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Approved NPC The Lions

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Arjant Clevenger


  • ​Intent: To create a radical, extremist rebel cell
  • Image Credit: Here
  • Role: A rebel cell
  • Links: [member="Itash Mecetti"] for the format
  • ​Group Name: The Lions
  • Classification: Rebel Cell
  • Headquarters: Nomadic
  • Loyalties: Themselves and their beliefs
  • Group Sigil: See above.
  • Description: The Lions are not your everyday, typical rebels. They are not hesitant in carrying out campaigns or missions which affect civilian populations causing deaths and injuries of innocent bystanders.
  • Hierarchy: In the ranking structure of the Lions, there are five colonels that answer to the General. Between those six, they formulate strategies, tactics, and other plans that deals with internal and external affairs. Each colonel has a trusted lieutenant at their side, and the colonels decide how to run their units. They decide on how they wish to format their structure; however, it must be efficient and be approved by the General. While there are five current colonels, there can be more when their members rise more.
  • Membership: Being a part of the Lions is not as easy as it seems to be. Trust is big aspect around the members. Not only will the upper echelon will look for physical prowess and combat skills, but for personality, philosophy, etc. Once they are believed to be ready, they will assign them on a mission with a unit of the Lions to execute as part of their initiation. If succeeded, they will be welcomed as a brother/sister into the fold, and given a tattoo on their back. If failed, then they will terminate the new blood in order to protect their cell.
  • Dogma/Doctrines:
    Every form and shape of Imperialism is our enemy.
  • Everything we do is for Justice.
  • Alcohol and drugs will not be tolerated.
  • Crime will not be tolerated as well.
  • One for all, and all for one.

[*]Curios: A tattoo which is printed on every member's back. Every member is to be checked for the cell's insignia embedded on their back. Members are also given a code that changes weekly. If one fails to recite the code and present their insignia when returning to base, they will be put to death or other severe punishments.
[*]Goals: Rid of all Imperialism and spread true justice.
[*]Members: /
The Lions was formed during the time of the One Sith and Galactic Republic in response of the return of the Sith and Imperialism. They at first were rational like many other rebellion cells they collaborated with. But amongst the ranks of the Lions, a determined man rose up to the ranks of power and would soon replace the original ideals of the Lions with his own. Ideals that were similar to Saw Gerrera's militant organization during the first Galactic Civil War.

This was a Besalisk by the name of Kennith Greaves.

Before becoming General of the Lions Greaves had work to do. He gained the trust of his brothers and sisters, and soon began to persuade them with his ideas and values. Ideas and values that would soon change this particular rebel cell. Confident with his hard work, he soon began to execute missions and campaigns that were radical and extreme to the taste of other cells and their allies. They took the fight to civilian populations, bombing government institutions and having firefights with Imperial enforcers out on the street. The Lions would be painted as terrorists, but that didn't stop them.

No soon did they coup their current General and established Kennith as their commander-in-chief.

And here they remain to this day in the Galaxy. With the rise of the First Order, the Galactic Empire, and the Sith Empire their activities have risen more, and they will not stop until true Justice has won and the vessels of Imperialism vanquished.
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