Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Lion and the Cub [Lok v Jen]

The Lion and the Cub
Lok Jorunn v.s. [member="Jen"]
Unknown Location, Fight Club, Antecedant​
The noise was deafening. Between the loud, thumping rock and metal music that was best used to get the blood stirring and the crowd's roaring cries for blood and action, Lok just kept his scowl in place. It had little effect on them since he did it so often. He hated to admit it but his blood was boiling from all of this. He had no sponsor or anything fancy like that either. Lok preferred to do without. It made you tough, made you strong.

That was also precisely the reason his opponent was a girl. Throughout his days with the Jedi Shadows and the Shadow Legion, he'd killed people without hesitation. Be they elderly ladies or little kids, any of them could smile at you one day and then fire an RPG at your platoon hours later. The younger ones were the hardest to deal with.

Lok saw himself as a future family man. He wanted a wife, he wanted kids. Telling a date that he'd strangled people for the safety of the galaxy wasn't exactly the best pick up line, though.

"Get 'er, Lok!"

"Yaaaaahhh! Take her head off!"

Lok nearly snarled at them.

"My money's on the little lass!"

And so, he stood there all fearsome-like. As if a lion was awaiting its cub to return for punishment when she ran off. Lok cracked his neck and his fingers gloved by electricity, waiting.
Lisa kicked her feet up on the back of the seat in fornt of her. In the stands the people went wild and she just sat there arms crossed and eyes squinted almost to a lit. She was studying this new arrival. A strong force presence emanated off of him and she could tell something in the mans balance was off.


She loved unbalanced people, adding her own chaos in to tip the balance was hobby of hers. Chaos begat Chaos.

"Oy you there yeah you ya scruffball, get me a damn kettlecorn, and make it snappy or I'll... well you dont want ta know!"
So.. Apparently Jennifer had the honor to get invited to yet another fight. She wasn't quite sure if she had hurt her head during the other one, as in if that was the excuse for showing up here yet again. It hadn't.. Gone as planned. It was all a sort of blur, but memories of the past in such regards, didn't matter all that much right now. She had to focus, be in the present.

That that was at least what she told herself as she moved her way up towards the ring, entering it with a focused frown present on her.. Well, young face. The atmosphere was tight today, different from the last fight she had been in as this seemed a lot more serious... In some odd fashion, that was. Upon standing in the far corner opposite from Lok she first opened and closed her fists a bit, checking if these shockgloves even worked. Oh yea, those. That was also the difference from last time and just the fact that such things were to be applied to the fight attracted a whole other.. Audience.

Jennifer started to bounce a bit around on her bare feet as the shouts from the audience became more intense once she entered the ring, anxious she adjusted a bit on her simple black tanktop and usual fashionable mechanical trousers attempting to offer a quick smile to her opponent, however that smile faltered very quickly.. And then out of the blue, with the countdown not even being noticed by the anxious Jennifer, the bell rang loudly, accompanied by the audience starting to chant.

Quickly she focused on her opponents movements. Sliding her right foot backwards and raising her fists.. So.. How did these boxing glove things work again?

[member="Lok Jorunn"] :: [member="Lisa Ticon"]
Had the girl's attempted smile failed to faze him, Lok would have charged her right then and there and threw her against the ring's caged walls. Why she was that girl that had looked almost too young to be a Red Raven! The pirate's surprise was shown mildly in his green eyes, but they quickly steeled once she put up her hands and began to hop from one foot to another in a typical fighter's ready stance. Had anyone been watching, it was like a wolf glaring at a kitten with shockgauntlets on.

Oh brother.

Lok threw up his own guard and started forward for Jenny - or whatever her name was - in a military advance. His footwork was fairly precise and his gaze didn't leave her frame. It was always common courtesy to let the ladies go first, so he would oblige the social norms for just one minute.

[member="Jen"], [member="Lisa Ticon"]
[member="Jen"] [member="Lok Jorunn"]

Lisa having been served her popcorn sat back and watched. She was great fan of martial arts, being a skilled hand to hand combatant herself. Still there was something missing here. The battle was too stale already.

As she popped another kernel in and gnashed it angrily she observed the arena. There was a lot of sand around it. Then a thought occurred. Devilish and scheming Ticons loved their little thoughts. Lisa never one to hold back on impulse acted on her plan, letting her mind slip into the dark current and absorbing the evil energies of the darkside into her.

If she was to interfere it would have be a neutral one. So she did just that. As she closed her eyes and her will manipulated the raw force energies the sands of the arena began to stir. Suddenly small vortexes of wind began to blow and the sand whipped around in slow methodical storm, nothing major yet, just enough to make both of them choke on the grains of dirt and make this fight a little more spectacular....
The crowd continued to cheer and chant loudly as they felt the wind up for the action, their eyes shifting between the two as Lok slowly approached her in a very controlled and prepared manner. Anyone who had at least some sort of experience would know that that man had some sort of experience. It was seen in every movement coming from him.

Even though Jennifer didn't have a whole lot of experience this was apparent to her as well. She edged a bit backwards, stepping lightly on her feet. She would try a single thing in case he went in towards her, but right now she was unsure on what to do, her amber eyes keeping track on him.

If he would try to move her up against the wall she would start attempting to circle to the left. In that case however.. Things would line a bit differently up. For both of them.

Oh and.. If any tornadoes would go crazy, or gather power it was very likely that the vast crowd would notice. Not a challenge, an observation. After all, the two fighters had both willingly signed up for the fight. It was for the fun of it.

[member="Lok Jorunn"]​
[member="Lisa Ticon"]​
Once the wind had picked up, Lok noticed it instantly. How the feth was there wind in a warehouse that had their ventilation systems currently off? The pirate felt the surge in the Force then and there and directly traced it to his far left and in the crowd. Choosing not to pry his gaze away from his opponent and leap down to strangle whomever was tampering with his fight, he merely created a protective bubble surrounding both himself and Jen.

Fair fights were something of a normality in situations like this. And Lok preferred to be left alone by a Padawan. This particular man may have been a pirate with a lust for wealth and adventure, but he could have manners and nobility when he so desired.

"Dodge." Lok snarled at Jen before throwing a left-handed straight punch in her direction. As he did so his right leg shifted forward to counterbalance himself due to the momentum. It was to be a slow, albeit extremely powerful blow to either pummel in her face or upper torso. Having commanded her to avoid it, he didn't expect it to land.

[member="Jen"], [member="Lisa Ticon"]
"Dodge." A voice infront of her had barked at her, that coming from the man infront of her. What was his name again? Lok? Yea she was pretty sure that was it. The man with the lighter as her inner voice would have referred to him as.

It had surprised her a bit that he had actually told her to dodge, her brain started to pump adrenaline around her body as she with her eyes found a movement on her right side, that being his left arm who was coming crushing towards her.

Her right foot had already previously been slided backwards, meaning that there must've been longer to that side of her body than her other side. And since they were facing each other, his left was her right.

Jennifer squinted her eyes and took a sharp breath through her nose, creating a likewise sharp noise. Not really bothersome at all, a detail rather. She was after all half Ryn. But as she did this she moved her upper body to her left as well and away from his arm while lifting her knee in the same motion, making her stand on only her left foot.

She gained balance for a fraction of a second before leaning her upperbody even further back in order to gain momentum to her right foot which she extended out towards Lok who was due to his approach standing relatively close to her.

Hopefully she would with this land a somewhat powerful kick, but she knew just as well as him that she had to make it quick, so she also pulled her leg back as fast as possible. Making the kick less powerful than she really wanted it to be.

It was probably more important that he didn't catch her. At least she thought so.

"Gah!" She exclaimed as she streatched her entire being, attempting to kick him in the stomach area. Relative to her it would most likely be able to touch his right side.

[member="Lok Jorunn"]​
The pirate really had no idea where or how she would maneuver to avoid his punch. Every direction was a possibility and he chose not to look that far ahead into the future, especially since all of these would take place in the matter of the fraction of a second. Her reaction itself would answer, many, many unspoken questions.

Her moves were elegant and a tad rough around the edges, obviously a novice or an amateur. Mentally, he shrugged. Lok used to be a novice once upon a time and he'd lost and had won numerous fights. Technical skill never mattered unless you had the smarts, strength, or willpower to back it up. She had wit on her side as well, he even felt it. Jen's counterattack came immediately as there was an opening.

"Mmmph." The pirate allowed himself a satisfactory grunt as the kick landed. It didn't hurt too bad considering he had thick leather covering his torso in a tank top shape. Had he not planted his foot forward, the girl's attack would have thrown him off-balance and opened even more weaknesses. Luckily, luck was on this lucky guy's side.

Luck. It was such a fun word.

He'd allow her to regain her composure for a moment and pull back her leg before he struck again. A glance to the left and right along with the shouts and hollers told him that the crowd desired blood, bruises, and pain.

It was strange that Jen hadn't used her shockgauntlets. Oh well.

The crowds ever lasting cheering and yelling increased in strength for a brief moment as Jennier had landed her kick, a satisfying sound and feeling echoing through her leg, she frowned mentally however, it didn't feel right: That was not flesh nor an ordinary tanktop the little foot of hers had touched. She could have sworn he had been wearing a tanktop. Or what?

Quickly Jennifer had pulled back her leg, stumbling slightly to regain her balance as she went to face Lok once more, her arms raised to under her chin and her left side facing him. It seemed he had given her time to regain her posture once more and she too knew -even though she could be quite acrobatic- that if he had went for a counter attack right then and there she would have been screwed over. She would have to work on kicks such as that one. Wouldn't do with stumbling over after such an important move.

Her eyes glanced briefly towards his torso where her kick had landed all the while she quickly regained her posture, her eyes spotting the leather like armor. "H-Hey!" Jennifer exclaimed in a confused manner, her gaze turning briefly towards the judge. Wasn't armor against the rules!? Actually, probably not. No. The judge didn't think anything of it it seemed.

She wasn't one to complain though, had she known however she would probably have worn something similar. All of this nonsense thinking was cut short however as the same left hand who had attempted to knock her on her back before came rushing towards her in what one would assume was the exact same manner. Focus! She cursed at herself, her pupils dilating as she attempted to throw her upperbody to the left once more, being too slow her right shoulder was hit hardly, the force making her stumble a bit backwards, the pain searing through her as an explosion of crackling electricity touched the place of impact, momentarily stunning the muscles in the area.

She gritted her teeth as a sour muderous look appeared on her face, her left knee quickly raised and then extended to produce a rather strong forward kick. It wasn't meant however to actually hit him, that would be his own doing if he had advanced after the initial hit. She just wanted some quick distance while she would try to numb out the pain and regain the full mobility of her right arm. How much time that brief kick would give her though, with hit or without.. That she did not know.

[member="Lok Jorunn"]​
[member="Lok Jorunn"]​
This kid had spunk alright. She was getting all down and dirty and it only made Lok more enthused about this little fight. Blocking out the sound of the crowd and that earlier use of the Force hadn't done much to his strength and his focus had been zeroed in on a girl's form for the past few minutes.

That was the problem with stuff like this. Long hours of boredom followed by quick, sporadic bursts of energy and adrenaline and left you craving for the boredom once again. T'was how it always was in love in war. Except that he assumed this chick, Jen, wouldn't love him afterwards.


Her childish, feminine voice broke through the roars of the crowd as she recovered. "Oh well.." Lok growled, throwing his punch and knocking back the little lass by a milestone. The pirate by no means wanted to hurt her badly, but merely win this little match and be over with it.

Bruising kids wasn't exactly on his list of things that made him happy. Unless they were being little shits. Then they deserved it.

The former Jedi Shadow instinctively threw himself backwards even before the kick was sent in his direction. It was an old habit that would die hard. Hit and run, it worked in combat just as it did these fight night matches.

"Fight harder, Jenny girl. Feel it in your blood." Lok's deep, gruff voice tore out to his opponent. She was good, he'd make her just a little better before he was done.

Her complete miss with her kick wasn't what had angered her, after all it had been made in order to gain some quick distance between the two. No, what had made Jennifer lose momentary control of her temper was the way 'The Lighter Guy' acted, his casual way of simply teasing with her, punching when he pleased, topping it off with his reply which Jennifer could only understand as cheeky. "Fight harder, Jenny girl. Feel it in your blood."

Normally she wasn't easy to anger, but it had somehow hit just the right spot, that and the moment combined with general frustration with life that had build up over the last month had finally gotten the better of her. She adjusted her arm a bit who had been hit before, the sour look stil seen on her face as she exploded forward, twisting her torso as she send the arm that hadn't been damaged yet straight forward towards the man in an uncontrolled and reckless manner. She advanced a step on him as she threw the punch, attempting to keep her shoulders up: "Yea, kark ya!" Jennifer had growled at him as a reply, caught up in the moment.

The audience was now finally seeing what they came here for, a fast and hopefully a bloody confrontation. The next move from Lok would decide if the bloody part would become a part of it all...

[member="Lok Jorunn"]​
[member="Lok Jorunn"]​
[member="Lok Jorunn"]​
Well then. Apparently he had discovered her trigger. He hadn't meant to be an arrogant snob at all and his words for the girl before him were instructions on how to not lose. Lok wasn't the most honorable of people, but he tended to act so when in battle. It was simply the way he had been raised. If you were armed and your opponent was crippled and unarmed, arm him and let him perish with honor.

That was how Lok wanted to die and he fully expected his enemy to grant him one last chance.

But Jen's temper had finally flared red-hot and her movements transformed from controlled and calculating to wild and sporadic. She was pissed and the scowl on her face coupled with that curse told him that there was more adrenaline in her veins than blood.

Lok took advantage of her anger and used one hand to wrap around her wrist as she tried to punch him. With hand still clamped, he stepped to the side with a swiftness and brought his second hand around, fingers curled into a fist that was aimed straight for her face.

[SIZE=9pt]Jennifer caught herself in the middle of her anger all too late. She now knew that she had made a mistake and even though her anger was still flaring through her like an inferno, she in the back of her mind knew what had gone wrong. She could do nothing but continue the punch, attempting to make contact as fast as possible.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]The shock glove rapidly approached Lok in a powerful punch, for a moment she had almost thought she had bested him, that she had actually been able to hit. Instead she felt a sudden grip around her wrist inches before she would have made contact, her hand moved out of the way and suddenly tugged hardly to the side, making Jennifer stumble to the side and lose her otherwise well placed balance. Her eyes dilated as she attempted to gain her balance, the impeding result to her horrible move suddenly being clear to her. She caught a glimpse of Loks hand and closed her eyes hardly, turning her face and letting out a wincing sound in a[/SIZE]nticipation [SIZE=9pt]to it.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Then it was felt, pain exploding from her right eye socket and moments later drowned by the far exceeding fire springing from her nose as the fist had skipped across her face, a loud crack heard as her sharp ryn nose broke as a result. She plummeted to the floor, forced backwards by the kinetic force from the punch which mark had already terraformed the right side of her face into a gory wasteland.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]It was almost ironic; Lok had hit her square in her face and eye were her iconic tattoo around it pointed. Her eye remained shut as the echoing sound of her body falling to the floor of the arena was heard, already red and dark blue decorated by the occasional split rift of skin from which blood seeped. The same had happened to her nose, only in what one could consider a gorier manner. Her nose sat slight on her face and from it the same thick red substance poured down her face.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]She groaned, apparently not having been knocked out as she slowly started to move on the floor, the anger gone from her bloodied features and replaced by either fear or sorrow. Perhaps what had provoked her now crying reaction was shock more than anything. Slowly salt water mixed with the blood from her nose and eye, whimpering loudly as she raised a hand to touch her eye, only to leave a print of blood on her hand. [/SIZE]

[member="Lok Jorunn"]

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