like he was letting her win.

Then, Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun spoke to him and Arla, stating in her trademark smarmy way that she and Arla were his escort for the trip. She then extended her hand towards him and told him that it was good to see him in a very genuine way. He took it immediately, and he let a small bit of his repressed smile hit the edges of his mouth, "It's good to see you too, Princess. It's been a while. Funny, though, my oath states that I am the one that is supposed to be protecting members of the royal family, like yourself, but it always seems like you're helping me." He chuckled lightly despite himself, "I can't get my head around how that keeps happening…" he let the statement taper off into a question, but then he just straight up asked, figuring it was rude to beat around the bush, "How is it that my safety warrants the oversight of the Lion Princess of the Elysium Empire?"
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(The Corvette glided rather easily through space As I am on my way to Dagobah. Pulling up my datapad and observing the coordinates I knew time was of the essence. )"Hmmmm.....Vice Admiral Burtch...Escort...Sensitive data...Ok..." (I would sigh and smirk while approaching the planet's atmosphere seeing several other vessels flying about. It was interesting enough to be sent on this mission. A bit unusual but nothing is too out of reach for me. And the cred isn't bad so I will take it. Speaking of cred...I wonder why i can't access my financial database through my agency on Coruscant. Ah well..I'll get to that later. )

(I have everything I need....Or what the commander may need. Tea, coffee...This beast of a vessel will get the job done. Slowing the thrusters as i entered the exosphere my shields held up as the rattling turbulence would commence. That small red turbulence light came on and reminded me of my approach. Reaching recommended speeds I would firmly grip the throttles and admire the interior dashboard with all its controls. I was no expert pilot, but put me in the cockpit of any vessel and consider it more or less my....well..yeah...Using my communications link with facial scanning I.D. I flipped the switch and am ready to transmit my welcoming message. "Ahem...Admiral Burtch...This Is Security team command...Var-Sulis approaching location for Rendevous. Sorry, I'm late...I like to make an entrance." I smiled and giggled to myself before sending the relayed message through. Hopefully, he would receive it in time as a was meer clicks from the location. Now to activate my scanners and make sure there are no hostiles in the area. It was my duty to be cautious of course.

Tag: Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun
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Was there disappointment in Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch 's eyes? No, there was something more akin to a twinkle. He loved ships, that much she knew. And for the Lioness to arrive was sure to be a treat for him.

Just as it was for Lori to fly it.

She let out a small chuckle at his remarks. "Lion out. Such a title might get to my head." Then she gestured back towards the advanced fighter that her and Arla had arrived on. "I wanted to test her out. Can you believe that this is my first flight with her? I don't expect there to be any trouble, but you never know these days. The Lioness may yet get to bare her teeth." But in all seriousness, she wanted to get away from the Dobsons for a bit.

A message came through just then, a welcoming one from Var-Sulis Var-Sulis was approaching in a corvette.

"Wow, Burtch. You get the King's guard as well. Pretty snazzy!"

Her gaze fell to all of his luggage. Did he have one suit per box? Given how neat and proper he was, Lori wouldn't be surprised if that was true.
Previous Thread: The Lion’s Roar
Location: Large landing pad at the Elysium Empire Training Camp on Dagobah

Objective: Hitch a ride with Var-Sulis Var-Sulis to the HMS Shii-Cho which is docked at Sluis Van, finishing general maintenance.

Possessions and gear:


"Oh, you know it already did," he mockingly rolled his eyes in response to her response to his 'Lion Princess' comment.

She then expressed her intention of taking her new ship out for a test flight and Burtch nodded, pretending to accept her explanation. He suspected there was more of a serious reason for why she was jumping in on this assignment, but he could tell when humans were deflecting questions. He wouldn't pry any further, but instead he said, "well, I suppose I can't really stop you. You know, you're starting to become something of a folk hero amongst our people of the Empire. Normally it's not appropriate for a member of the royal family to put themselves in harm's way like this but the results cannot be denied. The people like you, and let's just say that the 'Lion Princess' is not my idea. When I was at the academy, my team couldn't figure out who came up with it, so it is likely a gift from the people." He spread his hands in mocking resignation, "You can't stop it."

Then, all of a sudden, his comm chimed and Var-Sulis Var-Sulis ’ voice came in stating that he was running a bit behind and that he was making his approach. Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun then chimed in about how Burtch was in the care of the king's guard and how lucky he was. Burtch nodded in resigned agreement, but raised his finger towards her apologetically while he fished out his Commlink to respond to Var-Sulis Var-Sulis , "Very good, security team command. Our… Starfighter escort has arrived early at my landing pad as well, so make sure to stay clear of it when you land. I'll see you when you get here."

He then slipped the Commlink back into his pocket and finally addressed Lori's observation, "yes, well, command figured this would be a good shake-down run for Commander Sulis and his new ship. It's not just a standard Val-Khaar-Class Corvette, but one of the rare special forces models we built. After his successful arrest of Arken Dobson Arken Dobson and his valiant actions on Mnemosyne, we felt that his tactical profile would benefit greatly from the assistance of a proper ship, and that he had earned it. For him, the ship is meant to act as a mobile armory and base of operations. It's loaded with all of our Imperial weapons, including a dozen personal lynx rocket launchers, various blasters from our armory, jet packs, space armor, his personal Moon-Class Interceptor, and enough crew and marines to aid him as needed." He felt like his explanation to Lori gave more information than she asked for, but he felt like she should know what their available assets were for this mission.

He was also aware that Arken Dobson Arken Dobson had offered no resistance to his arrest, but even so, arresting a politically powerful man such as Arken carried incredible risks and implications to a man with something to lose. And Burtch knew that Var-Sulis Var-Sulis had so much to lose. In Burtch's mind, the man deserved far more than a Special Forces Corvette.
I nodded and acknowledged Admiral Burtchs' response although it came attached with a floating question in my mind. (Starfighter escort?) I thought to myself..Only a few people within the empire could fit that description, but only one person came to mind. That special woman. The one I had a conversation with before to be married. The shining star in my universe. Wait.....Uhh yeah...As I continued onward and brought the Corvette to a slow halt while approaching the landing I saw the vessel Admiral referred to. YEP! It had to be Loreena. I exhaled deeply while looking at the diagnostics of the Corvette in cooldown mode from the engines diagram on the pad. "Easy girl....Oh...Yeah..You need a name....Something catchy...Well, here we are. Training campsite. I don't remember this being on the approved list of training bases. Interesting. OK then....In the blue..Colling engines active and we arreeeeeeee......(THUD))).....Landed!" I said as I put several emergency brakes on a moment too early. Embarrassing...Hopefully, no one saw that..No exhaust vents whooshing out gasses or Co2 Compression so...perhaps I didn't make a scene after all.

Unlatching my restraints in the cockpit and setting the shield systems to activate defenses...And of course proximity gasses....Which were mega sweet...I knew this was well deserved..But I am humbled. (If Dawn could see me now) I thought to myself. Exiting down the ramp feeling like a true captain indeed I kept my helmet on my side and lit a cigar. YES...I can do that now with style and not feel like I want to puke. Thinking about the Admiral made me feel important. This guy was big news from what I've heard. And I'm sure he can handle his own. Once this mission is done..I build my team of like-minded individuals to take on the tasks that no one else would dare to. But personal escort missions....Count me all in.

Tag: Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun

(Happy Holidays!!!)
Getting to her head? Well maybe just a little. However she was shocked to hear Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch tell her that she was becoming a folk hero among the people. And that shock couldn't be hidden. Lori was the goofball and black sheep of her family, always pushed away for her safety. Yes at one point she was the public face of a Rebellion, where she did a lot of missions there. But surely the people weren't expecting her to just stay in palaces and luxury ships in fancy dresses and being pampered every day, did they?

Mostly people seemed concerned for her well being given that she was in an arranged marriage. And plenty of people wanted to help her to escape it. But she declined their offers every time. This was her choice to do something great with herself. And given that she was being seen as a hero among the people, it was clearly working. So Lori didn't focus so much on the fact that her marriage was more of a business arrangement than something done out of love. Instead she kept herself busy with missions and having MandalArms build more things for the Empire.

"Well I'll try not to disappoint the masses."

Var-Sulis Var-Sulis did indeed get a fine corvette. She watched as it approached, listening as Burtch described the specs and added equipment that the King's guard had earned. She gave a small smirk as it landed not as smoothly as it could. No doubt this was her maiden voyage as well.

And then Var stepped out, smoking a cigar. The smoke drifted and swirled in the air, trailing behind him as he approached. Lori gave him a bow of her head and small smile. "Well, look who's moving up in the world...Pretty sweet ship. Whatcha name her?"
Burtch visibly cringed as the brand new corvette literally impacted with the tarmac and shook the ground. His thoughts immediately went to the crew of the 200 meter long warship and he couldn't recall who had been given the helm assigned for this ship. Surely Var-Sulis Var-Sulis isn't conning the vessel himself, is he? Is he?

Burtch suddenly got very worried about the expensive little Val Khaar Corvette. The Special Forces variants were at least triple the cost of the standard model and had much more sensitive equipment on board. He hoped that Var-Sulis Var-Sulis was taking this gift seriously. The Elysium Empire had only so much money…

Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun asked Var-Sulis Var-Sulis what name he had given his new ship, and Burtch was also very curious. To Burtch, and many spacers, ships had a bit of sanctity to them, so the naming of a ship was an important detail that must not be overlooked. Burtch chose to let their exchange happen organically before interjecting.

After that, he spoke formally, "Captain Sulis, this is Vice Admiral Burtch. Permission to come on board?" He saluted traditionally.
I cleared my throat and spit out the tiniest of tobacco from my mouth as Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun asked her question as to the name of the ship. It was indeed very important, as i was thinking about it myself. I didn't want a traditional name or something silly after my daughter's name. Then it came to me as a smirk would make me proud while in thought. "The Titana. You know given the shape and how this beauty is built like a titan!" I chuckled and then nodded to Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch . "Sir. It would be a pleasure to have you aboard the Titana. She is awaiting your presence. And perhaps during our travels you could help me smooth out some of the schematics and functions as this is...different..but exciting for me. Surely it is capable of housing some..interesting weaponry...personnel and even a few emergency systems that I noticed were in place in case were ever under heavy fire. I am thrilled to know more about the smoke functions.." I said as my words fumbled a bit. I was excited and humbled but I knew at the end of the day, it was about progress. I must show progress above all else. Proving to Heath Valhoun Heath Valhoun that he was correct to place his faith in me to oversee such matters, I didn't take lightly.
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"Titana....A fitting name for a lovely ship."

Lori kept back and let Var-Sulis Var-Sulis and Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch discuss the ship and it's operations. She was merely there to provide escort and nothing more.

Her thoughts couldn't help but drift to the 'Lion Princess' nickname. It was certainly better than 'Goofball', but both equally described her. It was nice to be valued again. More often than not she was just an afterthought. But here she wasn't just pushed aside. She had purpose within the Elysium Empire. And she had the freedom to do whatever she wanted. She could go wherever she wanted as well. It was almost perfect....

...Almost because of how things were quiet with her and Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun . They were certainly giving eachother their space! These kinds of things couldn't be forced and she knew that she just needed to be patient. They both needed to be. Especially given that she was so stubborn-headed!

"We'll see you up there shortly. And...try not to bump into my fighter. She doesn't need any scratches on her paintjob just yet!" Lori grinned and then turned on her heel to head back to The Lioness with Arla.
Previous Thread: The Lion’s Roar

Location: Large landing pad at the Elysium Empire Training Camp on Dagobah

Objective: Hitch a ride with Var-Sulis Var-Sulis to the HMS Shii-Cho which is docked at Sluis Van, finishing general maintenance.

Possessions and gear:


A fine name for a fine ship, Burtch thought.

Burtch smiled and dropped his salute towards Var-Sulis Var-Sulis . He noted that Var failed to return the salute but was more than polite and respectful in his response to Burtch's traditional inquiry. Naval tradition dictated that one must ask for permission to board another vessel and salute the captain until the salute was returned. But Burtch acknowledged that Var didn't come from a traditional navy background and couldn't be expected to know all these things… yet.

At least he is respectful and polite. And he appears to truly appreciate what he's been given, Burtch thought. He then responded to Var's suggestion that Burtch could help him with his shakedown run, "that is part of why I'm here. Normally, we don't let non-commissioned personnel command navy ships in the Elysium Empire, but we make an exception for good men such as yourself, and ships like the one you've been given are built for these very exceptions. This is a special forces vessel, so some of the rules don't totally apply to you, but you should know them as guidelines. You have over a hundred and fifty crew members and some of them are officers who know that their job is to help you.

"As for the smoke generators"
Burtch arched an eyebrow, "they are meant to screen your ship from visibility and scans. They make you hard to hit when you are retreating, and they can provide cover for any vessels that you are escorting as long as they stay behind you. The nature of this system is an exercise in a tactician's creativity, so you have to be smart to use them well."

Burtch heard Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun as she was trying to excuse herself and go back to her ship. He spoke loudly so that she didn't miss what he was saying as she walked away, "yes, and please don't abuse your gift, Mrs Arenais-Valhoun. Once both the HMS Titana and the Lioness are out of the atmosphere, you should place your fighter in the Titana's hangar bay until it is needed. No sense in risking separation."

Burtch had plenty of experience working with Lori in the past. Something told him that she wouldn't comply with his suggestion…

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